Karma Vipak Samhita Part 5 - Ajay Sharma

Post on 21-Oct-2015

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Ajay. D.N born in 1984 was brought up in

Bengaluru and has completed Master of

Technology in Computer Science & Engineering.

He started learning Astrology at the age of 18

under the guidance of his brother Sri

D.N.Venkatesh who was his first guru. Then under

the guidance of Veda||Brahma||Sri Tarkam

Krishna Shastry learnt Parashara’s hora sastra and

other texts on Astrology. Being a student of

KPSARI (K.P. Stellar Astrological Research

Institute) has completed Jyothisha Vachaspati in

Nakshatra Jyothisha and Sub Lord Theory and

also practicing it till date. Currently he is

practicing Vedic Science under the guidance of

Veda||Brahma||Sri Gunjur Prakash Shastri a

renowned Astrologer and Author.

श्री गणशेाय नमः

Karma & Asterisms Explained

Discourse between Lord Shiva & his

consort Parvati

Original Translation By

Pundit Shyam Sunderlal Tripathi from


Translated In English


Ajay D.N Head Of Translation Dept: Yenbeeyes

A ‘Mission Saptarishis’ Initiative

कममविपाकसवंिता नक्षत्रचरणजातफलदवशमका

मरुादाबादस्थ प०ं श्यामसनु्दरलालवत्रपाविकृत

अथ षोदशोऽध्यायः॥१६॥ Chapter 16

रोविणीनक्षत्रफलम।् मिादिे उिाच॥ Mahadev Says,

अथातः सम्प्रिक्ष्यावम ब्रह्मनक्षत्रज ंफलम।् रोविणयाः प्रथम ेपाद ेयस्य जन्म च जायत॥े१॥ I will now tell you the details of the natives of Rohini Nakshatra 1st Charana born as human beings

on this Earth. ||1||

तस्य कममपरुा दवेि सवंचत ंसबं्रिीम्यिम।् अन्तिदे्ा ंविजः कविद्गोपनामािसविय॥े२॥ Hei Devi, there was a Brahmin called Gopa in the Antarvedhi (a place which is situated between

Ganga and Yamuna river). ||2||

पणुयकममवििीनि चौरकममरतः सदा। सार्द्ध ेचौरेण भो दवेि बहुद्रव्यमपुावज मतम॥्३॥ He was not at all virtuous and always interested in stealing and had accumulated lots of money by

theft. ||3||

परस्त्रीलम्पटो दवेि स्वभाया म पवरमचु्य च। एि ंबहुगत ेकाले कालिश्यस्ततोऽभित॥्४॥ Hei Devi, He was unchaste and not at all interested in his wife. The days passed by and he died.


यमज्ञया यमदूतनै मरके नाम कदमम।े िासयामास भो दवेि षवििष मसिस्त्रकम॥्५॥ According to the instruction of Yamaraja he was put into a hell called Kardama where he was

punished and tortured for 60,000 Years. ||5||

नरकावनःसतृो दवेि कुकु्कटत्व ंप्रजायत।े ततो यातो मिादवेि नरयोवन ंच दुलमभाम॥्६॥ As he got out of the hell he took birth as a Hen and after that he attained Manushya Janma. ||6||

पाणडुरोगणे सयंकु्तः पतु्रो निै प्रजायत।े िशे्याः कन्ाः प्र्जयन्त ेपतु्रस्य मरण ंभिते॥्७॥ He will suffer from Pandu Roga (Leucoderma) and he will not beget sons. In case he begets a son,

the son will die and daughter will be born and she will become a prostitute. ||7||

तस्योपाय ंत ुिक्ष्यावम तत्सि ेशृण ुम ेवप्रय।े ॐ वशिाय मतं्रण ेलक्षजाप्य ंच कारयते॥्८॥ Hei Parvati, listen to the atonements now, to be freed from the karmas he has to chant “Om

