Keys To Success - Eric Bailey

Post on 15-Feb-2022

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Introduction ....................................................................3

1. Personality Psychology .....................................................6

2. Discover Your Purpose .....................................................8

3. Picture Perfect (Vision) ...................................................10

4. Program (Plan) ..............................................................12

5. Physical education .........................................................14

6. Passive income ..............................................................16

7. Perception .....................................................................18

8. Passionate Persistence ...................................................20

9. Perfect Practice .............................................................22

10. Protect your dreams ......................................................24

11. Performance Process .....................................................25

12. Pay it Forward ...............................................................26

Conclusion ............................................................................27

Testimonials from One on One Coaching ................................. 28

About the Author ..................................................................32


“The ultimate measure of a man is not

where he stands in moments of comfort

and convenience, but where he stands at

times of challenge and controversy”.

Martin Luther King Jr.

There is much to be learnt in this world but there is so little time. Ironically, most of us spend all our time searching the right opportunity, the right information and the right way to success but never seem to reach any conclusion. The secret lies in finding the right coach who can give you the right direction and way to success.

Success by itself is an elusive object. In fact, defining what is success is possibly the most dif-ficult part of the entire exercise. Is success a destination or the journey? Are we missing the best part of our lives searching for the elusive happiness when things which give greatest joy are happening around us but in our ignorance we ignore the treasure we hold in our hands?

A great philosopher commented that he cried for shoes till he saw a man without legs. Is this what we are doing all through our lives? Do we enjoy the small things in life? Are we grateful for our good health? To answer these questions we need perspec-tive. We have to look at the glass half full and not half empty.

Many of us are stuck with another great dilemma. Is success and happiness one dimensional? If we are successful in our work or business, does it translate into happiness in our lives? Certainly, there are many important issues other than work. Remember the saying that all work and no play make Jack a dull boy!

We must then ponder about these facts and derive some con-clusion – the path to happiness and contentment. I personally feel that the following twelve issues need to be addressed. Be-fore I go into these issues, I must make a true confession. I have learnt about these vital issues from another coach. Earlier, my mind used to wander around and I could never reach any conclusion. I was dejected, miserable and crestfallen. I nearly lost it altogether. It was due to a stroke of luck or providence which brought me in contact with an excellent teacher – a life teacher. This was the inflexion point in my life. It was as if my thoughts took wing and flew into a sky of bliss. The energy and power I felt within myself is indescribable. All this was due to the mentoring and coaching I received from this man. At that moment I de-cided that I would become a coach and devote my time to enrich the lives of others. You must

note that I didn’t say make people rich but to enrich people. There is a subtle difference. Money alone cannot buy you happiness. In some cases money even brings misery and death. You must know how to handle money. I remember the tragic death of Elvis Presley and recently that of Michael Jackson. These were highly successful people who had everything in life – money, man-sions, wonderful company and a grand time. But there was something missing in their lives, because of which they became addicts. If they had a good life coach who taught them the value of things and given them the right direction, they would have been alive today and enjoying the great gift of life.

Remember that these two were highly successful in their ca-reers. What went wrong? It is the balance which we must seek and what was gravely missing. Many of us are lucky that we find the right coach in our fathers, mothers, elder siblings or teach-ers. Yet, these coaches are not trained for this kind of teaching. Probably this is one of the reasons why many of us lead skewed lives – only good in parts. What we need is a complete under-standing of the success principles, which can only be imparted by a trained coach.

The twelve immutable principles which I will discuss in this book are:

Personality Psychology

Discover Your Purpose

Picture Perfect (Vision)

Program (Plan)

Physical Education

Passive Income


“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls

and looks like work.” - Thomas Edison

“It’s kind of fun to do

the impossible” - Walt Disney

Passionate Persistence

Perfect Practice

Protect Your Dream

Performance Process

Pay It Forward

Probably most of you are already aware of these principles. There are many books out there, some of which provide huge amount of information. But I am yet to come across a book which says it all in a nutshell. Another aspect which I find missing is the interaction and musings. This is only possible in a physical setup where people meet in an open-minded and energized envi-ronment. There is no substitute for a personal hook.

Each of us is made separate and unique. Our life is a gift of god or nature. We therefore require personal and individual attention to take care of our unique personality and talents. No book can therefore take the place of a personal coach. But we can get some indication of what it takes to lead a fulfilled life.

1.Personality Psychology

Personality is at the center of all our activities. We behave the way we do because of our per-sonality. Therefore to change our lives we must change our personality. Why is it that for some of us the glass is always full while for others it is half empty? The water in the glass is the same in realty but it is our perception which is different. Most of us are sure to say, “That’s the way I am”, and that’s the reason why you must change. Look at the following picture:

The above illustration is called an illusion. Some see it as an old woman and some look at it as a young woman. What is the real-ity? At this juncture we are not really bothered about what is but what it looks like. It is the same in our real world. Because of our past experience and training, we tend to look at things from our perspective – what you may call your world view. This is where the problem starts. If you have had some bad experiences in the past, maybe a traumatic childhood, you carry some repressed emotions throughout your lives. In a way you are caged in your past so much so that your life becomes tough. At this stage you have to do something to change your thought patterns. You have to start looking at the picture as a young girl and not as an old woman. This is what I mean by saying that your personality needs a change.

How easy or how difficult is it to change our personality. We have lived in it for decades and loathe changing even if it will eventually bring happiness in our lives. Frankly, it all depends on

“If you want your apprenticeship in life

do it with someone else. Learn from them-learn

what they know.” - Peter Spencer

“If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get

what you’ve always gotten.

- Tony Robbins

What do you see? Old Woman or Young Girl?

individuals. Some are actually hovering around change and need a small nudge, whereas some are truly adamant and need a massive dose of coaching. But it can be done and has been done.

Once your perception about yourself and the world around you changes, things start moving in the right direction. In fact, the change is magical. You don’t really have to work hard to feel the energy and euphoria once you change your mind set. It just bubbles out of you. As the positive energy gains ground, there is a cascading effect. One thing leads to another and before you know it , there is a different you – someone you had never known before.

