Kerala Culture Architecture

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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KERALA God’s own Country

Location KERALA is an Indian state located on the Malabar coast The state has an area of 38,863 km (15,005 sq mi) and is

bordered by Karnataka to the north and northeast, Tamil Nadu to the east and south and the Arabian Sea on the west.

KERALA TOURISM Great Back Waters TVC.mp4

Few facts Official language - Malayalam  Kerala is a popular destination for its Backwaters, Beaches,

Ayurvedic tourism and Tropical greenery . Highest literacy rate, life expectancy and highest sex ratio in

India Low infant mortality rate United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and World Health

Organisation (WHO) designated Kerala the world's first 'Baby Friendly State.

Doctor patient ratio of 1:700 which resembles most of the European nations’ health facilities.

Kerala Culture in the Indian background

Synthesis of Aryan & Dravidian culture Composite and cosmopolitan Unity in diversity Cultural pluralism

Land of Ayurveda & Spices Kerala has the largest number

of Ayurveda colleges and practitioners in comparison to any other place in the world

Kerala Ayurveda is famous for its 5 prolonged treatment, named ‘Panchakarma’

One of the major spice shipping hubs for the globe since as early as 3000 B.C.

Art forms




Kerala architecture is one of the most unique in India, especially in its striking contrast to Dravidian architecture, Tamil architecture popularly seen in South India and its close resemblance to Oriental architecture like Japanese, Tibetan and Nepalese.

The architectural style has evolved from the state’s peculiar climate and long history of influences of its major maritime trading partners

Kerala Traditional Attire



•Named as one of the ten paradises of the world by National Geographic Traveler.

•Kerala is famous especially for its ecotourism initiatives and beautiful backwaters.

•Responsible Tourism


Traditionally a matriarchal society with ladies given more preferences and priority. They get priorities in queue, seating in public transport, priority or separate reservations in public transport waiting lists, etc.

Ladies are also expected to conform to traditional standards of modesty. For example, smoking and drinking by ladies are considered as social taboos

A respectable woman does not show her legs (including ankles) or shoulders

It is very important to wash your hands before you eat. Only eat with your right hand, as the left hand is meant to be used for more unsavoury purposes, and also only pass food (and other things) with your right hand.

Before you enter someone's house, remove your shoes to show respect.

The thumb rule of handshaking is that, the female extends her hand first, and the male reciprocates. ‘Namaskaram’ is the formal way of greeting.

Public display of affection is generally disapproved.

Life in God's Own Country.mp4

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