Namah Shivaaya” mantra for 1 Lakh (100,000) times. ||8||

पाथीि ंवतलवपिने गोमयने तथा वप्रय।े पजूयामास विवििर्द्धवक्तयकेु्तन चतेसा॥९॥ Then make a Shiva langa each from Sesamum flour and Cow Dung and worship it devotedly. ||9||

िोम ंच करयदे्दवेि षडंश ंदवक्षणा ंततः। आचाया मय सिुण ेच पिू मपापविशरु्द्धय॥े१०॥ Hei Devi, then perform havan and he has to donate 1/6th part of his wealth, and also donate some

Gold as dakshina (rewards) to a Brahmin to cleanse himself from the misdeeds of his past life.


कूप ंखात्वा ततो दवेि िावटका ंचिै कारयते।् एि ंकृत ेन सदंिेो रोगनाशो भिदेन॥ु११॥ Hei Devi, then he has to construct wells and gardens which will cure him from illness. ||11||

कन्का न भिदे्दवेि पतु्रििै प्रजायत।े मतृित्सा लभते्पतु्र ंवचरजीविनमतु्तमम॥्१२॥ Hei Devi, then they will beget sons and his wife will not deliver dead children and his sons will be

long lived. ||12||

इवत श्रीकममविपाकसवंिताया ंरोविणीनक्षत्रप्रथमचरणप्रायवित्तकथन ंनाम षोडशोऽियायः॥१६॥ Thus ends the 16th Chapter of Karma Vipaaka Samhita containing Atonement’s for

Rohini Nakshatra 1st Charan.

अथ सप्तदशोऽध्यायः॥।१७॥ Chapter 17

वशि उिाच॥ Lord Shiva Says,

वितीयचरण ेदवेि रोविणयाः शृण ुविस्तरम।् गगंाया उत्तरे कूले परंु िमैावनकं शभुम॥्१॥

Hei Devi, Listen to the details of Rohini Nakshatra 2nd charana nativity. Towards the Northern

banks of river Ganga there is a beautiful town called Vaimaanika, ||1||

िासदुिेि नाम्ना वि ब्राह्मणो िदेपारगः। लीलािती पवित्रा च तस्य पत्नी शभुा तथा॥२॥ Vaasudeva used to live in there and was very proficient in Vedas and had mastered it. His wife’s

name was Leelaavati, attractive, beautiful and a very ritualistic woman. ||2||

यिुती रूपसपंना स्ववैरणी च सदा वप्रय।े बहु द्रव्य ंतया लब्ध ंपरप ुसंः प्रसगंतः॥३॥ The beautiful woman was always interested in other men, was unchaste and had accumulated lots

of money through prostitution. ||3||

पापादुपावज मत ंद्रव्य ंभजु्यत ेपवतना सि। गङ्गाया ंमरण ंरस्य विप्रस्य भाय मया स ि॥४॥ She used to enjoy the money accumulated through her vile deeds with the husband. The Brahmin

and his wife died in the Ganga river. ||4||

स्वगमिासो वि दम्पत्ोः षवििष मसिस्त्रकम।् ततः पणुयक्षय ेजात ेमत्मलोके िरानन॥े५॥ Since they died in Ganges, because of its virtue the couple attained Swarga Loka for 60,000 years.

Hei Parvati, as their virtue languished they attained Mrityu Loka (took birth on Earth). ||5||

िनिान्समायकु्तो िम ेमवतरथाविका। पतु्राि बििस्तषेा ंमरण ंचिै जायत॥े६॥ Blessed with richness, was of charitable disposition and had many sons who eventually died ||6||

कन्का विवििास्तासा ंमतॄ्िुिै प्रजायत।े पनुि तस्य िावनि बहुरोगः प्रजायत॥े७॥

and also had many daughters and their case too was not different. He was troubled with different

kinds of diseases and had to spend lot of money for the cure. ||7||

तस्य शावन्त ंप्रिक्ष्यावम यतृ्कत ंपिू मजन्मवन। त्र्यबंकेवत च मन्त्रणे लक्षजाप्य ंच कारयते॥्८॥ To be freed from the misdeeds of their previous life I will now tell you the atonements to be done.

