Kandhamal - A shocking Report of Persecution in India!

Post on 13-Nov-2014

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Is Kandhamal Burning ?

Kandhamal is one of the districts in Orissa, 200Kms away from the capital Bhubaneswar and 160 Kms from Berhampur


CNN-IBN reports.

“The Christian population has now risen to one lakh eighty thousand from only 14 thousand in 1970s. The number of churches and prayer houses built in last few decades is over one thousand” (30.8.2008).

Odisha.com reports

“Most astonishing and mysterious thing is that as per the census 2001, there were 1,17,950 Christians”

I found out during my visit that more than 1,50,000 Christians had lived there before the riots. Now less than 10,000 Christians live here. There are about 3000 Christians in the 3 Relief camps and rest of the Christians live in and around Raikia.

From 1,50,000 to less than 10,000 . Where have the Christians gone?


Durga Prasad(Pic 1) The entrance to the Kalinga ghat (Kandhamal). This place was blocked during the riots so no one could get in or out

The National highway NH217(Pic 2) runs through this district I could see countless Christian houses, shops, churches ravaged and abandoned.

Even today on this main road to Baliguda(where the nun was gang raped) through Raikia, G Udaigiri from Kalinga, I could see boulders(Pic 3) and trees strategically lying around which can be put in place to block and isolate Kandhamal from outside world in a matter of hours or even minutes.

The pictures below will tell you the story

st stI visited Kandhamal district on the 31 Jan and 1 Feb 2009 to find out for myself. Join me in this quest and find out the answer for yourselves..

Kandhamal district, Berhampur , Bhubaneswar

(Pic 1) (Pic 2) (Pic 3)

Pics on the Highway 1,2 RC Church Neelungia, 3. House @ Lingagoda, 4. Shop at Mondakia, 5. House @ R a i k i a

On the way to Raikia we crossed Kothingia village (the nerve center of attacks). It stood proudly untouched, with saffron flags flying atop every home, shops and trees. It looked so ominous, I was advised by my friends not to take any pictures. More than 7 Christians were slaughtered from the nearby Christian village .

The Central and the State Government want to close the last of the three camps and send the CRPF back home. The first batch of CRPF has already left.

The Government believes normalcy has returned !

Christians outside Orissa believe normalcy has returned which is evident from prayers for Kandhamal disappearing from our Intercessory, personal and family prayers.

st stAll these pictures were taken on the 31 Jan 2009 and 1 Feb 2009 !

Has normalcy returned? Please decide for yourselves.

I was based in Raikia, a town in Kandhamal dist. from where I ventured into the interiors on a Bike with friends who were familiar with the place. My first stop was at the Pesarama church about 1.5 Kms from Raikia

Pics: 1.The devastated building 2. Suggesting immediate repairs 3. Keyboard, audio eqpt was burnt here

When I was asked if this church could be repaired, I suggested a simple 20 minute operation immediately with an hacksaw blade which would isolate the hanging part and reduce stress on the beams and major repairs at later date. Such a suggestion can only come from someone naïve enough to believe that such a simple thing by Bangalore standards was possible there but a few minutes later I realized even that simple act was impossible because this is Kandhamal, a place that has to be cleansed of all Christians by 2010, no one was going to let any one repair a church let alone rebuild it.

IF things are normal why have the Christians not been able to repair their shops, homes and churches even on the MAIN Road (NH217) ? Why are Christian property still in the same condition as it was 6 months ago ?If things are normal why was I not able to get down from the car and take pictures ? Why did the driver have to only stop in the pretext of buying sweets even to stop and look?

Pictures: Pastor Surjit and Suchetha Nayak’s house and other property belonging to Christians in that village vandalized and some razed to the ground

As I moved from Raikia and traveled more than 150 Kms into the interior areas of Kandhamal it was a time for reality check. Every step into that place was screaming to me how we people outside this place have been blind to the horror because it is not in the news or on TV. Let me take you deeper into this place so that you can decide if everything is normal in the Kandhamal.


