Keewatin District Metis Scrip Applications

Post on 03-Jun-2018

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  • 8/12/2019 Keewatin District Metis Scrip Applications


    East of Lake Winnipeg & North of Winnipeg River (Keewatin District)

    Metis Scrip Applications

    Manitoa !a"e #$nting Areas %' %A' an *+

    Norma Jean Hall has written about how the Treaty 5 Adhesion and Metis Scripprocedures affected Metis in this Region:

    ,reat- . tal!s began in "#5$ concerning a southern portion of what is now central%northern Manitoba$ and initiated &in large part as a result of the insistence of the Nati'epeople of that region() *a'id Rundle$ leader of &Swampy +ree +hristian ,ndians ofRoss'ille) -a Methodist mission.$ solicited the help of Anglican Re'( James Settee andthe +hief at St( /eter0s$ &Mis%!oo%!enew) -Red 1agle. Henry /rince -to whom Rundlewas related.( They notified +ommissioner Morris of Rundle0s concern that recentrestructuring of the H2+ maritime and inland transportation system had ad'erselyaffected people at Norway House and the district ser'iced by 3or! 4actory(

    Some 6 men 7 described as &industrious able bodied men nearly all middle aged withsmall families) 7 had lost employment( Shipping acti'ity at /ort Nelson was curtailed-transoceanic 'essels being rerouted to +hurchill. and inland &tripping) by boat brigadesfrom 3or! 4actory had ceased( As a result$ an additional fifty or so men of the 89ong/ortage0 /ortage la 9oche brigades 7 which transported goods from the height of landat the 9ac la 9oche post throughout the Mac!en;ie basin 7 were also no longer needed(

    Rundle reported that men with families were lea'ing the Nelson Ri'er area$ migratingsouthward$ and collecting at Norway House( He e

  • 8/12/2019 Keewatin District Metis Scrip Applications


    therefore classified as Saulteau

  • 8/12/2019 Keewatin District Metis Scrip Applications


    McCay families$ Mary McCay was also related to Joseph +oo!$ teacher at St(/eter0s ,ndustrial School$ and his wife +atherine Sinclair(

    Jacob &Naawigii;higweyaash) 2eren0s family was not alone in ha'ing ties togeographically dispersed and culturally di'erse relati'es(

    /eople$ regardless of affiliation$ were not satisfied with the +anadian go'ernment0simplementation of Treaty 5( The re>uest of *a'id Rundle0s 2and to mo'e to rassyNarrows =hitemud Ri'er$ 9a!e =innipeg -not to be confused with =hitemud Ri'er on9a!e Manitoba.$ for e

  • 8/12/2019 Keewatin District Metis Scrip Applications


    Smith$ Jessie -now 2lac!.Q for her deceased daughter$ 1li;a SmithQ address: Sel!ir!Qborn: ""5 at 3a ,hroat RiverQ died: June$ G66 at mouth of Red Ri'erQ father: 4ran!Smith -=hiteman.Q mother: Jessie Smith -M?tis and deponent.Q claim no( F6G(

    Ste'ens$ Sophia AgnesQ address: Sel!ir!Q born: G No'ember$ ""6 at 3a ,hroat RiverQ

    father: James Allan Ste'ens -=hiteman.Q mother: Sarah +aroline Smith -M?tis.Q claimno( F65

    Ste'ens$ John 9ee 9ouisQ address: Sel!ir!Q born: F July$ "" at 3a ,hroat RiverQfather: James Allan Ste'ens -=hiteman.Q mother: Sarah +aroline Smith -M?tis.Q claimno( F6F(

    Ste'ens$ *aisy Mary 1li;abethQ address: Sel!ir!Q born: # July$ "#" at 3a ,hroatRiverQ father: James Allan Ste'ens -=hiteman.Q mother: Sarah +aroline Smith -M?tis.Qclaim no( F6(

    Sinclair$ *onaldQ address: 3a ,hroat RiverQ born: "# at /ar!s +ree!Q father: =illiamSinclair -M?tis.Q mother: Maria -M?tis.Q married: to ,sabella Sinclair$ now deceasedQclaim no( ##6(

    3erens River

    4lett$ Alice 9ouisaQ address: St( /etersQ claim no( 5EQ born: 5 May$ "## at 3erensRiverQ father: James 4lett -=hiteman.Q mother: Mary /eebles -M?tis.Q scrip cert(: form 1$no( E

    4lett$ +atherineQ address: St( /etersQ claim no( 5Q born: 5 January$ ""6 at 3erens

    River4father: James 4lett -=hiteman.Q mother: Mary /eebles -M?tis.Q scrip cert(: form1$ no( E6

    4lett$ 1li;abethQ address: St( /etersQ claim no( 55Q born: 5 4ebruary$ "# at 3erensRiver4father: James 4lett -=hiteman.Q mother: Mary /eebles -M?tis.Q scrip cert(: form1$ no( EE

    4lett$ eorge RichardQ address: St( /eterQ claim no( 5Q born: September$ "#5 at3erens River4father: James 4lett -=hiteman.Q mother: Mary /eebles -M?tis.Q scrip cert(:form 1$ no( E

    4lett$ JamesQ for his absent son$ *onald 4lettQ claim no( #"EQ address: St( /etersQ born: January$ "# at 3erens RiverQ father: James 4lett -=hiteman and deponent.Q mother:Mary /eebles -M?tis.Q scrip cert(: form 1$ no( E5E

    4lett$ JamesQ heir to his deceased son$ John 4lettQ claim no( "Q address: 4ortAle

  • 8/12/2019 Keewatin District Metis Scrip Applications


    4lett$ JamesQ heir to his deceased daughter$ +aroline 4lettQ claim no( ##5Q born: September$ "" at 3erens RiverQ died: " 4ebruary$ "" at 3erans RiverQ address: St(/etersQ father: James 4lett -=hiteman and deponent.Q mother: Mary /eebles -M?tis.Qscrip cert(: form 4$ no( #F

    4lett$ JamesQ heir to his deceased unnamed sonQ claim no( #"Q address: St( /etersQ born: 5Bctober$ "#" at 3erens RiverQ father: James 4lett -=hiteman and deponent.Q mother:Mary /eebles -M?tis.Q scrip cert(: form 4$ no( ##

