Karen Darke and Pistorius Challenges

Post on 14-Jan-2017

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I Never Thought I Could Be This Lucky(in pairs)

• How does this story connect to the big idea?• What problems and barriers did Karen Darke face?• How did she overcome them? Were there any

aiding factors?• What was the outcome? Has this increased

possibilities in her life?• What do you think of Karen Darke?• How would you describe the title of the article?

Analyse Stylistic/Linguistic Features of Article

• Structure• Style and tone• Sentence structure• Linguistic/language features

Mark, underline, circle, make it your own!!!

Extended Analytical Response to the Article

• Write a letter commentiing every paragraph on the article.

• Minimum 200 words• How do you think the writer of the article wants

us, the reader, to respond to Karen Darke?

Use quotations to support your points:“______________”

‘Is it fair for ‘Blade Runner’ Oscar Pistorius to run in the London Olympics?’

‘Is it fair for ‘Blade Runner’ Oscar Pistorius to run in London Olympics?’

• What challenges has Oscar Pistorius had to face in his life?

• How did he face up to and overcome these challenges?• Do you think the writer is showing any bias in the

article? Give examples and explain your thoughts.• What is your opinion? Do you think it is fair for him to

compete?• Consider the Big Idea, the challenges he has faced and

your own thoughts. Give detailed reasons to support your argument.

Class Debate Should He Be Allowed to Compete?

ORANGE TEAM Pistorius supporters/fans/paraolympians.

YELLOW TEAM Olympic Panel Committee

Stay in your role

Post Debate Questions• How easy it was to stay in role?• What challenges did you encounter, when arguing for

something that you may not necessarily have agreed with?• How easy or difficult was it to listen to and respond to

others?• What challenges, if any, did you face when speaking in

front of others?• If you did find certain challenges within the debate task,

how did you attempt to overcome them and were you successful?