Keppel T&T Financial Highlights - Keppel Corporation slides.pdf · ROE of 13.4%! Divested 20.8% of...

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Copyright ©Keppel T&T 2003

Financial Highlights

21 Jan 0321 Jan 03

Keppel T&TKeppel T&T

Copyright ©Keppel T&T 2003

2002 financial highlights! Full year PATMI before E.I. of $24.6m

! ROE of 13.4%

! Divested 20.8% of M1 raising proceeds of $287m

! Net gearing ratio improved from 4.3 times at endof 2001 to 0.7 times at end 2002

! Dividend rate of 21.5% - $21.9m� Final dividend of 6.5% - 1.3 cents (taxable)

� Special dividend of 15% - 3.0 cents (tax-exempt one-tier)

� Total 4.3 cents

Copyright ©Keppel T&T 2003

Financial highlight � P&L2002 2001 %$'m $'m

TURNOVER 683.4 672.0 2%

Operating Profit/(Loss) 33.7 17.6 91%

Profit/(Loss) before exceptional items 29.3 10.6 176%

Exceptional Items 61.5 (180.5) n.m.

Profit/(Loss) before taxation 90.8 (169.8) n.m.

PATMI before E.I 24.6 (10.4) n.m.

PATMI before E.I (excl deferred tax adj) 11.3 (10.4) n.m.

Copyright ©Keppel T&T 2003

Financial highlight � Balance Sheet

S$ Million 31-12-01 30-06-02 31-12-02

Shareholders' funds 138.0 164.0 229.0

Net Debt 588.4 606.7 163.9

D/E Ratio (times) 4.3 3.7 0.7

Operating Cashflow 150.0

ROE before E.I 13.4

Copyright ©Keppel T&T 2003

Financial highlight � Cash Flow

(11.4)Net decrease in cash


(377.9)Repayment of term loan

(372.4)Cash flow from Financing Activities


(51.2)Acquisition of fixed assets

286.5Sale of M1

231.8Cash flow from Investing Activities

129.2Net cash from Operating Activities

(21.5)Interest income / expenses, taxes paid, etc

150.7Cash from Operations

57.6Working Capital changes

93.1Operating profit before working capital change

S$ Mil

Copyright ©Keppel T&T 2003

Exceptional Items

S$ MilGain from sale of M1 187 Write-down (118) Restructuring Cost, etc (8)


Copyright ©Keppel T&T 2003

Network Engineering P&L! Increase due to full year revenue

contribution from SVOA

! Reduced capex spending by telcosand competitive pressures reducedturnover and margins

! Downsizing brings cost structuredown to competitive level

! Focus on higher value-addedservices

! Acquisition of the remaining 40% ofEcho in April 2002

Outlook for 2003

! Cost structure competitive afterdownsizing

! Continue to focus on higher value-added services

! Will be profitable

12.1(1.4)PATMI before EI

21.2(4.0)Operating Profit /(Loss)


20012002S$ Mil

Copyright ©Keppel T&T 2003

Network Engineering Order Book

! As at Dec 2002, order book was S$204 mil

� Wireline S$10 mil

� Wireless S$194 mil

Copyright ©Keppel T&T 2003

Telecoms P&L! Revenue dropped due to sale

of data centres in Thailand,Philippines and Malaysia

! Losses avoided with the closureand sale of loss-makingbusinesses

! Higher earnings recorded byM1

Outlook for 2003

! Divest remaining data centresand online data securitybusiness

! M1 will continue to perform well

(36.0)12.4PATMI before EI

(16.4)24.0Operating Profit /(Loss)


20012002S$ Mil

Copyright ©Keppel T&T 2003

Logistics P&L! Revenue dropped due to lower

occupancy of a warehouse

! Profit from China operationsincreased due to buoyanteconomy

! Restructuring in 2001 loweredcost of operations

Outlook for 2003

! Occupancies will improve

! China operations will continueto do well with post-WTOimpetus and activities

! Continue to divest

5.310.7PATMI before EI

7.28.7Operating Profit /(Loss)


20012002S$ Mil

Copyright ©Keppel T&T 2003

Shipping P&L! Revenue dropped due to

smaller fleet and lowercharter rates

Outlook for 2003

! Charter rates expected tostabilise

! Continue to divest8.22.8PATMI before EI

9.95.0Operating Profit /(Loss)