    9in!later$ HughQ address: Rat /ortageQ claim no( #"Q born: May$ "" at 3erensRiver4father: Jacob 9in!later -M?tis.Q mother: +harlotte Mus!ego -M?tis.Q scrip cert(:form 1$ no( EF65(

    9in!later$ JacobQ heir to his deceased daughter$ Janet Hanna 9in!laterQ claim no( ##Qaddress: Rat /ortageQ born: Bctober($ "" at 3erens RiverQ died: April$ ""F at Rat/ortageQ father: Jacob 9in!later -M?tis and deponent.Q mother: +harlotte Mus!ego

    -M?tis.Q scrip cert(: form 4$ no( G"E(

    9in!later$ JacobQ for his li'ing son$ John James 9in!lateQ claim no( #5Q address: Rat/ortageQ born: " June$ "#5 at 3erens RiverQ father: Jacob 9in!later -M?tis anddeponent.Q mother: +harlotte Mus!ego -M?tis.Q married: winter$ G66 to Agnes+ameron(

    9in!later$ JacobQ for his absent son$ Hugh 9in!lateQ claim no( #"Q address: Rat /ortageQborn: May$ "" at 3erens RiverQ father: Jacob 9in!later -M?tis and deponent.Qmother: +harlotte Mus!ego -M?tis.

    9in!later$ JacobQ heir to his deceased son$ =illiam 9in!lateQ claim no( #GQ address: Rat/ortageQ born: March$ "#G at 3erens RiverQ died: F June$ ""F at Rat /ortageQ father:Jacob 9in!later -M?tis and deponent.Q mother: +harlotte Mus!ego -M?tis.Q scrip cert(:form 4$ no( G"(

    9in!later$ John JamesQ born: " June$ "#5 at 3erens RiverQ claim no( #5Q father:Jacob 9in!later -M?tis.Q mother: +harlotte Mus!ego -M?tis.Q married: 4all$ G66 toAgnes +ameronQ scrip cert(: form 1$ no( E55(

    McCay$ Ale

  • 8/12/2019 Keewatin District Metis Scrip Applications


    McCay$ AngusQ for his minor son$ Angus Tache McCayQ address: 2erens Ri'erQ born: GJuly$ ""E at 2erens Ri'erQ father: Angus McCay -=hiteman and deponent.Q mother:irginie Rollette -M?tis.Q scrip cert(: form 1$ no( E6"5Q claim no( "5F(

    McCay$ AngusQ for his minor son$ 9eo Taschareau Joachin McCayQ born: September$

    ""5 at 2erens Ri'erQ address: 2erens Ri'erQ father: Angus McCay -=hiteman anddeponent.Q mother: irginie Rollette -M?tis.Q scrip cert(: form 1$ no( E6"#Q claim no("5#(

    McCay$ AngusQ heir to his deceased son$ John eorge Ale

  • 8/12/2019 Keewatin District Metis Scrip Applications


    Sanders$ SamuelQ for his deceased unnamed childQ address: 3lack River4born: " April$""E at St( /eters Reser'eQ died: E hours old at St( /eters Reser'eQ father: SamuelSanders -M?tis and deponent.Q mother: Margaret -M?tis.Q file ref( "6E5Q claim no( "FF(

    Swain$ TimothyQ address: 3lack RiverQ born: "## at 3or! 4actoryQ father: +harles

    Swain -M?tis.Q mother: Mary Ann Sanderson -+ree ,ndian.Q married: May$ G6 to1li;abeth /assageQ file ref( #FF""Q scrip issued for 6 acresQ claim no( ##(

    Swain$ Mary AnnQ for her minor son$ Samuel SwainQ address: 3lack RiverQ born: 1asterSunday$ ""F at 4isher 2ayQ father: Samuel Swain -M?tis.Q mother: Mary Ann Saunders-M?tis and deponent.Q claim no( "5(

    3$ll #ea

    *arcis$ John Ale

  • 8/12/2019 Keewatin District Metis Scrip Applications


    7ohnston' Ale/anerQ address: 5at 8ish 5reek$ ManitobaQ claim no( "E5Q born: 5 May$"## at 8ort Ale/anerQ father: Joseph Johnston -M?tis.Q mother: Sara 2ruyers -M?tis.Qscrip cert(: form 1$ no( E6"6(

    /arisien$ John eorgeQ for his deceased mother$ +atherine /arisien nee SpenceQ address:

    5atfish 5reekQ born: "6 at MapletonQ died: Bctober$ "# at MapletonQ claim no( #"5(

    Dog #ea (East shore across fro" Matheson 1slan)

    +hastellain$ *a'idQ heir of his deceased daughterQ claim no( G#Q Ann Maria +hristie+hastellainQ born: April$ "#" at Dog #eaQ died: # 4ebruary$ "#G at St( /etersQaddress: Rabbit /ointQ father: *a'id +hastellain -M?tis and deponent.Q mother: MariaSte'enson -M?tis.

    +hastellain$ 4rancesQ for her deceased daughter$ 2ellQ claim no( #66Q 2ella MargaretRachel +hastellainQ born: January$ 5$ ""6 at Dog #eaQ died: """ at St( +lementsQ

    address: MapletonQ father: Narcisse +hastellain -M?tis.Q mother: 4rances Hourie -M?tisand deponent.Q heirs: scrip cert(: form 4$ no( G"6$ 4rances +hastellain$ "6 acresQ scripcert(: form 4$ no( G"$ Mary Jane +hastellain$ "6 acresQ scrip cert(: form 4$ no( G"G$John +hastellain$ "6 acres

    +hastellain$ Mary JaneQ address: MapletonQ claim no( #6Q born: G January$ "#" atDog #ea4father: Narcisse +hastellain -M?tis.Q mother: 4rances Hourie -M?tis.Q scripcert(: form 1$ no( E5F(

    Thomas$ MargaretQ address: Dog9s #ea' Lake Winnipeg4born: 4ebruary$ "FG at St(/etersQ father: John Thomas -M?tis.Q mother: +atherine 1'erett or 4redQ -M?tis.Q married:

