June-July 2008 Tidings Newsletter, Temple Ohabei Shalom

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Ohabei Shalom—New England’s First Reform CongregationJune 2008, Iyar –Sivan 5768 What’s Inside:President’s Message Social Groups • Sisterhood • Brotherhood Project For Our Future Ansin Religious School • Mark Your Calendar • June B’nei Mitzvah Yizkor Elohim Circle of Giving June Funds Mitzvah Day Recap Confirmation June CalendarTidingsReflections on a CallingI owe immense debts of gratitude to more people than I could possibly mention, people who supported me and overlooked my far too num


June 2008, Iyar –Sivan 5768

What’s Inside: President’s Message Social Groups • Sisterhood • Brotherhood Project For Our Future

Ansin Religious School • Mark Your Calendar • June B’nei Mitzvah Yizkor Elohim Circle of Giving June Funds Mitzvah Day Recap Confirmation June Calendar

I think that I’ve told several of you the story of how I became a rabbi, but just in case there is someone who hasn’t heard it, this is what happened. I was taking a walk with Eileen and saying that I was looking for work that seemed more fulfilling. She asked, “What do you want to do? In true Jewish fashion, I answered with a question. “You mean anything?” “Anything.” Without thinking any further, I blurted out, “I want to be a rabbi.” Eileen, bless her, told me that I should investigate this possibility. I did, and I found out that it was precisely what I wanted to be. But what you have to understand is that, prior to this conversation, I hadn’t thought about becoming a rabbi for many years. Some might say that this desire was buried in my subconscious. Perhaps. I believe that I received a call. The thing about receiving a call is that you pretty much have to go where the call tells you, even if you don’t know your destination. If that was good enough for Abraham and Sarah, who was I to quibble? Three years ago, I was called to be a rabbi at Temple Ohabei Shalom. The journey has taken me places that I didn’t expect. But, reflecting on it, I know that every step on that journey was part of the call. And that makes each step a holy one. I learned that my role here at Temple Ohabei Shalom was to work with you during a period of transition, helping you say goodbye to Rabbi Emily Lipof. She served you as a leader for almost two decades; she has served as my mentor since I arrived. My role here then became to help you prepare to welcome a new rabbi. Rabbi John Franken is a man of accomplishment, intelligence, and most of all, mentschlikhkeit. He can help bring you to the next, and higher, stage on your congregational journey. Doing this holy work has not only taught me, but it has brought with it moments of immense satisfaction. That was possible only because of you. You are truly a wonderful congregation, full of spirit and compassion. Each of you has touched my life.

I owe immense debts of gratitude to more people than I could possibly mention, people who supported me and overlooked my far too numerous faults. Cantors Shana Onigman and Randall Schloss were not just colleagues but friends, and I treasure the time I spent with them. Shari Churwin is a remarkable educator, and as you have learned from her, so have I. Karen Landman has been my hard-working and never sufficiently acknowledged assistant. The rest of the members of the Temple administrative and educational staff are devoted to this community, and that has made me feel proud to be here. Here I want to make special mention of Dottie Berman, one of the true special souls whom I have met. The congregational leaders have worked ceaselessly for the betterment of the Temple. It has been my great honor to assist them in that task. Usually we have agreed, and on occasion we have disagreed. But at all times we have sought the same goal, and I have always been treated with respect. I can’t thank everyone by name, but I must single out Len Davidson. Len has dedicated himself tirelessly to this Temple, and his deep love of this community and of Judaism is apparent in everything he does. I am a better rabbi for having known him. I look forward to continuing my journey, wherever it may take me. Throughout my journey, I will remain touched by my time at Temple Ohabei Shalom. As your lives have blessed me, so should you be blessed, as individuals and as a congregation.

TidingsTidings Ohabei ShalomOhabei Shalom——New England’s First Reform CongregationNew England’s First Reform Congregation

Reflections on a Calling

President’s Message Leonard M. Davidson


In the musical “Rent” there is a most memorable and insightful song called “Seasons of Love.” The lyrics include these words:

Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Six Hundred Minutes How Do You Measure - Measure A Year? In Daylights - In Sunsets In Midnights - In Cups Of Coffee In Inches - In Miles In Laughter - In Strife

In - Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Six Hundred Minutes How Do You Measure A Year In The Life?