He has to chant ‘Triyambaka mantra’ for 1 Lakh times. ||8||

दिेस्य प्रवतमा ंकृत्वा पजूयचे्चिै शास्त्रतः। सिुण मस्य वशि ंकुया मत ् पलपञ्चप्रमाणकम।् िपूदैीपिै निैदे्मैते्रणेानंने पजूयते॥्९॥

Make a clay statue of God (Shiva) and perform puja according to the shastras, then make a statue

of Shiva (Linga) out of 5 Palas of Gold and offer Dhupa, Deepa and Naivedhya while doing puja.


ॐ ह्रौंह्रींजूसंः िराय नमः इवत प्रवतमास्थापन ंरौप्यपात्र।े ॐ ह्रौंह्रींजूसंः मिशे्वराय नमः इवत िपूकरणावन सगंहृ्या स्थापयते।् ॐ ह्रौंह्रींजूसंः वपनाकितृ ेनमः इवत प्रवतमा ंससं्पशृ्यािािन ंच। आिािय ेमिादिे ं

दिेदिे ंसणतनम।् इमा ंपजूा ंगिृाण त्व ंमम पाप ंव्यपोित॥ु१०॥ The mantras to perform Puja is as follows:

Om Hraom Hrim Joom SaH Haraaya Namaha |

(Chanting this mantra Setup the Statue of Shiva on a Silver Plate)

Om Hraom Hrim Joom SaH Maheshwaraaya Namaha |

(Chanting this mantra bring Dhupa vessel forward)

Om Hraom Hrim Joom SaH PinaakadhRute Namaha |

(Chanting this mantra touch the Statue with the right hand and do Aavaahana1)

After Aavaahana, chant the following mantra

Aavaahaye Mahaadevam Devadeva Sanaatanam |

Imam Pujaam GRuhaaNathwammama paapam vyapohatu ||

(Hei Mahadeva, Hei Sanaatana, please receive my puja and offerings by resting in this

Statue and redeem me from my misdeeds of the past.) ||10||

ॐ ह्रौंह्रींजूसंः यरंंलंिशंसंिंंक्षसंोिं शकंरस्य सिवेियिाङ ्मनिक्षःु श्रोत्रघ्राणा इिगत् इि जीिवस्थवतसखु ंवचरं वतठन्न्त ुस्वािा। इवत प्राणप्रवथठन्ा ंवििाय वशि ंध्यायपूजजूयते।् ॐ ह्रौंह्रींजूसंः

1 Aavaahanam is the process of invoking a deity to rest in an image or a statue to receive worship.

पशपुतय ेनमः इवथ पञ्चामतृने स्नानम।् ॐ ह्रौंह्रींजूसंः वशिय नमः इवथ चन्दनावदवभः पजूनम।् ॐ ह्रौंह्रींजूसंः मिादिेाय नमः इवथ विसज मनम।् गोदान ंच ततः कुया मतृ्कष्ा ंच कवपला ंततः। विप्राय

िदेविदुष ेसिुण मदवक्षणा ंततः॥११॥ Om Hraom Hrim Joom SaHyam ram lam vam sham Shamsam ham kSham soham

Shankarasya sarveendriya vaangmanasChakshuH ShrothraGraaNaa ihaagathya iha jeevasthithi

suKham chiram thiShtathu swaahaa |

(Do “Praana Prathishta”2 with this mantra and then contemplate lord Shiva)

Om Hraom Hrim Joom SaHpashupathye NamaH |

(Offer Panchaamrutam3 bath to the Statue)

Om Hraom Hrim Joom SaH Shivaaya NamaH |

(Do puja with sandlewood paste and other holy substances)

Om Hraom Hrim Joom SaHMahaadevaaya NamaH |

(Do Visarjanam4)

Then donate Black colored Kapila Go (Cattle) with some Gold to Brahmans over there.


