Key Ingredients of Awesome Slideshares

Post on 08-Feb-2017

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Turbocharge your online presence with SlideShareWhether you want to establish yourself as an expert, reach a wide audience, or connect with others, SlideShare can power your content strategy goals

1. Resonate with your audience

2. Reach a wide audience 3. Capture professional opportunities

Visual is viral. Amplify your message with compelling visual content that sets you apart and captures the attention of your audience.

Leverage SlideShare’s SEO muscle power to boost your search visibility. Benefit from ongoing reach that goes beyond the initial share.

Over 70% of SlideShare traffic comes via targeted search. Connect with people actively seeking your content, and drive business leads, traffic for your blog or website, and speaking or professional opportunities.


SlideShare can help you:

SlideShare is a global hub of professional content

• 70+ million users visit SlideShare every month

• 18 million uploads

• Top 100 most-visited site*

Presentations Infographics Documents


* ComScore

How to be a hit on SlideShare

Here are the 3 steps you need to maximize views

1. Select what to upload

2. Optimize your design

3. Go viral

What to UploadCraft content that will resonate with the SlideShare audience

Give your audience a carrotSlideShares that inform, inspire and educate attract the most views. Give your audience something they can learn from.

Tip: Make sure your content can be understood on its own, without the aid of a live speaker. Here are more ideas on what to upload.

Share your insights, stories,

ideas and knowledge

Join our topical Upload Campaigns.

View them here.

Write on popular or trending topics

Breathe new life into your existing contentYou likely have content -- whether it be blog posts and newsletters or white papers and data -- already published. Turn them into visual SlideShares to give them new life! Here are tips for repurposing content on SlideShare:

Tip: Use your new content to promote your old. Include links back to the original content and vice versa.

1. Customize your content

2. Don’t replace — supplement

3. Create a theme

Use visuals and large text that’s readable in the SlideShare player to transform your old content into something that will excel on SlideShare.

Online readers like to quickly view visual content. Tease out interesting stats, key points and quotes to share on SlideShare.

Leverage SlideShare to strengthen your brand and promote your content. Create a consistent visual theme your viewers can recognize and associate with you.

View more repurposing tips here.

Designing Your SlideShareHelp your content reach its potential

Entice your audience with an eye-popping cover slide

A book really is judged by its cover. This is what will first draw in viewers. Craft a cover slide that people can’t resist clicking on.

Tip: Make sure it’s still readable at the thumbnail-image size

Tip: Leverage SlideShare to boost your search visibility. Don’t forget to add a detailed description to make your content more discoverable in search.

Write a clear, yet enticing, title. Make sure your title accurately describes— and sells—your content.

Go Visual Visual is viral: Images are processed by the brain 60,000x faster than text, and get shared more on social media.

SlideShare is the only place that allows you to share your expertise in a visual manner, so that it truly resonates with your audience. Make sure your content has a strong visual story that supplements your written one.

Tip: Need help designing a deck? Go to

Go ViralGet attention and traction for your content

Spread Your Content Far and WideGreat content is not great until it reaches the right audience.

Embed on the Web

Expand your reach by embedding your SlideShares in blog articles, company websites, LinkedIn posts and more

Be Social

Reach more viewers by sharing your SlideShare content on other social media platforms, like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and more

Tip: Connect your social media accounts to your SlideShare account so your network can see your updates and help your content go viral!

Increase Your ViralityOnce you’re done sharing on social media channels, try these additional tips to give your deck that extra boost of virality:

1. Include a CTA. Promote and link to your other content on SlideShare at the end of your presentations.

2. Engage with your audience. Respond to comments and engage with your fans -- it’ll help you gain more followers!

3. Resurface your SlideShares. Your content likely has lasting appeal. Keeping re-sharing it, especially when it relates to a current trend.

Tip: Check out what many of our Guest Authorshave to say about how they leverage SlideShare.

Bonus: Get Featured on Our HomepageSlideShare’s homepage is manually curated by our editors. If you follow these best practices, your deck may get featured to our 70 million monthly unique visitors!

Here’s a compilation of great content on SlideShare

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