KEY CONCEPT Bacteria are single-celled organisms … · Bacteria are single-celled organisms...

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262 Unit 2: Cells

BEFORE, you learned

• Organisms come in all shapesand sizes

• All living things share commoncharacteristics

• Living things may be dividedinto six kingdoms

NOW, you will learn• About the simplest living

things• About bacteria and archaea• That bacteria may help or

harm other organisms


Bacteria are single-celledorganisms without nuclei.

MAIN IDEA WEBMake a web of the impor-tant terms and detailsabout the main idea:Bacteria and archaea arethe smallest living things.Be sure to include how bacteria are classified.

Bacteria and archaea are the smallest living things.

The names of the organisms belonging in the kingdoms Archaea andBacteria are probably unfamiliar. Yet you actually encounter theseorganisms every day. Bacteria are everywhere: on your skin, in theground, in puddles and ponds, in the soil, and in the sea. About 300species of bacteria are living in your mouth right now.

are the simplest kind of life known on Earth. All bacteriaare composed of just one cell without a nucleus. Their genetic materi-al is contained in loops within the cell. A bacterium reproduces usingbinary fission.



Where are bacteria?

Bacteria are the simplest form of life.But that doesn’t mean they’re notimportant or numerous. As you lookabout the room you’re sitting in, try tothink of places where you might findbacteria. In fact, bacteria are on thewalls, in the air, on the floor, and onyour skin. It’s hard to think of a placewhere you wouldn’t find bacteria. Thephotograph shows a magnification ofbacteria living on a sponge. The bacteriaare magnified 580�. There are hundreds of millionsof bacteria on your skin right now. There are trillions of bacteria thatlive inside your intestines and help you digest food.

Sunshine StateSTANDARDSSC.F.1.3.2: The studentknows that the struc-tural basis of mostorganisms is the celland most organismsare single cells, whilesome, includinghumans, are multicellular.SC.G.1.3.3: The studentunderstands that theclassification of livingthings is based on agiven set of criteriaand is a tool forunderstandingbiodiversity andinterrelationships.

FCAT VOCABULARYproducer p. 265decomposer p. 265

VOCABULARYbacteria p. 262archaea p. 264parasite p. 265

Chapter 8: Single-Celled Organisms and Viruses 263

Bacterial cells are different from the cells of other organisms. A bac-terial cell is about 1/10 to 1/20 the size of a typical cell from organismssuch as animals, plants, fungi, or protists. These four groups includeorganisms made up of cells with true nuclei. The nucleus is a structurethat is enclosed by a membrane and that holds the genetic material.

Despite their small size, bacteria are simple only when comparedwith more complex cells. Bacteria are much more complex than viruses, because they have many internal structures that viruses do not have. For example, one important feature of most bacteria is acovering called a cell wall, which surrounds and protects the soft cellmembrane like a rain jacket. Bacterial cells contain many largemolecules and structures that are not found in viruses.

Scientists often classify bacteria by their external shapes.

• Spiral-shaped bacteria occur in single strands.

• Rod-shaped bacteria may occur singly or in chains.

• Round-shaped bacteria may occur singly or in pairs,chains, or clusters.

Check Your Reading Name two features that all bacteria share.


All bacteria are single cells without nuclei.

Round BacteriaSpiral Bacteria Rod Bacteria

cell membrane

The cell wall protectsthe bacterium from itssurroundings.



reading tip

The plural of bacterium isbacteria, and the plural ofnucleus is nuclei.

264 Unit 2: Cells

Archaea and bacteria are found in manyenvironments.

Two types of single-celled organisms do not have nuclei. Bacteria arethe most common and can be found in nearly every environment.Archaea are similar in size to bacteria, but share more characteristicswith the cells of complex organisms like plants and animals.

Archaea(AHR-kee-uh) are single-celled organisms that can survive in

the largest range of environments. These environments may be veryhot, very cold, or contain so much of a substance such as salt thatmost living things would be poisoned. As a result, scientists oftengroup archaea according to where they live.

Methanogens take their name from methane, the natural gas theyproduce. These archaea die if they are exposed to oxygen. They maylive in the dense mud of swamps and marshes, and in the guts of ani-mals such as cows and termites.

Halophiles live in very salty lakes and ponds. Some halophiles die iftheir water is not salty enough. When a salty pond dries up, so do thehalophiles. They can survive drying and begin dividing again whenwater returns to the pond.

Thermophiles are archaea that thrive in extreme heat or cold. Theymay live in hot environments such as hot springs, near hot vents deepunder the sea, or buried many meters deep in the ice.



Archaea are organisms that can live in extreme environments.

Methanogens may be found in a cow’s stomach where they help with digestion.

Halophiles can be found in extremely salty bodies of water such as the Dead Sea.


Thermophiles may be found in hot geysers such as this one in Yellowstone National Park.