Identifying your emotional and psychological traits is the first step towards change. This exercise may bring many surprises. Issues which you never contemplated and traits which you have ignored must be explored thoroughly. This is not a tough job if you have the right coach. In fact it is through fun and games that the innermost feelings and thoughts can be effectively discov-ered. The challenge is in creating the right environment. After all personal discovery is creative process. It requires your sub-conscious throwing up the right cues. Once you have the right questions, the answers are bound to follow.

The change in personality after going through the process is sudden. It follows the universal law of duality. Either you have the right personality or otherwise. It is never a mix of two. You will never see an in-between of a old woman and a young girl. As I have said earlier, one fine day you will magically find your-self a transformed person.

Understandably it is difficult to grasp the import of this change unless you go through the pro-cess. Coaching is desirable because understanding, exploring and discovering your personality traits is a personal journey which each individual has to make on his own. One solution or a single path would be insufficient and incomplete. A book can only give you the general direction and not the detailed map of your personality. A coach is needed to create the change which you need as an individual.

How do you see your glass of life? Half full or half empty?

“I rate enthusiasm even above professional skill.”

- Edward Appleton

“The first and most

important step toward success is the feeling that

we can succeed”. - Nelson Boswell

2.DiscoverYour Purpose

What is the purpose of your life? Are you born on this earth for a specific purpose? Is there divine purpose of our lives or are we just a speck of dust in the scheme of things?

I am sure you have wondered about these issues sometime in your life. But these questions are essentially of a philosophical nature. There is a purpose to our lives other than the divine – in our everyday lives.

Each one of us is unique with individual talents and traits. Some of us are fortunate enough to know what we want to be in life and work towards it. But most of us don’t really know what we want to become. Life goes on and we lurch from one goal to another, not knowing where we will ultimately arrive.

Some of you may ask as to why we must have a purpose at all. Let us take life one day at a time. Why worry about the future and spoil the present. People who ask such questions don’t re-ally know what I am talking about. I am not saying that you must be ultra serious and knock yourself around with worries. This is not the meaning of purpose. In fact, with a specific purpose in mind, you will be rid of worries. You will enjoy your present and move positively into the future.

What does purpose mean?

Purpose to me is the raison d’être of life. With this anchor, your ship of life will never flounder aimlessly. When you have no goal or purpose you don’t know what to do next and what will hap-pen in future. This is the reason why you worry. Imagine, you are playing football and there are no goalposts. What are you likely to do? Maybe you will just run around in circles and exhaust yourself. If there are no goalposts in your life, you are likely to lead a life without direction. Pur-pose is therefore the goalpost which will keep you focused.

Let us look at another scenario. There are goalposts in this case but they keep shifting once in a while. This will create chaos and confusion. Today you are shooting at one corner and another day you are asked to change sides. This is what is happening in our lives. Our goalposts keep

“And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your

years.” - Abraham Lincoln

“The biggest adventure you can ever take is

to live the life of your Dreams.”

- Oprah Winfrey

changing with time and this leads to frustration.

The importance of a coach in football cannot be underrated. The coach tells the players about the rules and trains them to perform optimally. The purpose of a life coach is the same. Though you may know the rules well, you need a coach to provide the right nuances. There are some tricks which can only be learnt from a coach. The best athletes and sportsmen have personal trainers and coaches. The coach himself may not be as good as the player but he is still required.

Coming back to the purpose of life, it is important that we dis-cover ours. Your purpose need not be lofty and huge. It can be humble and small. But you must have a purpose in life. I discov-ered my purpose after I met my coach. He made me navigate through the difficult stretches of my discovery. Here I would like to emphasize that true purpose is different from short term goals. Many of us tend to confuse between the two and this leads to pain.

The life purpose is the larger goal which contains smaller goals. It is the difference between strategy and tactics. In this case your purpose is the strategy of your life, the long term perspective. To achieve this purpose you may have to adopt tactics which will meet your short term objectives.

My purpose in life is to enhance and enrich the lives of others. This is my long term objective. How I go about meeting this ob-jective are the tactics which I will employ, like writing a book to spread my message. Writing a book per se ,is not my purpose in life.

Discovering your purpose in life means creating harmony and balance in your life. For this you must ideally have a coach who will give you direction – a lead which will take you to your goal.

“You can read so many books, do as many

courses as you like but if it doesn’t come from

inside or you don’t take action you won’t get the

success.” - Stephen Tolle

“Money is like an arm or leg. Use it or lose it!

- Henry Ford

3.PicturePerfect (Vision)

Who are you? What is your purpose in life? Are you living in accordance with your hopes, dreams and desires? How can you make your life more fulfilling, happier and filled with joy? These are questions which we often flirt with but never find answers to. The primary reason is an absence of vision. Most of us never create a clear picture of ourselves and what we want to be. At best, this picture is blurred and in this state of bewilderment, we can never achieve our potential, we can never answer our true calling.

Visualization is perhaps the first step towards success. The men-tal picture which we create or paint in our mind is the guiding force which will ensure that we attain the greatness which we desire. This mental picture or vision which we create must be clear of the past distortions which usually creep into our minds due to our past conditioning. It is difficult to let go of our past rancor resentment and bitterness . This colors our vision and stops us to paint a perfect picture. It is therefore necessary to first get rid of the past which is limiting us. We must first accept our past as it is, without the concomitant negative feelings as-sociated with it. We must bury the past and allow our mind to open itself to fresh new ideas. Starting off with a clean slate is critical to our future. Have you heard of a perfect picture which has been painted over another? Every artist begins to work on a new canvass. This is exactly what we must do.

Another important part of visualization is layering. We live our lives in different planes – family, work and leisure are three ac-tivities which we experience side by side. A truly successful life means a blend of these activities. Excess in any one field is sure to lead to an imbalance which is undesirable. Look at yourself as an artist painting a picture. First you have to begin with the background. This layer consists of large swathes of brush. This means an appreciation of life as a whole, encompassing the entire gamut of activities. Slowly, the details would have to be filled in. In a portrait, this would mean the eyes, nose, lips and the entire face painted in detail. Remember that each detail merges with another to present a whole. This is exactly how you must visualize your life. You know the big picture and have drawn

“Success is the sum of small efforts repeated

day in and day out.” - Robert Collier

“If you’re going to be thinking, you may as

well think big.” - Donald Trump

“Success is getting what you want, and happiness is wanting what you get.”