प्रदवक्षणा ंततः कुया मविप्रस्यशेानरूवपणः।शतसैखं्यविजाम्श्ििै भोजवयत्वा विसज मयते॥्१२॥ Circumambulate the Brahmans thinking that they are lord Shiva and offer lunch to 100 Brahmans

as a sendoff. ||12||

प्रयाग ेमकरे माघ ेपत्न्या सि िरानन।े स्नान ंकुया मि भो दवेि व्रतमकेादशीं चरते॥्१३॥ Hei Varaanane, then visit Prayaag and on an auspicious day of Makara Sankranti with his wife

take bath in the confluence of Ganga and Yamuna rivers and then practice Ekaadashi Vratha

thereafter. ||13||

एि ंकृत ेन सदंिेोरोगनाशि जायत।े पतु्र ंचावप लभदे्दवेि वचरजीविनमतु्तमम॥्१४॥ Hei Devi, by doing all these atonements the diseases will be cured and they will beget a son who

will be long lived. ||14||

यद्िे ंन प्रकृरुत ेसप्तजन्मस्वपतु्रकः॥१५॥ 2 “Praana Prathishta” is a process where the invoked deity will be installed in the statue to worship. 3 Panchaamrutam It is a mixture of Go Kshira (Cow Milk), Go Dhadhi (Cow Curd), Go Ghrutha (Cow Ghee), Madhu (Honey),

Sharkara (Sugar). 4 Visarjanam is allowing the invoked deity to go.

If they fail to atone accordingly they will not beget a son for their next 7 births. ||15||

इवत श्रीकममविपाकसवंिताया ंरोविणीनक्षत्रवितीयचरण ंप्रायवित्तकथन ंनाम सप्तदशोअध्यायः॥१७॥ Thus ends the 17th Chapter of Karma Vipaaka Samhita containing Atonement’s for

Rohini Nakshatra 2st Charan.

अथ अिदशोऽध्यायः॥१८॥

Chapter 18

ईश्वर उिाच॥ Lord Shiva Speaks,

गोमत्ा उत्तर ेकूल ्क्रोशियप्रमाणतः। विष्दुासवेत विख्यातो दिेीपतु्रो िरानन॥े१॥ Towards Northern banks of Gomathi River 2 Krosha far there is a town called Shankara Pura

where Vishnu Das used to live. He always used to stroll near the banks of the river. ||1||

शङ्कर ेि ैपरुे शशु्र ेतस्य भाया म च सनु्दरी। ककमशा कुलटा सा ि ैपवतवििेषकावरणी॥२॥ His wife was beautiful in appearance but was harsh in her speech, unchaste and always showed

hatred towards her husband. ||2||

शशु्रषुा ंकुरुत ेनिै श्वश्रिोििै िरानन।े स्विममवनरतो वनत् ंवशिभवक्तपरायणः॥३॥ Hei Devi, she was careless towards her mother-in-law and Vishnu Das was devoted towards

righteousness and used to adore lord Shiva. ||3||

कृवष ंि ैसोऽकवरच्चिै विप्राणा ंचिै सिेकः। वपत्रोि परमो दासः सदा च वप्रयभाषणः॥४॥ He was a farmer and used to serve Brahmans, look after his parents with care, was soft spoken

and every one used to like the way he speaks. ||4||

एतविनगर ेदवेि व्रती कवित्समागतः। वभक्षाथ ममगतो िारे तया वभक्षा दद ेन च ॥५॥

Hei Devi, Once a Yogi came to the town and started begging in front of Vishnu Das house when

he had gone out. ||5||

अपश्वशंमिोचत्त ुवभक्षकंु प्रवत स ुदंरी। विष्दुासो गिृ ेनासीत्तवद्दन ेकुत्रवचद्रतः॥६॥ Vishnu Das wife spoke wickedly on that Yogi and sent him without giving alms. ||6||

