Karachi Club Magazine Club Magazine Rohina Yameen Qureshi ... Ali Asad Nazim Khandwala ... Fareed...

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August 2016Karachi Club Publication

Karachi Club Magazine

Rohina Yameen QureshiHatim Ali AsgharMahreen NasirMariam GodilM Hassan GodilMahwish Rehman

Kausar Ali KhanMohammad Anwar JamalHaji Aslam Moosa BangdaMohammad Arif MolviAli Asghar Mohsin AliYousuf Yakub Thara

Publication Sub-Committee 2016

Shoaib Amin Dhedhi

Shabbir Morawala

Salman Zakaria ManiyaAli Asad Nazim KhandwalaAbbas Ali MorawalaSalman Abdul HafeezHuned Bakir Hussain Calcuttawala

Farida A. LavingiaHiba AnisBisma ImranAnoshay JawedUmama Arif MethaniMoin Yameen Qureshi

Sundus ShoaibShuja ShoaibHira VaidAbdul Wahab TariqAmanat Ali

M Bilal Arif ChhotaniBloreen Banin AbbasiSafina Shahid MemonHira Faisal Butt

Dear Members,

This past month, the publication sub-committeeorganized a number of events for you. Most, in fact allthese functions were organized keeping in mind theyouth of the club and their needs in this modern time.I hope all those who participated in these programslearned something and took home good memories. Thisup-coming month a number of events have beenplanned for you and we hope you will all participate inthese events, these include the health & fitness events,the 14th, August Mela and the Grand Quiz Rama toname a few.

I would also like to inform you that the process ofrenovation of various facilites at the club has alreadystarted and In Shaá Allah next month’s issue will carrypictures of some of the areas completed. As always, Iwould like to remind you that we are open to suggestionsand your input is invaluable to us. Kindly do send yousuggestions and contributions to the magazine.

Jashn-e-Azadi Mela Entertainment Sunday 14th August

03:00 pm onwards at Karachi Club Main - Lawn

Second Grand Bumper Quiz Rama Show 2016 Quiz Rama Saturday 20th August

08:15 pm at Karachi Club Main - Lawn

An Evening with Zia Mohyeddin Literary Saturday 27th August

07:30 pm at Karachi Club Main - Lawn

Health Seminar on "The Healthy Skin" by Dr. Nazia Shakeel Health & Fitness Friday 2nd September

07:00 pm at Karachi Club Main - Lawn

Learning English with Fun Publication Saturday 17th September

12:00 noon to 2:00 pm at Karachi Club Main Onwards

Happy Independence Dayto the members ofKarachi Club and their familiesFrom President,Honorary Secretaryand Members ManagingCommittee.

August 2016 Karachi Club Publication



From 20th to 28th July 2016 Badminton SubCommittee organized yet another colorful BadmintonExtravaganza, “The KC Junior Ranking BadmintonTournament 2016”.

This was the opportunity for our youngsters toshowcase their badminton talent. It was a highlysuccessful event in which more than 100 entries werereceived.

Prize distribution ceremony was held on 28th July2016. Mr. Mohammad Amin Bawany, ConvenorBadminton was the Chief Guest, Qamar Saleem,Secretary Badminton and other members of theBadminton Sub Committee were also present on theoccasion, dinner was served after the ceremony.

Ayaan Saeed - WinnerShiver Kumar - Runners Up

Saad Noman - WinnerSaifullah - Runners Up

Abdul Rehman - WinnerAhmed - Runners Up

Lamia Passwala - WinnerArwa - Runners Up

Harsha Motwani - WinnerUmm-e-Aiman - Runners Up

Rabia Altaf - WinnerZehra Mazhar Ali - Runners Up

Ayaan & Ibrahim - WinnerM. Ismail & Sufyan - Runners Up

Saad & Saifullah - WinnerNarinjin & Rahim - Runners Up

Abdul Rehman & Faizan - WinnerAhmed & Abdullah - Runners Up

Amber & Lamia - WinnerMaria & Arwa - Runners Up

Harsha & Misha - WinnerUmm-e-Aiman & Lamia - Runners Up

Rabia & Javeria - WinnerNisha & Zehra - Runners Up

The Sub-Committee of Bridge under its convenorMohammad Amin Bawany organized yet anothertournament for the Bridge playing members ofKarachi Club on Thursday, 28th July 2016 at KC(Main) Bridge Room. Following are the results ofthe tournament.

