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it, Barnard Castle,

wit Merchant | D C Y D E R I N B O T T L E Is of . K r » t 3d W«ter« I Syphon8.

[ B E R .

BHHD 1854. T

Metcalfe find Potato Salesman, '

id Seedsman, I R N A R D C A S T L E .

stables a lwaya i n s t o c ? * ad Crosses made to orn

Rel iab le F i r m i n g taiofeTerydeTOript!^

i and Farm P r o d u e * . ^

| A R R I S O N , »r and V a l u e r ,


kS M O T H S < L E S

# TIMS-1? 3?6? I '

ter , Jewel le r , Oyols and M o t o r Agent ,


E N G L I S H , W A L T H A M 188 WATCHES,

i n d Suitable A r t i c l e s (or | B i r thday Presents.

lger, Lea-Franois, Haxle-| l i o n o p o l e , Star , and other

i and Motor* , from £6 6s.

JOB, American Organs, -hand Cycles.

ar so the ( I T C - [


itto I I O r * et Lahore.' igregat lon at the moroiog Ohoroh, Bs rna rd Oastle,

i the VenerableA robdeacou who is on a v i s i t to tha the w o r d s : " Y e t oow be

si, saith the L o r d ; and b« ihaa, the son of Josedeea, I be strong, a l l the peopl* he Lord , and w o r k ; f ° * 1

the Lo rd of hosts." The J th lcgs , said the Preaober. I upon to be s t rong : " JUS promise t h a t 8 ° d


w * , taga was f rom the Lora

le r message was p«e troublous t imes. | D * ! I tarniDg to the prophet* m

they loved s t r q n g ^ P 1 * i u robns) hea l th and u» at, best of a l l , the mso « d . Lord Kitobeoer, B»J

J l r s l Beatty, and Ll°7° the nation's choioe ^0J^Tt

Religious l i f e W^fSt I Ol iver Cromwel l d id •»» l i s rel igions fervour. » t enthnaiasm. And H eaders of the chnroh sW»

. » etroog l ine so *»»V',0|S [They could a l l be **°ibe never was a t ime " b e , S w i r s was so urgen t . JJid . h a d suffered and *»%Jiog day aod n igh t , *£JMf

[for those at home- B*5Poot |d a Navy whioh e ^ T E M

Res and dootorS dld_»# t b e a a , d i l they remem^f - j | " O r a e t l » b o , e i o r k l i s ^

n k , i > was no use w . t e t How th is war * ° o l " ! i « a

prayers ! I f a man P*% tf i l r a l Beatty had aaia : , a

J i s war. England « n ° " ! D O t • [knees." A n d h e W f * ^ , * b a i . General * tfft

Jboner was s msn otv - b e y ' day said his P « T e i % r a i »° ecret tha t t o P * » f l n n w»*

|said that i f the nesW« „ „ food they moet *°rbory

Arohbiabop of Oeo»" t B « y the Preacher tboUg" ^ sater t rus t than *'? ,

iri0»o»« kuntry bad changed D* ^

k beaat i la l • a ° o a , e i h i s *** sua had shone. »b»

H>g. He b e l i e f J W fcitty. Spain af* Sut God aent H i f w * " f

Japoleon though" * a f l * The L o r d I n t e r p o l ^ T b e

overpower B a ^ ^ J it out to oonqae* Jainer**?

it. England * » * t b «

L o r d " ana P f ^ d ted 3 y the V i c a r . J B

w s f O e t l snd Orphan***

T H E T E E 8 D A L E M E R O U R Y — W E D N E S D A Y , J U L Y 2b, 1917 .

T j 0 O A L A N D O T H E R N O T E S .

Venerable Archdeacon T . Hodgson, B A. Tj e

n tiugdon, is the uncle of M r s Lang, wife K ulRev. Robinson Lang,of Raby Avenue.

i e t Brown and E the l Nelson, pupils of !'° Daisy Holliday, Staindrop, have passed

US honours in the preparatory grade a t the t examination of the Incorporated Society

f ^ i c i a n s , held i n Dar l ington.

u rharlea Edward Hunter , J.P., of H i l l H a l l , „fnff and 30, Old Burl ington-st reet , W.,

and Wemmergil l H a l l , Bfly of Selaby and Wemmergi l l " • man of the Houghton M a i n Col l iery

I ̂ ^ M a n v e r s Ma in Col l iery, l e f t £250,000. 0

The President of the Wesleyan Conference j am coming to pay a v i s i t to my nat ive

p e a r l y in A u g u s t ^

, i . ffoodgate, of Stain ton, has taken up a J i t o one pound i n weight. p » -o

military b i l l i a rd handicap commenced on evening a t the Conservative Club.