    Spring$ ""# to Robert +owleyQ scrip for P6(66Q claim no( #65(

    Simard$ 9ouisQ heir to his deceased daughter$ AdelaideQ SimardQ address: Dog #eaQborn: 6 No'ember$ ""5 at 2ull HeadQ died: ""# at *uc! 2ayQ father: 9ouis Simard-=hiteman and deponent.Q mother: 2etsy +ochrane -M?tis.Q scrip cert(: form 4$ no( #"Qclaim no( #FG(

    Elk 1slan

    4ontaine$ J?rmeQ heir to his deceased daughter$ Rosalie 4ontaineQ claim no( #5"Q born:F 4ebruary$ "" at +umberland HouseQ died: "G" at +umberland HouseQ address: Elk

    1slan4father: J?rme 4ontaine -M?tis and deponent.Q mother: Nancy +hapman -M?tis.Qscrip cert(: form 4$ no( #

    4ontaine$ J?rmeQ heir to his deceased daughter$ Ang?le 4ontaineQ claim no( #F"Q born:" May$ "" at +umberland HouseQ died: "GG at +umberland HouseQ address: Elk1slan4father: J?rme 4ontaine -M?tis and deponent.Q mother: Nancy +hapman -M?tis.scrip cert(: form 4$ no( #E


  • 8/12/2019 Keewatin District Metis Scrip Applications


    4ontaine$ Su;anneQ address: Elk 1slanQ claim no( #F#Q born: June$ "#F at +umberlandHouseQ father: J?rme 4ontaine -M?tis.Q mother: Nancy +hapman -M?tis.Q scrip cert(:form 1$ no( E6FF

    9acaille$ ,sidoreQ for his deceased son$ ,sidore 9acailleQ claim no( 6Q address: 9ac du

    2onnetQ born: ""E at 8ort Ale/anerQ died: March$ "G at Elk 1slanQ father:,sidore 9acaille -M?tis U deponent.Q mother: ,sabelle Sipi -,ndian.

    Mc9ean$ 4inlayQ for his minor son$ *onald Mc9eanQ address: 3lack Rivernear NorwayHouseQ born: E Bctober$ "" at Elk 1slanQ father: 4inaly Mc9ean -M?tis anddeponent.Q mother: Sarah Ann *onald -M?tis.Q file ref( #F#6EFQ claim no( 6#(

    8ort Ale/aner

    8ort Ale/aner' Manitoa: -#GE % "6$ " % "F6. 4ort Ale

  • 8/12/2019 Keewatin District Metis Scrip Applications


    3r$ce' 6atrickQ for his son /erci'al 2ruceQ claim no( ##Q address: /oplar /ar!Q born: August$ ""E at 8ort Ale/anerQ father: /atric! 2ruce -M?tis and deponent.Q mother:1li;abeth Ann arroch -M?tis.Q scrip cert(: form 1$ no( E6F"

    3r$ce' ;ictor Ale/anerQ address: /oplar /ar!Q claim no( "55Q born: 5 May$ "#" at8ort Ale/anerQ father: /atric! 2ruce -M?tis.Q mother: 1li;abeth Ann arroch -M?tis.Qscrip cert(: form 1$ no( E6"F

    3r$ce' Walter AnrewQ address: /oplar /ar!Q claim no( 5EEQ born: 5 No'ember$ "#Gat 4ort Ale

  • 8/12/2019 Keewatin District Metis Scrip Applications


    8lett' 7a"esQ heir to his deceased son$ John 4lettQ claim no( "Q address: 8ortAle/aner4born: E *ecember$ "5G at Norway HouseQ father: James 4lett -deponentand Br!neyman.Q mother: Mary /eebles -M?tis.Q died: 5 Bctober$ ""E at 2erens Ri'erQscrip for P6(66

    8lett' MargaretQ address: 8ort Ale/anerQ claim no( 5Q born: G July$ "F# at NelsonRi'erQ father: James 4lett -Br!neyman.Q mother: Mary /eebles -M?tis.Q scrip for P6(664lett$ Mary concerning her claim to scripQ claim no( Q address: 4ort Ale

  • 8/12/2019 Keewatin District Metis Scrip Applications


    #o$rston 7r+' 7osephQ heir to his deceased wife$ Madeleine 4ontaineQ claim no( #5FQborn: 5 April$ "## at +umberland HouseQ died: 5 March$ G6 at +umberland HouseQaddress: 4ort Ale

  • 8/12/2019 Keewatin District Metis Scrip Applications


    7ohnston' SaraQ for her deceased son uillaume JohnstonQ claim no( "FQ born: " 4eb($"#5 at 4ort Ale

  • 8/12/2019 Keewatin District Metis Scrip Applications



  • 8/12/2019 Keewatin District Metis Scrip Applications


    6ro$l/' EliseQ address: St( ital$ ManitobaQ born: 5 September$ "#5 at 8ortAle/anerQ father: a'ier Ritchat -M?tis.Q mother: ,sabelle Henault -M?tis.Q married:"G" at St( +laud$ Manitoba to Joseph /roul

  • 8/12/2019 Keewatin District Metis Scrip Applications


    *a'id$ b( "#F$ baptised at St( 2oniface(

    Scrip applications:Main'ille$ St( JohnQ heir to his deceased daughter$ ,sabelle Main'illeQ address: 4ortAle

  • 8/12/2019 Keewatin District Metis Scrip Applications


    !o2s Lake

    ,sbister$ =illiamQ heir to his deceased son$ =illiam RoberQ claim no( F5EQ Miles ,sbisterQborn: No'($ "#6 at !o9s LakeQ died: E Sept($ "#E at =innipegQ address: MapletonQfather: =illiam ,sbister -M?tis U deponent.Q mother: Mary Ann 2egg -M?tis.Q scrip cert(:form 4$ no( GFF(

    Lac $ 3onnet


  • 8/12/2019 Keewatin District Metis Scrip Applications


    /hillips$ SaraQ address: Lac $ 3onnetQ born: F No'ember$ "#F at rassy NarrowsQfather: John 2os!el -=hiteman.Q mother: Jane Settee -M?tis.Q married: September$ "GGto John /hillips at Sel!ir!Q scrip cert(: form 1$ no( E5Q claim no( #(

    9acaille$ ,sidoreQ for his deceased son$ ,sidore 9acailleQ claim no( 6Q address: Lac $

    3onnet4 orn: %==> at 8ort Ale/anerQ died: March$ "G at Elk 1slanQ father:,sidore 9acaille -M?tis U deponent.Q mother: ,sabelle Sipi -,ndian.