Tehsin Ghee Wala & Murtaza (Score 42.50)

Chinu Ayub & Farooq Lakhani (Score 34.00)

Raza Naqvi & Siddiq Essa (Score 33.50)

Akber H. Khan & Abid Bhaila (Score 31.00)

August 2016Karachi Club Publication


Death has no age.. no time!I am.. I was..!

Life is soo unpredictable. Every other day we hear of sudden deaths. Majorly due to severe illness,murder or torture to death!

The number is increasing day by day. Indeed death has no age.. no time..!It can come anytime to anyone!

And we are busy in dunya wanting for money, luxuries and fame!Life period is not guaranteed but death is... death doesn't waits for anyone, it shall come and its inevitable!

Fear the state in which death will come to us!Repent, before its too late!

Turn to ALLAH before you return to ALLAH!May ALLAH guide us all towards the straight path. Aameen sum aameen ya RABB.


Sarah Naeem / SHeryl (P-2498)


KC Tennis Sub Committee together with Sindh TennisAssociation organized “The 1st KC Ebrahim MerchantMemorial Ranking Tennis Tournament” from 17th till23rd July 2016.

A total of 250 players participated from across the countryin this tournament and for the first time in Pakistan, aSoft Ball tennis event was introduced. An event was alsoorganized for Special Children.

Main event was the Men'sSingles which was won bynational hero Aqeel Khan,who has been Pakistan # 1since 15 years.

2 titles were won by KarachiClub, former NationalChampion Altaf Hussaintogether with HumayunAyub won the 45 doublesChampionship by winningin straight sets (6-2,6-2)against Javed & Iltifat ofModern Club. Asad AliBhagat together with RezaAli Mirza won the 35doubles Championshipalso in straight sets (6-2,7-5)against Tahir & KaleemGhanchi.

Prominent Sub Committee members were present inthe Prize Distribution including Former President, YousufSuleman with Asif Ismail, Illyas Lashkarwala and TennisSecretary Karim Gul along with others.

August 2016 Karachi Club Publication


PublicationA Summer Camp was organized by the Publication Sub-Committee under its convenor Shoaib Amin Dhedhifrom 11th, July for 3 weeks. The camp was attended by

52 participants and over a period of three weeks, thechildren were taught etiquettes ranging from tablemanners to general behavior. Children were made topaint, play and to top it all a pool party was arranged aswell for the participants which was enjoyed thoroughlyby the participants. Hats off to the Publication Sub-Committee.


As per the tradition of Karachi Club, Chand RaatCelebrations by the entertainment committee underConvenor Faheem Sakrani were held the night beforeEid ul Adha. Members of Karachi Club along with theirfamilies thronged the lawns of KC in large numbers.There were more than 125 Mehndiwalis made available

on the night so that members wives and daughtersdo not face long queues. Karachi Club EntertainmentCommittee had not only made arrangements for freeHeena application but also a set of Bangles was alsogiven to the ladies. Food stall were also arranged sothat members waiting for their wives and daughterscould enjoy themselves as well. A huge success by anystandards, members and their families thoroughlyenjoyed the evening.

August 2016Karachi Club Publication



The Publication Sub-Committee under its convenorShoaib Amin Dhedhi organized yet another event forthe education and training of our young guns.Mrs. Rashida Valika, a well known Instructor/Trainer

conducted this course which taught students how tomake presentations and of course with confidence. Itwas heartening to see that not only young boys andgirls participated but some senior members alsoparticipated and contributed not only towards self-training but also encouraged the youngsters.Mrs. Valika as usual was fantastic in her approach andthe participants came back very happy.


A story telling session was organized by the PublicationSub-Committee under its convenor Shoaib AminDhedhi and this time around for the very young(3-10 years) in association with the Karachi School’s

Guide. The session started with Story telling, followedby Nursery Rhymes and other games. The sessionlasted about two hours and children did not want thesession to end. More than 125 children participatedin the event. At the end of the event children wereserved with Juice and Sandwiches. Once again, a greateffort by the Publication Sub-Committee for organizingsuch an event.

� Exciting Prizes along with a Grand Snowball card offering a fantastic Bumper Prize� Many Lucky Draw Prizes� Don’t miss this great event and join us in this thrilling & entertaining evening with Live Music� Tasty eatables and refreshing fresh fruit juice

� Entry restricted to members of Karachi Club, their spouses & household only who must presenttheir Club Membership Card at the entrance or whenever asked by a committee or staff member

� Children of all ages are allowed� Cards will be priced at Rs. 200/- only

Well wishersof Karachi Club

Karachi Club membersexpress their deep griefon the passing away oftheir fellow member andcolleague.