Last n ight , M r W i l l i a m G i l l , butcher, Cother-stone. was s t i l l ve ry seriously i l l , k ind ly neighbours meanwhile cheerfully lending a hand w i t h the hay.

o Pr ivate \ . T . Smith, of the King 's Own

Scott ish Borderers, son of M r s S. Smith, Commercial Hotel Yard , Barnard Castle, is a t home on a t en days' furlough. The young soldier has seen service i n Egypt , Dardanelles and France.

This morning, a charge of assault and a rate case comprise the charge-sheet a t the Barnard Castle Police Court.

o Company Serg t -Major B. Stoddart and

Pr ivate A . Stoddart, of Barnard Cast le; and Corporal Storey, of S tar t for th , are spending a few days' leave of absence a t t he i r respective homes.

Monday There

are some excellent players i n the Y o r k

the surgery of Doctors Adams and Robinson, t0, r e he was attended by the former.


^Lancasters. ^

J man engaged on the pipe t rack, named J clkenny, who was in jured i n the knee i n nloading a pipe, last Thursday, was brought

Doctors Adams and Robi He is

satisfactorily. —o

n was s t a t e d a t a special meeting of the Barnard Castle D i s t r i c t War A g r i c u l t u r a l Committee, on Thursday, tha t soldier labour as now available for hay and corn harvest,

Id that arrangements had been made by wh ich additional number of m i l i t a r y prisoners of

E w n o have had experience i n ag r i cu l tu ra l «rk, are available.

o Ex-Superintendent A. H . Brock, of the

Bishop Auckland Police Divis ion , has been promoted to a captaincy i n the Royal Engineers, in charge of a works company including York, Leeds, Ripon, Selby, other districts in the West R id ing .

o Lance-Corporal Edward Bousfleld, eldest son

of Mr and Mrs Bousfield, of Wooley H i l l , Woodland, has been awarded the M i l i t a r y Medal for good work i n the field, and he has teen made corporal. He is i n the 21st Battalion of the King's Royal Rifles, and has seen fifteen months' service i n France. He is only nineteen years of age. He was on leave i month ago.

The Right Rev. Dr. Lacy, Bishop of Middles­brough, visited St. Laurence's Church, Lartington, on Sunday last, when twelve candidates presented themselves for confirma­tion. His Lordship addressed a large gathering on the subject of confirmation, and

I the ceremonies a t tending an episcopal I visitation. He was accompanied by his

secretary, Father Brunner, and M r T. L y t h , taster of ceremonies. The Bishop had administered the sacrament of confirmation at tie Catholic Church, Wycliffe, earl ier i n the m


M r J. O, Sayer, the b l ind evantreliat, ooonoled the pu lp i t at the P r imi t ive Method!*! Chapel. Middle too. on Sunday ». e r r i n g ardf |eve-, ir>g, when bis able discourses w o r e l istened to by large congregations Mr J. Toward, Hsrwood, was the preaober at the Wesleyan Onureb, and M r A. Howe, Dar l ington, at the Hade B%ptiet Chapel.

*** The shooting r igh ts over W e m t n e r r U I Hour

have be»n leased this year by Lo rd Rochdale, and not Visoount H a l i h z , as sooidentslly stated last week.

*** There has been a largo it flax of vis i tors in to

the dale dur ing the la»t week. V

Misses L . Balnbrldge, D Br lgnal l , snd J. Pett ier, who p«seed the reo*nt pupil teachers' examination, at Bishop Auckland, hate a l l been appointed teachers at Middle ton Council School.

V The Primit ives at Holwiok had a uost

suooeasful camp meeting on Sunday last, whioh was held o n a high point, at the west end of the vitl*g», known ss Holwiok Cast!" The afternoon nervioewaa addressed by the Rev. C. Pettier and M r J G. ColUrson, and the evening service by Mesura T. Calllnson, J W. Temple, and Driver Fred Wateon. The services, which were both held i n the open-air, were o | a highly sp i r i tua l nstnre.

BIV. S I M P S O N J O H N S O N .




T R I B U T E T O D A L E S ' M E T H 0 0 I 8 M . I n c i l ! i " g the Rev, Simpson Johnson t o the

Chair, the Confereuoe onoe sgsln acknowledges i t s debt to oouutry Methodism. Of the wide e l rou i t of the dalea, Barnard Castle, the President's bir tholace, was the head. M r Johnson is s ix t j - f lve years of age, snd for the last six years he taas been Secretary to the Conference. A t the resumed session of the Wesleyan Conferenoe i n London, on Thursday, the outgoing President (Dr. J . ' J. Tasker) inducted the new Proi ident (the Rev. Simpson Johnson), to whom he entrusted the " simple iuaigaia of offiee," John Wesley's Bible and the keys and sea1, " concerning which ," he ssid, " much has been said and l i t t l e known." I n his presidential address, M r Johnson declared

*** The h*y harvest i n Upper Teesdale Is now

i n f o i l swing. The recent d ry weather has had a detr imental effect, and c r ips are con­sidered to be l i gh t .

