Kaizen Victor Pan

Post on 08-May-2015

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An unconventional b-school presentation introducing kaizen to my Six Sigma certification class. This is also my first attempt to create a personalized presentation style.


Boston University School of Management

• Definition• History• PDSA/PDCA• Toyota Production System• Impact on Quality

KaizenAs told by Victor Michael Pan

Boston University School of Management


Boston University School of Management

• A philosophy that seeks to improve all factors related to the process of converting inputs into outputs on an ongoing basis. 1

• A process that humanizes the workplace, eliminates overly hard work, and teaches people how to perform experiments on their work using the scientific method and how to learn to spot and eliminate waste in business processes. 2

Kaizen (改善 ) “Continuous Improvement”

Boston University School of Management


Boston University School of Management


Boston University School of Management


Boston University School of Management

Kaizen – Abstract but concrete

Boston University School of Management


Boston University School of Management

Personal Discipline

Boston University School of Management

Improve Morale

Boston University School of Management

Working Within Quality Circles

Boston University School of Management

Suggestions for Improvement

Boston University School of Management


• These elements lead to the 5S framework

Elements of Kaizen

Boston University School of Management

• Old Adage: “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.• QWERTY keyboard


Boston University School of Management

• Kaizen: “Just because it isn’t broke doesn’t mean it can’t be improved.• Dvorak Keyboard


Boston University School of Management


Boston University School of Management

Japan’s Industrial Economy

Boston University School of Management

American Aid

Boston University School of Management

Quality Gurus Spread Ideas

Boston University School of Management

Japanese Companies Adapt

Boston University School of Management

PDCA/PDSA “Plan, Do, Check/Study, Act”

• Deming Cycle

Boston University School of Management

• (P) Standardize an operation• (D) Measure the process• (C) Gauge measurements against

requirements• (A) Innovate to meet requirements and

increase productivity• Standardize the improved

operations & repeat cycle

Toyota Production System3

Boston University School of Management

• Kaizen: Improving all aspects of business by standardizing processes, increasing efficiency, and eliminating waste.

• Six Sigma: Improving quality by finding and eliminating causes of defects.

Impact on Quality

Boston University School of Management

• 1. Stevenson, William. Operations Management. Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2009.

• 2. Assn, Relations, Human, Japan and Japan Human Relations Association. The Improvement Engine: Creativity & Innovation through Employee Involvement. City: Productivity Press Inc, 1995.

• 3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaizen

Disclaimer: All images in this presentation are under the fair use doctrine for educational purposes.