Kandhmal district is said to have more than 1000 churches and as I traversed through the 150 odd kms I saw so many desecrated. churches that I can claim that I have seen more broken churches in my lifetime than standing ones. Its hard for me to imagine that so many churches and prayer halls functioned in that district but the ruins tell me this was a place with more than 1000 churchesSeeing so many crosses desecrated was painful after a point I became so numb I just could not get myself to capture more churches on film

I saw only three churches untouched by the riots. Pictures of two are on the left. I saw one more in a village on the way to Mondasaru (this church was protected by the Hindus during the riots). There is one more Baptist Church(no picture) at Raikia which was not affected.

Less than 5000 Christians worship openly now (as on 1/2/09) compared to the 1.5 Lakh plus Christians who worshiped openly pre August 2008.Its not about reconvertion ! Less than 500 have reconverted and most of them forced.Its not about broken churches ! Its because less than 10,000 Christians are living there now!

Baptist Church Raikia

RC Church Raikia


When I saw the ravaged homes there was one message that I got from the ruins, it was....

“ D o n ' t e v e n T H I N K o f r e t u r n i n g ” b e c a u s e “ D o n ' t c o m e b a c k ” w o u l d b e t o o m i l d

I am just including only few pictures. No picture can really tell you what my eyes have seen or capture the viciousness and the ferocity of the attacks. The pictures you see are of homes which had people, who laughed, cried, prayed, ate and lived a decent life with some owning modern amenities like TV, fridge, alimarhs, cots, tractors etc. owning lands, poultry, piggery, cattle, business etc. Not all of them were as backward as we have pictured them to be. Yes some were poor but their life was improving compared to the Hindus.

Close your eyes for a moment, just imagine a thousand people chanting, armed with choicest of weapons ranging for 4 foot swords, trishuls etc and banging at your door, imagine the sound as metal meets metal,

The picture on the left will help you imagine.

I am unable to share all the pictures here but as I went on a bike from Raikia to Dodinga to Masumaha to Totamaha, to Bakingia, Gondagadu, to Dambakia, Adaskupa to Telingia to Penalaha to Bodimunda, Daburia, Budamaha, Mondakia, Mokabali, Aloha, Gungivada, Papose to Mondasaru, all were connected by a single thread. Every Christian house devastated, burnt. Bibles, Christian literature, clothes, shoes, broken glass, pots, pans strewn all over the place. Some Rich, poor but all Christian houses have met the same fate.Families have been broken, children's education disrupted, businesses burnt, dreams smashed, lives altered forever. All because they chose to follow Jesus. From what I have seen, Christians returning to their homes is almost a near impossibility…

What is the price to pay for being Christian I asked my self constantly.?

I felt humbled as I walked in and out of every house with a urge to scream out in agony but I held that back but not my tears, silently I saluted these people.

We entered the Godimuda village to see some of the Christian homes which were damaged. It was a Hindu village. On the main road we were accosted by some of the locals who told us


Though I did not understand Kui language, from the body language, the dress they were wearing (Saffron T shirt, Yellow Dothi and a locket which had the picture of the Swami) I got the message. At that moment I realized that Christians going back to any village is a long, long way off except a miracle happens. Only a miracle can change that hatred and the animosity and it is for that miracle we have to pray earnestly. In this hopeless scenario only prayer can change things. We thanked God and left that place in a great hurry before something ugly happened.In fact I was taken to places which were considered safe and yet I came across this. I cant imagine what would have happened if we had stepped into an “ unsafe village”...

Can you consider the place to be normal that even a visit to an inhabited village (All Christians villages are empty) evokes such a response?