o-Henoite intelligence has reached M r s Rose

man (nee Bainbridge . of S tar t for th , tha t ha husband, Lance-Corporal W. Chapman, of ::e Durham Light In fan t ry , was k i l l e d i n action on the morning of the 9th of July . A widow and one child mourn his loss. Second-Lieut D. B Scott, in a k i n d l e t t e r jus t received, says the deceased was a ve ry good soldier, and that his death is ve ry much regre t ted by a l l his comrades. His remains were bur ied i n the cemetery near the v i l lage of Wancourt , not far from Arras.

o-it has been t r u l y said tha t misfortunes

seldom come singly, and, fo l lowing s w i f t l y on the receipt of the above le t te r , came the news from the Territorial Force Record Office, York , to Mrs Chapman, Bridgegate, Barnard Castle, ™t a report had been received from the War f̂fice notifying the death of Pr ivate Thomas

Chapman, 1.6 Battalion Durham L i g h t I r i fantry , bother son, which occurred abroad—locality not stated-on the 14th of last A p r i l . He was oiled in action. A l e t t e r of sympathy from ue King ;md Queen, and an expression of • g i t from the Army Council accompany the official communication, and an assurance is 5ven that any information tha t may be feceived as to th is soldier's bu r i a l w i l l be communicated i n due course. M u c h local Apathy is felt for M r and M r s A. Chapman * the loss of their two sons.

To-day, Messrs W. J . and H . C. Watson, w well-known firm of solici tbrs of th i s town, "toplete their one hundredth year i n [•"was. M r Wi l l i am Watson, of Spring

the father of M r W. James Watson, °mmenced practice on the 25th Ju ly , 1817,

^ continued u n t i l 1840, when the la te ^lonel Watson entered in to partnership w i t h 3 and the firm was known as " W . and W. g"*-" I n 1860, M r George Watson tu L a t s o n s second son), entered the firm, 5** was then s ty led " W . , W. and G.

a.won." in igeg, M r George Watson re t i red , 1 I r W. James Watson joined the firm was then known as " W . , W. and W. J.

?•*." i n 1883, on the death of M r Wm.

School Attendance. A t the last meeting of the Teesdale Educa­

tion Sub-Committee, held last Wednesday, M r R. Lee gave the average attendances of the three diatr iots as fol iows:r-Barnard Castle, 9 2 3 ; Staindrop, 8 8 8 ; aod Teesdale, 91-7.—A teacher had been appointed In the plao* < f Miss C. A. Finney, who lias lef t the Ciobfleld Ccunoll School; and Miss Mary Ellen Carey w i l l take the place of Miss Edith Potts at the Roman Oatholio Sohool a t Barnard Oastle, at £60 per annum.

Death of M r Joseph Storey, of Lane Head, Hutton. |

The mortal remains of M r Joseph Storey were la id t " rest i n the Roman Oatholio Cemetery at Huttoo, on Monday. There waa a large gathering at the obaequlos. The deceased gentleman, who was a t on »f the late M r John Storey, succeeded his father I n the oooopanoy of the form s t Lane Head, on tbe extensive estates of Colonel Chichester Constable, i f Wood Ha l l , Constable Burton He msrrled Miss Naylor, of Bu t ton Fields, aod was educated at 8 ' . Paul ions' Academy at Oatterlok, being a fellow-student of Mr Charles J. Smith, of Barnard Csstle. Tbe widow t o d one son mourn his loss Tbe late M r Storey bad one brother i n the prleathood—Father Wil l iam Storey, of E^don Bridge, Grossmont Father Donovan, assisted by local priests, officiated. .


s e n i o r , the firm was " W . and W. J. I n 1892, on the death of Colonel

^ N t s o n , Lieut.-Colonel H . C. Watson was ^."jted a partner, and the firm became

C. Watson." I n Wells was taken in to

1907, M r B. partnership,

h n Q i , t h e t i t ^ e o f , T Watson, Watsonand Wells"" .'".!*. Mr W. J. Watson re t i red , as also d i d

•£ fh X ? r m a n Wells, i n A p r i l of th is year, b n a i n o o a i s n o w carr ied on by M r H .

the o ld s tyle of " W. J. and C. w - business H 0 S°n' under tt Wat tson.

The 0 — % r L p * o m o t e r s o f t n e Barnard Castle and Cattil w J u m b l e Sale, which w i l l be held i n the * aid , ? i r k e t ' Barnard Castle, on August 29th, have d ^ e B r i t i s h Red Cross Farmers' Fund, district l d e d t o ^ f o r w<>rkers i n each

now, the fo l lowing have ^wes M 0 1 N T E D : Messrs J. H i r d , Spi ta l to ••ohn \v 1, Graf ton , Bowes to Cross Lanes; s t e a d . - a l k e p - r Gilmonby ; J. Wilkinson, Haw-

ingham; Wm. Oliver, Greta Bridge; steads B ^ - '

S g & , C l i f f e . % « n . O v i n g t ^nei f t ,r ,r l u"» *&rm, u v i n g t o n ; S3dW? a n d MarwoodT R-* F L * " * r i e t ; Jas. Ho

Wm.Ke l l e t t , M .