- Dave Gardner

the details into it. This is a brand new vision with no place for the past. It is future perfect.

An artist requires tools to draw and paint a picture. For creating your vision of the future, you must have the requisite colors, brushes and the canvass. Without proper tools painting a pic-ture becomes difficult. Here is where you need a coach. How to draw your picture? Which tools to use? These questions can only be answered by a coach. These tools are psychological and subtle. You need guidance and mentoring.

The most important aspect of visualization is to forget the past. The past is what holds us from moving into the future. Getting rid of the past is not easy. Even a small event can make us regress into the negative past. This chain of negative thoughts can lead us to back to the past. We must therefore understand to reconcile with the past.

Each one of us has a destiny. There is a powerful force which is acting upon us. When our vision comes together and blooms like the desert flower, there is no force on earth which can hold us down. Our thoughts become lucid and we act in response and tandem. Our vision magically transforms into reality. When this enchanting world emerges from our thoughts, we are held in a thrall of happiness. There can be greater feeling than of complete satisfaction. We are immersed in a pool of achieve-ment and success.

Creating an empowering vision of our future is probably the most important part of our lives. If we don’t have this vision we will flounder through a cycle of pleasure and pain without finding balance in our lives. We will be like a drunken man lurching from one lamp post to another, trying to find support rather than illumination.

“Live as you were going to die tomorrow. Learn

as if you were to live forever.”

- M.K. Gandhi

“You can have everything in life you

want if you’ll just help enough other people to

get what they want!” - Zig Ziglar


We so often hear that we are the architects of our lives. What does this mean? It is an obvious simile or allegory to planning our lives. A building is first conceived in the mind of the architect. He then puts down his thoughts in the form of technical drawings. These drawings are finally given physical shape by the civil engineer. Without the plan or drawings there would be no way an engineer could create a building or structure. It is the same with our lives. In this case we are the architects as well as engineers.

The first step consists of making the drawings. This step is equivalent of creating a mission and goals statement. This is the blueprint of our life on which we will build our future. Obviously this step has to be carefully thought out and as detailed as possible.

You must try and fill in all the details which would include the material you will use for building, the type of flooring, the interi-ors, fittings, fixtures and furniture. Mission statement should be the outcome of your innermost desires and wishes. Sometimes, we are too shy to articulate our true desires. This leads us to create an imperfect mission statement. The results are there-fore equally flawed and unsatisfactory. This is the time to let go, dream the wildest dreams, think of the most audacious goals, dig deep into our hearts and shoot for the stars. The creation of mission statement must be a no holds barred exercise. Re-member that you are about to design the loftiest building in the entire universe – a building in which you will create a fulfilled life and make your future. This is also the foundation on which you will build your life. It must be strong and made to take the entire load of the structure which will stand on this foundation.

Once the blueprint is ready, you must start building your castle. This brick and mortar exercise is your daily routine. The blueprint has to be executed in earnest. This step is to reinforce and reiterate your resolve to execute your plan. Reciting your personal prayer, twice each day, once in the morning and once in the night before going to bed. This routine is to remind you day after day that there is a mission for your life, there is a purpose for which you are living and a plan which you must adhere to.

“Setting goals is the first step in turning the

invisible into the visible” - Tony Robbins

“It takes 20 years to make an overnight success.”

- Eddie Cantor

“We cannot direct the wind but we can adjust

the sails.” - Anonymous

Reaching your goal does not mean a flight to success. It is step by step progress. You must write a journal which must include details such as the work done for the day to reach your goal. Evaluation and monitoring of progress must be a daily affair. Setting goals and evaluating results means you will be on top of things all the time. You must have weekly, monthly and yearly goals clearly spelt out. This must also include time for recreation and holidays. Remember that we are looking at a wholesome life where work and play must be balanced. Finding time to reflect is important. Your mission statement should allow space for improvement and adjustment. Mid course corrections may be required even for the best laid out plans.

Holidays and weekends must be used for reflection, review and analysis. The explanation above may seem like a rigid and severe regimen. But it is not. If your life’s goal is aligned with your work, everything would seem simple and fun. This is the essence of planning – there must be no nasty surprises.

Life is fun and must be enjoyed to the fullest. The goal is happiness and a life of abundance. Planning is an integral part of this endeavor. Let’s not fritter and squander away our lives by living by the day. Most of us go through a cycle of momentary joy and grave sadness. This unpredictability is itself a cause of dissatisfaction and distress. By planning your life, you can smoothen out the edges and create a balanced life. Human beings have been created to be above animals in intellect. Animal instincts must be eschewed and our lives should have lofty ideals. We must reach out for the stars and plan our journey accordingly. If you can plan effec-tively, the stars are within your grasp.


It is said that health is wealth. It is also said that a healthy body has a healthy mind. But most of the times we tend to forget what the wise say and embrace the vice. Look at people today with their tub of lard they carry around and you will understand the poor state of our health. No wonder that we suffer from cardiac arrests, high blood pressure, metal breakdowns – what is called lifestyle diseases. Can we enjoy the good things of life if we maintain poor health?

Maintaining good health is understood wrongly by most of us. Some believe that six pack abs and bulging muscles means good health. This is not true. You need not have the body of Tarzan nor does it mean a heavyweight boxing champion’s body. Build-ing muscle and having optimum weight is all you need to have good health.

Exercise alone is not enough for the body. We need to exer-cise control over our diet too. Many of us tend to eat fatty food which is unwholesome and even dangerous for heath. The fad of drinking heath drinks while indulging in several coffee breaks in the day is actually injurious to heath. A balanced diet which includes proteins, vitamins and carbohydrates must be adopted to ensure good health.

