kara scully and nathan shashoua children's book

Post on 20-Dec-2014

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Molly the Monkey had a great life. She lived in the rain forest in Costa Rica, and had a husband and two children. All of the

other monkeys came to her with questions about life.

One day, Molly started noticing that all of the trees were missing.

Why are the trees gone?

Pretty soon, food started disappearing too.

Where are all the bananas?

Molly started to get very worried.

What is going on???We are losing our


A few weeks after everything started disappearing, humans came and started taking Molly’s friends into


Where’s Melvin?

Two weeks later Molly was swinging through the jungle when she noticed a big machine cutting down trees.

QuickTime™ and a decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

Horrified, Molly ran back to her tree and called all of her friends over to tell them what she saw.

What was that?

After Molly told her story, none of the monkeys knew what to do.

What if we go extinct?

Suddenly, a human emerged from the trees and wondered why all of the monkeys were huddled


What’s wrong?

The monkeys explained to the human everything that had been happening over the

past month.

All of the trees andbananas are gone!

The human told the monkeys why the trees were being cut down and promised them that

he would stop it.

I study conservation biology!I can fix it!

So everyday the human would come tell Molly his progress and she would tell the rest of the


Then, finally, the human came with great news, he had stopped the evil machine.


And so the monkeys that had been taken away went to reintroduction programs, and Molly and all the monkeys lived happily ever after.