Barnard Castle Bowling Tournament. Draw For To-morrow's Competition.

The bowliicg tournament which has been arranged by the Barnard Oastle Rowling Club w i l l take place to-morrow (Thursday) at 1 SO p m. About 114 entries have been reeeived, wbioh number ia considerably above lass year, and a l l that is now desired Is a f i l e day to make i t a great snooesc. A good number of p l a y r s are coming from Darlington and Bishop Auokl ind , and there is certain to be keen competition. Th« proceeds w i l l be devoted to tbe Prisoners of War Food for our loeal lads I f the weather is unfavourable the competition w i l l be postponed u n t i l Thursday, August 2nd. Tbe tennis section of tbe tournament is slso promising to be very successful, a good number of entries having been received from visitors as wel l as our own town players. The follow­ing is the draw for the bowling :—

FIRST R O U N D . G Harris . R C T F Hart , K P ; J Uamsden, BA. i J W Bewick

T Currah, H C T F Oottrell, BA ; J H Thompson T B B Gent J Downing, R A v M Davey, BA ; J T Kearton T Q H Welford; Rev F G Gatehouse r j l t B r o w n ; J Glover T A Bloomer; Adams T C Btockdale ; T Borrowdale v J W B Heslop; G White v I E Pearson, BP ; T Peacock, C v 1 K Leng, BA ; O Whent. RO v B Petty, SP ; G Bur t v J R Henderson. S P . J G Mason, BA v B Woodhams ; A W Taylor, BA T R Wood: J H —, SP T A Welford; J Quinnen v S Ki rby , B A ; M Lax, C v J Srence. SP ; Sergt Oxtoby T B * T J W Trevr i t t , BA ; & H Phill ips, KP T D r Welford ; J Frankl in v J Bailey, BP ; Morlev, RA T G K Edmondaon ; W Jackson, SP v J Graham; J Clark. RA T C Hedley j G Warnes v L 8 Seymour, B A ; 6 W B u n t v H Hodgson, EP ; R F Oowland. SP T H Hobsom A N Other, 8 * J T Knowles ; R Wood v G R Curnock. C ; G R Woodhams v H Mather, B A ; A Cockton, S P v B B Mor ton ; Rev R Lang v O 8 Scot t ; W Eastwood v T Robson. RA ; J Etherington, 8P v Rev Dr Rees, BA ; G Hurwor th . BA v J Short, N P ; S A Sweeten v G Wade, 0 ; R Nelson A Dean, U ; 8 A M a r t i n v J Hooley, C ; F V Ord v R Fl in t . SP ; 11 J Dixon v O W Burdon, B A ; J Thompson T A Richards, C ; B H Thompson v W B Lodge, BA ; T Peacock v K Bainbridge, C ; J T isndd, BA v J Gamble. C ; J G H a l l v F Fenwick, 0 ; T B Illsley v 0 Ruttar. C ; J A Stewart. BA v G W Law son, C ; J Corrie, B A v J G ToBe, C ; R Lamb C J Smith, C.

» BYES. J W Rider ; J Bailey ; F Wel fo rd ; F Wilkinson, R A ; B

Bailey, KP ; T Bainbridge ; G Oraig ; R Ryder. B A ; W Kip l ing ; F C Dalgarno; J Hutchinson, K P ; W Blenkinsop K C Hobson ; J W Welford.

Firs t round to be played by 4 p .m. Explanations:—RA, Kail way Athletic ; RC, Rise Carr ; <

Cent ra l ; EP, Kast Park ; SP, South Park ; N P , Nor th Park HC, Heaton Castle; S, Sunderland j B A , Bishop Auckland.

Metcalfe, [iope e t — " " " v i v , d a s . Peacock, Spanham, Tarn ' i jn ' i J"**0 Bayles, Lar t ing ton ; and Wm. is»ue a ^ n d e r t h w a i t e . I t has been arranged to | their na C a t ^ i°gue of gif ts , and those wishing Na* n n f 1 ^ 8 i n t n e i i 8 t must send a t least a | Access lou* to the sale, which is a > a promising

tor Poral T. 9**asbZ l i A * Aahmore, o f t h e Y o r k a n d

!Nal M ' : _ , t n i s town, has won the M i l i t a r y His brother, Pr ivate Har ry Blackett I

h e Uit»n'io ^ , o f t a i 8 o f f i ce . bas been posted to a iS«land Light Infantry.

X J - A . I D I J E 3 S . B L A N C H A R O ' S PILLS

Are unrivalled tor a l l I rregulari t ies, etc. They speedily Afford relief, and never fa i l to alleviate a l l suffering.