    Lake Winnipeg

    2os!ill$ John RobertQ address: Rait 6oint' Lake WinnipegQ claim no( ##"Q born: *ec($ "# at rassy Narrows$ 9a!e =innipegQ father: John 2os!ill -=hiteman.Q mother:Jane 1llen Settee -M?tis.Q scrip cert(: form 1$ no( E55G

    *arcis$ HenryQ address: Humbug Ri'erQ claim no( "6Q born: Bctober$ ""E at 3igMa$' Lake WinnipegQ father: James 9ouis /hilip *arcis -=hiteman.Q mother: Nancy

    4inlayson -M?tis.Q scrip cert(: form 1$ no( E6

    *arcis$ James 9ouis /hilipQ heir to his deceased daughter$ ene'iV'e Rosalie *arcisQclaim no( #GQ born: F May$ "#G at =illow +ree!Q *ied: " August$ ""6 at St( /etersReser'eQ address: =ashow Ri'er on #$"$g River on Lake WinnipegQ father: James9ouis /hilip *arcis -=hiteman.Q mother: Nancy 4inlayson -M?tis.Q scrip cert(: form 4$no( GF(

    *eschambeault$ HenriQ heir to his deceased daughter$ Allarie Jeannie *eschambeaultQclaim no( FEQ born: July$ "#F at rand Rapids$ Lake WinnipegQ died: E January$ """at St( 2onifaceQ address: Red *eer Hills$ /rince Albert$ /ost BfficeQ father: Henri

    *eschambeault -M?tis and deponent.Q mother: 1li;a =hitewayQ scrip cert(: form 4$ no(EG for 6 acres of land

    McCenney$ NancyQ for her deceased son$ al Henry McCenneyQ address: Sel!ir!Q born:"" or ""E at D$"ken 6oint' Lake4 WinnipegQ died: ""5 or ""F at 2ig ,slandQfather: Augustus McCenney -=hiteman.Q mother: Nancy Setter -M?tis and deponent.Qfile ref( ##EG6EQ claim no( FG5(

    Settee$ John RobertQ address: Moose 9a!eQ born: August$ "F" on Lake WinnipegQfather: John Richard Settee -M?tis.Q mother: 9ouisa Moar -M?tis.Q scrip for P6(66Qclaim no( 6#E(

    Thomas$ MargaretQ address: Dog9s #ea$ Lake WinnipegQ born: 4ebruary$ "FG at St(/etersQ father: John Thomas -M?tis.Q mother: +atherine 1'erett or 4redQ -M?tis.Q married:Spring$ ""# to Robert +owleyQ scrip for P6(66Q claim no( #65(

    Little !ran Rapis


  • 8/12/2019 Keewatin District Metis Scrip Applications


    9in!later$ +atherineQ address: 6igeon 3l$ffQ claim no( 5GQ born: " May$ "#G at Little!ran Rapis4father: John Moar -=hiteman.Q mother: Jordan -M?tis.Q married: "GF atSt( Andrews to John 9in!laterQ scrip cert(: form 1$ no( EF(

    Moar$ Ale

  • 8/12/2019 Keewatin District Metis Scrip Applications


    Moar$ *onald 4lett +ameronQ address: 6igeon 3l$ffQ born: June$ "## at Little!ran Rapis4father: John Moar -=hiteman.Q mother: Mary Jordan -M?tis.Q scrip cert(:form 1$ no( E5Q claim no( 5"(

    Moar$ SarahQ address: 6igeon 3l$ffQ born: G August$ "" at Little !ran RapisQ

    father: John Moar -=hiteman.Q mother: Mary Jordan -M?tis.Q scrip cert(: form 1$ no(E#Q claim no( 56(

    Moar$ Ale

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    Ait!en$ =illiamQ as claimant for his son$ Thomas Hector Ait!enQ claim no( E5GQ born: GJanuary$ ""5 at 6oplar RiverQ father: =illiam Ait!en -=hiteman and deponent.Qmother: Annabella Morrison -M?tis.

    Robertson$ John +harles =esleyQ address: 6oplar RiverQ born: 6 January$ "F# at

    Norway HouseQ father: John Robertson -Scot.Q mother: Mary =esley -M?tis.Q married:4all$ ""F at Norway House to Jeannette$ daughter of +harles /a%pa%so%niniQ scrip forP6(66Q claim no( E(

    Rait 6oint (So$th of 3erens River on Lake Winnipeg)

    Alary$ +atherineQ concerning the claim of her deceased son /ierre SinclairQ claim no( 56Qborn: Bctober$ "" at Rait 6ointQ father: +olin Sinclair -M?tis.Q mother: +atherineAlary -M?tis.Q died: 4ebruary$ ""5 at Rait 6ointQ heirs: +atherine Alary$ scripcert(: form * EG$ PF6(66Q John Henry Alary$ scrip cert(: form * EE6$ PF6(66Q MaryAlary$ scrip cert(: form * EE$ PF6(66Q Julia Alary$ scrip cert(: form * EE$ PF6(66

    2os!ill$ John RobertQ address: Rait 6oint'9a!e =innipegQ claim no( ##"Q born: *ec($ "# at rassy Narrows$ 9a!e =innipegQ father: John 2os!ill -=hiteman.Q mother:Jane 1llen Settee -M?tis.Q scrip cert(: form 1$ no( E55G

    +ampbell$ MurdochQ heir to his deceased son$ Malcolm +ampbellQ claim no( GEQaddress: CenesotaQ born: " 4ebruary$ "#" at Rait 6ointQ father: Murdoch +ampbell-=hite and deponent.Q mother: Harriet Anderson -M?tis.Q died: Bctober$ "#" atCenesotaQ scrip cert(: form 4$ no( F5G

    +hastellain$ *a'idQ heir to his deceased daughter$ Ang?li>ueQ claim no( G"Q

    +hastellainQ born: May$ ""E at St( /etersQ died: ""5 at St( /etersQ address: Rait6oint4father: *a'id +hastellain -M?tis and deponent.Q mother: Marguerite 4a'el -M?tis.

