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Biker Florida Magazine & Event Productions June 2014 Edition


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Strangers…to me…“How do you ride that thing, it’s soooo big?” ( I wanna reply

‘ That’s what she said’, but restrain myself)“Aren’t you afraid of the danger?... I had a cousin (brother, uncle, friend, acquaintance, stranger who lived within 500 freakin’ miles of me, pet turtle..) who crashed into…. (fill in the blank)...”“I’d love to get a motorcycle, but my wife (girlfriend, mother, kids, next door neighbor, Uncle Sam, the Tooth Fairy, etc. ) won’t let me”

And my favorite, and most difficult to answer - “Why do you ride?”

These same questions and comments over the decades make me think. Why do I ride? Why is it from 16 on, for more years than my fuzzy math brain can add up, I’ve never been without a scoot? I’ve sold my car, hawked rings, taken a second job to pay bills, begged, borrowed, done without, but never even thought of selling the bike.

Now I know the standby among old timers is “If I have to explain…” but really, why do we do it? I know it’s dangerous; shit, you don’t have to tell me. Hell, I’ve already decided that the next damn time some stranger feels it appropriate to wow me in their first sentence about

stupid Uncle Ulysses who wiped out on a tree with his old Goldwing, I’m gonna respond in kind. I imagine the exchange something like this:

Stranger -“I knew a guy once who’s brother’s girlfriend’s cousin crashed his Harley on a guardrail and it took his head clean off!”

“Really?”, I say, with feigned interest, “ what do you drive?”

“A Honda Civic, why?”

Me – “Wow, my uncle’s cousin’s friend’s Pappy, Harry Grumpy Hubert, got creamed by a semi in one of those death traps!”

Let’s start a movement. If we all respond with a comeback like that, maybe – just maybe – these idiot stories would stop. I can’t be the only crusty old fart that’s tired of hearing about it. Do they really think I’ve been riding over 40 years and am oblivious to the dangers? Have never made an unscheduled dismount? Hell, look at the tribute patches on our vests. Gimme a break.

Now as to why I ride. What driving unseen force in this crazy life keeps me on two wheels? I think I have an answer and it’s as simple and complicated as this - I ride

for the freedom. It frees me from the mousetrap of convention, the restraint – the boxes.

All our lives we are confined in boxes. We are born in a hospital box, swaddled in a crib box, surrounded by a bedroom box, eventually sent to the big brick school box in a yellow smoking bus box. There shuttled room to room, told to sit still and pay attention at our tiny desks and don’t fidget as if this is tolerable – and natural. Finally we get outta there thinking there is freedom ahead, but then as adults it’s no better. We wake in the morning surrounded by stucco, concrete, drywall and paint. Hell we even eat our breakfast outta boxes. We are instructed to buy a cage, then a house; insulate ourselves from the elements with glass, blue tooth, locks, alarms and climate control. We travel over this globe watching it go round with no more impact, interest or reality than a TV show. And if that’s not gruesome enough, many of us daily enter a business box, wait for the elevator box to take us to our work box where the experience of the natural world (If we are lucky) can only be dreamed through plate glass windows. We are drowning in gizmos and gadgets, creams, pills and elixirs meant to make our life better, easier , faster, pain free - but have little connection to our soul,

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even to our own sense as creatures sharing this planet with evolving living things. Be nice, go along, get along, bury your feelings, buck up, don’t complain, don’t confront, conform, follow the crowd, don’t make waves. Nature – our nature - is held at bay. It’s a wonder sometimes we don’t just start ‘bitch slappin’ folks at random for sheer pressure relief.

Not on a bike. Two wheels are primal, guttural, alive. They scream DILLIGAF !Throwing a leg over my chosen stead awakens an animal nature too often buried and civilized. I am vibrant, in the moment, aware. Pavement whipping by at 70mph, only inches from a boot, tends to keep one focused.