They supersede Pennyroyal, P i l Cochia, Bi t te r Apple, eto.

BLAMOHARD'B axe the best of a l l P i l l s for Women Sold i n boxes, li. l j d . , by BOOTS' Branohes, T A Y L O R ' S D r a g Company Branches, and a l l Chemists, or post free,

same price, from X

LESLIE M A R T Y N , Limited, Chemists, M . DALSTON L A N K , L O N D 0 3 .

f r a t t ampl t and valnahle Booklst, port tree. I d . stamp

(Photo, G. Ridsdale Cleare, 97, Lower Clapton Road, N . E )

tha t the present time—the greatest i n tbe world's history—was a coming of the Son of Man. We oonld see Him io the heroism and sacrifice of o u r men. Oar Br i t i sh manhood, saturated w i t h Christ ian ideala and inspira­tions, had revealed i t s s trength. Our national qua l i ty had -revealed i tse l f In our heroic endurance of sorrow. Br i t a in was never more vigorona and youthfol than now. The old lend was immortal i n her chi ldren. (Hear, hear).

The President aad the Right Hon. Arthur Henderson, M . P .

The election of the Rev. Simpson Johnson to the Presidential chair la locally appreolated

a great honour at a l l times—ss a special compliment i n these days of national stress and difficulty. I t w i l l be interest ing to a l l our readers to learn that the fo l lowing telegram has been reeeived by Mr Johnson from the Right Hon. Ar thur Henderson, M.P., sent through our Ambassador, Sir Q. Buchanan, Petrograd :— " Congratulations to Barnard Castle's President from i t s Member. Regret inab i l i ty to be w i t h yon Prsy Conference may continue e t q u l r y on questL n of uo ' ty . This War must secure le t te r understanding and t ruer fellowship batween oborches snd nations "

Barnard Castle Young M a n Drowned.

Offy Son of M r Bank?, Church of England Schoolmaster.

On Monday afternoon the inhabitants of this toWn were shocked on hearing that M r B i w a r d Bankf, or iv son of M r and Mrs Wi l l i am Banks, of Raby Aveou**, had been drowned at Whitby, while on holiday. The decetsad, who was employed i n the ohemioal laboratory at a Darlington works, hired a teot on Whi tby beach to bathe, about half-past nine. He had been in the water some time when i t was noticed that he was floating face downwards. V cumber of bathers went to the rescue snd brought him ashore, where ar t i f ic ia l respira­tion proved unavailing. A t tbe inquest the jary found that death was doe to heart failure vh l l a bathing, and Private Lowndes was complimented. The deoeased had just passed an examination in ohemlstry. The body arrived last night , and the oortege w i l l leave the residence at 2 30 to-morrow afternoon.

Wounded Soldiers' Outing at Mickleton.

The wounded heroes from tbe Bishop Auck­land d ts t r io t spent another enjoyable day's ont ing on Tuesday, the 17th lest., when they j i u r n e j e d by motor through del ightful scenery so tha t pret tv , l i t t l e , far away vi l lage of t l l ck le too , i n Yorkahlre. The ohildren were given a special day's holiday for the occasion, and the Ohurob Ins t i tu te was gai ly decorated w i t h flags and fljwers. There was an a b u n d ­ance of everything for the loner man awai t ing their a r r iva l , and after a most hearty dinner, served by w i l l i n g helpers, walks were taken in to tbe surrounding country. Reassembling about five o'olook a del ightful tea was partaken of, th is being followed by a oonoert and danc­ing. A vote of thanks was proposed by M r Aubin, the honorary seeretary, and ably seconded by tbe wounded " Tommies " The Vioar, the Rev. J. W. Brent, responded on behalf of the inhabitants of the diatr iot , saying how delighted they a l l were at having had the honour of entertaining each brave fellows. The food left over was afterwards sold by auction to the residents, the proceeds going to tbe amount already collected towards the hire of the ohar-a-bancs, and realiaed the to ta l of £6. Tbe party returned by way of 11 iddletoo, Barnard Castle and Shlldoo, a r r iv ing at Bishop Auckland about ten p.m., after a most enjoyable out ing.

The E u r a l Tribunal. THE VOLUNTEER TRAIkl&C C O R P S

M O V E M E N T .

The Ruling of the Central Tribunal. A meeting of the Barnard Gssita Rura l Are&

Tr ibuna l was held on Thursday, <^der the presidency of Lord Barnard. Ther. vers also present Messrs G. R O p t , J. v . I . L'avidenn. J.P, H. L . Fife, J .P. T. W. Bainbridge, c lerk ; IT. Stobart, M i l i t a r y Representat ive; W. Wood-head, a le ik to the m i l i t a r y ; and V . Hodgson, Board of Agr icu l tu re .