    +hastellain$ *a'idQ heir to his deceased daughter$ NancyQ claim no( GGQ +hastellainQaddress: Rait 6ointQ born: 4all$ ""6 at Sandy 2arQ father: *a'id +hastellain -M?tisand deponent.Q mother: Marguerite 4a'el -M?tis.Q died: F or # months after birth

    +hastellain$ *a'idQ heir of his deceased daughterQ claim no( G#Q Ann Maria +hristie+hastellainQ born: April$ "#" at Dog #eaQ died: # 4ebruary$ "#G at St( /etersQaddress: Rait 6ointQ father: *a'id +hastellain -M?tis and deponent.Q mother: MariaSte'enson -M?tis.

    +hastellain$ *a'idQ for his deceased son$ John =illiamQ claim no( GE6Q +hastellainQaddress: Rait 6ointQ born: " January$ ""6 at St( /etersQ Reser'eQ died: G66 at St(/eters Reser'eQ father: *a'id +hastellain -M?tis and deponent.Q mother: MariaSte'enson -M?tis.

    +yr$ eorgeQ heir to his unnamed deceased sonQ claim no( GG6Q address: Rabbit /oint$N(1( sec( 6Q Tp( 6 R( F =Q born: August$ ""5 at Rait 6ointQ died: when E days

  • 8/12/2019 Keewatin District Metis Scrip Applications


    old at Rabbit /ointQ father: eorge +yr -M?tis and deponent.Q mother: ,sabelle *aunais-M?tis.Q scrip cert(: form 4$ no( 6F

    +yr$ MathildeQ address: St( 2onifaceQ claim no( ###Q born: E 4ebruary$ "" at Rait6ointQ father: John +yr -M?tis.Q mother: Madeleine /erreault -M?tis.Q file ref( G556

    *elaronde$ 1tienneQ heir to his deceased daughter$ /hilomVne *elarondeQ claim no( 5G5Qborn: " April$ ""E at Swan +ree!Q died: "GG$ January$ at Rait 6ointQ address: St(9aurentQ father: 1tienne *elaronde -M?tis andQ deponent.Q mother: Helen Mon!man-M?tis.Q scrip cert(: form 4$ no( GFE

    endron$ 4rancoisQ heir to his deceased brother$ Joseph Ma

  • 8/12/2019 Keewatin District Metis Scrip Applications


    and deponent.Q mother: +ecile 9ari'iere -M?tis.Q scrip cert(: form 4$ no( #65Q claim no(#E(

    Mon!man$ +arolineQ address: Rabbit /ointQ born: March$ ""E at Rait 6ointQfather: +harles Mon!man -M?tis.Q mother: +aroline Sinclair -M?tis.Q scrip cert(: form +$

    no( "Q claim no( 5G#(

    Mon!man$ 1li;aQ address: StonewallQ born: 6 *ecember$ "#F at Rait 6ointQ father:Thomas 3oung -=hiteman.Q mother: Margaret Spence -M?tis.Q married: """ to +harlesMon!manQ scrip cert(: form 1$ no( EGEQ claim no( 5"G(

    Mon!man$ 1li;abeth JaneQ address: Rait 6ointQ born: 5 January$ "# atMinnewa!enQ father: eorge /ottinger -Scot.Q mother: Margaret Sinclair -M?tis.Qmarried: to Thomas Mon!man -deceased.Q scrip cert(: form 1$ no( E6FQ claim no( FG(

    Mon!man$ 1li;abeth JaneQ for her deceased husband$ Thomas Mon!manQ born No'ember

    $ "#E at Swan +ree!Q died G July$ G66 at Rait 6oint4address: Rabbit /ointQ father:1dward Mon!man -M?tis.Q mother: Josette Richard -M?tis.Q heirs: 1li;abeth JaneMon!man$ scrip cert(: form *$ no( E5G for P6(66Q Josette Mon!man$ scrip cert(: form*$ no( EF6 for P(66Q Mary Spence$ scrip cert(: form *$ no( EF for P(66Q 1dwardMon!man$ scrip cert(: form *$ no( EE for P(66Q +harles Mon!man$ scrip cert(: form*$ no( EFE for P(66Q =illiam Mon!man$ P(66Q claim no( FE"(

    Mon!man$ JamesQ heir to his deceased son$ =illiam James Mon!manQ born: No'ember$ "#" at Rait 6ointQ died: 4ebruary$ G6 at Rait 6ointQ address:Rabbit /ointQ father: James Mon!man -M?tis and deponent.Q mother: 1li;abeth JaneSinclair -M?tis.Q scrip cert(: form 4$ no( FFQ claim no( 5GF(

    Mon!man$ JamesQ address: Rait 6ointQ born: *ecember$ "## at Rait 6oint4father: +harles Mon!man -M?tis.Q mother: +aroline Sinclair -M?tis.Q scrip cert(: form 1$no( E66Q claim no( 5G"(

    Mon!man$ Jane MaryQ address: Rait 6ointQ born: July$ "#E at Rait 6oint4father: James Spence -M?tis.Q mother: Nancy Mon!man -M?tis.Q married: ""G to1dward Mon!manQ scrip cert(: form +$ no( EGQ claim no( FGE(

    Mon!man$ JeremiahQ address: Rait 6ointQ born: E July$ "" at Swan +ree!Q father:James Mon!man -M?tis.Q mother: 1li;abeth Jane Sinclair -M?tis.Q scrip cert(: form +$ no(GQ claim no( F6(

    Nabes$ /ierreQ for his deceased son$ 4rederic! NabesQ address: =illow 2unchQ born: Bctober$ "#" at Rait 6ointQ died: ""E at Rait 6ointQ father: /ierre Nabes -M?tisand deponent.Q mother: Su;an Richard -M?tis.Q claim no( F(


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    Nabes$ /ierreQ for his deceased daughter$ Marie NabesQ address: Moose JawQ born: ENo'ember$ "" at Rait 6ointQ died: hours oldQ father: /ierre Nabes -M?tis anddeponent.Q mother: Su;an Richard -M?tis.Q claim no( FF(

