Justin ferrell uutisraivaaja boot camp

Post on 19-Jun-2015

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the intellectual identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another

empathy: what?


empathy: what?


empathy is:

when you feel what the other person is feeling.

when you can mirror their expression, their opinions, and their hopes.

empathy: what?


to discover people’s explicit and implicit needs so that you can meet them through your design solutions.

empathy: why?

designers approach empathy . . .

without judgment

with a beginner’s eyes

with curiosity



empathize: how?

engage with your users to learn who they are

tell me about the last time you _________?

tell me about an experience you’ve had with _________?

seek stories

how did you feel when _________ happened?

what were you feeling at that moment?

talk about feelings

really? can you tell me why that matters?

say more about that . . . I see . . . do you know why you think that?

okay. and that is important because why?

follow up with “why?”


quotes & defining words

actions & behaviors feelings & emotions

thoughts & beliefs

sneak peak to the next phase

what you see your user, body language, artifacts

what you hear quotes, stories, key words, contradictions

what you feel that your user is feeling emotions, beliefs, confusion

capture your findings

Define: What’s a need?

are human physical and emotional necessities

capture the goals and motivations of the person for whom you are designing

are verbs, not nouns (opportunities, not solutions)

needs . . .

reframe the challenge

give you an actionable direction to go in

lead to novel solutions

insights . . .

understand the experience

identify user, reveal the needs, articulate insights

reframe the problem into a new point of view

part 1: saturate

understand the experience share stories

identify user, reveal the needs, articulate insights grouping : empathy maps

reframe the problem into a new point of view

part 1: saturate methods

quotes & defining words

actions & behaviors feelings & emotions

thoughts & beliefs

< what we see & hear what we feel the user is feeling >





understand the experience : share stories

identify user, reveal the needs, articulate insights

reframe the problem into a new point of view

part 2: synthesize

has empathetic language about the user (think specific)

identifies a need that is deep & emotional (think verb)

incorporates unexpected insights (think observation + interpretation)

point of view: construction

a unique, concise reframing of the problem that is grounded in user needs & insights

point of view: what?

point of view: components

user be specific

need use verbs

insight observation + interpretation

user babies in rural areas

need immediate warmth in early hours

insight bring warmth to the babies

point of view: components



Focus on individuals

synthesize: how?

identify patterns

isolate outliers

create composites

part 2: synthesize mad-lib

user need insight

part 2: synthesize mad-lib

user need insight

point of view: components

user be specific

need use verbs

insight = observation + interpretation

user desperate nepali mother

need to keep premature baby warm in the early hours

insight most mothers don’t have the means to bring their baby to a hospital

point of view: components

specific user

what nobody else noticed

need, not solution

user teenager

need to eat healthy food

insight certain nutrients are necessary for physical and cognitive health and development

point of view: components

user 9th grade girl at a new school

need to eat healthy food

insight certain nutrients are necessary for physical and cognitive health and development

point of view: components

specific user

user 9th grade girl at a new school

need to feel socially accepted while eating healthy food

insight certain nutrients are necessary for physical and cognitive health and development

point of view: components

specific user

deep need that’s hers, not ours

user 9th grade girl at a new school

need to feel socially accepted while eating healthy food

insight in her hood, a social risk is more dangerous than a health risk

point of view: components

specific user

deep need that’s hers, not ours

surprising finding rooted in empathy work

the best way to get a good idea is to get a lot of ideas. — linus pauling, nobel prize chemist

© wikimedia commons

brainstorm: demo

brainstorm: how?

define the problem clearly and succinctly brainstorm: best practices

brainstorm: how?

selection: how?

One vote each for: 1.  Most likely to succeed

2.  Most likely to delight

3.  Most breakthrough

to gain empathy to explore to test to inspire

understand the design space

build to think

test and refine solutions

inspire with your prototype

prototype: why?

prototype: fail early and often

cost of failure vs. project time

“Like this?”

“Mm, yes like that.” Developed for Gyrus ACMI, ENT Division

prototype: scale resolution

prototype: create experiences