How About Love? How About Love? How About Love? Measure In Love…. Seasons of Love

The song beautifully teaches us that we need not merely mark time by its intervals. Looking at a year as composed of so many minutes, we are reminded that we are afforded far more opportunities and ways of measuring our lives than we might normally consider. For how long does it really take to make a difference? What do we do with all of these moments to make our lives and actions more worthwhile and meaningful?

As I reflect back on my three years of being your president, I have similarly thought of the different ways I could measure my term. How many meetings, Tidings articles, checks signed, b’nei mitzvah greetings, dollars raised, initiatives undertaken, transitions, announcements at services, phone calls made, nights away from my family? But, like the song, I have found that a better way to measure is by the people touched, by efforts made, by relationships built and strengthened, and by the satisfaction that comes from working with so many good and interesting and caring members of our community. For the greatest pleasure of being president has always been the opportunity to actively work to make new and better connections with people and to have had the privilege of contributing to our congregation’s illustrious history, and its promising future.

Three years ago our synagogue was the same, but certainly different. We have dealt with transitions and changes that, in many ways, brought out the best from our membership. People volunteered to assist, to take responsibility, to devote themselves to improving our synagogue. And I was to embark upon a journey with many challenges, many opportunities, some moments of frustration, and many more moments of joy and the satisfaction that comes from making a positive contribution. Some of these pleasurable moments were as brief as reading a prayer or saying a few kind words of thanks, well-wishes, encouragement or praise. I was reminded how often the little things still can make a big difference. Other efforts took more time, and certainly not all were

successful. But I am satisfied that we have worked together to make our moments more fulfilling, our future brighter and our time and experiences together ones that made a qualitative improvement and added an important and necessary dimension of spirit and spirituality to our increasingly accelerated lives. Ultimately, I hope that you will agree that this is what it is all about and that our voyage has been, and continues to be, a good one.

The measure of our success is far more than just the number of steps taken or the distance traveled. It is the quality of the journey itself and the pleasure of taking it together that we should savor, for our community has worked exceedingly well together these past three years. My experience has certainly taught me how infinitely more rewarding it can be here by getting actively involved and by getting to work more closely with the outstanding congregants and leaders that we have here. And while the level of my involvement is certainly not for everybody, it has reminded me that taking a positive action and getting involved, even in a small way, can have enormous benefits, filling our lives with purpose and depth. Other congregants who have gotten involved have reported the same to me, and I am not surprised how much people have enjoyed working with each other here. Those moments do not always present themselves a second time, for each of those 525,600 minutes is unique, and they do go by quickly. And, as my wife has wisely taught me, we are more apt to regret the actions not taken than those actions we do take.

And so my minutes and hours have now added up to three years, to the completion of three presidential seasons. I hope and believe that they have also been much more than the mere counting of time for all of us. I am pleased to turn over the leadership to a very fine man and somebody who has become my friend, Jesse Cochin, who will be our next president if it is your will. I look forward with him to the future at TOS: to the excitement and talents of new leadership and a period of stability after transitions, to the construction of the Project For Our Future that will hopefully soon begin, to happy and meaningful celebrations together and even to support in times of difficulty, and to the many opportunities that we will have to continue to make our lives count in far more ways than just minutes and years.

Long before “Seasons of Love” we Jews have had the shehecheyanu prayer to appreciate and recognize what we have to be thankful for in our lives. It is an acknowledgment that in life there are those “shehecheyanu moments” where we should reflect upon and value experiences that are not merely measured by watches or calendars. In that spirit, I am deeply thankful to my many friends at TOS and to God for these three years that have been given to me as your president, and for the support and the sustenance that has enabled me to have enjoyed these three seasons, seasons that I have loved.

L’shalom, Len

Sisterhood News

Social Groups Brotherhood News Jonathan Atkins & Ben Adler Betsy Gould Brotherhood Spring programs were wonderful successes with the return of long-time members enthusiastically welcoming new members. The success of Brotherhood’s Yellow Candle Project was due in no small measure to the efforts of TOS Brotherhood and ARS 7th graders, for their diligent work, and the congregation for your support. Our June event which is scheduled for Monday, June 9th, follows our congregation’s Shavuot observance. This meeting will serve as the Annual Meeting with the election of officers for the 2008-2009 year. A night of friendship and fellowship, following dinner at 6:30pm, promises to be an enjoyable event for Brotherhood members who attend. Reservations are required by calling Jerry at 617-731-5736, by Friday, June 6, 2008. The Officers and Board of the Brotherhood commends Brother Mike Weintraub for participating in and finishing the 2008 Boston Marathon…Mazel Tov from all us! Our thanks to everyone who has remembered to bring in or mail in their stamped Butcherie register tape receipts to us. Please continue to support this vital program.