Some Christian villages had upto 300 families or more I am told. Now all have gone, it is completely deserted and a deafening silence greets you in these Christian villages. ( People you see in these pics are friends who accompanied me, not residents. If you want to get the real picture, stick your fingers into your ears, shut out the sounds and look at those pictures). There is no one out there.(1.2.2009)

In Musumaha at the time of riots Christian Landlord was sent out just with a banian and dothi. His Hindu tenant enjoy his property, no one knows where he is ! Every Christian village is burnt and looted. Not a single Christian lives there, they have been told to come back only after reconverting. You may find it hard to imagine that this is happening in India where people are so concerned about attacks on Pubs and Valentine day celebrations. Here people have been robbed, raped(many unreported cases) and driven from their own homes and not allowed to return. They are paying a high price to follow Christ with little or no support from other Christian brothers outside Orissa. Rule of the jungle continues even after 6 months. Since it was unsafe to spend too much time we had to get in and get out fast I had to take video pictures which give a better picture of the abandonment and destruction


The Swami who was killed by the Naxals had an agenda to wipe out all the Pastors and leaders of Kandhamal and his wish was carried out at his death.

Tatamaha village: Pastor Akbar Digal

In front of slain Pastor Akbar Digal House

The attackers came, chased him about 300 mts from his house and killed him with knives and swords under a tree and left his body in the open.

Two days later they came again, carried his body further 50 mts to this spot and burnt it

I found pieces of bones still lying there Obviously his family had gathered his remains in haste and left behind some small pieces of bone which is there even today since not many dare to go back.

Bakingia Village: Pastor Samuel Nayak

Bakingia village had 300 Christian families it was also home to slain Pastor Samuel Nayak. They dragged him out of the house and started beating him, hearing this his blind and paralyzed mother asked them to stop, they set her on fire and killed her

Dragged pastor to this place and asked him to give up Jesus but he continued to preach till someone beheaded him. His wife also was cut and left for dead but she survived

(The place where he was beheaded above)

His body was set on fire, (calcified blood is seen above) and the place where he was burnt with Bible and books . I found the book “Transformed for Life” by Derek Prince which was used to burn him. The book lay there singed by fire from his body as a testimony to his faith and death he died.

Isolate and Destroy: I am told that during the riots the mobs would begin attacking several villages at the same time in a highly coordinated manner and isolate the villages from police by placing trees and boulders placed to block the roads. Even today those trees and rocks are lying on the roadside sending a warning that any area can be isolated within minutes. Of course there is no point doing that now because there is no one to isolate because every Christian village is empty.

The slaying of a Christian “strong man” near Gondagada village

This man was called “Samson” because of his towering personality. He was attacked by a mob on this road, his head smashed near that bridge with a big stone,

The mob removed the beams from the CNI church and burnt him with that. The ashes and desecrated church bears testimony to his death


During my visit there were three relief camps, one at G Udaigiri, Mondakia and Mondasaru and about 3000 were living in them. (The G Udaigir camp has been closed now ). Where are people going to go? NO one has the answers. They cant go back home ! Some go to their relatives, some to friends and others to the streets. Oh what a price to pay for your faith!

In the Mondakia camp I saw rice of very poor quality and sambar being prepared, the only meal of the day. No breakfast, tea or dinner. In spite of such a hopeless situation no one is walking out and

streconverting.. On that Saturday afternoon (31 Jan09) I saw more than 60 people in a 20x20 tent praying and praising God., from outside the tent I could even recognise the wife of a slain pastor in that group.

The world has forgotten them, their Christian brothers outside Orissa have forgotten them but they have not forgotten their God.

The Relief Camp at Mondasar is run inside a RC Institution

Meeting of elders within the camp to ensure harmony amongst inmates.

Things that brought cheer to my heart !

