Justine dredge empathy map and problem statement ideation prototype

Post on 25-May-2015

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“You are expected to know what you want early. That is hard for generalist studies like Economics”

“Lots of effort is required to get through the application process, you have to be really committed”

“I probably really needed career advice”

“You have to get the timing right in so many places as you try and get the right job”

“Its interesting to see the differences between those grads who have worked before and those who haven't. If you have you don’t have the romantic view of working life anymore”

“No one teachers you how to book a meeting room or send a fax at Uni”

“We don’t know how to question the status quo? Or to share what we see as fresh eyes”

“I just didn’t want to do Admin anymore – I wanted more autonomy and to be more in control of my career ”

“We get a lot from the Grad network. Now I am starting to think about mentors”

“I don’t know where I will end up but I feel lucky to be here as its been good to me”

Not much personal/personalised support through the process – like Career support, Self actualisation support or mentors

“I agree I am addicted to choice and not sure that helps me make decisions”

“There are lots of opportunity and choices available and some of the websites are terrible and don’t represent themselves well or offer support ”

Unable to observe behaviour

Not much personal/personalised support through the process – like Career support, Self actualisation support or mentors

Thinks the process is really hard and repetitive – its about the companies and not about you getting placed in an appropriate place

Thinks choices are really important and to never shut any options down

Thinks the employers could do more the all the information they collect through the process

Thinks that not enough is done to maximise the opportunity presented by these new fresh faces and their ideas

Its not clear what a “Grad” is any more – 50% of the Grads in her in-take had work experience already

Not much personal/personalised support through the process – like Career support, Self actualisation support or mentors

There are different types of “Grads”. They have different backgrounds and different needs and expectations which are not recognised throughout the process

There is some useful external intelligence available here – external perceptions, and modern ideas to assess some the challenges the businesses face

Confident and grateful for the grad opportunity

Not committed to a “single” role or even profession

Empathy for a task ahead of all the new Grads coming in to the program – the effort it takes, the reality hit when they realise work is hard and its not as romantic as they perceived it to be”

Its important for the Grads to help each other – that’s a really positive thing to do even though they kind of compete with each other for placements and jobs

Not much personal/personalised support through the process – like Career support, Self actualisation support or mentors

There are different types of “Grads”. They have different backgrounds and different needs and expectations which are not recognised throughout the process

It’s a very competitive situation but employers depend on this group to support each other

There is some useful external intelligence available here – external perceptions, and modern ideas to assess some the challenges the businesses face

Problem Statement

Stakeholder Needs Insight



A Graduate with work experience of 6/7 years who is not yet committed to a profession or job. She is addicted to choice and a very adaptable person. She feels very lucky about where she has ended up and is enjoying the graduate experience. She learns a lot each day and she is very confident that she can contribute.

To be able to self actualise and get to know what is truly important to her so she can channel her energy and effort into a role which will contribute to the organisation she works for but also her own personal needs

It is a very competitive environment and takes much effort to get from school to a company and job that is fulfilling. It is helpful for everyone involved for the Grads to be on a journey that is satisfying as early as possible


- Produce and deliver a new study unit at school - Produce and deliver new courses at Uni - Product and deliver courses in Grad programs - Build and offer Private courses - Invest in a series of books - Place Mentors at school - Place Mentors at Uni - Have Mentors assigned in Grad programs - Post the Grad programs offers to buy - Develop Parents training programs - Develop Employer knowledge programs - Influence the current programs in schools - Influence the current programs in Uni - Influence the current approach taken in the grad programs - Develop communication programs through online - Develop communication programs through mainstream media - Magazines - Work with business councils to integrate need and methods - Work with teaching associations to integrate need and methods - Work with church groups - Leverage recruitment agencies messages and programs - Leverage Student bodies within Universities - Leverage support groups for trade apprentices - Investigate appropriateness of messages for Unions

Content/Channels/Motivators/Audiences/Process sequence Build new/influence existing School/Post school/Post uni/trades/employers

- Investigate Superannuation channels for sharing methods - Employment focused Government areas - Employers for triggering further study in areas of importance - Quote books relating to doing whats important as a job - Screen savers to support whats important messages - Build an App - Utilise gamification to trigger importance factors -Create a spokesperson/leader personality - Approach student councils and integrate into the open days at Uni

Some idea groups

3 Different Ideas

Practical Disruptive Favourite

QUOTE BOOKS Develop specific “Quotes” book to create consideration of what's important to an individual. These could include quotes from particular high profile people and relate to ensuring you know what drives you as a person. They could carry in the back prompters for how you might work through what is important to you – even advertising for the types of support points that exist for students to draw on (funding the publication). They could be sold generally (perhaps within Student and Industry Associations) and perhaps at a subsidy within Universities and Trade schools.

