Kentico and MVC

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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1. Why we made the decision

2. How we adapted our approach

3. The benefits

1. Attracting new developer talent

2. Complete control over markup

3. Separation of layers

4. Unit testing

• Continued use of ASPX page templates

• ASPX pages were a façade containing no code

• Existed only to facilitate calls to MVC controller


• Enabled ongoing use of web parts

• Is admittedly a bit ‘hacky’

• An MVC controller action is bound to a page or page template

• Binding to a page template allows the route to be applied to all

pages of that type, regardless of where they exist in the tree

• Useful for adding Ajax routes that have no page context

• .Net routes are applied directly to the RouteConfig file in the solution

• Use a specific url format e.g. /ajax/{action}

• Exclude urls from Kentico rewriting engine for performance reasons

• Urls can be excluded from rewriting in ‘Excluded URLs’ in Settings

1. Embrace the API, use a decompiler to look at available API methods

2. Align custom code with Kentico settings

3. Check user/role permissions when accessing data

4. Ensure online marketing activities are tracked appropriately in code

5. Apply caching to action methods and/or API reads

1. Better code that is easier to maintain

2. Improved quality – fewer bugs – less QA time

3. Clean semantic markup

4. Better performing websites

5. Easier to attract talent