May the departed soulsrest in eternal peace.



Abdul JabbarSuleman Patel

(L-1845)expired on

Friday,29th July 2016

Barkatali PyaraliDelawalla(P-4564)

expired onFriday,

22nd July 2016


(T-7504)expired on

Wednesday,6th July 2016

3 Cheezien Hasil Karo:Ilm, Dua or Aetimad

3 Cheezien Zaya Mat Karo:Rizzq, Waqt or Dost

3 Cheezien Kabhi Nah Toro:Dil, Ehad or Qanoon

3 Cheezien Chhoti Na Samjho:Farz, Qarz or Marz

3 Cheezien Zaleel Karati Hain:Chori, Chugli or Jhoot

3 Cheezien Deyhan Se Uthao:Qalam, Qadam or Qasam

3 Cheezien Ba Qaedgi Se Parho:Namaz, Quran or Drood

Haji Atiq Dhedhi / L-2469

daughter of Khalid Jan Mohammad Kudia (P-5998) weds son of Munawar Ahmad on Sunday, 17th July 2016.

son of Mohammad Arif Rajkotwala (L-1145) weds daughter of Muhammad Khalid Motiwala on Saturday, 23rd July 2016.

daughter of Adnan Ayub Ali (P-3803) weds son of (Late) Muhammad Kalim Ullah on Sunday, 24th July 2016.

son of Tahir Mazhar Dada (P-1384) weds daughter of Nadeem Ashfaq on Monday, 25th July 2016.

son of Haji Atiq Dhedhi (L-2469) weds daughter of Ibrahim Fatani on Friday, 29th July 2016.

daughter of Shaikh Abdul Rehman (P-2495) weds son of Abid Nisar on Thursday, 4th August 2016.

son of Mohammad Shoaib Ismail (P-5055) weds daughter of Munir Bilwani on Friday, 5th August 2016.

daughter of Irfan Jan Muhammad Nini (P-3880) weds son of Zakaria Ali Muhammad on Wednesday, 10th August 2016.

It is so difficult tofind appropriatewords to payt r i b u t e t oMaulana AbdulS a t t a r E d h i .There are simplyno words which

can justify what Maulana Sahib hasdone for humanity, the richest poorman. Edhi sahib, a legend, aphilinthropist, a humanitarian, fatherto the fatherless, not just humans butalso to the animals, a person whoalways said, “My religion is humanity”.Irrespective of color, creed or castehe and his services would be presentto help humanity be it floods,accidents, earthquakes, landslides.His ambulances would be the first toreach any eventuality. As I said, thereare no words which can justify hisefforts for humanity. May Allah(SWT) grant him the highest placein Jannah.

S o n o f t h el e g e n d a r yFareed Sabri, al e g e n d i nhimself. Muslims,Pakistan, Karachiand in particularKarachi Club will

always miss him. What a tragic loss.He was a regular at Karachi Club andwas a friend to all of us. “Daddu” ashe would be called by every one, apersona which we will never be ableto forget. Apart from being a greatQawal, he was a fine gentleman. Hewas one of those people who wouldcome to the Karachi Club to performand would go on performing untilthe last participant wanted him toperform. A friend of friends loved themembers of Karachi Club. We willalways miss you “Daddu”. May Allah(SWT) grant you highest place inJannah and your family the courageto bear this huge loss. Tajdar-e-Haram, Nigah-e-Karam...

I n t h e l a s tmonth and ahalf the Muslimworld lost threee x t e m e l yi m p o r t a n tpersonali ties.First we lo st

Mohammad Ali, the greatest Boxerthe world had ever seen. Famous notonly for his boxing but also for thestrong faith that he had in Allah. Hedefended Islam in the western worldnot by just winning in the ring butby his deeds. A man who had utmostfaith in his ability as a boxer andarguably the best known athlete inthe world. I am sure most peoplewould remember the famous linesthat would be sung when he wouldenter the ring “ float like a butter fly,sting like a bee” sing Mohammad,M o h a m m a d A l i , t h e b l a c kSuperman…. May Allah (SWT) blesshis soul and give him the highestplace in Jannah.


Literary Committee ofKarachi Club is organizingAn Esteemed Evening

Literary Committee ofKarachi Club is organizingAn Esteemed Evening

ZIA MOHYEDDIN (A Legend in his lifetime)

on Saturday, 27th August 2016 at7:30 pm just after Maghrib Prayer

at Karachi Club (Main) Lawn

on Saturday, 27th August 2016 at7:30 pm just after Maghrib Prayer

at Karachi Club (Main) Lawn