Exempted Farmere and the Volunteers. Lord Barnard referred to bis utterance at

the lest meeting on the eubjfot of Volunteers, and adverted to the finding of the Central Tr ibuna l i n London, which appr&red in cur last isane. I t was not now w i t h i n the pover of Tr ibunals to l a ; down a general rule tha t fat mere and others exempted abonld be obliged to jo in the Volunteers. Bach case must be considered on i t s merits, and t b e fact was wor thy of beivg remember*!? w- en tbey con­sidered that some oi<mparisrn brd betn d • v u between tbe aotion taken in tbo Nor th R id ing and that adopted on the Da?h»m side of the r i v r r . Now tha t a general nr inc 'p lo had b e e n formulated the N o i t h Yorkshire contention bad fallen to the gronnd.

The Work of the Tribunal. The Clerk read statist ics of t t e exemptions

g ran t rd by the Tr ibupa l e--d in force at the end of June, from which i t ?pp«ared that t b e abaolute exemptions cumbered 9; exemptions conditional c n t i e p eTfo ro i a r !C« of work of national performance, 13; other eonditfcmal exemptiore, 2S9; temporary certificates, ore to t h r r e morula, 2 ; three months or more. 15. He added that two eocBclcriicnn objsetera bad been granted certificated eo loi g us tiey wore engaged cn work of natiocal importance, a r d there were 45 cases or thereabouts regarded i s adjourned, wbioh inolnded those esses in which subst i tut ion WHS recocrctendrd. — I n an adjourned C3 case a C c k f i e l d youog man, who »*id he wss w o r k i t g for M r Wst»rn, < ( Waokerfleld, and who t o l d the Tr ibunal (bet be could dr ive a motor-oar, was given cor-di t inna ' " X e r r ptioc upon sgreeiog to spend his whole time in agricul ture.

The Case Remitted to the Locsl Government Board.

Tbe Cleik, w i t h tbe assistance of Lord Barnard, i n a cr se discussed at tbe last meeting, bad aebed for tbe rutins; of the central author i ty on a statement of facts submitted. After obtaining oondl t iora l exemption upuu e aubstitute being provided, the man had .left his employer's service and engaged himself to another. The question was whether the exemption held good. I t seemed pre t ty clear from the Local Government Board's le t ter that t he r had not r i g h t l y understood the qaestiou, and tbe Tr ibunal agreed to hear an application from tbe second employer as a late D S W request, —A Stainton lady aooordingly stated the facts, and aaid she cculd not carry on tbe farm w i t h ­out the man, who had been engaged at the May-day hir ings, and oama cf his own accord. She bad a soldier to work dnr ing hay harvest who bad never been on a farm before, and who had declared that farming was slow murder.— Exemption was granted pecdicg the provision of a substitute.

Miscellaneous Cases. A Whorl ton gardener, 32, married, complained

that be had boen examined and rejected by three doctors at Rlohmocd, whi le one medical man at Durham passed blm B l . He was granted temporary exemption for six months. —A L i t t l e Newsham farmer represented big man, the la t te r being 23, single, and passed for general service, bnt now wi thdrew tbe appeal because the man had Ie f tb im. A a-c-nd appeal for tbe son of tbe same farmer was adjourned, pending e rqn i ry —A farm pnpi) at Greystope, who was now paid, was sought to bs released by his master, who farms 232 acrer. He was 18 on the l e t of July, and tbe case wse «.<? j jnmed for medical examination.--Tbe occupier of East High Wood Farm, Langleydale, represented a young fellow (18) who bad been passed for general Bervioe, and the Tr ibunal ruled that tbe man bad not to be given exemption, but be must not be called up t i l l a substi tute is found.—The Chairman announced that) tbe Tr ibunal waa not prep>rad to grant any exemp­t ion to a put ter maid ing at Got don B r k , Bgglestone, who appealed on domes* ic grounds, and who went to work at Woodland Colliery in Marob, 1915, but applied for employment two years before that time.—A gannister quar iy -mao, who went to tbe Army and was rejected, and who now was passed B2, asked leave to wi thdraw his application as he was lodging an appeal w i t h the Star t for th Tr ibunal .

The Mil i tary and a Tee&dale Miner and Farmer.

The mi l i t a ry called for a review of the case of a Newblggin farmer and bar j tes miner who is working tor a barium company. I n December conditional exemption w t s &Howe>d If the man devoted bis whole time to farming, filling up his spare hours by assisting his neighbours. I n the in ter im be had engaged bimself to the Hedworth Bariam Company for work in a barytes mine, and had therefore broken his agreement w i t h the Tr ibura) . Hecoe the review.—Respmdent took i t that he had to follow his usual cal l ing, which Included that of b . r j t e s mining.—Tbe Clerk insisted tbat the man in the first instance gave his occupation as a farmer.— Respondent replied that he had 24 acres of land.—The Chairman rr-jsiaed that that was not farming. N> man spent n i l his time on 24 acres, wi thout being very idle — The Tr ibunal wi thdrew the exemption cert i f i ­cate, and respondent's oall to the Army solely depends npon the continuance or othsrwiso of the protection order as a barytes miner.—The next meeting was fixed for Wednesday, the 22nd of August, at 4 o'clock In the afternoon.