Project for our Future Gifts and Pledges to at the time of publication:

Mitzvah Day on Sunday, May 4th brought together so many enthusi-astic Sisterhood members who participated with other fellow congre-gants in numerous “Tikkun Olam” activities. The Mother’s Day gift bags and cards was a very popular project, as many children and women of all ages worked diligently stuffing and decorating these lovely bags for the ladies at the shelters. Thank you to all the TOS organizers who worked so hard to make this day so meaningful to our whole synagogue.

At this writing in early May, we have not yet held our final event of the season. Ita N. Wiener will help us “time travel” back to meet select biblical characters.

A mahjong group, led by Diane Rosen, has been very successful this year. A small group of friends has been meeting monthly, enjoying each other’s company while improving their skill at the game.

Sisterhood thanks Rabbi Tom Alpert for three years of amazing rab-binic dedication. Rabbi, you have touched so many of us. Your teaching, caring, compassion, and energy have left a remarkable im-pression. We wish you, Eileen, David, Kitty, and Andrew all the best in the future. This congregation will miss you.

Numerous diverse and stimulating activities are already “in the works” for Sisterhood next year. We encourage you to join us in the fall, and see how Sisterhood can enrich your synagogue life. Until then, our warm wishes to all for a relaxing and happy summer!

Karen Livingston Hilda Lopez-Soto Jeffrey Macklis and Carol Levin Tom and Donna Rubenoff Shirley Spero Donald Steinbrecher & Shellee Robbins Glenn Stevens & Shelly Tenenbaum Ita Wiener Maurice Zabarsky Barry & Faith Abrams Hideaki Ishihara Joel Sklar and Adrienne Shishko Spencer Wootton and Ellen Fox R. K. Shelley Schwartz Sima Kirsztajn

Harold Ansin Alan Beggs and Jamie Levine Dan and Eva Deykin Steven and Frances Freiman Lillian Garber Douglas and Toni Gordon Clifton and Ruth Helman David G. Kanter Herman Kaufman Jonathan Kaufman & Barbara Howard Stan Keizer Howard Koor and Ellen Mosner Charles and Sheila Landay Dorothy Lebach Richard Leibovitch Louise Levingston

The Congregation wishes to acknowledge with tremendous gratitude the recent leadership gift made to the Project for our Future by Richard Leibovitch. This gift has enabled us to see that this Project for our Future is not that far off and that our hopes of making our synagogue more accessible, building a pre-school, and renovating our chapel, are a not-so-distant re-ality. We thank Richard for his gener-osity and support of our con-gregation’s dreams and aspira-tions. Len

Ansin Religious School News Ma

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Josh Slavin June 7, 2008

Son of Robert Slavin & Marcia Hertz

For his Mitzvah project, Josh participated in the Walk for Hunger. He will also be solic-iting donations for the Brook-line Food Pantry from shop-pers at local grocery stores.

Mazel Tov to our B’nei Mitzvah!

Jonathan Cohen June 14, 2008

Son of Merrick & Marlene Cohen

For his Mitzvah Project, Jona-than is raising money and do-ing volunteer work for cancer.

Netanya Lebach June 21, 2008

Daughter of Dorothy Lebach

Netanya is sponsoring “Rosh Chodesh, it’s a Girl Thing!” an ongoing monthly program for girls in grades 6-12 which activities to strengthen self-esteem and leadership skills.

Summer Hours for ARS As of June 10, the Ansin Religious School office will be on summer hours. If you need to contact us during the summer months please e-mail Shari Churwin (schurwin@ohabei.org) or Kate Mikesh (kmikesh@ohabei.org). You can also leave a message on the school voicemail (617)739-9200. We hope you have a great summer! Registration Reminder ARS School Registration forms are due back to the School Office. Please return them as soon as possi-ble to reserve your spot for the fall! Erev Shabbat Service Friday, June 6, 7pm Join us as our Grade 10 students get confirmed.

