KERANG TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOL 17th Facsimile: (03) 5452...

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“Thought for the Week” It’s your place in the world; it’s your life. Go on and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live.

Events In July

Students & Parents Mon 20th July : Defence Force Presentation : School Council Wed 22nd July : VET & VCE Parents-Yr 10/11 2016 Thu 23rd July : Sen Boys’ Basketball : Intermediate Netball Wed 29th July : Yr 11—Fit to Drive : Yr 12-TIS Tour : Looking After Your Mates : VCE Parent/Teacher Interviews

KERANG TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOL Telephone: (03) 5452 1062

Facsimile: (03) 5452 2649

Murray Street, PO Box 201, KERANG 3579

A State Secondary College

17th July


Vol 21

School Council Parent Representatives

Tami Leggett—President Jeannette Teasdale

Linda Stanton Peter O’Brien Alan Peacock

Karen Radcliffe Dean Radcliffe Wayne Gurnett

Principal’s Report

Welcome back

I would like to extend a big welcome back to all staff and students for Term 3. This is an important

term, particularly for our Year 12 students, as Term 4 basically starts with exams. We also welcome

back Ms Christine Jones, who has returned from long service leave, and Mrs Angela Ginnivan, who is

replacing Mrs Gail Hogg while she is on leave. Another important role of the school is to mentor

student teachers as they work toward their teaching qualification. This term we welcome Mr Joel Ward

who is working in the field of PE and Health, and I am sure he will have a wonderful time at KTHS. I

look forward to a busy yet rewarding term for everyone.

Student Family Occupation Data Collection

This week you should have received information about Student Family Occupations. This

documentation is something ALL schools need to regularly update, and I ask that you do it as a matter

of urgency. All information is confidential and is used as part of a formula to work out the amount of

funding the school is entitled to, so please consider carefully what work category you fall under. If you

are uncertain please do not hesitate to contact the school.

Forms need be returned to the front office no later than Wednesday, 22nd July.


Congratulations to Gerardine Prendergast who was named a Rotary Club ‘Paul Harris Fellow’ during

the holidays. This is a very prestigious award for services to community as exemplified by the Rotary

International motto of ‘service above self’. From the school’s perspective, she has strong involvement

in the Cambodia alternative “Schoolies” program for Year 12 students and some 80 students from

Kerang, Cohuna and the Northern Territory have come back with a greater appreciation of what they

have in Australia, making them better citizens.


Over the holidays building works commenced with the removal of rooms 4, 5 and the old VCE common

room (the demolishers described it as a boyhood fantasy to pull down a school). It is great to see some

tangible evidence of things starting to happen in what has been a long drawn out process. The next step

for the school is that the second set of plans has been submitted detailing costs and maintenance as per

the condition assessment reports. Once this has been approved the next phase will be creating the plans

for the internal room designs and then going to tender. So whilst a lot of building is not occurring, a lot

of planning is being completed.

Going, Going,


Dean Rogers


Homework Club Kerang Technical High School is continuing its ‘Homework Club’ each Monday and Wednesday night

from 3:40 – 4:30pm in the Library. For students requiring very specific advice they are encouraged to

consult with their teacher before this time.

UNIFORM STORE NEWS The Uniform Store is open every Tuesday at lunchtime and after school. If you cannot makes these times, and urgently need uniforms please contact the our Uniform Co-ordinator, Gail McKenzie on 0409 961 349 to organise an alternative day and time.




Textiles Classes for Semester 2 All students participating in Textiles in Semester 2 will require an A3 cartridge paper sketch book, spiral bound. These are available from JI paper or the newsagent.

KERANG TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOL Telephone: (03) 5452 1062

Facsimile: (03) 5452 2649

Murray Street, PO

Box 201


A State Secondary College Website:

Dear Year 9 and 10 Parent(s) and Student,

We would like to invite you to attend the 2016 Senior School Information Evening. The details are as



(For students going into Year 10 and 11 in 2016)

Wednesday, July 22nd

KTHS Library

7:00pm – 8:00pm

It is very important that students and their parents attend this information session.

Information will be presented about the Senior School Selection process and VCE and VET courses.

Students must select their initial Senior School subjects for 2016 by Friday, July 31st.

Students will need to carefully consider their career pathway options after school when making

their selections.

After the initial subject selection, a grid will be formed for next year. Students and parents will be

individually counselled when making the final choices from this grid.

We would like to encourage students and parents to make individual appointments with either one of us

to discuss any issues regarding their Senior School subject selections.

VCE Expo!

