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Interviewing using the S.T.A.R. method

I ssue #81Vol ume 9

May 5, 2016

In today?s world employers are gearing their interviews towards the behavioral side. A behavioral interview is one where the employer is able

to ask quest ions to obtain answers about past experiences to predict future performance. It?s an amazing way to bet ter understand what the

interviewee is capable of ! With that said, each and every answer you ever give to ANY interview quest ion should be in the STAR format. Let?s delve

into it and look at what exact ly each let ter stands for!

Situat ionThis is where you can describe a very specif ic situation in which you once found yourself in. Obviously you want to choose one that will allow the employer to see your full potential.

TaskThis is where you state the challenge in which was presented to you during your previously stated situation. Make sure to choose a task which offers a complex challenge so that you may show your potential employer that you are capable of handling extensive situations.

Interviewing using the S.T.A.R. method

ActionOnce the task was clearly stated, what did you do to overcome that task? What action did you to take to rectify a problem and come up with a solution? This is where you want to make your past choices clear so that your potential employer knows you made a well-educated decision which will lead to our next letter? .

ResultThis is where you are able to show how much of a positive impact your action had on the situation. This is by far the most important step of them all. Make sure you tie everything together and make sure you clearly state what your end result was.

An example of an interview quest ion and answer would be as fol lows;

Q- Tell me about a time you had to overcome a stressfull situation. What did you do, how did you do it, and how do you know you were successful?

Star formatted answer-

(s) I remember my f irst week working in retail l ike it was yesterday! During one of my f irst shif ts a lady came in asking about a hairspray in which she always buys at out store, however is not able to f ind it.

(t) After realizing we truly were not crying the product anymore, I had to take it a step further and begin researching what happened to it.

(a) After searching through our inventory system I found that this item was discontinued in this area, but could be ordered online. I brought this to the customer?s attention and then offered to have it sent to the store within 5 business days with no shipping fees, as well as a discount on the item for the inconvenience.

( r ) After all was said and done, the customer was beyond impressed with my customer service. Because the customer noticed I went above and beyond for her, she has been a repeat customer ever since which led to more business and overall customer retention % .

Hopefully this information helps you all in your future interviews, I know it has helped me.

Best of luck!

Comics Corner


Puzzle 1:Cross out any unused letters to leave a meaningful sentence:


Puzzle 2:You are given a 10x10x10 cube composed of one thousand 1x1x1 mini-cubes glued together.

If you removed the outermost layer, how many mini-cubes would you have removed?

Puzzle 3Using only one straight l ine, can you turn this into nine f if ty?

Answer: "A MEANINGFUL SENTENCE"Answer: 488.

You started with 10x10x10 = 1000 cubes.

Removing the outermost layer would leave a 8x8x8 large cube = 512 cubes.Therefore you would have removed 488 cubes (1000 - 512 = 488).

Answer: Add a line to make 10 To 10, which is nine fifty.


Courtesy of KapConsulting Advertising Department

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