एि ंबहुगत ेकाले तस्य मयृबु मभिू ि। भक्तत्वान्मम भो दवेि यक्षलोके गतः स ि॥७॥ Hei Devi, the days passed by and Vishnu Das died and since he was my devotee he attained

Yaksha Loka. ||7||

वत्रशंिष मसिस्त्रावण यक्षणे सि भोगिान॥्८॥ He enjoyed all comforts in Yaksha Loka for 30,000 years. ||8||

तस्य भाया म मतृा कू्ररा श्वश्रिोि दुःखदावयनी॥ सा गता नरके घोरे रौरि ेनाम्नी भावमवन॥९॥ Hei Bhaamini, since his wife was not looking after her mother-in-law properly and used to speak

harshly on her. Because of her vicious acts she got into a hell called Rowrav after death. ||9||

भकु्त्वा नरकज ंदुःख ंपनुव्या मघ्री बभिू ि। पनुः शृगाली ि ैजाता मानषुी च ततोऽभित॥्१०॥ After being punished in the hell she took her birth as a tigress, then as female fox and eventually as

a woman. ||10||

पनुवि मिाविता सा ि ैमत् मलोके िरानन।े िधं्या चिै विशालाक्षी पिू मजन्मविपाकतः। रोगो बहु भिदे्दवेि सखु ंि ैनोपजायत॥े११॥

Hei Varaanane, she got married and because of past Karma Vipaaka she was a Vandhya (Barren

Woman)5 in her present birth. Hei Devi, she had many diseases and her life was sorrowful and

devoid of happiness. ||11||

तस्याः पणुय ंप्रिक्ष्यावम सि मपापप्रणाशनम।् स्वपवत ंप्रत्िं माघ ेस्नापयदेुष्िावरणा॥१२॥

5 There is a methodology here that is not known to astrologers, one can decode this shloka and find out how the karma is

travelling. 99 % of the readers will ignore such a great work like Karma Vipak Samhita, but only that 1 % will realize that there is some hidden logic and that is to decipher how karma is travelling in the said chart into the next life chart.- SA Editor

Hei Devi, Now I will tell you the atonements she has to do to waste her past paapa karmas – In

the chaandramaana month Maagha she has to make her husband take bath with the hot water,


श्वश्रचूरणयोः प्रातन ममसु्कया मत ् प्रयत्नतः। अलाब ु ंनिै खादते्त ुषोडशाब्दप्रमाणतः॥१३॥ bow respectfully to the mother-in-law and take her blessings daily. Till she attains 16 years she

should not eat bottle gourd. ||13||

माघ ेवनयमतो दवेि पवतना सि सवु्रत।े स्नान ंवनयमतो दवेि दीप ंद्द्याद्थाविवि॥१४॥ Hei Devi, in the month of Maagha she and her husband after taking bath donate lamp according to

the shastras. ||14||

ततः कृत्वा सिुण मस्य िकृ्ष ंि ैविपलस्य च। रौप्या ंदशपला ंदवेि िदेीं शशु्रा ंच कारयते॥्१५॥ Hei Parvati, after this donate a tree made out of 2 Palas of Gold with an altar base for the tree

made out of 10 Palas of Silver. ||15||

िकृ्ष ंतस्या ंच सम्श्स्थाप्य कल्पिकृ्षस्वरूवपणम।् पजूवयत्वा ततो दिे ंशखंचक्रगदािरम॥्१६॥ Hei Devi, then install the tree made out of Gold on the silver altar base and worship lord Vishnu

bearing Shanku (Conchs), Chakra (Sudarshana Chakra), Gadha (Mace), Padma (Lotus). ||16||

