K-2 Instructional Choice Board · 2020. 4. 1. · K-2 Instructional Choice Board Parents and...

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K-2 Instructional Choice Board Parents and students choose at least one choice from each subject area and complete the task in the box. Save a copy of the students' work for each task your students complete. Examples are provided.

(ELA) - Letter - Write a letter to someone special. Make a deposit in their emotional bank account! That means to share nice things about the person. Be sure to use correct spacing between words, capitalization, and punctuation in your letter.

( ELA ) - Book - Create your own story book. Your book must have at least one character, a setting, and the plot of the story. Be sure to include a beginning, middle, and an ending. Be sure to use spacing between words, correct capitalization, and punctuation at the end of sentences.

( PE ) - Create a hopscotch and practice skip counting. Try different ways to arrange your hopscotch. If you do not have chalk, you can use numbered sheets of paper. Write and draw about the different ways to arrange your hopscotch. Be sure to use correct spacing between words, capitalization, and punctuation.

( PE ) - Think of your favorite exercises from PE class. Practice the exercises in sets of ten. Count out loud while you are practicing. Example: 10 Jumping Jacks 10 Sit Ups 10 Lunges 10 Push Ups 10 Hops on one Leg 10 Big Arm Circles

Additional Subjects Are Below ⇩

Parents and students choose at least one choice from each subject area and complete the task in the box. Save a copy of the students' work for each task your students complete. Examples are provided.

( Math ) - Create 6 Addition or Subtraction Word Problems with Groups of 10.

Example: Mrs. Smith had 53 balloons. She popped 30 of them. How many balloons does Mrs. Smith have left?

(53-30 = 23)

Example: Mack had 12 baseballs. His Dad gave him 10 more baseballs. How many does Mack have altogether ?


( Math ) - Build a collection of 100 items. How many different ways can you sort your collection of 100? Write and draw about your collection. Be sure to use correct spacing of words, capitalization, and punctuation in sentences. Example: I have a collection of 100 pieces of food. I can sort them by groups of 10. I can sort them by types of food. I can also sort them by size and shape and color. Seven types of food are the same color as the other pieces in their group. Three types have different colors.

( Science ) - Go outside and collect 10 things that you find in nature. It might be rocks, leaves, flowers, pine cones, acorns, etc. Select 3 of the items and create a bubble map for each one. Use words to describe the objects in the bubble map.

( Science ) - Draw a picture of an insect of your choice. Label the picture and write 3-5 sentences to describe the insect. Example: 1. The ant has a red head. 2. The ant has two

antennae. 3. The ant has a pointed

abdomen. Use correct spacing of words, capitalization, and punctuation of your sentences.

Additional Subjects Are Below ⇩

Parents and students choose at least one choice from each subject area and complete the task in the box. Save a copy of the students' work for each task your students complete. Examples are provided.

( Social Studies ) - Think of your favorite person from history. Write a letter to that person, and explain why the person is your favorite. Be sure to include lots of details in your letter. Use correct spacing between words, capitalization, and punctuation. Include at least 3-5 sentences in your letter.


Dear Dr. King,

You are my favorite person. I love that you used powerful words to inspire people. You had a great dream. I especially like how you fought for what is right!

Your friend,


( Social Studies ) - Think of an important person you learned about this year. Write and explain why this person is important in your opinion. Use correct spacing between words, capitalization, and punctuation. Include at least 3-5 sentences.

( Music/Art ) - Let’s Write An Informational Book! What art or music topic do you know a lot about? Create an informational book about your topic. Make sure you have details and illustrations in your informational book. You can also include captions and labels to tell about your pictures. This photo shows the covers of just a few books. You can select any topic you want to write about. We can bind the books when we get back to school.

( Music/Art ) - Draw your favorite food. Write a recipe for your favorite food. Include all ingredients and steps to making it. Make sure that the steps to the recipe are in order. Example: To make cookies, you will need one cup of sugar, one cup of flour, and one stick of butter. Have an adult help mix up all ingredients. Have the adult bake them. Enjoy the yummy snack!

A Rubric is Below ⇩

Writing Rubric for K-2 Choice Board

Possible Points Earned 3 2 1

Completion of Task There is evidence that the task is fully complete.

There is some evidence that the task is complete.

There is little evidence that the task is complete.

Correct Spacing All sentences have correct spacing between


Most sentences have correct spacing between


Few sentences have correct spacing between


Ending punctuation All sentences have correct ending punctuation.

Most sentences have correct ending punctuation.

Few sentences have correct ending punctuation.

Capitalization The first word in each sentence is capitalized

and all names of specific people or places are


The first word in each sentence is capitalized and most names and places are capitalized.

The first word in each sentence is capitalized

and few names and places are capitalized.