June 2015 acf

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In this issue, our CEO reiterates condemnation of ISIS’s barbaric acts on page 5. It’s followed, on page 7, by a spiritual perspective on utilising your time wisely during the summer holidays. Don’t miss out Alice’s article on climate change, and be inspired by Aqsa with ‘Moving Towards The Direction Of My Dreams’ (Mark Twain inspired her). As we would all like to get better at what we do, read on page 9 some tips to strengthen your career. And as the Women’s Football World Cup 2015, held in Canada, comes to an end, our ‘On the ball’ section is this month dedicated to women’s football.


June 2015FreeIss ue 28

Active Change Foundation’s Monthly Magazine

A Condemnation Of ISIS’s Barbaric Acts

Summer HOlIdAyS:

Utilising Time Wisely

The Conquest Of The man made desert

A few reasons why I think women’s football is better than men’s

Moving Towards The Direction Ofmy dreams

Ways To Find Fulfilment In Your



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An electronic copy of this magazine can be found on our website.

• Chief Excecutive Hanif Qadir: hanif@activechangefoundation.org • Chief Editor Fatima Lahnait: fatima@activechangefoundation.org

• Deputy Editor: Alice Roder

• Writers: :Abu Tasneem, Maxwell Adjei, Aqeel Hussain, Aqsa Latif, Abdul-Ghaffar Mahdi, Alice Roder, Hanif Qadir

• Head of Communication and Media Shafiul Islam:


• Pictures: Outreach Team /Shafiul Islam

• Printed by: FOZ Designs Ltd, hello@fozdesigns.com

• Cover Picture: Esther Trienekens

The New Gen Magazine is printed in Great Britain for the Active Change Foundation, by FOZ Designs Ltd. All rights of translation and reproduction reserved. All articles and images in this magazine are under the exclusive copyright of the Active Change Foundation.

Dear Readers,

Greetings to the June issue of our New Gen magazine.It’s been another busy month at ACF! We held our Iftar event and are currently planning our Street Party which will take place on the 2nd August.

Once again, we try to give you a good time when reading the work of our wonderful contributors.In this issue, our CEO reiterates condemnation of ISIS’s barbaric acts on page 5. It’s followed, on page 7, by a spiritual perspective on utilising your time wisely during the summer holidays. Don’t miss out Alice’s article on climate change, and be inspired by Aqsa with ‘Moving Towards The Direction Of My Dreams’ (Mark Twain inspired her). As we would all like to get better at what we do, read on page 9 some tips to strengthen your career. And as the Women’s Football World Cup 2015, held in Canada, comes to an end, our ‘On the ball’ section is this month dedicated to women’s football.

In the light of the recent tragic events, and because we don’t forget those suffering hardship around the world, our thoughts go to the families and friends of all the victims of terrorism. Barbarism won’t win.Feel free to engage with us and to leave comments on the articles, to share your thoughts or ask the authors a question via our Facebook and Twitter pages. We are here for you.


Events at ACF

A Condemnation Of ISIS’s Barbaric Acts

Summer Holidays: Utilising Time Wisely

6 Ways To Find Fulfilment In Your Career

The Conquest Of The Man Made Desert

Amazing Uses For Honey

Health and Well-Being: What is Autism?

On The Ball

Business of the Month Youth of the MonthCoffee Break, plus solutions last month

Moving Towards The Direction Of My Dreams

CONTENTS5. 7. 9.

11. 12. 14.

16. 18. 19.

20. 21. 22.

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A Condemnation Of ISIS’s Barbaric Acts By Hanif Qadir

actions of the Kharijite renegades, such as Al Qaida and ISIS, to Islam and the Muslims.

Many foreigners went fighting in Syria against the regime. Then, they began to fight against Ahl al-Sunnah (those following the Sunnah) - who were opposed to the Assad government- and to attack and splinter them.

Since Ramadan 2014 (1435H), they call themselves the ‘Islamic Khilafah’! No less! Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, their leader, is an imposter under whose command or knowledge many were killed in barbaric ways. It is better for this sect to recant, otherwise it will simply be blown away by the wind as has happened to sects like them before.

It is unfortunate that this alleged khilafah has received acceptance by many youth across the globe. They should free themselves from these barbaric Takfiri Kharijites who are spreading hatred and evil in the name of Islam.