A lifelong App Development of a website or “Application” that supports a person through their life journey. An App could collect information about the Intellectual and emotional progression of the person as they move through from perhaps late high school years to employment. The App can be collecting behavioural inputs over time from all of those who have downloaded it and using the collective to categorise, support and guide each of the users. The app could be supported by real people to help work through more complex barriers. It could cost to download initially and then perhaps be modulised over the long term to manage cost claw back.

Formal and cross functional mentors and coaches within Graduate programs Create a formal role within Graduate programs who are assigned and support the graduates (even before they join the organisation of possible) to determine what is important to them . This can support not only the pathway to the job that gets the most from them but also with tools for how to manage the role or tasks that aren't in alignment. There are always complex, difficult and confusing situations that arise in the workplace and an independent person to bounce ideas and solutions from is a powerful contributor to positive culture and outcomes. This solution seems doable to me and I think can be put in place and refined to maximise its effectiveness.

Prototype Summary

Practical – Quote book

Prototype Description Create an overview of the book and its content. It will include quotes from a range of different professions talking about what is important to them and how this plays out or applies to their everyday life and jobs. Topics being covered might include Life, Family, Work, Religion, Community, Nature, The Earth….. Items/Method used Paper – content per page - descriptions of key professions and areas of quotes outlined. At the end are two pages where the book owner can build their own quotes. Photo Success measure of such a prototype? Because it is a book this method for prototyping worked well. I was as descriptive as I could be in terms of the actual quotes but of course the main part of the work is sourcing the quotes themselves.

Prototype Testing Summary

Practical – Quote Book

What worked Different peoples quotes from different professions a good idea. Can show the differences within a profession and how individuals apply their skills differently because of what's important to them. The content triggered a conversation about considering what is important to this stakeholder – so seemed to have the desired effect. What could be improved Be very specific to the practical application of the skill and “what's important” to the persons life. Ensure the quotes have longevity – so a person could pick it up and various times in the journey from school to job and it would still make sense. Questions How would a Grad get the book? Ideas Triggered conversations about diversity and the similarities which might exist between people so perhaps has a broader application.

Prototype Summary

Disruptive – App or a website to provide self support tools

Prototype Description Create a mock up of the pages and potential content that would be available at the first access point for an individual moving from School to Uni to Employment via an App they download or a website they have personal access to. Items/Method used Paper Stick notes Success measure of such a prototype? Due to the complexity of this offer more detail was required which I had to talk to. I left the Q&A page Blank to try and see if she would be able to tell me what this should be by this time in the testing – she was Able to and had some good ideas.

Prototype Testing Summary

What worked “This is a cool idea. It would be like an online group mentor” What could be improved - Use quick check boxes in the journaling section for days when you haven't much time or energy. This will help create a mix of written words and data to use to build other stories and feedback. - Tools like Trends and Word Maps would be really cool to have - You could use a combination of tasks to click on and then a list to choose how you felt completing those tasks and then the “brain” behind the app could tell you the things you are struggling with and those you clearly love and excel at. Trends could be built and fed back to the user. Questions - This would be really really hard to build? It would be expensive so it would have to be an App that people purchased? - How would you manage negative things coming from it – too many recommendations that we hard to implement would make people stop using it? - How would you encourage people to keep “journaling” Ideas - Push out reminders - Q & As – would be a blog, group helpers. - Links to articles would be really helpful but have to be up to date?

Disruptive – App or a website to provide self support tools

Reflection (also in the text box)

What was learned by testing and building a prototype? - Validation of the Practicality or Disruptive labels given to the ideas - Reality check! - How easy will progress actually be - Are the next steps valid - Other ideas or extensions on the basic idea - Makes you start to flesh out the details - Observe the objectives come alive (or not) What would I do next to continue working on this project? - After the testing I actually have a little more confidence that the ‘Disruptive” idea could be pursued and may be possible - Next I would progress some of the key messages and descriptions of the tools available through the application and progress the prototype - More test subjects are needed to really understand the broad appeal of the solution: testing will need to extend beyond the obvious users to those skill sets necessary to build the content. - Alongside this it will be important to understand the steps and costs to build such an extensive technology based tool