Most of all it is balance between exercise, diet and lifestyle which is essential. There are programs which provide this bal-ance and ensure speedier results. Transitions™ Lifestyle System is not a diet system however, it was compared in a scientific study to some of the most popular diet programs out there and showed results that were 2-3 times greater in overall weight, body fat and inches lost.

We have to nourish our body, mind and soul. Finding the right balance and working towards a healthier lifestyle is essential if we want to achieve success. Most of us forget this essential bit of advice and many a times it is just too late. Realization dawns suddenly and dramatically when we fall prey to the cardiac demon. It can derail the best of plans and spoil the party. We must therefore embrace a healthy lifestyle before we are struck by sudden debilitating illness.

“Assumptions are the termites of relationships.”

- Henry Winkler

“Empty your purse into your mind and what is in

your mind will fill your purse.”

- Benjamin Franklin

A healthy lifestyle is essential for a happy married life. It is a proven fact that people in good health enjoy a great sex life. Sex is a wonderful natural relaxant. During sex, our body releases hormones which elevate our mood and even contribute towards our capacity to think. Good sex can only happen when you have good health. No amount of artificial stimulants can give a better high than sex. Many problems arise from the bedroom because of our feeling of inad-equacy and frustration. We must not underestimate the power of sex. We are more confident, more relaxed and better prepared to face the day after a night of great sex.

There is no other option but to adopt a healthy lifestyle. We need both exercise and diet to maintain a healthy body. To un-derstand the dynamics of health is made easier if you have a coach to assist you. A coach knows the subtle and simple tricks which can make you healthier without suffering through ex-cess exercise or drastic diet programs. Of course, a coach can only lead you to the water. It is up to you to drink and imbibe a healthy lifestyle. Time is of essence because once you are laid down by bad health it is difficult to recover back to your original state.

“No one can cheat you out of ultimate success

but yourself.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

“What the mind can conceive and believe, the

mind can achieve.” - Napoleon Hill


There is a lot of talk about passive income, especially when it comes to internet and affiliate marketing. Many of us assume that passive income means sitting back lazily without doing any work while money pours into our account. Obviously we feel cheated when nothing of the sort happens. We start doubting the entire spiel of passive income. This does not mean that all the talk about passive income is a farce – a joke palyed upon us by crooks and charlatans.

But is there something called passive income? Of course. There are many way in which you can ensure that you earn even when you are not working. By definition passive income means earnings from past effort. There are many ways in which one can earn passive income. Writers earn passive income from their books. The royalty earned from sale of books may continue much after a writer has retired and stopped writing. Scientists earn from their patents which can amount to a huge amount. Not all of us are writers and scientists. There are ways in which you can ensure passive income right through your life. For this financial planning is essential. A coach can show you ways to save and invest which can lead to a secured future life.

You must consider that your working life cannot extend forever. You have to retire at some age and then you would need to lean on some kind of income. Long term investment in shares and stocks can ensure that you have built a nest for your future. Real estate is a good bet if you are prepared to wait. Having your own house is a great benefit in your old age.

Passive income does not mean savings for old age alone. Even when you are active and healthy, passive income streams can make your life far more enjoyable. The internet has thrown some great opportunities to earn passive income. You can cre-ate a website and sell products and services during your spare time. You can maintain a blog which can be a good source of passive income. You must remember that enjoying your off-time is more important than focusing on income. If you do what you are interested in and enjoy do-ing it, you are more likely to succeed. Over a period of time your pastime may even become your full time job and ultimately a source of passive income.

“The secret of success is to do the common things

uncommonly well.” - John D. Rockefeller

“Soul-mates are people who bring out the best in you. They are not perfect but are always perfect for

you.” - Author Unknown

Investing in stocks with a long term perspective is one way you can ensure a passive income stream. If you add the income from your online activities this can be a substantial sum.

There are many instances where people, interested in farming and real estate have used their weekends productively by buying and selling houses and land. This weekend activity can be converted into passive income stream over time.

You must know how to outsource a part of your work. This would ensure that you earn even while you sleep. You must make your money work for you. There are millionaires who have made money by investing in ideas of others. You can find bril-liant people who have great ideas but need money to grow their business. By investing in their projects, you can ensure that you earn handsome returns. This would be a source of passive income since you will not spend your time working on these projects – there are others working for you. Even if you cannot invest millions of dollars, you can contribute a small amount. There are many online sites which help you find the right busi-ness partners. You can pick and choose those which you find re-ally exciting and worth investing in. By doing this you would also be helping others and meeting social causes. There is no end to opportunities. You only have to look for it.

Finding the right passive income streams is not tough. The inter-net has created huge reservoirs of resources which you can tap anytime. You only have to look around and find the right part-ners. Affiliate marketing is another source of passive income. Once you have set up the right channel, you can expect to earn from it for a long time.

Passive income should be viewed as a source of income which will continue even after you have stopped investing your time on it. Obviously, you have to work towards earning passive income. It does not happen on its own. If you plan your investments properly, they can be a source of passive income. Rich people become rich because they know how to make their money work for them even when they are asleep. They are not required to be there all the time. Delegation of power and authority is essential for earning passive income. A coach can mentor and lead you to the right path.

“Effort only fully releases its rewards after a person

refuses to quit.” - Napoleon Hill

“One’s best success comes after their greatest

disappointments”. - Henry Ward Beecher

What do we think of ourselves? Do we look at ourselves as creative, intelligent, attractive per-son? Are we happy with our image or what we imagine ourselves to be? These are questions which we subconsciously ask ourselves. We are evaluating ourselves all the while, comparing, assessing and appraising - falling short sometimes and satisfied at other times. However, this self-appraisal remains as such – we do not take any action. We have to covert this perception into something positive. We have to elevate ourselves. There is infinite potential within us. We, each one of us, can move mountains. But most of us never convert this potential into reality.

The other side of this self appraisal is satisfaction. Many of us feel that we have reached our potential and that there is noth-ing more to achieve. But the fact is that we have infinite poten-tial and there is always scope for improvement. There is much more to our lives. We are yet to fully flower and bloom. We have to absorb more happiness, more fulfillment and more of every-thing. With guidance, we can touch the moon.

