Just Say No to No

Post on 27-Jul-2015

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Just say NO to No! Keeping Your Space Positive

By: Candice Warren



Today’s objective: To create a spark about what you can do to add more positivity your space

-Children’s Department -Teacher -Mom

-Service area size: 15,000 -# of check outs last year: 30,979 -Built in 1915 as a Federal Court/Post Office

+Let’s Take a Quick Journey…..

■  Visual it…

■  Now, picture this…



+The Why Behind Just Say NO!

-We have limited prime real estate. We did not want to use ours on negative signage.

-Impressions are usually made before a visitor even talks to a staff member.

-Most times, it is one person or a handful of people that need the no sign.

-Do you ever feel like the people that need to read the no signs do not?

-It is just not the environment that we wanted to create. We had a good foundation and that gave us room to grow.

-We realized this is completely doable.

+Merchandizing? But I Don’t Work at Wal-mart!

■  “We all like to feel welcome in the spaces that we frequent, and the visual appearance of each space often elicits an emotional response.” -ideas.demco.com

■  It is important to look for ways to put services and products forward, not annoyances.

■  Easy tweak areas?

+I Need My Signs, What Can I Do?

■  Where can you work in positive wording? Consider adding what to do instead of what not to do.

■  Take a good look at why a sign is needed.

■  Staffing can be the biggest asset in where and why signs are needed.

■  This is a good time to review policy and procedures.

■  Make them count!



Impact of Negative Words

Now, Let’s Look at That Prime Real Estate…

Some places for us include:

Wall directly across from elevator



-Large foyer room

-Around circulation desk


Visual Impact



Visual Impact

Getting it Right!

+Room for Improvement




Getting from Negative to Positive

■  Get out of your own skin

■  Start asking yourself, “Why not?”

■  Have members do a mystery shop for you

■  Bring in your family or ask to bring in their families

■  Listen to your community

■  Discuss items with your Director or your staff

■  Try a different approach

■  Proof is in the pictures

■  Volunteers, etc.

■  Make a plan!

-Tips and Suggestions

+Be Ready…. (the Negatives of Going Positive)

■  This is how we have always done it…

■  We don’t have the fund, time, resources….

■  Why should we do this?

■  Wow, you changed things….

■  Can’t wait until this is over…

■  I can do this better…


Assignment: Grab a pad of paper, assistant/co-worker and do a walk through. Count your no signs and look with fresh eyes.

Last Thoughts -Aim to leave a lasting impression

-Use your last chance to WOW them! -Now, picture this…



+Candice Warren Livingston County Library candy@livingstoncountylibrary.org 660-646-0563, Children’s Department https://www.pinterest.com/livcolibrarian/