Religious scholars –like cheikh Abd Al-Mohsen Al- Abbaad- advised those youth to recant and to come back to their right guidance and not be led to their destruction. They should maintain their obligation of hearing and obeying those in authority over them and maintain the order and security of their nation.

They emphasise on the danger of extremism (ghuluww) in the religion, on the sanctity of life and the gravity of murder and taking life of innocent people. I can mention a group of people who got affected by the views of the Kharijites until they met with a companion, Jabir bin Abdullaah, who

directed them and they left their views and left the Kharijites.

‘All praise is due to Allah the Lord of the Worlds, the Lord of Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad. May the peace and blessings be upon them all’

the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) informed, in an abundance of authentically transmitted narrations, of the imminent and recurring appearance - after his death - of a group known as the Kharijites (extremist renegades) who would depart from Islam, abandon the main body of Muslims, excommunicate Muslims on account of major sins, and subsequently fight and kill them. He mentioned many of their evil traits and encouraged that they be fought and destroyed to repel their evil.

“Their faith does not pass beyond their throats” “They recite the Quran but it does not go beyond their collar-bones” (indicating ignorance and false scholarship) “They speak with the best (most alluring) speech of the creation”“Their speech is beautiful, alluring yet their actions evil” “They are the most evil of the creation” “They call to the Book of Allah, yet they have nothing to do with it”

The Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) also said, “They will not cease to emerge, being cut off each time, until the Anti-Christ (Dajjal) appears amongst their armies […] They are the Dogs of Hellfire”.

Over the past many months, I have written a lot about these extremists of ISIS and much has happened since to damage the image of Islam. It is unjust to ascribe and associate the

It is the view of some of the Muslim scholars, past and present (such as Imam Abd al-Aziz Ibn Baz), that the Kharijites are apostates, disbelievers, who are outside the fold of Islam.

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For this reason, the Muslim leaders and scholars from the time of the fourth righteous Caliph Ali bin Abi Talib, have never ceased to fight against the Kharijites and warn against them.

Imam al-Ajurri (d. 360H) said, “It is not permissible for the one who sees the uprising of a kharijite who has […] gathered a group behind him, has pulled out his sword and has made lawful the killing of Muslims, it is not fitting for the one who sees this, that he becomes deceived by this person’s recitation of the Quran, the length of his standing in prayer, nor his constant fasting, nor his good and excellent words in knowledge when it is clear to him that this person’s way and methodology is that of the Kharijites”.

Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (d. 728H) said that they are more harmful to the Muslims than others. For they strived to kill every Muslim who did not agree with their view, declaring the blood of the Muslims, their wealth, and the slaying of their children to be lawful, while making takfir of them. And they considered this to be worship, due to their ignorance and their innovation that caused to them to stray.

Ibn Taymiyyah also said, “Ahl al-Sunnah (orthodox Sunni Muslims) are agreed that they (the Kharijites) are astray innovators, that it is obligatory to fight them on the authority of authentic texts and that from the most virtuous of the actions of the Chief of the Believers, Ali, was fighting against the Kharijites and the Companions concurred (with him) upon fighting them.” Ibn Taymiyyah also said, citing the other view amongst some Muslim Scholars, “they (the Kharijites) are disbelievers, apostates (from Islam)”.

Just as the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) foretold, those who are flocking to the imposter Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and the alleged Islamic Caliphate are young, impressionable, foolish people who in the absence of knowledge are filled and led by emotions and sentiments.

They read the Quran but understand little of its jurisprudence and injunctions. It is the credible view of many Islamic Scholars today that these extremist groups are supported by those who

harbour enmity towards Islam in order to disfigure the picture of Islam and to fulfil geopolitical goals for which these Kharijites are merely pawns.

The Kharijites consider Muslims they charge with apostasy to be worse than non-Muslims and more worthy of killing. It makes no sense for Muslims to support these people.


As for the barbaric acts being perpetrated by these people, such as glorifying beheadings through the media when Imam Ibn Shihab al-Zuhri (d. 124H) said, “A severed head was never brought to the Prophet (pbuh), not even on the day of the Battle of Badr. however a severed head was brought to Abu Bakr As Siddique who forbade from (this action)”.

Severing the heads of the enemy in war is not a practice condoned by Islam and was not a practice of the Prophet or his companions.

As for the Kharijites, they have begun severing each other’s heads, after splintering and declaring each other apostates and evidence of that is present between the competing factions of ISIS and Jabhah al-Nusrah in Syria, an indication of their severe ignorance, desires and misguidance.