There is another aspect of our lives which requires introspec-tion. Many of us have a perception that something from some-where will alter the course of our lives. We keep waiting for that something to happen – and obviously nothing happens. You must understand that you are the master of your life. Your mo-tivation must come from inside and not from somewhere else. You have the propellant and energy to move ahead in your life. You must take charge of yourself – you must feel responsible for your own future. How to feel self-motivated? How to energies yourself and fill yourself with positive energy. This can only hap-pen through an agent or a coach. The empowering thoughts can change your relationships and work environment for the better.

There is much more to life than what you are presently experiencing. You are inhibited by your limiting thoughts. Your true potential is hidden by your own perceptions. When you change your thought patterns, you change your life. As you become more aware, you become more capable. It is like emerging from darkness to light – when you are able to see things more clearly


“Achievement seems to be connected with

action. Successful men and women keep moving. They make mistakes, but

they don’t quit.” - Conrad Hilton

“Success seems to be largely a matter of

hanging on after others have let go.”

- William Feather

than ever before. You need guidance, you need help , you need someone to hold your hand while you transition from your present state of perception to a more enabling worldview.

Each one of us is unique. We have to meet unique challenges. There is no single solution to our problems. We must understand this fact. Once you know that we have a unique place on this earth, you will find unique solutions – not fit yourself into a rigid, inflexible personality. With the help of a coach you will be able to discover your true self – what you really are – what makes you uniquely you.

The power of perception is huge. Either you can look at your-self as a towering personality or a cowering coward. Remember that whatever we are is a result of our perception. Altering this perception means to alter your life. This is the inflexion point – the time when you take a decision to alter your perception. This can be a pleasant journey if you have the right coach, the right person to take you across.

“What would you attempt to do if you knew you

would not fail?” - Robert Schuller

“It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads

to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep

conviction, things begin to happen.”

- Muhammad Ali

Have you ever felt that you are dragging yourself through life? Have your felt purposeless and without direction? Many of us have gone through such restless phase in our lives when every-thing seems pointless. Unfortunately, for some ,the entire life seems this way. There is a reason for this emptiness in our lives and that is lack of passionate persistence. Passion is the spice of life, without which it is tasteless and bland. The moot question is how to bring passion and high voltage performance in our life?

Passionate performance means living life to the brim –actually your life should overflow with happiness, joy and fulfillment. How do we achieve this? How do we get there? This cannot happen by sheer magic. There is a way, a method, a process which must be followed. You need guidance.

Emotions are another factor which can empower you. Many of us work without that X factor called emotion. More than half the charm of life is lost when we work without emotion. You can make work much more pleasant, much more happening with that extra bit of emotion. The spark which we need is emotion which will drive our every action. Look at the great achievers. Every one of them has used emotion to propel them to success. Great artists have created masterpieces because of the depth of emotion they have displayed in their work. Love and passion have been known to motivate people to enormous achieve-ments in life.

Igniting this spark within us is key to success and happiness. This is where a coach can help you. Understanding your true call-ing, identifying your hidden desires and passions can only be achieved through the help of a master – one who intrinsically knows the path and had guided many through it. It is like crossing a river – a river of emotions if you may say so. You need a boat which will take you across. You know what lies on the other shore. Yet you need a boat without which you will drown or never attempt to get across.

“Success is never wondering what if ”.

- Karrie Huffman

“A single conversation with a wise man is better than ten years of study.”

- Chinese Proverb


Passionate persistence is key to everything you desire. Therefore you have to address these issues seriously. Many of us flirt with this knowledge but never seem to tackle it headlong. We skirt with the issue, prevaricate, hedge around the problem and try to find shortcuts. But there are no shortcuts here. You have to eat it whole.

“Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but

sometimes, playing a poor hand well.”

- Jack London

Have you heard the story of David and Goliath? In short, David a puny young boy slays giant Goliath in a battle. How could this happen? David has immense self-confidence. In this case Da-vid perceived himself as blessed by gods. Many great men and woman have credited their su-per human achievements to divine intervention. Whatever may be the reason, self-confidence seems to be an important quality essential for success. Some of us are fortunate to have an innate and in-built confidence in ourselves. But does this mean that those who don’t have this quality can never hope to succeed? Fortunately, many studies have shown that self-confidence can be taught and learnt.

Self-confidence brings many important factors into play. One of them is the ability to plan and think ahead. You will be able to put your doubts, worries and fears aside and think clearly about your future. It is the seed of doubt which corrupts our think-ing and makes us falter. ‘What if’ is a question which stops us from achieving. On the other hand self-confidence brings clar-ity in our life. We are positive and our thought patterns reflect this energy. The transformation is almost magical. Once we start with a positive mind, all obstacles seem to disappear. You must remember that in reality , the obstacles and problems still exist , but because of our attitude we are able to overcome them.

This self-confidence leads us through to success. Every day then becomes a mission. You know what you have to achieve and what you need to do. Another aspect of a successful mindset is consistency in your thoughts and actions. You have to build your success brick by brick. As you move ahead, your actions create the right environment. People around you start behaving differently. They sense your sincerity and self-belief and act accordingly. Forces of nature come together to help you in achieving your goal. This is a magical moment which many success-ful people have experienced. For athletes it is the runner’s high when they feel euphoric and super-human. You will experience these feeling as you progress through your life.

“You cannot change your destination overnight,

but you can change your direction overnight.”

- Jim Rohn

“We make a living by what we get, but we make

a life by what we give.” - Winston Churchill


Self-confidence is the beginning point for greater achievements in life. You must bring your thoughts, feelings and actions together. This confluence of positive energy will propel you to success. How to gain self-confidence is an art which you can master with the help of a suitable coach. You must be able to identify your true feelings, desires and fears. You have to confront the demons which are stopping you from being self-confident. It is a journey of self-discovery which can be speeded up with proper assistance.

