Junior Health 2014. Identify effects of stress on everyday issues and strategies to reduce or...

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Junior Health 2014

Identify effects of stress on everyday issues and strategies to reduce or control stress.

Understand the role of stress on the body

Discover ways to help manage stress appropriately

Create a poster to inform others on ways to help manage stress

Stress: The reaction of the body and mind to everyday challenges and demands

Perception: The act of becoming aware through the senses.

Stressor: Anything that causes stress People Objects Places Events Situations

The reaction of the body and mind to everyday challenges and demands

Ex. Running late, can’t find keys, exam, playing in a championship game, arguing with a friend, ect.

Why may someone feel more stress in a certain situation than another???

The act of becoming aware through the senses.

one way to deal with stress is to change how you perceive and react to the events that causes it.

Ex. Two friends argue. One is more stressed than the other over the fight. Why?

The act of becoming aware through the senses.

one way to deal with stress is to change how you perceive and react to the events that causes it.

Ex. Two friends argue. One is more stressed than the other over the fight. Why?

Anything that causes stress

People Objects Places Events Situations

Some effect all in similar way-Siren Going to a new school-anticipation vs


Two types: 1. Eustress: positive stress2. Distress: negative stress

Chronic stress:

Long term stress

For example:

Workaholics often have chronic stress.

Acute stress:

Temporary stress

For example: The night before a big test you might experience acute stress.

Biological stressors Illnesses, disabilities, injuries

Environmental stressorsPoverty, pollution, crowding, noise, natural

disaster Cognitive (thinking)-stressors

perception on a situation Personal behavior stressors

Negative reactions in body and mind caused by tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs; lack of Physical Activity

Life situation stressorsDeath of pet, divorce, relationships

Three phases:

1. Alarm

2. Resistance

3. Fatigue

Homeostasis: When your body’s systems function smoothly and your mind is at ease. (normal balanced state)

In the alarm stage, mind and body go on high alert

Gets ready to “Flight or Fight Response”Prepares body to defend itself or flee from danger

body produces adrenaline.

Hypothalamus: small area on base of brain receives

danger signals from other parts of brainreleases a hormone that acts on

Pituitary Gland  Pituitary Gland:

Secrets hormone that stimulates adrenal gland

Adrenal Gland:Secrets adrenaline “emergency hormone”

that prepares body to respond to stressor

Pupil dilation, fast heart rate and pulse

Increased: perspiration, blood pressure, respiration, blood flow to brain and muscles, muscle tension

Rise: of blood sugar, fats, and cholesterol

Narrowing of arteries to internal organs and skin

The body continues to function at a higher level.

Body adapts to rush created by the alarm and reacts to the stressor

Stage at which you fight or flight Body able to perform at a high level

of endurance Ability to accomplish incredible


In this stage, your ability to effectively manage other stressors is very low. Both the mind and body have become exhausted.

3 TypesPhysicalPathological: Psychological

Physical: Results when muscle work vigorously for long periods

Leads to Soreness and painReaction becomes impaired, and muscles tire

quickly Psychological: Mental

results from constant worry, overwork, depression, boredom, isolation, or feeling overwhelmed by too many responsibilities

Pathological: overworking of the body’s immune and defense systems for fighting disease.

is tiredness brought on by overworking body’s defense in fighting disease

Anemia, the flu, being overweight, and poor nutrition

Three examples of life threatening stress-related illness

High Blood Pressure Heart DiseaseStroke

Psycho: of the mind Somatic: of the body

Physical reaction that results from stress rather than from an injury or illness

Sleep disorder, Skin disorders, Stomach, Digestive Problems

Headache-70% Asthma High Blood Pressure Weakened immune system

Difficulty Concentration Hard to focus during stress Causes negative self-talk and the distorted belief the

failure is inevitable

  Mood Swings Results from hormonal changes and social and

academic pressures Puts strain on relationships with family and friends

  Risk of substance abuse Increase vulnerability Many people give stress as reason they started

drinking or smoking Use increases stress and leads to even bigger


Stress associated with long term problems beyond a persons controlBody’s reaction is less intense but it lasts longer-sometime for monthsSymptoms Include: upset stomach, insomnia, headache, change in appetite and feeling anxious

Physical Activity Support among friends/ family Hobby or activity that relaxes you Avoid using tobacco, alcohol, and other


1. Plan ahead2. Get adequate sleep3. Get regular physical activity 4. Eat healthy foods and regular meals5. Limit comfort foods: (sugars and fats)6. Limit caffeine: will actually increase the physical

effects of stress on the body7. Avoid alcohol, tobacco and drugs

Redirect your energy (work on creative project, exercise, etc)

Relax and laugh (deep breathing, thinking pleasant thoughts, stretching, etc)

Keep a positive outlook Seek out support Express yourself (learn positive strategies

for expressing needs, wants, and feelings. Set goals for you future.)




Review your list of stressors, next to each one write down how you can manage it.