K Wilkes Allen Ginsberg 1926-1997. K Wilkes Outline: Ginsberg - background, ideology, influences,...

Post on 23-Dec-2015

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K Wilkes

Allen Ginsberg


K Wilkes


• Ginsberg - background, ideology, influences, context etc.

• Beat movement – influences, jazz etc.

• Ginsberg’s work – a full analysis taking into account the assessment objectives required for A2 terminal examination.

K Wilkes

Allen Ginsberg

• 1926-1997. born into Jewish family. Formally educated.• Groups of poets, musicians and writers seemed to

gather round him – he is cited as an influence by many writers.

• Bisexual, long-term partner until death (40 years) – Peter Orlovsky.

• Interested in politics and social change – ideas of freedom, peace and equality.

• Drug use. Influenced by jazz and art movements.• Became a Buddhist.• Broke away from traditional poetic structure – almost

conversational, one breath lines, early long line experiments.

K Wilkes

His work:

Ginsberg has written numerous pieces, too many to frighten you with here… so, for hwk – you can go and seek out his works online!

K Wilkes

Extract from Howl:

I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed bymadness, starving hysterical naked,dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawnlooking for an angry fix...

Howl on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfBzCG4H8uo&feature=channel


K Wilkes

K Wilkes

K Wilkes

K Wilkes

K Wilkes

K Wilkes