    Nabes$ /ierreQ for his deceased son$ Simeon NabesQ address: Moose JawQ born: 6

    Bctober$ ""6 at Rait 6ointQ died: month old at Rait 6ointQ father: /ierre Nabes-M?tis and deponent.Q mother: Su;an Richard -M?tis.Q claim no( F5(

    /ottinger$ +atherineQ address: Rait 6ointQ born: April$ "" at Minnewa!enQ father:eorge /ottinger -Scot.Q mother: Margaret Sinclair -M?tis.Q scrip cert(: form +$ no( GQclaim no( FE#(

    /ottinger$ eorgeQ heir to his deceased son$ *onald /ottingerQ address: Rait 6ointQborn: August$ "## at Swan +ree!Q died: ""6 at Rabbit /ointQ father: eorge /ottinger-M?tis and deponent.Q mother: Margaret Sinclair -M?tis.Q scrip cert(: form 4$ no( F"Qclaim no( F#(

    /ottinger$ eorgeQ for his minor son$ Henry /ottingerQ address: Rait 6ointQ born: September$ "" at Rait 6ointQ father: eorge /ottinger -=hiteman and deponent.Qmother: Margaret Sinclair -M?tis.Q scrip cert(: form +$ no( E#Q claim no( F"E(

    /ottinger$ JohnQ address: Rait 6ointQ born: " 4ebruary$ "# at Touchwood HillsQfather: eorge /ottinger -=hiteman.Q mother: Margaret Sinclair -M?tis.Q scrip cert(: form1$ no( E6Q claim no( F"(

    /ottinger$ =illiam eorgeQ address: Rait 6ointQ born: E September$ "#G atMinnewa!enQ father: eorge /ottinger -Scot.Q mother: Margaret Sinclair -M?tis.Q scrip

    cert(: form 1$ no( E6#Q claim no( FEF(

    Ri'ard$ ,sabelleQ for her minor daughter$ Josephine Ri'ardQ address: Rabbit /ointQ born: #March$ ""5 at Rait 6ointQ father: Romain Ri'ard -M?tis.Q mother: ,sabelle *es@arlais-M?tis.Q claim no( F5(

    Sinclair$ +arolineQ for her unnamed deceased sonQ address: Rait 6ointQ born: "# at2attlefordQ died: F days old at 2attlefordQ father: +harles Mon!man -M?tis.Q mother:+aroline Sinclair -M?tis and deponent.Q heir: his father$ +harles Mon!manQ scrip cert(:form 4$ no( GFQ claim no( F"(

    Sinclair$ Mary % +oncerning her claim as a child % Address$ /incher +ree! /(B( /ostBffice % 2orn$ "FE at Rait 6oint$ North =est Territories % 4ather$ =illiam Sinclair$-M?tis. % Mother$ Marie +hartrand$ -M?tis. % Married$ Bctober$ ""6 at +ypress Hillsto =illiam Allen % +hildren li'ing$ three -names on declaration. % Scrip for P6 % +laimG(

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    Spence$ Andrew eorgeQ address: Rabbit /ointQ born: January$ "## at Rait 6ointQfather: James Spence -M?tis.Q mother: Nancy Mon!man -M?tis.Q scrip cert(: form 1$ no(E6Q claim no( F55(

    Spence$ +atherineQ for her deceased son$ *onald Sinclair by +olin Sinclair$ her first

    husband$ deceasedQ address: NeepawaQ born: "#G at Rait 6ointQ died: month old atRabbit /ointQ father: +olin Sinclair -M?tis.Q mother: +atherine Spence -M?tis anddeponent.Q heirs: +atherine Allary nee Spence$ scrip cert(: form *$ no( EEE for PF6(66QJohn Henry Allary$ scrip cert(: form *$ no( EE for PF6(66Q Mary Allary$ scrip cert(:form *$ no( EE5 for PF6(66Q Julia Allary$ scrip cert(: form *$ no( EEF for PF6(66Q claimno( 5(

    Spence$ *a'idQ address: Rabbit /ointQ born: August$ "#" at Rait 6ointQ father:James Spence -M?tis.Q mother: Nancy Mon!man -M?tis.Q scrip cert(: form 1$ no( E6FQclaim no( FG(

    Spence$ JamesQ heir to his deceased son$ James SpenceQ address: Rabbit /ointQ born:March$ ""E at Rait 6ointQ died: " March$ "" at Rabbit /ointQ father: James Spence-M?tis and deponent.Q mother: Nancy Mon!man -M?tis.Q scrip cert(: form 4$ no( F"Qclaim no( FG5(

    Spence$ JamesQ heir to his deceased son$ John James SpenceQ address: Rabbit /ointQ born:G August$ "# at Rait 6ointQ died: "#F at Rabbit /ointQ father: James Spence -M?tisand deponent.Q mother: Nancy Mon!man -M?tis.Q scrip cert(: form 4$ no( F"5Q claim no(F5F(

    Spence$ JamesQ heir to his deceased son$ John James SpenceQ address: Rabbit /ointQ born:

    G August$ "# at Rait 6ointQ died: "#F at Rabbit /ointQ father: James Spence -M?tisand deponent.Q mother: Nancy Mon!man -M?tis.Q scrip cert(: form 4$ no( F"5Q claim no(F5F(

    Spence$ JamesQ heir to his deceased son$ Archibald SpenceQ address: Rabbit /ointQ born:July$ "" at Rait 6ointQ died: "" at Rabbit /ointQ father: James Spence -M?tis anddeponent.Q mother: Nancy Mon!man -M?tis.Q scrip cert(: form 4$ no( F"FQ claimno(FGF(

    Spence$ JamesQ heir to his deceased son$ Nichols SpenceQ address: Rabbit /ointQ born:4ebruary ""5 at Rait 6oint4died: August ""F at Rabbit /ointQ father: James Spence

    -M?tis and deponent.Q mother: Nancy Mon!man -M?tis.Q scrip cert(: form 4$ no( F"#Qclaim no( FG#(

    Spence$ JamesQ for his deceased daughter$ 1li;abeth 2ellaQ SpenceQ address: Rabbit /ointQborn: # May$ ""5 at Rait 6ointQ died: No'ember ""5 at Rabbit /ointQ father: JamesSpence -M?tis and deponent.Q mother: Nancy Mon!man -M?tis.Q file ref( G556GQ claimno( 6#(


