Keeping Pigs Happy (2009)

Post on 05-Jul-2015

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You might recall learning

that in a typical year,

that in a typical year,

(not actual color)



(not actual size)

pays $20,000

for instrumentalists,

and pays $15,000

for performance space

for each production.

for each production.

for each production.

for each production.

You might also recall learning

that in a typical year,

ticket sales only cover 1/3 of our annual budget.

ticket sales only cover 1/3 of our annual budget.

You might also recall learning


doesn’t charge membership dues.

doesn’t charge membership dues.

So if you do the math

So if you do the math

So if you do the math

(math whiz)

So if you do the math

So if you do the math

So if you do the math

So if you do the math

So if you do the math

So if you do the math

So if you do the math

(and that’s NOT a very happy pig.)

So what can you do?

Become a donor.

Become a donor.

(happy pig)

of time,

(happy pig)

of time,

or money,

(happy pig)

or money,

or materials.

or materials.

(happy pig)

All we ask

All we ask

(inquisitive pig)

is that you stay happy,

photo: CarbonNYC

photo: CarbonNYC

(REALLY happy pig)

is that you stay happy,

and have a little fun along the way.

Here are TWO chances for you

to have some fun,

to have some fun,

(guinea pig)

and keep this:

and keep this:

(happy pig)

from turning into this:

from turning into this:

(And that’s NOT a very happy pig.)

(Click on ONE or BOTH to learn more.)