Silence and Contemplative Chant with Yocheved Katz Tuesdays, July 22, 29 August 5, 12; 7pm-8:30pm Classes held at Temple Ohabei Shalom. Cost: $80

Join us in Hebrew chant and silent meditation, forms of Jewish contemplative practice that cultivate awakening to the present, to the presence of each other, and to the Presence within all being. We are co-sponsoring this class with Nishmat Hayyim, “Breath of Life,” which cultivates and supports Jewish meditation and contemplative prac-tices in New England. Through chant and meditation we build a mishkan, holy space, as a source of awareness and strength.

Space is limited and pre-registration is required. Register on line at: www.nishmathayyim.org/calendar_special.php, call 617-566-8171 x20 to charge over the phone or mail a check to Nishmat Hayyim, 1566 Beacon St. Brookline, MA 02446. Email: office@nishmathayyim.org

Sheila (Yocheved) Katz trained with Rabbi Shefa Gold to be a chant leader. She first studied meditation and yoga as an undergraduate at Brandeis University. She lived in Jeru-salem for 5 years, and founded Re-evaluation Counseling as one of the first frameworks for bringing Israelis and Palestinians together in dialogue.

Dr. Katz, Ph.D. is professor of Middle East History and Gender Studies at the Berklee College of Music, where she integrates meditation in courses on Music and Peace and on Contemplative and Mystical Traditions in World Civilizations. Her book, Women and Gender in Early Jew-ish and Palestinian Nationalism (University Press of Flor-ida, 2003) is an alternative approach to the conflict. Yocheved’s Jewish meditation practice combines concen-tration, mindfulness and chant.

Yizkor Elohim - May God Remember Those listed below are recorded in our Book of Remembrance, Windows or on Memorial Plaques.

An asterisk indicates that the plaque will be illuminated during the week of yahrzeit.

June 1-7 (27 Iyar–4 Sivan) Laura C. Albert Alvin Allen William Alpert * Leo J. Altman Lena Pearl Ansin * David Bromberg Kenneth F. Butters * Pauline E. Claff * Morris Clark Louis Cohen Isaac Daniels Sam Darsa Barney Fagelman Jennie Feingold * Steven Fenster * Steven Fenster Toby Sue Fox Rose A. Franklin * Ida Ginzberg * Marjorie Golov Muriel Smith Hurwitz Rose Jacobson Rose Jacobson Frank Jampolsky Abraham Katz Luzer Khlyap Florence J. Kimball Esther Levi Mildred Levin Stanley S. Lewenberg * Louis Lowenstein * Herman Malcow Harold S. Marks * Juste Maurice Joseph Mazer * Sarah Mazer * David Menachem Jennie Menzer Beatrice B. Mersky * Philip Miller Rose M. Mosesohn Jacob Newman Beatrice Oxman * Natalie S. Padoll Norman Palefsky Philip Phillips Efim Podvalny Isidore Poust * Thelma Alpert Price Karl Rauch Julius Rottenberg Esther Seidler Mannah N. Shrago * Herbert Siegal Lotta Slosberg * Anna Sobell * Joan M.F. Spunt * Dora Starr *

Fannie Sulkis * Jacob Wilker * Anna Menzer Wolf * Martin Zanger Anna Zimet

June 8-14 (5-11 Sivan) Gregory Abramovich William Ambuter * Dorothy S. Barron * Arthur Bazer Dana Alan Berger Jennie Berk Henry I. Bornstein Ida Marvin Braun Leo Chavis Renee Cochin Haim Cohen Myer Dana * Harry Deykin * Murray Fertel * Marty Fine * Louis Finn Bella Fisher Robert M. Gargill * Sally N. Glauber * Rae Basch Goldman David Goose * Louis M. Gordon * Bernard Greenhood Neil Grossman Alvin Richard Haase Sylvia H. Kagan * Ephraim Kaplan Manuel M. Koufman * Gerard Kuchinski Zachary Lazarus Joseph Lourie * Mary Madow Jacob M. Mann James A. Mason * Fannie Miller Maurice Elias Muran Rose R. Myerson * Harry Pristaw * Dorothy W. Pritzker * Emanuel Reisman Myra Reisman Louis J. Risman George M. Rosen * Phillip E. Sage * Leonard Schlesinger * Janice Rose Levinson Serkess Anna Shaps * Minnie Sherman Samuel Solomon * Benjamin Spinoza * Ira Steelman Hilda Goldberg Stepansky Alice J. Stuart