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    Spence$ MaryQ address: Rabbit /ointQ born: G *ecember$ "#5 at Rait 6ointQ father:1dward Mon!man -M?tis.Q mother: Josette Richard -M?tis.Q married: "GF to =illiamSpenceQ scrip cert(: form 1$ no( E6E5Q claim no( FFE(

    Spence$ =illiamQ address: Rabbit /ointQ born: *ecember "#5 at Rait 6ointQ father:

    James Spence -M?tis.Q mother: Nancy Mon!man -M?tis.Q married: "GF to MaryMon!manQ scrip cert(: form 1$ no( E65Q claim no( FG(

    Thomas$ JohnQ for his deceased son$ =illiam ThomasQ address: Rait 6ointQ born:4ebruary "#" at 3erens RiverQ died: ""6 at St( /etersQ father: John Thomas -M?tis anddeponent.Q mother: +atherine 1'erett -M?tis.Q file ref( ##6E5Q claim no( #5(

    Thomas$ JohnQ for his absent daughter$ +aroline ThomasQ address: Rait 6ointQ born: G*ecember$ "" at 3$ll #ea4father: John Thomas -M?tis and deponent.Q mother:+atherine 1'erett -M?tis.Q file ref( ##6E55Q claim no( #F(

    Thomas$ JohnQ for his deceased son$ John Robert ThomasQ address: Rait 6ointQ born:4ebruary$ ""# at Norway HouseQ died: """ at Norway HouseQ father: John Thomas-M?tis and deponent.Q mother: +atherine 1'erett -M?tis.Q file ref( ##6E5Q claim no(#E(

    Thomas$ JohnQ for his deceased daughter$ 1li;abethQ Anne ThomasQ address: Rait6ointQ born: # Bctober$ "#G at 3$ll #eaQ died: April$ "" at St( /etersQ father: JohnThomas -M?tis andQ deponent.Q mother: +atherine 1'erett -M?tis.Q file ref( ##6E5Q claimno( ##(

    Thomas$ JosephQ address: Rait 6ointQ born: June$ "#" at 3$ll #eaQ father: John

    Thomas -M?tis.Q mother: +atherine 1'erett -M?tis.Q scrip cert(: form 1$ no( EQ claimno( #(

    Todd$ NorbertQ for his unnamed deceased childQ address: St( 4rancois a'ierQ born: E6No'ember$ ""5 at Rait 6ointQ died: *ecember$ ""5 at Rait 6ointQ father:Norbert Todd -M?tis and deponent.Q mother: Josephine Morin -M?tis.Q file ref( FF5EQclaim no( "E(

    =hite$ JaneQ for her deceased daughter$ +atherine 2os!illQ by her first husbandQ address:Rait 6ointQ born: E *ecember$ "#G at rassy NarrowsQ died: January$ ""6 atStonewallQ father: John 2os!ill -=hiteman.Q mother: Jane Settee -M?tis and deponent.Q

    claim no( 6#G(

    =right$ 4loraQ address: Rabbit /ointQ born: 6 January$ ""E at Rait 6ointQ father:Thomas 3oung -=hiteman.Q mother: Margaret Spence -M?tis.Q married: "GG to Sidney=rightQ scrip cert(: form +$ no( #Q claim no( 5"#(


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    =right$ HarrietQ address: StonewallQ born: 6 August$ ""6 at Rait 6ointQ father:Thomas 3oung -=hiteman.Q mother: Margaret Spence -M?tis.Q married: G66 to Thomas=rightQ scrip cert(: form 1$ no( E6GQ claim no( 5"F(

    3oung$ SarahQ address: StonewallQ born: " September$ ""5 at Rait 6ointQ father:

    Thomas 3oung -=hiteman.Q mother: Margaret Spence -M?tis.Q scrip cert(: form 1$ no(EGQ claim no( 5""(

    Rat 6ortage' Winnipeg River

    Rat /ortage on the =innipeg Ri'er on the north side of 9a!e of the =oods was originallypart of what was considered Manitoba( Thus Manitoba issued Scrip to its Metisinhabitants(

    ,n "#"$ the Hudson0s 2ay +ompany sur'eyed lots for the permanent settlement of RatPortage-Wportage to the country of the mus!ratW. 7 the community !ept that name until

    G65$ when it was renamed toKenora( The name$ WKenora$W was coined by combiningthe first two letters ofKeewatin$Norman-two nearby communities. andRat Portage(Cenora was initially claimed as part of the /ro'ince of Manitoba$ and there are earlyreferences to Rat /ortage$ Manitoba( There was a long lasting argument between the twopro'inces !nown as the Bntario%Manitoba boundary dispute( 1ach pro'ince claimed thetown as part of their territory and the dispute lasted from "#6 to ""( Although Bttawahad ruled the town part of Manitoba in ""$ the issue was finally ta!en up with theJudicial +ommittee of the /ri'y +ouncil which e'entually decided in Bntarios fa'our(Cenora officially became part of the pro'ince of Bntario in ""G(

    Rat /ortage$ successor to Hungry Hall and =hitefish 2ay was the main trading post on

    the north side of 9a!e of the =oods in the Rainy 9a!e district( The &Rat carrying place)was the ma@or portage lin!ing 9a!e of the =oods to the =innipeg Ri'er( ,ts outpostswere Ceewatin$ 1agle 9a!e$ =abigoon$ North =est Angle$ =hite *og and Shoal 9a!e(The Metis managers of this post were: James ,sbister -"EF.$ 4rancois Main'ille -"E"and "56.$ +harles oulait -"%5.$ eorge Mc/herson -"5"%"#.$ Robert9aurenson -"#. and /eter Sinclair -"#.(

    2y "EF a post had been set up on Bld 4ort ,sland on the =innipeg Ri'er( The Rat/ortage post$ whose name was a shortened and corrupted 'ersion of =au;hush! Bnigumwas mo'ed to the mainland in "F and around it grew the community of Rat /ortage(