20012002S$ Mil

Copyright ©Keppel T&T 2003

Medium term financial targets

! ROE of 15%

! Operating gross margin to increase beyond 25%

! Further return of capital to shareholders withproceeds from divestments

Copyright ©Keppel T&T 2003

Keppel T&TKeppel T&T

Network Engineering &Technology Solutions

The Market & StrategyThe Market & Strategy

21 Jan 200321 Jan 2003

Copyright ©Keppel T&T 2003


To be a leader in

network engineering services and technology

solutions in the info-communications industry

by delivering best-in-class services and solutions to

our customers

through focused project management and

continuous innovation

Copyright ©Keppel T&T 2003

Industry development in 2002! Weak global economy

! High debt levels and basic cost cutting measureshave reduced planned capex expendituresGlobally, capex fell from US$240bn to US$130bn

(TotalTelecom, Dec 2002)

! 3G did not take off as some countries andoperators had planned

! Basic network capacity is in place and consumerdemand continues to take up capacity

Copyright ©Keppel T&T 2003

Industry Trend

! Global telecoms market projected to grow by CAGR of 6% from USD1Trn in 2002 to USD 1.3Trn in 2007 (Pyramid, Nov 2002)

! Operators feeling margin erosion due to competition in maturingmarkets forcing a shift in focus to more value added and data orientedservices

! Operators looking to improve financial performance:

� Areas for cost reduction & efficiency

� Areas for new revenue sources

! Increasing adoption of wireless/mobility solutions

! Operators are outsourcing more of their engineering needs

! Operators are returning to �Utility� model from �Internet hype� model

! �Broadband Access� increasingly become a �Life Line Utility Service�

Copyright ©Keppel T&T 2003

Market Segments

! Strategic partners for rolloutdeployment and operation

! Financing

! Low penetration butexponential subscribergrowth

! Poor network infrastructure

! Latin America! Africa! Middle East! Russia! Cent Europe


! Network performanceenhancement

! Deployment services

! Moderate penetration! Robust subscriber growth! Pre-paid mode dominant

! Malaysia! Thailand! China! India! Portugal! Hungary! India


! Migration from voice to datanetworks (2G > 2.5G > 3G)

! Value-added revenue-generatingservices

! Fixed network upgrades tobroadband

! Network optimization! Addition of IP Services

! Very high penetration! Saturated market! Growth driven by data

services and mobilesubstitution of fixed lines

! Taiwan! Singapore! Germany! UK! France! Spain! US


Key requirements Market Characteristics Countries Market

Copyright ©Keppel T&T 2003

Our Goals! Knowledge-based business in the info-comms industry

! Specialized Network Engineering Competencies:

� Systems Integration for IP Services

� Project Management

� Network Operations

� System Engineering

� Technology Solutions

� Network Design

! Implementation leadership in Network and EnterpriseApplications

! Seamless integrated global business model

Copyright ©Keppel T&T 2003








North Asia & Europe

4. Penetrate markets withhigh growth andearly adoption of


North Americas

5. Leverage on in-countrycustomers, partners and

infrastructure to capitalize onopportunities.

Products and services addressefficiency and

cost effectiveness ofnetwork design & implementation

ASEAN & Germany

1. Consolidate existingbusinesses andfocus on existingkey competencies

and target atwireless and fixed linebroadband customers

2. Focus on home markets forinitial success and

critical mass

3. Expand comprehensivesuite of products & services


Nwk Ops &Maintenance


Complete suite of pdts & svcesenhance our value proposition

and increase �stickiness�

Intellectual property, Innovative solutions & middleware

give us clear competitive advantage

6. Use Innovative solutions &middleware as

key differentiator andextend up the value chain.Kep







Innovativesolutions TelcosTelcos

NewCapabilities& markets

NewCapabilities& markets

+ +

KTT�s Strategy

Copyright ©Keppel T&T 2003

Moving Up the Value Pyramid

Production Technical Services


� GIS data collection/conversion

� Rollout designs (fixed & wireless)