LADIESI W O O D ' S C H A L L E N G E R E M E D Y Is guaranteed under tbe sum of £100 to cure when others (a i l . Far superior to Pills, Pellets, or any Continental treatment. For a l l caces of irregularities, however obstinate, C H A L L E N G E R E M E D Y is supreme. Price 3s., 5s., Special 12a. Stamp for Particulars and

Established £0 yeare.



W A R M E M E N T O S AT Trie M U S E U M .

There is now on v low at the Museum a ve ry Interest ing l i t t l e loan collection of War Mementos, among the contr ibutors to wbioh are Lord Bernard's sons—Captains the Hon. C. W. and the Hon. R. F. V a n * ; Major J W. B. Hcslop, V .D. ; L'enfc. A. W. R H»»gb, R G A . ; Mrs Berry. Miss W. V O Sco t t ; Alts F r i e n d ; M i s W. B r o w o ; M m J. Har t Watsnn; M r J . Audas; M r J. G. Har r i s ; M r G r ~. Bune; M r F . Remedy ; M r R. M, :••• r , ; M r Walker Walne ; aod M r F r a r k Welford. Tbe oolicotlon ino'ndes a German r 'fi*-, two German helmets, Lium :>r»us shell fuses, f^agmenta or spl inters of shells, some i f whioh were fired in to the " fort i f ied t owrs , " »s the German l ineal descendants of Annanias and Sappblra described them, of ^carbaroogh, Wbifeby and H a r t l e p o o l ; a British gas helmet, a steel t rench cap, etc. We also noticed one of the Princess Mary 's chocolste-b( xes, w i t h por t ra i t and Christmae-c a r d ; numerous cartridges, an£ otber small a r t i c l e s ; a German sbrapoel shell-case, and two cartridge-eases of the famous French "Seveoty-f i tes/ 'whlob have rioce such splendid work sgaisst tbe Hans, and many other articles,

Foodstuffs and Beer. To the Edi to r of th? "Teee*ale Mercury " S I R . - I B39 M r Stamer has again been

indulg ing in his favourite pastime of g i rd ing at the ladies. I bavc BO wiab to deoy him bis pier-auto, but oa£egt-r!oal statements, w h i c h , have not srten a n rdd iog arqunlctance w i t h faot, must a r d w i l l be chal icrged. I w i l l mention but ono such st&teroent. M r Stamer w r i t e s : " There is no ^aste of fordaiufis In the brewing of beer ,bRcanee i t is i tself a palatable, wholesome, refreshing and nut r i t ious food." I w i l l have the temer i ty to say tha t th i s Is absolutely untrue, scd icoapable cf proof. I t you can guer*.nto- tbe necesaarv epaoe I w i l l discuss i t , s- d w i l l follow M r Stamer's lead and forget the War - tbe submarine menace and tha oorsfqoent food abortage. I f beer contains rqaa l cn t r l t ions feeding value w i t h the foods luffs usrd i n i ts macofaetu're, why on earth oao we not give i t to our oblldren ? I t ia no procf to a d d : "Otherwise , why do tbe vast majori ty of moderate people d r i r k I t ? " I f I urge cbat w r i t i n g to tbe papers must be a very lucra t ive proceeding because so many people indulge ia I t , I believe M r Stamer wonid be the fh st fco point cn t that the vast maj r l t y of correspondents have no thought cf £ s. d., tbf-ir flsa?cia.l interest ceo t r e i rg in the penny stamp on tee ie t ' e r to tb* Editor.— You'S t r u l y , F . G E O GATEHOtJ-'B.

C bden House, Barnard 0»si!s. July 24or .1917. [The fact that we h a m no ep>oe for tbe further

disoosaion cf this6ubj»ot is tbe sole reason f i - the discontinuance of tbe correspondence. - B D . T . M .

Funeral ot Miss Minnie Burton, of Bowes Cross.

Tc-e interment took ptace, on Thursday last, of tbe remains r f Miss ' n ' i i c l i Bnrtot ,youogeEt daughter of M r aod Mrs H. Barton, io the sequestered chufchyrrd at Bowes, io the presenoe of a large rumber of mourners aod sympathisers. The Vicar nf Bowes oocuuoted the service, wbioh w^s fe l ly choral. F lora l wreaths acd fliwen were aent by the fol l . -wing:—Mrs D r > , b o r , Mrs Hearnr, and Mrs Bursan (aunts), V fsees Morton and Ooates (cousins,, and also Miss B i r k s t t , Miss GUI, Mrs Parker, Mrs Russell, M r and M r s T. Lowes, Miss Hodgson, and M r T. 8craftoc. Messrs Russell, Donald, R-»bioson aud T. Thompson waio the bearers. " T i l l tbo d*y dawns, and shadows flee away."