“Your choice of people to associate with, both

personally and business-wise, is one of the most important choices you will ever make. If you

associate with turkeys, you will never fly with the

EAGLES.” - Brian Tracy

What did you dream about when you were a child? As a child we can really dream without fet-ters in our mind. As time passes, we are made aware of the limitations, the ifs and buts of real-ity. Ultimately our dreams are no longer dreams but an extension of our frustrations and fears. In some ways life intervenes and rudely wakes us from our dreams. But should this happen? Are we not free souls with a free will?

The answer lies in our thoughts. We collect negative emotions throughout our lives and fill our minds with it. The truth is that there are negative emotions. We cannot run away from it. The death of a dear one is sure to make us sad. We are human and have emotions. We are not talking about feelings which are natural. It is the negative emotions associated with feelings which must be removed. For example, let’s say there is a death of a dear one in your family. You will certainly grieve. But in-stead, if you blame the doctor for the death or the society for it, then they become negative emotions. Separating genuine feel-ings from negative emotions is necessary. This is where most of us confuse ourselves. Removing negative emotions, doesn’t mean we become devoid of emotions and feelings. It is this subtle difference which we must understand. This can only hap-pen through a coach who can take you through the rollercoaster ride of emotions and bring you safely to the destination. Dreams have to be protected from the vagaries of life. There is bitter-ness, disappointment and loss in everyone’s life. Some come out of bad experiences as better people. These are the people who have mastered their feelings. If you allow your dream to be touched by negative emotions, you will wake up to a bitter real-ity. This reality is of your own making. Preserving your dream requires a dose of innocence and purity. You have to be a baby sometimes if you want to grow up – really.

“There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.”

- Unknown Author

“Follow your passion, and success will follow you.”

- Arthur Buddhold

10.Protectyour dreams

How do you evaluate whether you are on the right path? Probably you have a little plan tucked away in the corner of your mind. Maybe you sit down once a week and make a balance sheet. Each one of us has a plan of some sort. Now here is the catch – unless you have a clear, simple and focused goal ,you are not going anywhere in life. You just can’t live on a diffused, fuzzy logic which you are unsure about. The first step therefore is getting you a plan.

The route map of your life must be clear. You must write it down, break it into smaller pieces and then work on it. There is no short cut. There are many distractions in our life which you simply cannot afford. You must focus on an idea, a goal. This is extremely important. Most of us don’t achieve success because we are unable to focus our mind. It is not brilliance, it is not in-telligence, it is not creativity, neither is it a high level of energy- it is simply a lack of focus. Now how do we focus on the things which matter? Is there a process or method? Of course there is. There are many techniques which can assist you in getting focused. These are simple things you can do at home or in the office during breaks. It is therefore all the more surprising that we don’t grasp these opportunities with both our hands. It takes just a couple of days to find out what it takes to be successful. A coach is the center of these activities. He is like the driver who is on the wheel – steering you to your destination.

Setting goals can be divided into two parts – short term daily goals and long term, life goals. Short term goal means taking out your compass every day and comparing your position with the chart. You have to make minor course corrections to keep you on track. As long as you keep making these small changes, you will remain on course. But you must remember that these are only a means to a larger goal. Larger goals require commitment, an inspired and motivated life. You may be required to make huge sacrifices. If your focus is clear these sacrifices would not cripple you but energize you and urge you to greater achievement.

You must never forget that the ultimate goal in life is happiness and everlasting joy. Momentary thrills may give you a high but are never sustainable. These pleasures are likely to result in pain. The pleasure-pain cycle will continue to haunt your life, till you learn true passion. Escaping from the energy sapping cycle is the goal which you must achieve.

“A business that makes nothing but money is a

poor business.” - Henry Ford

“What you get by achieving your goals is

not as important as what you become by achieving

you goals.” - Zig Ziglar


Human beings have a higher goal to achieve. Though we are animals with normal instincts, we are capable of refined thinking. In addition to primordial desires like hunger and sex , we have deeper aspirations. We eat to fulfill our hunger and read to satisfy our intellectual needs. Like-wise we must be able to nourish our souls. Spiritual wakening is perhaps the ultimate goal of human lives. Many of us, who have achieved some degree of success in our lives, still remain unfulfilled. There is a vacuum in our lives which can only be filled by giving, as against taking all the time.

Gratitude is necessary to achieve contentment. What does it mean? It means giving a part of whatever you have taken from the universe. If you are a writer who has tasted success, you must commit a part of your time to teach your techniques and art. Unless you give you cannot enjoy the fruits of your success.

There is another way of looking at gratitude. It is simply a way to express your thanks to the world. A simple ‘Thank you’ at the end of day can suffuse you with immense happiness. It is like taking a warm bath at the end of a hard day at work. There are many emotions which we go through during the day. These emotions can sometimes drain you. When you express grati-tude, these negative thoughts melt away miraculously. This is one of the reasons many families have a tradition of expressing gratitude during supper or before going to sleep.

Charity is another way to express your gratitude. There are many thousands of people who are needy. Giving a part of your income as charity is an elevating and humbling experience. The power of charity is tremendous. It is a way of telling the universe that you feel privileged and want to express your gratitude. No doubt, the virtues of charity have been praised by all cultures around the world.

Pay it forward is taking gratitude to the next level. Whenever you give, you must ask to pay it forward. This will trigger a chain of giving rather than paying back. You must give without a de-sire to be paid back. ‘Pay it forward’ is not a slogan but an activity which you must involve your-self in. It can be done anywhere and at anytime. A simple act of helping an old person across the road will do. It doesn’t have to be something monumental. You can generate a thousand smiles without spending a penny.

“You cannot teach a person anything; you

can only help him find it within himself.”

- Galileo

“Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo,

but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.”

- Oprah Winfrey

12.Pay itForward


Whatever that has been said here, has been said by someone else. This is the collective wisdom of the ages not a recent invention. Then why is it that people don’t benefit from this advise. The reason seems to lie in the fact that most of us don’t understand the true meaning and purport of the knowledge or wisdom which is already available. This is where you need a mentor, an advisor or coach. Some of us are fortunate to find them around us, in the form of parents, elder siblings, neighbors or friends. Still, not everyone is trained to be a coach. Getting professional help is a better option.