When it rains I’m wet, cold I shiver, on sunny days scorched by unbearable heat, hail and storms assail. Bugs suicide on the windscreen (or face), bees find their way into my jacket, stones smack shins. I inhale musky fresh grass, dirt, smell thunderstorms in the distance, dodge road kill, rocks, a stray dog. I hear the traffic, the birds, the wind speaks to me. The world is not filtered through hypoallergenic carbon screens, temps are not controlled by anything more than what I decide to wear. It’s loud,

obnoxious, uncomfortable and crazy sometimes, as well as breathtaking, spiritual, surreal. I can’t shut it out – nor do I want to. A short trip to get bread becomes a vacation. Clears my head. A trip across country cleanses my soul. I can’t quit. I won’t.

So the next time you feel the urge to tell me about poor old neighbor Bumbling Bubba and his unfortunate run-in with a cage. Please don’t. Fair warning. I can’t , and won’t explain to your satisfaction why I ride, don’t need a defense. Here I gave it my best shot, but I sure as hell don’t need you to tell me the dangers. Life is fleeting, precious, a gift – I’m aware. But none of us are getting out alive. Not even you.

I can’t choose how I’m gonna die, but I sure as hell can choose how I’m gonna live.

Oh…. BTW, did you hear about that crash out on State Road 82 between the two gas guzzling SUV’s…?

Ret, Keepin’ rubber on the roadSouth Florida

[ Mike “Ret” Hervey is a transplant to South Florida several years back, having spent the prior 25 yrs in Alaska. Besides riding the Hokay Hey race across America (14,500 miles) in 2010, he’s traveled extensively by bike from Alaska to the lower 48 and back many times, led tour groups of riders across the Yukon and BC territories, and rode every state but Hawaii on his Road King. Currently a partner in FLATHEADS ROADHOUSE, a biker bar / restaurant in Bokeelia FL, Ret will contribute articles from time to time sharing ride experiences, his unique outlook of the road, and random twisted thoughts. Ed. ]

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Bikers; come join us at Englewood Bike Night, THursday June 26th at the Englewood Event Center

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I recently met Joey and Rose Sternotti and, after much discussion and brain-storming,

we decided to work closely together to co-pro-mote Biker Florida and Joey’s racing c a r e e r , w h i c h h a p p e n s to include Joey’s new IHRA HD N i t r o -methane

Drag Record. We can’t write the Chapters of this story

without understanding where the Magic happens; Joey and Rose Sternotti’s DNM performance shop in Naples, FL.

A little background first; I grew up a young Biker in the late 60’s and started drag racing when I was a pup of 16 years, just old enough to get legally on the track. Later, during my military service, I started racing Flat-track & TT and have followed motorcycle racing, of all kinds, during my entire 50+ years of riding, chopping, building and racing motorcycles. I had made a couple of trips to DNM Motorsports

Shop to discuss a potential working relationship with Joey and Rose and then somehow each meeting turned into me getting schooled on

modern HD drag racing and the true meaning of i n c r e a s e d performance for the HD V - T w i n . My friends, I learned more in one night about interpreting

Dyno readings and performance tuning than I had learned in my entire life!

I stopped in the other afternoon at the DNM M o t o r s p o r t s Shop to pick up pictures for the Magazine and get more info for my upcoming articles. The articles detail Joey and Rose’s businesses; Joey Sternotti Racing and DNM (Damn Nasty Motors) Motorsports. Joey and I had been discussing his racing career, how to gain maximum performance out

of your HD engine, big bike ride-ability and the basics of maintaining a modern Harley Davidson V-Twin. During these spirited discussions (if you think I’m exaggerating about spirited, wait till you meet Joey), he started relating numerous stories, sharing where he had developed and performed his HD engine transforming magic over the years. What I discovered was that Joey and Rose had single-mindedly built the best HD/V-Twin performance shop known to man. They not only produced the World-record setting HD Drag Bike but kept grounded in their vision to build the best performance shop in the business

with the sole purpose to work on regular folk’s bikes to increase all aspects of motorcycle engine performance and the ride-ability of HD Iron.