EVERY w o i k J ^ J < T J h o u M Bend two stamps for our 32-pape I l lus t ra ted Book contiuninp valuable information how a l l Irregularities and suppressions may be en t i ro l j avoided or removed by simple means. Bcocmmended by eminent Phveicians as the only safe, sure, and genuine rem*Uy. Never f*ils. Thousands of

testimonials. Established 1862.

P A U L S I A N C H A P D . O l . A R K M O V T r r r m q R . -^T' .HT<"»V r . s w j t . I x l M D O S ,

Fruit Preserving without Sugar. Choose acn id dry f ru i t , plaoe in clean dry

bottles or jars. Place these in alow oven and gradually increase heat u a t i l moisture in f ru i t is absorbed (about 15 micntes). Then fill w i t h boi l ing water to half an inch ab >ve f ru i t . Seal while hot by pouring on half-at.-tnch melted " A T O R A " Block Suet. Do not dis turb u n t i l set and cold. Cover w i t h paper. " A T O R A " Beef Suet i n Blocks for F ry ing , Cooking, Preserving, or Ready Shredded for Puddings and Pastry. Sold by a l l Grocers and Stores.

PIGS ARE OFTEN TROUBLED W I T H WORMS. Thorley's Worm Powders w i l l clear same. Sold In Cartons coctalning 6 Powders, 5d., by Agonts i u a l l par t s ; or by post 12 Powders, 1/1; 96 Powders, 6/6, on receipt uf remittance, by Joseph Thorley, L imi ted , King's Cross, London, N.

Zemoline Skin Ointment is the Ointment w t h a 10 yeara'-non-f allure reputstion,l/l£ par Jar, from Mason's Drug Stores, the Zemollr.s D j p d i , Barnaul Oastle.


NO Pi l ls or Drugs ne«-d io t'cis t r ea tmen t ; m y c e v e r f i i l i r g - tmedy, i t rd I guarantee

to cure a l l female r-1 u n i t s I i nv i t e those eaBfis that have failed - isnwKAre. Stamp, free advice.-Ross's • L A B O R A T O R Y , " N>. 8, M i t r e -stre<)t, Coelstnbam.

%mn, mHMiiin. AND QEOTIS. laatfce

BANKS .—On Mond«y, 23-d Ju'y, Edward, only S u of M r and Mrs •>*; bs, 8, Raby Avenue, Barnard Castle. Drowned at Whi tby . Funeral, Barnard Oastle Cemetery, on Tnursday afternooG. Cortege to leave rosideooe at 2-30 p.m.

THOMPSON .—At 17 Mun'albo-terrsce, Barnnrrl Castle, on July 22nn. H»dgson A. Thompson, s-'ed 68 ; e w s . Ineerment on Wednesday tto-day). July 25th Friends ple*se accept t . l s iuiimation.—Ms fljwera (by request).

In Mi-moriam. B R C N S K I L L . — I n loving memory 'of Jane Ann,

* i f e of Thorns* Brunski i l , of Rardiogs, R imaldkirk, who dj< d J a l j 21st, 1916 — E t e r remembered by her nuabaud acd family.

DODDS - I n lov icg memory of Pr ivate B. D-idds, 20th Durham L i p - t I ; f v . i r v , who died July 2 i t b , 1916, aged 23 >eara.

Had we but seen him yet in life. Watched by h.^ dying bbd.

Cau.ht tbe last t i ckerm^ of his breath. Aud touched bs dying bead.

We th ink our hearts mall not have felt £uch bitternest'and gtief;

But God bad »ill d i t otherwise— And now he rests in peice.

— Ever remembered by bis father, mother, sister, and 'cruther-ic-law.

R A I N B — I O loving memory of Annie, dearly beloved wife uf Charles Raine, Bridgcg«te, Bernard Castle, w h o entered in to rest Ju ly 26tb, 1915.-Ever remembered by her lov ing husband, daughters and son-in-law.

Return Thanks. M R AND U R 3 B U R T O N AND F A M I L Y , Bowes

Cross, wisb to express thei r appreciation of the many tokens of tympany shown to them in their sad bereavement by a largo c i rc le of friends.

M R AND MRS L A M BERT, Croft House, Bowes, also M R A N D MRS PRESTON, North G i l l , Lar t iogtco , wish so thank a l l friends for ktodoess and sympclhy shown them ia the i r recent sad bereavecnt.

M R AND MRS HKNRY WATSON A N D F A M I L Y , Newbiggin, wish to thaok a l l f lends for k ind letr ?s and sympathy shown t tbem la tbe i r i oont Mad bereavement, %. rough tne ioss of heir son who died from v. .muds i n if ranee.

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