The world is full of infinite possibilities. Our potential is unlim-ited. If only we know how to harness the power of our mind and extract the best out of the world , we would be the happiest, most blessed people on earth. There is a time for everything. Possibly the time has now come for you to tread the right path. Maybe it is time you enjoyed the happiness, love and joy which is rightfully yours.

“The road to success runs uphill.”

- Willie Davis

“Picture yourself in your mind’s eye as having already achieved this

goal. See yourself doing the things you’ll be doing

when you’ve reached your goal.”

- Earl Nightingale


”Eric is a special Australian changing the lives of all Australians one by one”--John Howard

“Thanks, Eric, for spending time sorting me out! After years of no vision and no plan, you got me back on track!”

--Tom Wesley

“I never believed in coaching until you helped me find a job and repair my marriage. My wife and I thank you for bringing us closer together. I am off the nail and taking action every day. The workbook gives me direction.”

--Peter Robinson

“I just secured my first rental property because of your 12-week program. I will never forget the exercise on writing the contract to myself.”


“Hi Eric, the sessions on Skype were sometimes very emotional, but you seemed to always know what to say. I have never met a man who truly cares about mankind as you do. I am off the nail because you have shown me another way to live my life. God has his eyes on you.”

--Yolanda Harvey

“Eric Bailey has given me more in 12 weeks than I received in high school, college, and on the job training. It was the best investment money could buy. I spent over $10,000 dollars on books, tapes, and courses each year for over 10 years. In 12 weeks Eric put it all in place. He showed me that I already had it inside.”

--John T. Richards

I will never look at a cell phone the same way again. During one night on Skype my phone went off 3 times. 60 push-ups latter, I truly understand the word discipline and accountability.”

--Bill Rodgers

“Thank you, Eric, for what you have done for our family. We never expected you to work with our kids! My daughter and I can finally have normal conversations without hurtful words and anger. You are an amazing man!”

--Penny Jenkins

“Eric, you should be applauded for the work you do with kids!! My son has given up drinking and wants to stay in school. I know you only worked with him for 6 weeks, but you have had an amazing effect on his behaviour and attitude.”

--Norman Spencer

“Eric Bailey is the kind of coach who will never let you feel like you are alone. He will push you to do all the homework and exercises. But at the end of the 12 weeks, you will feel like your life is now totally in your control and you are equipped to handle it all.”

--Michael Younger

“My husband and I thank you for what you have shown us. We believe in the ‘happily ever after’ now because we have the skills to deal with conflict and each other. I feel and look 20 years younger. The health and nutritional program you guided us through was tough, but we naturally achieved our goal. We are looking forward to your visit to the UK.”

--Beth Shaw

“Play with the right equipment” he demanded, a glint in his eye, as he stepped off and exited the stage. I play with fists, gloves and a mouth guard but I knew Eric was talking about the equipment that drove my “equipment”. I immediately sought Eric’s expertise and we personalized and refined a mindset that has been the difference between potential and full potential. Over the past 12 months I’ve encountered setbacks, distractions and obstacles which I’ve turned into opportunities and strengths with Eric’s guidance and unrelenting commitment to see me succeed. In the heat of the battle, I find his applications work tremendously, powerful and innovative, Eric gets to the core of what drives you and artfully bridges the gap to what needs to be done.”

- Tyrone “Cylone” Tongia


“Eric, I have had coaches before that were smarted than you. They were even more successful than you. Your profile wasn’t even in the same post code of most of my mentors. But in 12 weeks you did something that I thought was impossible. You displayed a true belief in me. I felt like I was worth fighting for. I can’t put a dollar figure on what you have done for my life. I will tell everyone I know about your gift to change lives not through what you have done, but what you can see! Thank you.” --Gerald C. Baxter

“Thank you for 12 weeks of learning and growing… Your story of courage and perseverance is inspiring and motivational. (Sorry ACTIVATIONAL). Everyone needs to hear your message!”

--Trudy McGregor

“When we signed up for your 12-week program, I thought maybe it was a waste of money. My wife really felt we needed something like this. When the floods came and we didn’t have the funds to start, I thought that was it. No coaching. But then you offered to coach us for free just because you said we needed it more than ever. That act alone puts you in a class all by yourself. We have only been in for 8 weeks, but we have handled the obstacles so much better with your guidance. Thank you so much.” --Barry & Susan Williams

“Eric’s energy, passion, and story is awe-inspiring! As a fellow professional speaker, Eric is a guy who can make an impact with an audience through his electrifying, authentic and powerful presentation. He knows exactly how to combine substance, style and entertainment, keeping the audience fully engaged. After hearing Eric, I had a new sense of urgency to take immediate action to reach my life goals!”

--Mitzi Dulan, RD, CSSD Media Spokesperson, Author, Speaker USA


“Your ability to vary your content, and captivate the audience with your personality, energy, and passion is truly remarkable.”

--Nancy Lauterbach, Founder FIVE STAR Speakers & Trainers USA

“I don’t think that I have ever seen an auditorium of 500 delegates so moved and I have attended over 20 years of corporate conferences. The audience was on their feet, some people with tears in their eyes at the conclusion of Eric’s dynamic and moving presentation.”

--Suzane Emanuele Director, Watermark Real Estate Xchange

“Eric is one of the best speakers to ever set foot in this country. His ability to share from his heart not only inspires the audience but he is able to challenge them to rise above the difficulties of live and achieve so much more and make their dreams a reality. Everyone should hear what this man has to say””

-- Jamie McIntyreCEO 21st Century Education


Aboutthe Author

First and foremost, Eric Bailey is a man who has dedicated his life to inspiring others to create a vision for their lives and then take action towards making that vision a reality. This dedication has helped Eric effect a lasting change in the minds of over 2 million people around the world. This dedication has helped Eric show people how to look into the mirror and see what they want to become and then take massive action to become just that. This dedication can help Eric inspire you to make your vision a reality.