Annie Touro Sylvia Usak Harry C. Wilker * Bertha Willis * Irene Winterberg Genya Zippin

June 15-21 (12-18 Sivan) Archie E. Balter Abram Berkowitz * Hilda Wolfson Cooper Grover B. Daniels * Lena Daniels Louis Dresner Eva Drevitch * William Dymsza Robert Effenson * Dora Fagelman Beatrice Feldberg * Manny J. Freedman * Fannie Friedman Arthur Gladstein Molly Goldberg * Charlotte Grodberg Emanuel M. Helfgott Stephan Kamp Rose Kateman Ora L. Katz Roberta B. Koch Joseph Koller Rebecca Lechten * Jay Lewis Levine Saul Levine * Martin Levitan Thelma Levitan Minnie Levy Jennie Taylor Marks * Eric Marmorek Abraham Mashal Stella Meyers Herbert Shuman Mode Ida A. Nathanson * Esther Nelson Morris Rosen David Rosenthal Eva Shapiro * Ann Silverman Frank Silverman Max Simons * Lillian R. Slotnick * Benjamin Springer Harriet Stein Sumner Charles Sydeman Julius Tofias * Jennie Vershbow * Frederic Wingersky Benjamin Yarchin * Goldie Yarchin * Samuel Yasner Earl M. Yavner

Esther K. Zabarsky Trudy C. Zabarsky *

June 22-30 (19-27 Sivan) Esther Abelson Joseph Abrams * David Ansin Evelyn R. Ansin * Lawrence J. Ansin * Miriam Applebaum Gertrude L. Barr * Beatrice S. Bass Estelle Bernhardt Miriam Bond * Miriam Bond Babette Bornstein Eva Caro Minnie Cohen * Leah R. Corvin * Sarah T. Croan Solomon Dilyock William DuKaten Elliot J. Englander * Max Feldman * Solomon Gerson Solomon Gerson Babette Levy Gold Leah Goldstein * Leah Goldstein Alma Golov Arnold Golov Gerald M. Green * Maxwell B. Grossman * Daniel Harris Joel B. Hartman Manuel Held * Simon J. Helman Melissa Howard Simon Leslie Joseph Edward Klein Abraham Jacob Koritz Melvin Kritzman Joseph Kuchinski Joseph Lacritz Sophie Lassow Sarah Lebow * Irene Lebowich Ernstina Levengston Robert Levi Mike Levine * Roslyn Levine Genya Lisitsa Estelle N. Litter * George Ludensky Herman Malcow Louis Mason * Ida F. Miller Edith Neckes Joseph Nelson Mark Nelson

The congregation thanks Hayley, Marilyn and Elliot Goldstein

for their donations towards beautification of Temple Ohabei Shalom.

Yahrzeits, continued

Elizabeth Oppenhimer Lena Lipman Perlis Morey Perlmutter Margaret Plovnick Louis Posner Alice Rabinowitz * Morris Raphael Mildred R. Robbins Leib Rochwarger Ziporah Rochwarger Maurice S. Rogers * M. Moses Rogovin * David Rosenfield H. Frieda Rosenthal Rivka Rosenthal Solomon Scheinfeldt

Frances Gordon Scholl Joseph Y. Schooner Frederick B. Seidler * Ida Shapiro Harriet Shulman * Benjamin Small Alfred Spear * Malcolm Spunt * Alec Teleshefski Bertha K. Wagman * William Wald * Sadie Weisberger * Harry White * Joseph Wilker *

Join our circle today. Contact the synagogue office for more information

The Circle of Giving of Ohabei Shalom We thank the following people for their support.