� Facility design

� Field data collection

� Cell site design

� Cell site rollout

� Construction documents

� Construction

� Equipment supply

Copyright ©Keppel T&T 2003

Moving Up the Value Pyramid

Planning & Engineering & CM

Planning & Engineering & CM

� Standards

� Implementation of network concepts

� Planning & coordination with other carriers

� Construction implementation

Copyright ©Keppel T&T 2003

Moving Up the Value Pyramid

Network Architecture &Project Mgt

Network Architecture & Project Mgt

� Business plan & network concept integration

� Network concepts

� Technology evaluation

� Technology migration planning

� Project mgt. systems, tools, methods

� Vendor management

Copyright ©Keppel T&T 2003

Moving Up the Value Pyramid

Network Systems & Tools

Implementation of

Network Systems & Tools

Network Systems & Tools

� Performance analysis

� Optimization

� Troubleshooting

� Security

� Usage Management

� �Billing by the bite�

� Operations Support Systems

� Business Support Systems

� IP Services Integration


� Use of Project Mgt. skills, tools and methodscombined with �production� skills to implementNetwork Systems & Tools

Copyright ©Keppel T&T 2003

Moving Up the Value Pyramid





� Pilot projects

� Interoperability

� Scaling

� Network interface


� Project rollout

� Operations implementation

� Operator / User Support

Copyright ©Keppel T&T 2003

Status Update

Copyright ©Keppel T&T 2003

Expand Service Offerings! Expand service offering to existing telecom

customers in areas of



�Value added services

! Partnership with technology providers

�Small World in GIS

�Gamma Project in infrastructure mgmt

�Metatron in 2G/2.5G network monitoring and3G network optimization

Copyright ©Keppel T&T 2003

Technology Solutions! Mobility solutions offering using InfoClarus

! Agreement with InfoClarus in place

! Preparations for trials in 3 telecom & 3 enterprisecustomers in first half 2003

! Annuity based revenue

Copyright ©Keppel T&T 2003

Joint Ventures� A Shift from the Acquisition Approach

! Creation of joint ventures for market entry

! Developing business plans with select partieswith privileged telecom relationships to pursueoutsourced O&M opportunities (e.g. managedservices for carriers)

! Targeted 2 in USA and 1 in Europe

! Exploring with ADC, CedarPoint and others toteam in area of system integration

Copyright ©Keppel T&T 2003

Progress to date


! Expanded into key target countries

� Asia (China, Indonesia)

� Europe (France, Switzerland)

! Build sales & marketing teams

� Sales teams now in place in China, France,Germany, Iberia, UK

� Sales & Engineering services officeestablished in USA

! Build a Global Operations group to deployprojects & manage resources globally

Copyright ©Keppel T&T 2003

Process & Tools! Put in place a business process and tools to support a global

business, organisation and workforce to :

� Focus on the execution of the business plan

� Gain efficiencies across the organisation,

� Maximize the allocation and utilisation of resources

� Provide accurate and timely management reports

! 4Q2002 � Phase 1 of our End to End (E2E) Business process

� Process definition and tools

� Timesheet & project ledger systems

� Organisation & work structures, workflow, reporting lines

� HR initiatives, policies, procedures,

� Risk management

! 2003 � Phase 2 ; Process improvements

Copyright ©Keppel T&T 2003

Organisation! Focus in 2H2002

� Right Sizing of the organisation ( ca. 45 %)

� Integration of ECHO Broadband & KeppelCommunications ( processes, systems andorganisation)

! Focus in 2003

� Entity consolidation and streamlining

! Global Organisation structure around 4 Market regions

� North Asia

� South Asia

� Europe


Copyright ©Keppel T&T 2003

New Operating Entities


NORTH ASIAChina BeijingTaiwan

SOUTH ASIASingaporeM alaysiaThailandThe PhilippinesIndonesiaBruneiVietnam

EURO PEGerm anyLuxem bourgFrance


Hendon, VA

Copyright ©Keppel T&T 2003

Conclusion! 2002 was a difficult year, in particular for Telecom and IT industries

! Challenging year too for KTT

! Company took swift and decisive actions to overcome thesechallenges and to position itself for future growth

! Going forward, these are the challenges :

! transform from an investment & holding company to an operating company

! build network engineering to a global business

! orderly divestment of non-core assets

! enhance shareholder values

� ROE of 15%

� Operating gross margin to increase beyond 25%

� Further return of capital to shareholders with proceeds fromdivestments

Copyright ©Keppel T&T 2003

Thank You