We invite all commentators, media personalities, writers, journalists, authors and academics to display justice and exonerate Islam and the Muslims from these Kharijites, whose misguidance and departure from Islam and its legislation is textually stated in the Prophetic texts.

As for Muslims, it is obligatory upon them to educate themselves, their friends and families with authentic Islamic knowledge in which lies protection from tribulations.

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In Islam, there are two official holidays which are related to the two festivals called Eid:

Eid al Fitr which is the celebration of the end of the month of Ramadhan when people break their fast.

Eid al Adha also known as “Eid al kebir” which marks the end of the rituals of pilgrimage in Mekka also called “Hajj”. This is also when Muslims all around the world sacrifice an animal, generally a sheep, in the remembrance of the incident when Abraham was asked by Allah to sacrifice his son Ismaeel to test his faith and obedience.

In general, holidays are spent with family members to share the food of the sacrifice and to enjoy time together. The family could be close or far related. They could also be far geographically and one could travel to another city to visit their relatives.Nowadays, the affair of keeping the ties of kinship in our modern society is a difficult subject as far as Islam is concerned and one needs to be balanced at all times. The main guideline is of course to make sure that respect and justice prevail and that frictions and disputes are dealt with within the frame of good character and etiquettes which all come back to the fear of Allah also called “taqwa”.


As for the long summer break, it is a period when some of us could feel a bit bored. Some of our neighbours and relatives may travel abroad.

Some of our friends may go to the countryside with their parents. This is the time when one could be tempted to stay at home in front of the TV box or glued to video games from dawn to sunset or just hang around with anyone available.

Imam Hakim reported in his book al Mustadrak in which, Allah’s messenger said: ”take advantage of 5 things before 5 things happen to you:

Take advantage of your youth before your old age; take advantage of your health before you become ill; take advantage of your wealth before you become poor; take advantage of your free time before you become too busy, take advantage of your life before your death”.

Based on this hadith, one should keep in mind that Islamically, we need to keep ourselves busy with what will benefit us in this life and in the Hereafter insha Allah.


One of the greatest things that help Muslims to have piety and uprightness on the path of guidance is keeping the company of good people and avoiding evil company, for man, by his nature, gets influenced by his friends and companions and adopts their characters and manners. Also, man’s character is known through his brothers and friends.

Then, it makes sense that one should only keep the company of those who benefit them in matters of their religion and their worldly life, for the best companion is the one who is pious, righteous, possesses noble conduct and manners, has a clear conscience and is ambitious; especially, if on top of these characteristics, he is also learned in the sciences, arts and Islamic Jurisprudence and possesses wisdom. One can feel comfortable and happy in the company of those who possess such characteristics because of their sincerity, their assistance during difficulties and for one’s safety from any evil act from their part.

Summer Holidays: Utilising Time Wisely By Abu Tasneem

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Finding such a companion with these attributes, is indeed a blessing and a sign of success. Also, one must hold fast to such a beneficial companion, fulfil their right of companionship and be truthful to them. One should also respect them, share with them their happy and sad times, assist them in hardship and overlook their mistakes, because no man is free of errors.

Dear readers, reflect over the condition of many people today, especially the youth whose belief and manners are often all over the place; and see how that was caused by keeping bad company or by hanging too close to those who call to falsehood and evil desires through different methods, leading people astray following the way of error and allurement in spite of Allah’s warning when He says,

“And obey not him whose heart We have made headless of Our remembrance, one who follows his own lust and whose affairs (deeds) have been lost”. (Al Kahf 18:28)

These verses and hadith are general but one could apply them to the danger of hanging around with the wrong crowd, the evil companions, whose agenda is deviant. When we see youngsters lacking respect towards their parents, or when we see that they do not listen to anyone and follow their own desires, this reminds us of the reason why we were created.

One should ask themselves: Is Allah pleased with my behaviour and my mannerisms? Are my parents and teachers happy with my behaviour and attitude towards life in general?

Cooling off is a normal pattern of life as we all need to have a break from the pressure of responsibilities and from the stress of life. However, we must always keep in mind that our freedom ends where others’ freedom begins. This is why Allah’s messenger did not come with the

concept of Tawhid alone. He also came with the concept of akhlaaq or good manners.