Pillar Jane Morningstar Shirley Spero Brenda and Alexander Tanger

Benefactor Donald Steinbrecher and Shellee Robbins Andrew Sumberg and Mindy Berman Dan and Eva Deykin Robert and Esta Epstein William and Lynn Kargman Martin Shore and Shari Lisann

Patron Sidney Grodberg Bill and Marcia Harris David G. Kanter Joel Sklar and Adrienne Shishko George Bazer Steven L. Gold and Sheila A. Elliott Spencer and Betsy Gould Gideon Argov and Alexandra Fuchs Dick and Carol Daynard Ed and Betsy Jacobs Bernard and Joan Wasserman Michael Weintraub and Diane Rosen Eric and Allison Rimm Robert Beal

Guardian Marilyn Barron Morry Greenbaum Jonathan Kaufman and Barbara Howard Leonard M. Davidson and Laurie Katzman Edward and Marjorie Kahn Dorothy Lebach Louise Levingston Barry Lyons and Amy Grossman Saul & Doris Feldman

Sustainer Teresa Betit and Howard Lurie Myles and Lise Striar Arthur and Doris Zich Dan Schleifstein Jeffrey Macklis and Carol Levin Sam Aaronson

Sustainer, cont. Selma Bengis Hu and Ray Caplan Louis Goldman Robert Levine Richard and Sonia Ravech David Rogovin and Susan Liberman Ita Wiener Shelley Schwartz Ben Adler Marc and Denise Casper Larry and Denise Green Steve Kern David Leifer and Marla Engel Martin and Dianne Newman David A. Seldin and Cathryn A. Stein Scott and Pollyanna Sidell Mark Zeidel and Susan Freedman Marilyn Danesh

Friend Marylin Klickstein Joseph Beck and Zita Samuels Adi and Gitta Kahn Marcia Levine Jay and Carol Marlin Andrew Schloss and Nancy Bloom Jonathan and Lauren Schloss Cantor Randall and Leah Schloss Michael and Shari Churwin Alan and Judy Shepro David and Kimberly Chused Kevin Cole Gert Goldberg Stan Keizer Hilda Lopez-Soto Greg and Ilene Mogavero Tom and Donna Rubenoff Jesse Cochin and Alice Newton Howard Koor and Ellen Mosner Joseph A. Kriesberg & Dina S. Brownstein Corinne Gilbert Kathy Jonas Ciro & Ellen Alfaro

Talented Employee Available A synagogue member with 20+ years

of experience is seeking a position as a graphic designer.

Please contact Dottie at 617-277-6610.

General Fund In Memory Of Sofiya Tsytsarko Shaya Tsytsarko Naum Codysh Robert L. Beal Ruth Goldstein Estelle Katz Mel Levine Phyllis Sisson Nancie Ostroff Robert & Nora Levine Jason Waldman In Honor Of Harvey & Shirley Stein Stanley & Frances Levine’s

50th Wedding Anniversary Jim, Melissa, Reni and Lindsay Ellis

The Reny Family: Steven, Audrey, Danielle and Gillian, on the occasion of Gilllian’s Bat Mitzvah

Arthur & Doris Zich Dottie Berman’s Special Birthday

For The Health and Wellbeing Of

Robert & Helen Sawyer Sharon Sawyer Matthew Sawyer Stephen Ardizzoni

Minyan Fund In Memory Of Mark & Melinda Brecher Fred Levine Martin F. Plovnick & Milly Krakow

Max Plovnick

Jerome Kravitz Sarah Kravitz Phoebe Langenthal & Marlie Smith

Nathan Smith

Dorothy A. Sterman Julia W. Myerson Seymour Saslaw & Jacquelynn Abraham-Saslaw

Max Saslaw

Fred, Diane, Leah Rae & Shira Rose Berk

Helen Berk

Irene Shapiro Julius Baron Edwin A. Lewis Seymour Lewis Robert & Martha Rubin Rose Solomon Rubin Aaron M. I. Shinberg Rose Ruth Shinberg Rimma Kofman Fanny Gorbachov Andrew Bass Harry Bass Ida Sidman Harry Rosenberg Florence S. Hootstein Frederick W. Solomon Judith Robbins Martin L. Robbins Ellen S. Lane William David Lane Robert L. Beal Alexander Beal Aaron & Sheila Sacks Bella Kritchmar Richard, Janice, Jennifer & Sydney Lipof

Cele Kanter

Dianne Z. Newman Leonard Zimet Carl R. Ostroff Nancie Ostroff Maya R. Krigsgaber Sofiya Podvalny June Hurwitz Hyman Hurwitz William Price Henry Solomon Price Harvey & Rhonda Solomon Fannie Somer