    The town was to become the main ob@ect of interest in the Bntario%Manitoba boundarydispute which lasted from "#6 to ""( 1ach pro'ince claimed the town as part of theirterritory( 2oth pro'inces had @ails in the town$ and both issued titles to mining claims andtimber licenses( 1'en though Rat /ortage$ Manitoba was incorporated as a municipalityin ""$ on September "$ ""E$ polling too! place here to elect members to the/ro'incial 9egislatures of both pro'inces( 4inally$ in ""$ the /ri'y +ouncil of 1ngland$to which the dispute had been ta!en$ decided in fa'our of Bntario( ,t became official in""G(


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    "EF is the earliest reference to a trading post near the site !nown as /ortage du Rat orthe rat carrying place( ,t seems li!ely that the post was built to replace the *alles post$which closed in "EF(

    The +ouncil of the Northern *epartment of Ruperts 9and appointed *onald McCen;ieto ta!e charge of the Rat /ortage post for "E#%"E"( 2usiness there that winter wasprosperous$ for in March$ two men and a guide were sent to 4ort 4rances with a re>uestfor more trading goods( The Rat /ortage men returned pretty well loaded with strouds$blan!ets$ gunpowder$ etc($ etc( for the trade(((

    McCen;ie was$ on and off$ in charge of the Rat /ortage post until "56$ when he retiredto the Red Ri'er Settlement( The Ma@or$ as he was !nown$ struggled with the trade in Rat/ortage( Nicol 4inlayson$ who was in charge of the 9ac la /luie district reported that (((The poor Ma@ors men complain much$ not of himself$ but the wifeQ and , belie'e if shedid not meddle so much with his affairs he would be more popular than he isQ he is li'ing

    in +lo'er this winter ha'ing made an e

  • 8/12/2019 Keewatin District Metis Scrip Applications


    is therefore the opinion of all that the night being 'ery dar! and stormy he mustha'e stumbled o'er the roc!s -with which that place abounds. into the la!e orri'er and drowned( The sad e'ent was at once communicated to Mr( 9aurenson atNorth =est Angle and he forthwith proceeded to Rat /ortage and prosecuted afurther search but to no effect(W

    A young 9ouis Cittson filled in at Rat /ortage until +aptain ilbert Hac!land came tota!e charge for the remainder of "#%"#5( 9aurenson was bac! at Rat /ortage for a fewyears but left the +ompany at the end of May "## and his place was ta!en by +harles S(+rowe and later A(R( 9illie(

    =hen +hief Trader Ale

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    3egg' 7ohn !eorgeQ for his daughter$ Maria 2eggQ claim no( #FQ address: Rat /ortageQborn: # 4ebruary$ "#G at 1agles NestQ father: John eorge 2egg -M?tis and deponent.Qmother: Julia Sturgeon -,ndian.

    3egg' 7ohn !eorgeQ for his son +harles 2eggQ claim no( ##Q address: Rat /ortageQ

    born: 6 September$ "" at 1agle NestQ father: John eorge 2egg -M?tis and deponent.Qmother: Julia Sturgeon -,ndian.Q scrip cert(: form 1$ no( E5E5Q file ref( #"E#

    3egg' 7ohn !eorgeQ heir of his deceased daughter$ 1llen 2eggQ claim no( #Q address:Rat /ortageQ born: " Bctober$ "" at 1agles NestQ father: John eorge 2egg -M?tis anddeponent.Q mother: Julia Sturgeon -,ndian.Q died: """ at Rat /ortage

    5ook' Mar-Q address: Rat /ortageQ claim no( G#6Q born: "5 at 9ac SeulQ father:/atric! Adhmar -M?tis.Q mother: Nancy Rose -M?tis.Q married: G66 to Joseph +oo!Qscrip cert(: form +$ no( F# for P6(66Q file ref( 5FF6(

    8inla-son' Mar-Q address: Rat /ortageQ claim no( 66Q born: No'($ "#E at Trout9a!eQ father: John 3oung -=hiteman.Q mother: Magna Thompson -,ndian.Q married:"GG at Rat /ortage to /eter 4inlaysonQ scrip cert(: form 1$ no( EFE#

    8inla-son' 6eterQ address: Rat /ortageQ claim no( 6"Q for his deceased sister$ Jessie9illie 4inlaysonQ born: "#F at 4ort Ale

  • 8/12/2019 Keewatin District Metis Scrip Applications


    #ogooa"' Mar- Eli

  • 8/12/2019 Keewatin District Metis Scrip Applications


    Linklater' 7aco4heir to his deceased son$ =illiam 9in!lateQ claim no( #GQ address:Rat /ortageQ born: March$ "#G at 2erens Ri'erQ died: F June$ ""F at Rat /ortageQfather: Jacob 9in!later -M?tis and deponent.Q mother: +harlotte Mus!ego -M?tis.Q scripcert(: form 4$ no( G"(

    Linklater' 7acoQ for his absent son$ Hugh 9in!lateQ claim no( #"Q address: Rat/ortageQ born: May$ "" at 2erens Ri'erQ father: Jacob 9in!later -M?tis anddeponent.Q mother: +harlotte Mus!ego -M?tis.

    Mainville' St+ 7ean4 heir to his deceased son$ Jean 2aptiste Main'illeQ born: "F nearRat /ortageQ died: *ecember$ "#EQ father: St( Jean Main'ille -M?tis and deponent.Qmother: Nancy Name!osins -,ndian.Q claim no( 5(

    Mainville' St+ 7eanQ heir to his deceased son$ Jean 2aptiste Main'illeQ born: "F nearRat /ortageQ died: *ecember$ "#EQ father: St( Jean Main'ille -M?tis and deponent.Q

    mother: Nancy Name!osins -,ndian.Q claim no( 5(


  • 8/12/2019 Keewatin District Metis Scrip Applications


    eorge Mitchell -deceased =hiteman.Q mother: Margaret 2egg -M?tis and deponent.Qclaim no( 65F(

    Matheson' Ale/anerQ heir to his deceased daughter$ Annie MathesonQ address: Nipigin$BntarioQ born: *ecember$ "#G at rand Rapids$ Sas!atchewanQ died: April$ ""

    at Rat /ortageQ father: Ale

  • 8/12/2019 Keewatin District Metis Scrip Applications


    +ompiled and 1dited by 9awrence 2ar!well+oordinator of Metis Heritage and History Research9ouis Riel ,nstitute