He was asked what causes most people to enter paradise. He said:

“The fear of Allah and good character”. He was then asked what brought most people to the Hellfire. He said: “The tongue”. [Sunan al-Tirmidhi (2004)]

Sins committed with the tongue are many, such as lying, backbiting, defaming, insulting, spreading false rumours, false testimonies, false accusations, etc...

In any case, we call the youth to fear Allah wherever they are and especially during the long summer break when temptations are great as Satan whispers all the time calling mankind to disobey and transgress.

One of the ways to protect ourselves is primarily to equip oneself with Islamic knowledge in order to ward off the doubts that the devil casts constantly in our minds, and secondly to hang around with the friends we are familiar with who are known to be respectful and righteous.

Dear readers, I would like to remind myself first and you as well, that Allah’s messenger said:

“Seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim” [Ibnu Majah].

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6 Ways To Find Fulfilment in Your Career

Many people think they’re stuck in boring, unfulfilling careers. In fact, 70 percent of workers are disengaged at work.

Research confirms people find more purpose in their work when they change how they want to approach it. More importantly, it’s not how your employer assigns your work, but it’s how you approach the work you’re assigned that can greatly influence whether or not you have a fulfilling career.

If you’ve been feeling like your job has been less than fulfilling, it could be a sign it’s time to search for deeper meaning in your work. Here are six ways to make work more satisfying without having to quit your job:



Theapproachyouhavetoyourdailytaskswill impact the fulfilment you receivefrom your work. Try completing yourmostimportanttasksinthemorningandleave your less demanding tasks for theafternoon.Youcanalso redesign thewayyouapproacheachtaskandfindnewwaystocompletethem.


The people you work with can make orbreak the experience youhavewith yourcompany. If you feel like your job hasbeen lacking in developing meaningfulworkrelationships,considerseekingoutamentororbecomingamentortoanotheremployee. These relationships will addmore value to your job and you’ll haveanotherpersonyoucanrelatetoatwork.


Workcanbecomedullwhenwedon’tcreatenew challenges or goals for ourselves.By creating goals, we force ourselves toimproveasapersonanddevelopourskills.In fact,goal setting isagreatway tofindoutwhat you reallywantoutof your jobanddiscovernewwaystomakethosegoalshappen.

For example, you’ve procrastinated atwork, create a goal to become moreefficient. You’ll find this goal rewardingbecauseyou’llaccomplishmoretasksandcreate time to explore additionalprojectsatwork.


Perspective is everythingwhen it comesto finding fulfilment in your work. Ifyou’refeelingnegativeaboutyour joborsimplylackthemotivationtoaccomplishanything, a change of perspective couldhelpyouimprove.

Make a list of the positive things aboutyour job and think back to why youaccepted the position in the first place.Thiswill serveas a reminderaboutwhyyouhaveyour jobandwhatyoucandotobringthatpassionbackintoyourwork.





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Instead of relying on email and textmessages,whynotpickupthephoneoreventalkin-person?Whenyou’recoopedup in your office without face-to-faceinteraction,itcanbeeasytolosemeaninginyourwork.Considermakingtheeffortto have more conversations to createmeaningful communication with yourco-workers.


Insteadoffocusingonthegapsyoucan’tfill or the bridges you haven’t crossed,focusonwhatyoucanaccomplishinyourcurrentjob.Sometimesit’seasytobecomediscouraged at work when you feel likeyou haven’tmoved forward.However, ifyoufocusonwhatyouhavetoofferandthe things you’ve accomplished, you’llfindmuchmoremeaninginyourcareer.

Finding more fulfilment in your careerisn’teasy,butitcanbedone.Allittakesisthemotivationandpassiontorediscoveryour purpose in your career. Everyindividual deserves to have a fulfillingcareer, but it just takes patience to findmoresatisfaction.Soifyou’reoneofthe70 percent of workers who aren’t happyatwork,hopefullysomeofthesetipswillhelp you find more fulfilment in yourcareer.

Source: www.levo.com



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The Conquests of the man made desert

By Alice Roder

As a geography student the topic of climate change is not an uncommon one, though it’s not exactly unheard of by anyone I know.

With an explosion into academia in the 1950s, climate change has dominated Ted talks, Hollywood productions, global political discussions and the composition of your household waste. We finally realised that perhaps hitting 6billion people in the 20th Century, then 7billion in the 21st might have an impact on the Earth. So, like humans do, we shirk, shuffle, and freak out over our responsibility for that.