सगण ंदिेदिेशे ंिषृकेत ु ंिरप्रदम।् ततो ि ैपजूयदे्दवेि विवििच्चारुरूवपणम॥्१७॥ Hei Devi, Then worship the lord of all celestial beings Mahadeva bearing Vrishaba Dwaja (Flag

with the symbol of an Ox) as his symbol with all his Ganas, who is auspicious in appearance

accordingly. ||17||

िस्त्रकाञ्चनकेयरूःै कुणडलाभ्ा ंविशषेतः। तरृ्द्धक्ष ंिवेदकायकंु्त ति विप्राय दापयते॥्१८॥ Then specially donate Cloths, Gold, armlets, ear-rings after the puja with the tree on the altar base

to a Brahman. ||18||

अन्ाविप्रािरोि ेभोजयवेिविि ैरसःै।पायसमैोदकेः शशु्रःै षट ्षवि प्रवमताविय॥े१९॥ Hei Varaanane, then arrange a religious lunch with cuisines like Kheer (Sweet Pudding), Modak

(Sweetmeat in general) etc., made out of different kinds of essence to 66 Brahmans. ||19||

ततो गा ंकवपला ंदद्ात्स्वणमशृङ्गीं सनपूरुाम।् सप्तम्या ंव्रत ंकुया मन्मम वप्रय॥े२०॥ Hei Priye, Then donate a “Kapila Go” decorated with gold on its horns, hoofs with silver and

anklets and follow a religious observance on Sunday coinciding with Sapthami (7th lunar day).


गोपालस्य च मतं्रणे लक्षजाप्या ंच कारयते।् िोमस्तत्तद्दशाशंने माज मन ंतप मण ंतथा॥२१॥ Then chant “Santaana Gopal” mantra for 1 Lakh times and do havan for 1/10th part of it, then

Maarjan for 1/10th part of havan and Tarpan for 1/10th part of Maarjan6. ||21||

एि ंकृत ेन सदंिेः शीघ्र ंपतु्रो ह्यािाप्यत।े कन्का निै जायन्त ेरोगििै वनित्त मत॥े२२॥ By doing all these atonements she will definitely beget sons and will not deliver female issues and

get cured from illness. ||22||

इवत श्रीकममविपाकसवंिताया ंरोविणीनक्षत्रततृीयचरणप्रायवित्तकथन ंनामािादशोऽध्यायः॥१८॥ Thus ends the 18th Chapter of Karma Vipaaka Samhita containing Atonement’s for

Rohini Nakshatra 3st Charan.

अथ एकोनविशंोऽध्यायः॥१९॥

Chapter 19

वशि उिाच॥ Lord Shiva Speaks,

रोविणयािरण ंदवेि चतथु ेसापं्रत ंशृण।ु यतृ्कत ंसवञ्चत ंपिू मवमि जन्मवन तत्फलम॥्१॥ Hei Parvati, Now listen to the results of the Purva karma of the Rohini Nakshatra 4th charana

nativity. ||1||

6 1 Jaap = Chaning the mantra =100,000 times

Havan = Oblation to Lord Agni i.e. 1/10th Part of Jaap = 10,000 times

Maarjan = A Ritualistic bath for a deity with water and Panchaamrutam i.e. 1/10th Part of Havan = 1000 times

Tarpan = Offering Libation of Cow Milk to the deity i.e. 1/10th Part of Maarjan = 100 times.