Years ago, Eric re-classified himself from a motivational speaker to an “activational speaker.” Activational speaker is a term Eric coined himself because his presentations do more than just leave you with a good feeling. His presentations light a fire inside of you that will remain for the rest of your life. No longer will you spend your life accepting anything short of your dreams. You will instead spend your life actively pursuing your dreams until your vision becomes a reality.

Whether it is in business or in life, Eric will show you that there is no obstacle that cannot be overcome. Because hard times are going to happen to everyone and it is in the way we handle these hard times that makes us who we are. We can let them crush us and stop our dreams dead in their tracks, or we can change our perspective, learn from the difficult times, and create new opportunities out of what we have learned. The choice is yours. Do you rise to the challenge of life’s difficulties? Or do you let life’s difficulties control your life?

Eric’s successful careers in professional athletics, executive management, and sales have helped form his ability to transform the lives of people of all ages and culture around the world. As a professional basketball player, Eric’s versatility, his ability to do it all, made him stand out from the crowd. As a speaker, his versatility has again helped him rise to the top. Eric’s ability to crossover and connect with audiences of all ages and cultures makes him the world’s most dynamic speaker. He has used his wisdom to inspire baby boomers and those from generation X. And he uses his knowledge of culture and trends to connect with the younger generation Y.

He has helped the world’s youth by spreading his message to high schools and colleges. And he has rejuvenated businesses with his corporate presentations. Whatever the audience, Eric will formulate a presentation that speaks directly to them. This versatility is why Eric has delivered his message to over 2 millions people in 10 countries.

When the towering Bailey’s 6 foot 6 frame steps onto the stage, he gives his audiences more than just a presentation; he gives them an experience that connects with them on an emotional level. Eric customizes all of his presentations for the group he is speaking with. He emerges himself into his audiences cultural and connects with them on an emotional level. Using positive energy, wit, and insight, Eric fills the room with excitement that can be felt as soon as you walk in.

The sheer passion that Eric puts into delivering his message creates a positive outlook that is contagious. Imagine the scene. Picture an auditorium full of thousands of people. See Eric’s commanding stature holding everyone’s attention. The people to your left are smiling, the people to your right are giddy with enthusiasm, and the people to your front and back are filled with hope. Take a second and really see the atmosphere. Feel that energy that is so electric that the hair on your arms is standing up. Visualize Eric delivering his message with energy and passion. Take a second and see it. Hear his inspiring message! Feel the positive vibes flow through your body. Feel it! See the goose bumps on your arms. Visualize it! I challenge you to attend one of Eric’s seminars, watch the former basketball star’s dynamic style, feel the electric energy he creates in the room, and NOT be affected! I challenge you to hear his message of creating a vision and NOT be inspired! I challenge you spend an afternoon listening to Eric’s message and NOT feel like you can do anything that your heart desires! Because if you attend one of Eric’s seminars and aren’t affected in anyway, then chances are you are not a human.

Eric’s has delivered his message at high schools and colleges. He has spoken at wealth and health seminars. He has helped small and medium business owners grow their company. He has worked with car dealerships, insurance companies, and real estate firms. He is an expert in the arena of personal development. He has done presentations on passive income. For three years, he hosted his own Australian radio call-in show. He writes a weekly news column called Body and Soul. And he has appeared on television as a personal development expert and a basketball expert.

Eric holds the Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) designation, conferred by the National Speakers Association and the International Federation for Professional Speakers. The CSP designation has strict standards and a rigorous five-year certification process during which speakers must demonstrate both experience and expertise. Less than 10 percent of all speakers worldwide have this certification and it represents one of the highest achievements possible for a speaking professional.

Eric has delivered talks, and training sessions to world famous corporations like Nike, McDonald’s, Ford, Nissan, Reebok, Toshiba, and Cannon.

Let the dynamic, visionary power of Eric Bailey turn your next meeting or conference into an experience that is going to light a fire of action into everyone.

Eric’s passion to help others grew out of his own hardships as a child. Born on a rainy evening in 1960, Eric’s chances of success looked bleak from the very beginning. At birth, Eric was diagnosed with a congenital deformity of the knee joint and due to his biological parents being unable to raise a disabled child, he was given up for adoption.

He spent his childhood growing up on the tough streets of South Central, Los Angeles dealing with his disability on his own because of inadequate medical care. Poverty, crime, drugs, and a flawed education system surrounded him. Many told Eric that his fate was already sealed, that he would end up in a gang, drug addicted, in prison, or dead. Remembering the words his adopted parents instilled in him, “Life stops when you stop!” , Eric knew he had a decision to make. Accept what his peers told him and fall victim to his unfortunate circumstances, or overcome his difficulties and make his life what he wants it to be. We all know what Eric chose. Eric chose to transform his perspective and instead of letting the challenges he faced become barriers, he saw them as opportunities to learn and grow. Eric chose to create a vision for his life and carry that vision out through planning, action, and undeniable persistence. Despite being told by doctors that he would never be able to play sports due to his knee, Eric was determined to play basketball. He spent 35 hours a week, on top of going to school, working on his game and strengthen his knee. Eric not only made the basketball team, he eventually became player of the year, made all city, and won the most valuable player award. But the obstacles didn’t stop there. Eric’s struggles in class prevented him from being accepted to any of the colleges he originally applied to, so he went to a junior college to improve his grades. Not only did he

improve his grades enough to get into Boise State University, he was awarded a scholarship to play basketball there. After a successful career at Boise State, Eric was passed over by the NBA draft. Instead of giving up on his dream to play professional basketball, Eric chose to play in the NBL in Australia, where he had a successful career that spanned over 12 years.

Upon retiring from basketball, Eric went on to excel in the sales field, organized children’s charity events, and hosted celebrity basketball tournaments with Michael Jordan and Jamie Foxx.

And then in 1996, Eric’s desire to inspire led him to begin sharing his story of vision as an Activational speaker. Eric knows how to instill change and it is time you heard his message. So take action! Book Eric for one of your events, find out more about his personal mentor programs, or discover how his Visionary Academy can change your life by emailing: or by calling 1800-438-228483 (Australia), 0011-1-213-2339402 (USA & Canada). Do it now! That’s the great thing about life. It’s never to late to achieve everything you desire!