From 6:30pm on the night, the library will be open for a Senior School Expo where students and parents

can wander around to each domain stall and discuss with relevant staff what will be covered in each


Nathan Henry Jan McClure

Senior School Manager Careers Advisor

In support of KTHS Chaplaincy

An Evening of Country Music

With John Doyle

7.30pm Saturday, 18th July

St John’s Anglican Hall, Kerang

Supper provided

BYO drinks and nibbles

Adults $15 Students $10

For Tickets/Bookings contact:

Paul Webb at the Kerang Motel—5450 3517

Pam—5452 2757, 0409 227 579

Claudia—5452 1835, 0428 941 547

VCE Parent Teacher Interviews VCE Parent/Teacher/Student interviews will be held at 4.00pm – 6:00pm on Wednesday 29

th July. It is for all

VCE students and their parents as a follow up from reports. This term the VCE subject names have altered slightly to represent which Unit your child is completing instead of their year level. eg. 12EN (Yr 12 English) - it is now known as EN04 (English Unit 4) VCEAC (Combined Accounting) it is now split into AC02 or AC04 (Accounting Unit 2 or Accounting Unit 4) Go to and follow these simple instructions. If you are having problems or require assistance booking times please contact Mr Smith at KTHS on 54521062.


When you click finish, your interview timetable will be emailed to you automatically - check your junk mail folder if you do not receive your email immediately. You can return to at any time, and change your interviews - until bookings close.



Unit 2 – 15/06/15 – 6/11/15 (17 weeks) Unit 4 – 01/06/15 – 16/10/15 (16 weeks) VCE Deadlines Unit 2 No work will be accepted after 4:00pm Friday, 6th November 2015

Unit 4 No work will be accepted after 4:00pm Friday, 16th October 2015

SENIOR SCHOOL END OF YEAR EXAMS Unit 3 & 4 Exam Period – Wednesday 28th October – Friday 20th November (VCAA timetable)

Unit 1 & 2 Exam Period – Monday 9th November – Friday 13th November (2hr - Unit 1&2)

Year 10 Exams – Core and Electives Monday 16th – Friday 20th November (Timetabled)

2016 TRANSITION PERIOD 2016 Course Counselling - Friday 13th November 2015

2016 Transition Period – 16th – 27th November (Unit 3&4)

2016 Transition Period – 23rd November – 4th December (Unit 1&2)

Valedictory Evening - Thursday 19th November

The Foundation for Young Australians (FYA) is coming to Kerang to deliver

the Change It Up Program. This program brings together young people from

Gannawarra, Loddon & Swan Hill Shires. Over two days, young people will

be taken on a journey that explores their community, their position in their

community and their ideas for change. We believe that all young people have

the courage, imagination and will to create the change they want to see for

themselves and their communities. This program promises to be truly

amazing. Change It Up will run on 16 & 17 July from 9.30am - 4.00pm from

Northern District Community Health in Kerang.

Please contact Penny on 5450 9333 or email, to register your expression of

interest, but hurry, as places are limited.





Sunday 26th july 2015 10am -2pm

Official ceremony and calendar launch 11.30am

Morning tea & light lunch

Rsvp for catering : By Fri 17th july

EMAIL Phone or sms. Katrina 0419 315 414

Mail: 1939 Murray Valley Hwy,


Mental Health First Aid is a 12-hour course

which teaches members of the public how to assist someone who is

developing a mental health problem or is in a mental health crisis.

Where: NDCHS, 24 Fitzroy St. Kerang. When: Monday 20

th July and 27

th July

9.30am to 4.30pm. 9am registration

Cost: $50 includes manual, certificate & lunches Bookings: NDCHS ph-54510200 or email RSVP by: 13

th July 2015

The course will be facilitated by Northern District Community Health Service staff.

Kerang Technical High School Absence Note

Student’s Name: …………………………………………….. Year Level……….. … Home Group…………..

Date of Absence: …………………………………..

Reason for Absence: Family Reasons Illness Appointment Holiday

Other Reasons: ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Parent/Guardian Signature: ………………………………………… Date: …………………………….

Kerang Technical High School Absence Note

Student’s Name: …………………………………………….. Year Level……….. … Home Group…………..

Date of Absence: …………………………………..

Reason for Absence: Family Reasons Illness Appointment Holiday

Other Reasons: ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Parent/Guardian Signature: ………………………………………… Date: …………………………….

Kerang Technical High School Absence Note

Student’s Name: …………………………………………….. Year Level……….. … Home Group…………..

Date of Absence: …………………………………..

Reason for Absence: Family Reasons Illness Appointment Holiday

Other Reasons: ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Parent/Guardian Signature: ………………………………………… Date: …………………………….

Kerang Technical High School Absence Note

Student’s Name: …………………………………………….. Year Level……….. … Home Group…………..

Date of Absence: …………………………………..

Reason for Absence: Family Reasons Illness Appointment Holiday

Other Reasons: ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Parent/Guardian Signature: ………………………………………… Date: …………………………….