बवुर्द्धशमा म विजः कविदन्तिदे्ा ंबभिू ि। परुोवितो मिाभ्रिः परपाके सदा रतः॥२॥ In the Antervedi (between river Ganga and Yamuna) their lived a Brahmin called Buddhi

Sharma, though a Purohit he was of wicked nature and always interested in eating food prepared

by strangers. ||2||

सा स्त्री पररता तस्य चञ्चलाचपला सदा।िन ंच सवञ्चत ंतने प्रवतग्रिणे ि ंवप्रय॥े३॥ His wife too was always very much interested in other men and she was frail. Hei Priye, Buddhi

Sharma accumulated lots of wealth just by receiving rewards by doing Pourahitya. ||3||

मरण ंतस्य ि ैजत ंपिार्द्धाया म मतृा त ुसा। गतोऽसौ नरके घोर ेपिू मजन्म विपाकतः॥४॥ After some time he and his wife died, because of their past life deeds they attained a hell which

was dreadful. ||4||

यगुमकंे िरारोि ेभकु्त्वा नरकयातनाम।् िषृयोवन ंच सम्प्राप्तो रासभत्व ंततोऽलभत॥्५॥ Hei Varaanane, they were punished severely in the hell for 1 Yuga after being freed from the hell

took birth as an Ox and then as a Donkey. ||5||

मानषुत्व ंपनुया मतो मध्यदशे ेिरानन।े अपतु्रता भिदे्दवेि कन्का चिै जायत॥े६॥ Hei Parvati, now they took birth as Human Beings in Madhya Desha. Hei Devi, just because of

their bad karmas of the past they didn’t beget a son and every time his wife used to deliver female

issues. ||6||

शरीर ेरोग उत्पनः सखु ंनिै प्रजायत।े प्रायवित्त ंततो दवेि प्रिक्ष्यावम िरानन॥े७॥ Hei Devi, Hei Varaanane, troubled by diseases, were not at all happy and to be relived from the

past karma now I will tell you the atonements. ||7||

आकृष्वेत जपने्मन्त्र ंलक्ष ंि ैविवििविय।े िोम ंत ुकारयदे्दवेि वतलाज्यमिनुा सि॥८॥ Hei Priye, has to chant “Aakrushnena rajasaa” mantra according to the procedure for 1 Lakh time

and then perform Havan with Sesamum seeds, Cow Ghee and Honey ||8||

कुणड ेि ैित ुमलाकार ेदशाशं ंतप मण ंतथा। माज मन ंत ुविशषेणे ततो ब्राह्मणभोजनम॥्९॥

in a havan Kunda which is circular in shape and offer libation of 1/10th part and Maarjan for 1/10th

part and then offer a community lunch to the Brahmans present there. ||9||

दशिणा म प्रदातव्या गडुिनेसु्तथा वप्रय।े शय्ा ंदद्द्याियत्न विवििद्ब्राह्मणाय च॥१०॥ Then donate cattle of 10 colors and a Cattle made out of Jaggery and a bed to the Brahman. ||10||

भोजयदे्ब्राह्मणाञ्छुर्द्धािदेपािरताविय।े सप्तसप्तवतसखं्याि ैदीवक्षताञ्छुर्द्धमानसान॥्११॥ Hei Priye, then arrange a community lunch to 77 Brahmans who are well versed in Vedas and

humble in nature. ||11||

प्रयाग ेमाघमास ेि ैप्रातः स्नान ंसभाय मया। एि ंकृत ेन सन्दिेः पतु्रस्तस्य प्रजायत॥े१२॥ In the month of Maagha should go to Prayaaga and take a holy bath together with wife in the

confluence of Ganga and Yamuna rivers. By doing this they will definitely beget sons. ||12||

रोगः प्रमचु्यत ेतस्य िन्ध्यात्व ंच प्रणश्यवत। मतृित्सा लभते ् पतु्र ंकन्का निै जायत॥े१३॥ Also get cured from all diseases and the Vandhya Dosha of his wife will be relieved and she will

give birth to son who is longed lived and will not deliver neither dead children nor female issues.


इवत श्रीकममविपाकसवंिताया ंरोविणीनक्षत्रचतथु मचरण प्रायवित्तकथन ंनामकैोनविशंोऽध्यायः॥१९॥ Thus ends the 19th Chapter of Karma Vipaaka Samhita containing Atonement’s for

Rohini Nakshatra 4st Charan.