Perhaps one of the worst horror movie stories of climate change is not about the rising sea levels due to take out most of Bangladesh, nor is it the loss of the incredibly beautiful polar bears and snow foxes.

For me at least, the scariest story of all is the loss of homes, habitats, and eventually nations to the desert. I imagine it a bit like an endless sand storm, consuming and marooning entire communities. Unfortunately, the reality in North Africa is close to the truth, and it’s not only global earth systems that are to blame.

It’s complicated. But via a network of debt, aid requirements, and unfair trade agreements many African countries are given three options: make our coffee, make our cotton, or make yourselves hungry. Cash crop producers like Tesco send out investments to grow roses on very dry land, and cut down forests to get to that land. In the desperation to make money to survive, families in North Africa use, re use, and abuse the soil;

governments sell land to do the same. West Africa loses 4% of its forest every year, and terrible farm practices make the land drier and drier.

The Sahel is the official region between Sudan and the Sahara, an endangered zone where towns and villages have had to move out of. The conditions are so poor that only 2million people populate the entire Sahara and Sahel, but the lines are blurring. It’s getting hotter, rainfall is getting more sporadic and the desert is expanding at 48km per year.

It’s getting dangerous for the people living on the edge. Intense farming practices in Sudan and Egypt are increasing dependency on the Nile River as the only water source, and it’s far from unlimited. Far from clean. 70% of Egypt’s population live within a short drive from the river, and the divide between South and North Sudan pushes more people than ever into danger of living in a desert.

Despite this, farming projects rage on just like they do everywhere else. Survival is an immediate matter for many: they can’t afford to see Hollywood thrillers about climate change. What could they do about it anyway?

But for the tall ambitions of the West, we should probably spare a thought or two. The sea temperature off the coast of Dubai has just exceeded 27.5 degrees Celsius. That’s the temperature to cultivate hurricanes. Right next to the world’s tallest city built on sand.

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Inspiration for higher level academia I find is drawn more from developing dreams independent of formal institutions and that is exactly where my drive to study History and Politics at SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies) derived from. I am currently studying in my second year but the desire to specialise in Human Rights outlived my time at SOAS. A miserable 9-5 ‘job,’ working for the sole purpose of making money is not exactly the ‘be all and end all’ but it’s not exactly ‘right up my street’ either. I wish to pursue a rewarding and somewhat selfless career.

Kashmir’s Torture Trail, a documentary following the cases of Kashmiri lawyer Parvez Imroz, best described as poor but dedicated, really resonated with me, triggering my desire to study the rights of Imroz’s clients and eradicate institutional corruption working against lawyers like him. Victims of the atrocities infiltrated by Security Forces evoked a desperate plea for help from Kashmiri civilians such as Danish, a teenager who witnessed the cold-blooded murder of his own brother and the torture of his friends who had their bones crushed. Being of Kashmiri origin, rather, being an individual of the human race, I felt not only disgusted and helpless, but I know that I cannot sit by and wait in the hopes that someday someone else will instigate that same change that I have envisioned.

The difficulty I found in pursuing my ideal of encouraging the promotion of rights for every individual respectively, was selecting a university course most appropriate. I have always admired the power of articulation and the impact that it can potentially have on even the greatest of minds. Envious of ‘Bernard’s watch’ as a child, history became my mystical watch and it was my turn to rewind and visit any desired time frame like the

popular spirit possession movements in twentieth century Africa, engulfing myself so deeply into it that I experienced a sense of vicarious catharsis for those that underwent possession; an experience I could otherwise never relive. For me, histories are like a tale in time, true, exciting and very relatable.I have always been an avid news reader, immersing myself wholly into the hustle and bustle of current affairs, not simply hovering over the computer, coffee in hand, engaging with the showbiz section of the Daily Mail. Not only does the buzz surrounding British elections spark my interest but I was always the strange over-zealous student that followed politicians even after they left their post as MP and moved to America to run some charity like the International Rescue Committee, what did David Miliband eat for breakfast last Tuesday you ask? Allegedly a salad. On a more serious note it is needless to say that as someone who can best be described as the ‘human repellent’ of anything Maths and Science related it was hardly a surprise that the arts and humanities subjects were far more appealing to me.

