K12 Curriculum Strategy - December 2008 - draft 10

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K12 Curriculum Strategy - December 2008 - draft 10


K-12 Curriculum and InstructionStrategy Alignment and Gaps

Senior Leadership Meeting Briefing



Rewind to 2003

State-legislated decentralization

Over 100 different mathematics curricula used across the district

No coherent district professional development

State and district summative assessments

Lack of curricular focus; ISBE and Chicago standards

To PresentDistrict supported mathematics materials in grade K-8; reading materials in K-5; science materials K-8, all

with aligned professional development and in-school supports

English, mathematics, and science IDSs at HS with aligned professional development and in-school supports

Interim assessments in reading (K-11), mathematics (3-11), and science (9-11); common 8-9 th grade Algebra exit exam; common 8th grade writing assessments

Strong understanding of centrality of teaching and learning reflected in policies and programs (teacher specialization, leadership development, area focus on instruction)

Robust evaluation plans around key instructional programs and initiatives


CPS Strategy: Instructional Excellence

High QualityMaterials



In-School Supports

Teacher Capacity Instructional Excellence

Questions to consider around curriculum and instruction alignment:

Is the strategy robust?

RedRed: no strategy, inadequate strategy

YellowYellow: pilot, experimental, hard-to-scale, incomplete, little evaluation data

GreenGreen: robust, evaluation data support

Is the strategy broad?In how many schools is the strategy current in place?

Is the strategy well implemented?How closely does program design match program implementation?

…applies to all tiers of…

Literacy K-12 Strategy Alignment


RedRed: no strategy, inadequate strategy

YellowYellow: pilot, experimental, hard-to-scale, incomplete, little evaluation data

GreenGreen: robust, evaluation data support

Mathematics K-12 Strategy Alignment


RedRed: no strategy, inadequate strategy

YellowYellow: pilot, experimental, hard-to-scale, incomplete, little evaluation data

GreenGreen: robust, evaluation data support

Science K-12 Strategy Alignment


RedRed: no strategy, inadequate strategy

YellowYellow: pilot, experimental, hard-to-scale, incomplete, little evaluation data

GreenGreen: robust, evaluation data support

Social Studies K-12 Strategy Alignment


High Quality Materials

Teacher Capacity Timely Data

In-school Supports Tier II Supports

Tier III Interventions Enrichment



None None


None None

IB Primary Years

123456 Assessment PD Assessment

Task PilotIB Middle

Years7None None


9 World Studies Aligned PD

9th Grade World Studies Course Assessments

Credit Recovery

Achievement Academies

IB Diploma,Honors

Courses,College Bridge,


10 None None

11 Con Ed/Civics Aligned PD

Con Ed/Civics Course Assess


12 None None

Plans for some components developed as part of “Social Science 2.0” work supported by CCT, Chase, CME

RedRed: no strategy, inadequate strategy

YellowYellow: pilot, experimental, hard-to-scale, incomplete, little evaluation data

GreenGreen: robust, evaluation data support

Next Steps

Budget requests from CEdO and OHSP reflect efforts to scale up programs, plug gaps

Improve structures to assess effectiveness of instructional strategies and increase capacity to manage fidelity of implementation

Assess what needs to be discontinued to support these efforts in economically challenging times; need to discontinue programs that deviate from the core instructional strategy

Explore role of capacity and autonomy in context of local control

Address lack of structures that support ownership for instructional excellence among school level leaders