It just so happens that I had just taken

delivery of a new 2014 HD Street Glide. I had about 1000 miles on the new Bike already and Joey said, “how about we make this thing run like it should”. Joey, in his inimitable way and to my great surprise, had planned to put a new Thunder Max

Doc’s HD Street Glide: An Evolution of Performance

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ECM, pipes etc. (Stage 1 conversion basically) on my new HD Street Glide. I foolishly objected and told Joey that I thought my new Iron rode pretty damned good and I was pleased with the performance right off the showroom floor. Remember now, this Guy wanting to wrench my new Bike had just set the IHRA World’s Record for Nitro-methane HD dragsters; he not only talks the talk, he definitely walks the walk. Before I knew it, Joey had my new Street Glide on the Dyno to show me the baseline, explain how the factory comes up short on basic performance and tuning issues and we discussed in-depth the “off the showroom floor” performance of my new HD. I actually was pretty damned pleased by the performance and ride-ability of my new Bike and I’ve been riding over fifty years, many of those years street racing Harleys.

Needless to say, I let the Master take my Bike to have his way with her (I’d rather given him my wife and 2 ex-wives). A few hours later, while working on the articles; Joey, Rose and the DNM Team had transformed my new Street Glide into a great sounding, smoothly running new Machine with a huge decrease in the heat-generation developed system-wide. We re-ran the Dyno a couple of times as I listened to my new HD V-Twin motor purr through the power curves. I was a convert!

I live approximately 100 miles from Joey’s shop and the ride home was nothing but spectacular; the smoothness, performance and response of my new engine was a

thrill I hadn’t exper ienced since I was on the track many years ago. The feel, the sound, the ride-ability and lack of heat coming off the

engine were completely changed. Everything was greatly improved and I will now enjoy riding my new Street Glide more than I ever thought possible. With these changes in performance, it’s truly

a joy to ride again. Now, I look forward to getting on my Bike to just simply ride. The change in performance, smoothness through the

gears and the ride-ability I’ve gained have made a phenomenal difference in my owning and riding this new Harley. Thank-you Joey, Rose, Jay and the entire DNM Team.

Oh, a closing note! Joey did give me absolute hell because I didn’t immediately bring my new Street Glide to him when I took delivery…Joey says “how dare I put 1000 miles on first”, bring that son-of-a-bitch to me before you put one mile on it…

Joey continued, “I’ll even come and pick it up in my trailer from the Dealer so you don’t ride it until I’ve made it better.” My mistake Joey, I’ve learned my lesson and I won’t make that mistake again. Joey Sternotti Racing and DNM Motorsports (Joey, Rose and Jay), what a combination. I feel very privileged to have experienced this performance transition first hand on my own new Street Glide and I look forward to the next surprise Joey has in store for me and my HD.

Sincerely and thank-you Guys,


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DNM Motorsports (Damn Nasty Motors)

A Biker’s Biker V-Twin Performance Shop

DNM Motorsports offers many services to motorcycle owners;

from maintenance service to tire changes and re-builds to ground-

up custom builds

Joey’s own words: “Allow me to tell you a little about DNM Motorsports."

Every year DNM purchases at least one new Harley Davidson motorcycle, this year it was two 2014 HD Street Glides.

-RND 3 (Research & Development 3) is a Daytona Blue 2014 Street Glide with our Stage I-117 kit. -RND 4 is a Red 2014 Street Glide Special with our Stage III-103 kit.

Experimenting with these new Bikes, we try new combinations of cams, exhaust systems, heads, compression kits and other performance parts from different manufacturers. To ensure that these parts

and combinations are top quality and function exceptionally well, we always try new products on our RND Bikes before recommending them to our customers

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DNM offers services that NO other Dealer/Repair Shop can match;• These two new 2014 HD Street Glides are available for our customers to test ride!

• Also, our customers are more than welcome to take one of these bikes while we work on their motorcycle!

• We offer free pick-up and delivery of your motorcycle!

• DNM is authorized to handle warranty and insurance claims as well!

• Please check out our websites at your convenience: DNMMotorsports.com//JoeySternottiRacing.com

Photos from the Shop

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Photos from Joey's Office

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We service ALL American, Metric, and Euro MotorcyclesWe specialize in Trike Service

We accept consignments (Bikes & Merchandise)We offer detailing & bike storage.

All Major Brands Offered - Tucker Rocky, Parts Unlimited, Yuasa

coastalcruisers52@gmail.com coastalcruisersfl.com

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Bikers Doing what Bikers Do Best!

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See More

Pictures At our Website and Facebook

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