moving towards the direction of my dreams By Aqsa Latif

Whilst researching the History and Politics modules offered at universities around me, I found that most London universities offered a Eurocentric perspective of historical and political events with the use of popular Western philosophers. SOAS however, prides itself in providing the opportunity to specialise in any desired continent from alternate perspectives; most popularly Edward Said’s with his book on Orientalism. That, alongside the smell of the free Hare Krishna lunch, the sight of printed harem pants, peace sign necklaces, face paint, and banners of protest at every turn, drew me in – made me feel very at home, if not, slightly too for the likes of fellow peers for the first time. The

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freedoms in the UK and the embraced Human Rights are not as successfully practiced in other areas of the world and understanding the History and Politics of South Asia and Africa in particular was crucial in order for me to further my understanding in how to tackle such issues. SOAS has enabled me to study the regions of my choice to a much greater depth than I could have hoped.

My degree has thus far aided me in my quest to secure a placement working with a Human Rights NGO in Cambodia in August 2015 where I hope to be engrossing myself in the field catering to individuals that are benefitting from the organisation. To date, the fate of my future career remains undecided and I am in no hurry to decide what exactly I will be doing, all I know is that in a few years’ time I hope to be a few years older and that much wiser. I will however, continue to pursue a career in Human Rights and if that so happens to go according to plan, well, Amal Clooney, eat your heart out.

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Honey has been used as a remedy for ailments since Antiquity.



Honey has antibacterial properties and contains hydrogen peroxide. There is evidence that honey speeds the healing of wounds.

Bee Sting: Use instantly on bee stings. Apply honey directly to wound for temporary pain relief and faster healing. Apply a light dressing such as gauze or paper towel. (Be sure you have completely removed the stinger before applying honey). If you are allergic to bee stings see a doctor immediately.

For Curing Arthritis: A paste should be made from one part honey and two parts of warm water added with a small teaspoon of cinnamon powder. This paste should be massaged on the itching part of the body and the pain should recede within fifteen minutes in most cases.

Toothache: A paste made of one teaspoon of cinnamon powder and five teaspoons of honey when applied on the aching tooth (may be done 3 times a day) reduces the pain within a matter of 15 minutes

Reducing Cholesterol: Take two tablespoons of honey, three teaspoons of cinnamon powder and mix in 16 ounces of tea. Pure honey is also sometimes used with food to check cholesterol.

Cure Colds: For those who are suffering from common or severe colds, they should take one tablespoon of warm honey with 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon powder daily for 3 days. This process will cure most chronic cough, cold and clear the sinuses.

Stomach Upset: Honey taken with cinnamon powder also helps in curing stomach ache. For people who are suffering from gas problems, honey should be taken with cinnamon powder in equal quantities, relieves gas and pain in the stomach.

Immune System: The daily intake of honey and cinnamon powder strengthens the immune system and protects the body from bacterial and viral attacks. Researchers have found that honey has various vitamins and iron in large amounts and its use strengthens the white blood corpuscles.

Slowing Down the Aging Process: Ancient cultures used Tea made with honey and cinnamon powder for ‘longevity’. 4 spoons of honey, 1 spoon of cinnamon powder and 3 cups of water are boiled to make this tea. The prescribed amount is to drink 1/4 cup, 3 times a day. It keeps the skin fresh.

Weight Loss: Drink honey and cinnamon powder boiled in one cup water first thing in the morning (empty stomach). If taken regularly it reduces the weight.


Honey is healthy for you in moderation; it has amino acids and enzymes for digestion.

You can use it as a sugar substitute in baking.

It tastes great on a spoon mixed with peanut butter! Or Cut, fresh peaches with some honey drizzled over top with milk makes a great treat!

The best type of honey is raw or organic honey. Try to get as natural as possible because some store-bought brands include added sugar, water, or syrups.












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Use honey to look your best

Hair Loss: To prevent hair loss or baldness mix 1 tsp. of honey with 1 tsp. of olive oil and 2 tsp. of water to make a paste. Massage this mixture onto the areas needing it the most (for baldness it would go on those thinned or hairless spots). This is best done before bedtime and the mixture will be left on for the night. Wash your hair as usual in the morning and continue to treat your hair with this mixture regularly.

Another honey mixture for these same issues would be a paste consisting of heated olive oil, 1 tbsp. of honey and 1 tsp. of cinnamon. Apply this to your scalp and leave it on for 5 to 15 minutes before washing your hair.