The first picture is of Goliath in front of his house which has been vandalized. Now he stays in a relief camp in a tent like this oneAs I stood next to Goliath, I knew that he had lost everything. He has a choice to renounce Christ and walk out of that horrible camp but prefers to follow Christ and live on a single substandard meal. I felt so small in front of this giant in faith. Its people like him who brought cheer to my heavy heart.

stAs I joined in the worship service on 1 Feb at the Baptist Church at Raikia and shared God’s message of hope and promise I was encouraged by the enthusiasm, vibrancy and joy of worship of these people who are living in such unimaginable horror. It is not surprising that Hindus fear these people because their faith is so infectious that you could catch it. Even a brief time there has helped me grow spiritually

As I stood at the very spot where the body of slain Pastor Dibya Sundar was brought 5 months ago, I tried to recollect the pain and horror of that day. Under the warm sunshine on Feb 1 2009 it did not seem too distant for me. For I see that horror has not gone away and it not too far away.

I gathered comfort from the saying: “The blood of martyrs is the seed of the church” .

Yes! the situation today in Kandhmal is hopeless,

but my belief is that God is going to give life to the seeds sown by his faithful servants

I met a man who lost his ancestral home and property, supporting more than twenty five people who fled Kandamal by providing them shelter and food from his meager income in one of the towns. Met many people of great strength who inspite of personal losses were helping others.

I still cant stop wondering how Raikia is still standing with those three churches. Considering the devastation I have seen even 500 mts from where I stayed. I call it a miracle, a place of hope. A scripture came to my mind - The remnant (2 Kin 19:30 And the remnant that has survived…shall again take root downward and bear fruit upward.). As always God's Word brought cheer to me.

That Sunday evening as I was packing my bags to return from Kandamal, my friend whispered “ we have get out of this place very quickly, I heard there is some problem starting” and he did not elaborate. Fear gripped my heart and for the next 2 hours till I reached Durga Prasad the entrance/exit of Kandamal, in a small way I shared the fear of being trapped and isolated which these people who so constantly experience it. Next day the headlines of the Newspaper told me that there was a clash

between the Hindu youths and the CRPF which resulted in some kind of bandh. The Hindus are doing all they can to get the CRPF out and once that happens, without any police protection I cant imagine how bad it could be for the Christians who are still there. Yes a very small spark is enough to light a fire. Yes Kandhmal sits on a volcano ready to explode. A volcano of hate that will wipe away a beautiful community or a volcano of love that will reclaim the lost glory. It is your prayer and concern which will decide that.

I got my answer for one of the two questions. Is Kandhamal back to normal, NO is the answer. I could not find answers for the next question “Where are the people who fled Kandamal? Some say they are living with relatives, some say they are living as destitutes. Does anyone know? Does anyone care ? What is the price to pay to follow Christ ?

A week later as a stood conducting the evening service under the lovely stained glass of St Andrew's Church Bangalore, I ran my fingers over the crisp white cloth of the altar table and smelt the sweet fragrance from the altar flowers trying to erase the horror of desecrated churches and burnt homes. I realized it was too deeply etched in my heart and only in eternity will that pain ever go away. Kandamal has taught me how precious it is know and serve the Lord and never to take anything for granted.

I write this because I promised the people at Kandamal two things. One to pray for them and secondly to tell people about the real situation there. This presentation is only a fraction of what I have seen and recorded. If you agree with me that situation is not normal and feel for the plight of your brothers and sisters there, please pray for them; please forward this mail to others who think Kandamal situation is normal. Get families, churches ,groups to pray without ceasing, just do what God tells you to do. If you want to watch a video presentation or have any queries or suggestions you can get in touch with me through my mail : malcolmgpa@rediffmail.com or malcolmgpa@gmail.com I will be glad to share it with you.. Thanks for your patient reading.

God bless you and guide you.

Malcolm Athishtam( I am an Engineer working as Area Sales Manager for a Private Company. My visit was not sponsored or arranged by any Church or Organisation. This visit was purely based on my conviction that if “One member suffers all suffer together with it”(1 Cor 12:26). I responded to God's call to do my part for my suffering brothers and sisters in Kandhamal which is to pray and to bring out this uncomfortable truth . This is a truthful account of what I have heard and seen, presented in honesty because only truth honours God and its His honour and glory that I seek )