Minyan Fund, cont. In Memory OfPhyllis Nussman Robert Tirk David G. Kanter Cele & Joseph Kanter Robert M. Levine Hyman Levine Irene Shapiro Irving L. Baron Maya R. Krigsgaber Taten’ka Vorobyeva Albert Gersh Joseph Gersh Alma Tarlow Edward Goldstein Olins Piano Fund In Honor Of Shirley Spero David Sparr R.K. (Shelley)Schwartz Rosengard Lecture Fund In Memory Of Robert S. Rosengard David E. Rosengard Cantor Schloss Discretionary Fund

R. K. (Shelley) Schwartz TOS Brotherhood Margie Katz In Memory of Maurice Katz

and Eleanor Katz Pulpit Flowers Fund In Memory Of Lily Dresner & Esther Strachman

Morris Dresner

Esther Strachman Jack P. Strachman Susan Liberman, David & Andrew Rogovin

Wilbur Liberman

Lily Dresner & Esther Strachman

Syril Dresner

Ansin Religious School In Honor Of Shirley Spero Mark Lipof & Shari Churwin Project for Our Future In Appreciation of Alan Beggs & Jami Levine Rabbi Alpert, Cantor

Schloss and the TOS Staff Mitzvah Day In Honor Of Dorothy & Netanya Lebach Sasha Toperich’s Marriage Yom Hashoah In Memory Of Dorothy & Netanya Lebach Grete Lebach Mitzvah Fund Karen Landman Glenn Stevens & Shelly Tenenbaum Robert Pierson & Ellen Meyers

June Funds

June Special Birthdays Tonya Paris Gerald Katz Joanne Weil Manfred Lowenstein Merrick Cohen

Special Anniversaries: Mark & Audrey Schuster Larry & Denise Green

Thank you to the following caring people who made the Pesach holiday special for our synagogue “shut-ins”:

Diane Rosen, Marcia Levine, Harold Koritz, Lois Nathan, Harvey & Rhonda Solomon, Judy Halper, Margie Kahn, Hilda Lopez-Soto, Beth Braunstein, Esther Rubinovitz, Edith Pollack, Steven Levine, Mark Woodruff, and Spencer Gould.

The magical logo was designed by Hayley L. Goldstein, grade 7. Thank you!

Thank you to the Rabbi, Cantor, and Temple staff for all their sup-port and assistance in helping to make Mitzvah Day a success again this year.

The Temple is fortunate to have the capable teachers and staff of the Ansin school, who give above and beyond their job descrip-tions to make events such as Mitzvah Day run smoothly. A special thank you to Kate and Amanda for all of their logistical efforts leading up to Mitzvah Day.

The Mitzvah Day Committee, Milly Krakow, Susan Zeiger, and Debbie Klein, worked together for months to plan Mitzvah Day, and to integrate the idea of community service and social action into the TOS calendar throughout the year.

Thank you to the Penn Trust of the TOS Brotherhood, Rabbi Al-pert’s Discretionary Fund and to the many donors whose finan-cial support helped to make our day such a success.

Best wishes for a fun and enriching summer, Navah Levine and Shari Churwin

The rain dampened no one’s spirits dur-ing Temple Ohabei Shalom’s third an-nual Mitzvah Day. Over 250 community members joined together on this drizzly Sunday morning, May 4th, to participate in a wide variety of community service activities. Projects ranged from arts & crafts, to cooking meals and making mother’s day gift bags for the homeless,

mailing letters and packages to soldiers, fundraising for cancer re-search, visits to the Coolidge House nursing home to park clean-up (yes, even in the rain!). Members of the synagogue and school com-munity of all ages participated in this fun filled day.