Conditioner: Using honey as a hair conditioner will increase the health of your hair follicles and your scalp at the same time. If your hair is on the oily side, decrease the olive oil to 1/4 cup when making the following mixture. Mix 1 cup of honey and 1/2 cup of olive oil. Massage the mixture onto the scalp and let it rest for a half hour before washing your hair as usual.

Radiant Hair: If your hair lacks shine or lustre, a mixture of 2 tbps of honey and 2 cups of warm water can help return the natural shine and will add health to your hair. After combining the solution, shake it thoroughly in a spray bottle with a wide nozzle and spray the mixture onto your hair. Brush it into your hair and let it dry or you can blow dry it. It is best to use a good quality of honey.

Honey Facial: Honey may be the perfect skin care product, as it kills germs and reduces swelling and inflammation. A honey face mask will gently clean your skin, while keeping it healthy, supple and beautiful.

Add 1 tsp. of olive oil to the honey. Olive oil helps nourish and clean the skin at the same time. Unlike petroleum jelly, heavy lotions and other oils, olive oil will rinse

cleanly away, leaving your skin moisturized and glowing.

Break an egg, gently separating the yoke and adding it to the honey and oil mixture. The egg yoke will not only give your face mask a creamy texture, it will help remove oil and dirt from the skin. Egg yoke will remove the greasy shine from your face without drying. Mix the ingredients until creamy.

Peel and slice two pieces of cucumber. Cucumber has gentle astringent properties, but is the same pH as skin. Including cucumber as part of your skin care regimen will help to restore the natural protective acid levels of the skin. Cucumber naturally nourishes and hydrates the skin and can help reduce circles from underneath the eyes.

Apply a warm washcloth to your face to open the pores. Apply the honey face mask and cucumbers. Relax for about 20 minutes while you wait for the mask to work, then rinse with warm water. Once fully rinsed, splash a bit of cold water on your face to close your pores and firm the skin.





Source: www.islaaminfo.com

www.activechangefoundation.orgNewGen June 201518

What is Autism? By Abdul-Ghaffar Mahdi

According to The National Autistic Society, autism is a lifelong developmental disability that affects how a person communicates with, and relates to, other people. It also affects how they make sense of the world around them.

It can be hard to create awareness of autism as people with the condition do not ‘look’ disabled: parents of children with autism often say that other people simply think their child is naughty; while adults find that they are misunderstood.

What causes the autism is still being investigated, some evidence suggest that genetic factors are responsible for some forms of it. There is no cure for it

Autism is much more common than many people are aware of, and without proper help and support it can have devastated effects on individuals and families.

In the UK there are over half a million people with autism; that is 1 in every 100. People from all nationalities and cultural, religious and social backgrounds can have autism, although it appears to affect more men than women. It is a lifelong condition. Autism affects and touches the lives of 27 million people which include family members, carers, friends, teachers and other healthcare professionals. Providing the right support at the right time can make a huge difference to their lives.

Myths about Autism

a. Only children can get autism and they can grow out of it.

b. A person with autism cannot be educated.c. Autism is due to bad parenting and

emotional stressd. Autism only affects boyse. People with autism cannot work

Facts about Autism

a. Autism is a lifelong disability and children with autism grow up to be adults with autism

b. Individuals with right support can achieve their full potential

c. Autism has nothing to do with parental upbringing.

www.activechangefoundation.orgNewGen June 201519

A Few reasons Why I Think Women’s Football Is Better

Than men’s ByMaxwellAdjei

The men’s game is embarrassingly cynical, with the big wusses diving and feigning injury if someone so much as farts in their general direction. Women’s football is far more phlegmatic. A study shows that, on average, men stay down 30 seconds longer than women after being fouled. It’s the sporting equivalent of us crying “man flu!” the moment we get a slight sniffle.

It’s supply and demand, obviously, but the wages in men’s football are queasily astronomical. Cristiano Ronaldo earns a £300k-per-week base salary, and that’s before: endorsements, bonuses, and prize money. Ridiculous in comparison, England’s women, who are paid £23k per year by the FA – pretty much bang on the national average wage. Adding on their club contracts and commercial endorsements, this still only totals £50k. Yes, they earn in a year what the likes of Wayne Rooney and John Terry do in a day.

Unlike Premier League money-grabbers – forever holding their clubs to ransom and happy to warm

the bench if it pays well – women still play for love of the game, not their bank balances.