Find out more about themany different types ofbacteria.

Halophiles Thermophiles

reading tip

The word halophile isformed using the root wordhalo- which means "salt,"and the suffix –phile whichmeans "love." Therefore, ahalophile is a "salt lover."

Chapter 8: Single-Celled Organisms and Viruses 265

BacteriaMost single-celled organisms without a nucleus are classified as bacte-ria. Bacteria are found in almost every environment and perform avariety of tasks. Some bacteria contain chlorophyll. Using sunlight forenergy, these bacteria are an important food source in oceans. Thesebacteria also release oxygen gas, which animals need to breathe.

Check Your Reading What are some common traits of bacteria and archaea?

Bacteria without chlorophyll perform different tasks. Some bac-teria break down parts of dead plants and animals to help recyclematter. Some bacteria release chemicals into the environment, provid-ing a food source for other organisms. Scientists often group bacteriaby the roles they play in the environment. Three of the most commonroles are listed below.

Bacteria that transform energy from sunlight into energy that canbe used by cells are called These bacteria are a food sourcefor organisms that cannot make their own food.

get energy by breaking down materials in dead ordecaying organisms. Decomposers help other organisms reuse materi-als found in decaying matter.

Some bacteria live in a very close relationship either inside or onthe surface of other organisms. Some of these bacteria may have noeffect on their host organisms or host cells. Some bacteria help theirhosts. Other bacteria are organisms that harm their hosts.parasites,



Cyanobacteria in Earth’s oceans provide oxygen for animals to breathe.


Some bacteria break down dead wood into materials used by other organisms.

Staphylococcus bacteria cause infections such as these boils in humans.

Three roles bacteria play in the environment are shown below.


Decomposers Parasites

VOCABULARYBe sure to add descrip-tion wheels for producer,decomposer, and parasiteto your notebook.

266 Unit 2: Cells

Bacteria may help or harm other organisms.Some bacteria, such as producers and decomposers, are helpful toother organisms. But other bacteria can be harmful. These bacteriacan cause diseases in animals and plants.

Helpful BacteriaOne shovelful of ordinary soil contains trillions of bacteria, and everyfallen leaf or dead animal is covered with bacteria. These bacteriabreak down the matter in dead bodies and waste materials. These broken-down materials are then available for other organisms to buildtheir bodies.

Cities use bacteria to break down sewage. Bacteria in sewage-treat-ment plants live on the material dissolved in liquid sewage. Thesebacteria help make the water clean enough to be released into rivers oroceans. Other bacteria are used to clean up oil spills by decomposing oilsuspended on the ocean’s surface.

Bacteria can also change materials that do not come from livingthings and make them available for other organisms. For example,some bacteria can convert nitrogen gas to nitrogen compounds. Thisprocess, called nitrogen fixation, makes nitrogen available to plants ina form that is useful to them. Plants use this nitrogen in making pro-teins, which are an important part of every cell.

Bacteria inside the root nodules of soybean plantsconvert nitrogen into a form the plant can use.

Helpful Bacteria

bacteria inside nodules

nodules on roots

Like bacteria, certain types of archaea are helpful to other organ-isms. Animals that eat plants such as grass often depend on archaea.Methanogens help break down the cellulose in cell walls. Termites andcows are two examples of animals that can digest cellulose because ofthe archaea in their stomachs.

Check Your Reading Name two helpful roles that bacteria can play in the environment.

Harmful Bacteria Not all bacteria are helpful to other organisms. Scientists first discov-ered that bacteria cause some diseases in the late 1800s. Much of thescientific research into harmful bacteria developed because bacteriacause disease in humans. Tuberculosis, cholera, and infant diarrheaare examples of disease caused by bacteria. Bacteria also may causedisease in many other animals and in plants.

Bacteria can cause the symptoms of disease in three ways.

• They can invade parts of the body, multiplying in body tissues and dissolving cells.

• They can poison the body with chemicals they produce and release.

• They can poison the body with chemicals that are part of the bacteria themselves.

One way to fight bacterial disease is with vaccinations. Vaccineshelp individual organisms prepare to fight diseases they mightencounter in the future. Humans, as well as cats and dogs, get vaccinations for bacterial diseases.

KEY CONCEPTS1. Explain why bacteria are

classified as living cells butviruses are not.

2. Name two main groups of bacteria.

3. Describe three ways that bac-teria affect other organisms.

CRITICAL THINKING4. Visualize Draw a diagram of

a bacterium. Label the parts ofthe cell.

5. Predict Where in your neigh-borhood would you find mostof the bacteria that causedecomposition?

CHALLENGE6. Analyze Parasitic bacteria do

not usually kill their hosts, atleast not quickly. For a parasite,why is it better not to kill the host?

Chapter 8: Single-Celled Organisms and Viruses 267

Bacterial wilt caused disease in this pumpkin.