We would like to thank all those who volunteered their time and en-ergy to make the third annual Mitzvah Day a success:

A hearty thank you to all our project captains: • Making Music at Coolidge House: Abram Klein • Morning Greetings at Coolidge House: Ronny Sydney • Zach's fund mailing: Mark Lipof & Shirley Spero • Project Linus: Judy Mabel • Curley Library: Hanna Zeiger, Marie Cloutier, Sarah Plovnick • Franklin Park Cleanup: Paris family, Confirmation class 5768 • Recycling at TOS: Amy Plovnick, Amanda Singer • Packages for our Soldiers: Scott & Susie Allen, Dottie & Don Berman • Madison Park & Hibernian Hall Cleanup: Joe Kriesberg & Dina Brownstein, Sima and Dov Kirsztajn • Finex House Garden: Jeff Katz, Amy Tishelman & Bob Coopersmith • Walk for Hunger: Jennine Shulkin & Jason Kriger • AIDS Action Committee: Donna & Tom Rubenoff, Hilda Lopez-Soto • The Wellness Community: Marty Plovnick & Jodi Silton • High Holiday Card Fundraiser for Cuba: Danit Ben-Ari, Adrienne Shisko, Joel Sklar • Bake for Womens Lunch Place: Eileen Haggerty & Jami Levine • Cooking for Somerville Shelter: Amy Grossman & Bob Lyons • Gift Bags for Mother’s Day Brunch for Women’s Lunch Place: TOS Sisterhood & Ellen Mosner

Mitzvah Day Recap

Thank You to Our Mitzvah Day Donors (accurate at time of publication)

Marton/Ben-Ari Family Martin Cantrell Davidson Family Easton/Goldstein Famil Barbara Helfgott-Hyett Hootstein/Walters Family Amy Hozid Sima & Don Kirsztajn Lebach Family Levine/Beggs Family Nathan Lois Lyons/Grossman Family Mogavero Family William Price Rubenoff Family Arlene Scherer Seiger Family Shishko/Sklar Famil y Katherine Thorp & Joshua Shmikler Brotherhood of Temple Ohabei Shalom

Please join the Ohabei Shalom Community

as we honor the Confirmation Class of 5768 Friday, June 6 at 7 pm

Oneg to follow

We will also be honoring our outgoing and incoming Trustees and Officers. Join us as we give

tribute to our leaders who devote so much time, energy and commitment to our community.

Katherine Alpert Michelle Davidson

Henry Edelstein Jacob Harris

Daniel Katz-Zeiger Molly Kaufman

Mariah Shore Jonathan Stevens

Thomas M. Alpert Rabbi Randall Schloss Cantor Emily Gopen Lipof Rabbi Emerita Steven Davis Executive Director Leonard Davidson President Shari A. Churwin Education Director Kate Mikesh Director of Informal Education Amanda Singer Education Programs Coordinator Dottie Berman Director of Social Action Karen Landman Executive Assistant to the Clergy Alan Shepro Office Manager / Bookkeeper Marylin Klickstein Administrative Assistant Kim Singer B’nei Mitzvah Educator David Sparr Music Director

Tidings is a monthly publication of Temple Ohabei Shalom 1187 Beacon Street, Brookline, MA 02446

(617)277-6610 www.ohabei.org




June Shabbat Celebrations & Events


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Monday—Thursday 8:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. Friday 8:00 a.m.. Saturday 6:00 p.m. Sundays & Holidays 9:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m.

Ohabei Shalom is the area’s only Reform synagogue providing daily prayer for those in need of solace or a quiet moment of introspection.

Each Daily Worship leader commits to one 20-minute weekly service. To become a leader, please call the synagogue office (617)277-6610.

June 3 7:00pm Temple Ohabei Shalom Annual Meeting 6 7:00pm Erev Shabbat Service, Confirmation 7 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Services, Bar Mitzvah: Josh Slavin 8 9:00pm Tikkun Leil Shavuot—Study Through the Night 9 10:30am Shavout morning service (Yizkor) office closed, Shavuot 6:30pm Brotherhood annual meeting 12 2:00pm JCC Without Walls concert, featuring Cantor Schloss 13 7:15pm Shabbat service honoring Rabbi Alpert 14 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Services, Bar Mitzvah: Jonathan Cohen 20 6:00pm Erev Shabbat 21 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Service, Bat Mitzvah, Netanya Lebach 27 6:00pm Erev Shabbat 28 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Services

June Candle Lighting Times

6 - 8:00 P.M. 13 - 8:04 P.M.

20 - 8:07 P.M. 27 - 8:07 P.M.

Please join us for a very special evening

as we honor

Rabbi Thomas M. Alpert

for his dedication & caring leadership of our congregation.

Friday, June 13, 2008 6:00 p.m. Erev Shabbat Service Followed by a festive Oneg Shabbat

Please watch the mail for your invitation.