Men’s football is stuck in the dark ages when it comes to tolerance. It is blighted by homophobic chants, racism on both turf and terraces, plus a shameful lack of black managers. The women’s game has accepted its gay players without blinking, with England’s Casey Stoney one of several high-profile stars to have come out. Can you imagine our men’s skipper being openly gay? Dream on.

And although previous England manager Hope Powell lost her job to a man, Mark Sampson, two years ago, eight teams competing at the current World Cup are led by women.

England’s men have never reached the final of the Euros but the women have done so twice. They also lifted the Cyprus Cup in 2009 and 2013, they twice won the Mundialito (the precursor to the Women’s World Cup) during the 80s.

www.activechangefoundation.orgNewGen June 201520

Business Of The monthByAqeelHussain

Waltham Forest is the perfect location for buddingentrepreneurs.Theboroughisdiverse,withpeoplefromallwalksoflifewithadiversedemandofneeds.

Thenumberofspecialiststoresisontheincrease,withmoreand more people taking their first steps in turning theirbusiness ideas into reality.Mr Saleh started up JS BuildersMerchant only two months ago and is already taking bigstrides towardsmeetinghis business objectives for his firstyear.TheActiveChangeFoundationrecognisesthissuccessand would like to introduce JS Builders Merchants as theBusinessoftheMonth.

JS Builders Merchants specialise in electrical, plumbing,householdandgeneralDIYproducts.


“I believe in giving young people a chance, just like thechances that Iwasgivenas a youngperson”MrSaleh tellsus,alsoadding,“Ididn’thaveanorganisationsuchasACFthereforme,soitisreallygoodtoseesuchsupportforyoungpeopleandthecommunity”.

Asasupporterof theActiveChangeFoundation,MrSalehinvitesourreaderstovisitJSBuildersandmentionNewGenforsomeexclusiveoffers.


www.activechangefoundation.orgNewGen June 201521

Here at the Active Change Foundation we centre our work on the recognition of youth talent and potential. Each month, a member of our Youth Centre is chosen by ACF Outreach Team /member Aqeel Hussain to recognise their outstanding contribution. This month we are happy to announce Hamza Abdulwahid as youth of the month!

Hamza is a 22 years old Somali. He is an enthusiastic member of ACF since he joined 6 years ago.

He has great ambitions and hopes of a good life and a bright future. He comes to the centre with his friends to socialise and relax.

“To me, ACF is a place for fun and joy, where I can socialise and meet new people. I also go there for educational purposes. There are pool tables, table tennis tables, consoles and snacks, but that’s just to name a few. There is also an internet cafe where you can sit down, do research and work. The team is very helpful when it comes to helping us with our CV’s, and they are always ready to organise mock interviews”. Hamza

“Staff members at ACF are really friendly and helpful. They aren’t just there for the

purpose of maintaining order in the centre. They change lives and help connect youth from different background. They talk to us, they play with us, and they are there if we ever may need them. They also help us with our homework. In return, I volunteer to set up outdoor activities such as trips and sport competitions”. Hamza

In addition, he appreciates how important the workshops organised by the Outreach Team are for the young people’s understanding of current issues.

“ACF gives us a great deal of knowledge about gangs and criminal activities to help us avoid falling into those traps. The talks held at the centre are very helpful and educational. They explain us events/issues that are going on at a national and international level, and that may affect us as individuals. So for all those reasons and much more, the Youth Centre is ‘the’ place to go!” Hamza

Hamza makes the most out of the opportunities available at ACF, and he will soon become an Outreach and Engagement officer!

Hamza Abdulwahid

of the MonthYouth

www.activechangefoundation.orgNewGen June 201522





1. Rope-like hairstyle (10)8. Tiny particles (5)9. Person used as one’s excuse (5)10. Oceans (4)12. Self-defence (6)14. Female sibling (6)17. Hearing organs (4)21. Harvests (5)22. Will (5)23. Eyeglasses with tinted lenses (10)


12. Dry red Spanish wine (5)3. Too (4)4. Capital of Tibet (5)5. Porcelain tableware (5)6. Nail-like fastener (5)7. Droops (4)11. Be seated (3)13. Fish eggs (3)14. Arranges in groups (5)15. Kingdom in SW Europe (5)16. Artist’s support (5)18. Diminish (5)19. An auction (4)20. Inquires (4)

Solution for last issue

COFFEE BREAKSolution for last issue

Puzzle: Weather


www.activechangefoundation.orgNewGen June 201523