Kid's Oral Health Quiz | Pediatric Dental Rockford IL

Post on 07-May-2015

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Rockford IL area pediatric dental care for all children ages 1-18. Brush up on your knowledge of kids' dental health. Take the oral dental quiz, see how much you know about your child's oral health. If your score is low call your Rockford IL pediatric dentist.


Dental Care For All Children

Ages 1-18

(779) 221-2006

Rockford, IL

Brush up on your knowledge of kids' dental health.


Tooth decay is one of the most common chronic childhood illnesses and is five times more prevalent than asthma.

"Far too many children

suffer far too much dental disease, and it is overwhelmingly preventable,"

Says Burton L. Edelstein, D.D.S., founding director of the Children's Dental Health Project in Washington, DC. Legislators are listening:

A bill, the Children's Dental Health Improvement Act of 2002, aimed at increasing kids' access to dental services, has been introduced in

Congress and endorsed by

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry

(AAPD) in Chicago and other healthcare organizations.

Start by testing your knowledge and brushing up on your dental facts.

This advice comes courtesy of the AAPD as well as the Chicago-based American Dental Association.

Children's Dental Health


a. Between 6 and 12 months

b. When she turns 3 years old

c. When she loses her first baby tooth

d. When she gets a cavity

a. Every six months

b. Annually

c. Every other year

d. It's up to your dentist

a. Enough to cover all the bristles

b. A drop the size of a pea

c. A quarter-size amount

d. A smear

a. Monthly

b. Every three months

c. Once a year

d. When it looks worn out

a. he gets his first permanent teeth

b. he's 4

c. he's 6

d. he's 11

a. 2

b. 3

c. 4

d. 5

a. they can shift your child's teeth

b. they can cause tooth decay

c. they pick up germs easily

d. it's tough for most children to

stop using them

a. Give your child fluoride supplements

b. Have your child floss twice a day

c. Have your child brush only once a day to spare tooth enamel

d. Have your child use an electric toothbrush

a. Wearing braces

b. Drinking bottled water instead of tap water

c. Consuming foods and juices rich in

calcium and fluoride

d. Eating smaller, more frequent meals

a. he's 2

b. he's 4

c. his teeth begin to touch one another

d. he gets his first permanent teeth

a. 2-3

b. 4-5

c. 6-7

d. 10-11

Following are the answers to your kids

oral health quiz.

a. The AAPD recommends that children see a dentist when her first tooth erupts or no later than their first birthday.

a. Children should see

the dentist twice each year. These early visits help dentists assess the feeding patterns and hygiene

habits that may contribute to tooth decay and determine what preventive measures, if any, are needed.

b. Some dentists say a

smear is enough, but the official word from the AAPD is to use a pea-size amount of fluoridated.

toothpaste once your

child is between 2 and 3. If you use more, they may swallow it; this can lead to fluorosis, which causes white spots and discoloration.

b. As long as it's kept clean and dry between uses, your child's toothbrush only needs to be changed every three months or so.

Choose one with a large handle, soft, rounded bristles, and a small head that reaches back teeth.

Before teeth are present, clean gums with gauze, a washcloth, or a small soft-bristled toothbrush and water.

d. Supervise your child's brushing until age11. Until age 6 or 7, you should stand behind them and physically brush their teeth.

After that, they can do it

them-self, but you'll need to make sure their using the right amount of toothpaste, brushing for at least two minutes, and rinsing properly.

c. By the time your child turns 4, the jaw starts to align; further thumb sucking can cause the upper teeth to tip toward the lip.

For a child with several baby teeth, a pacifier can push the upper teeth out and lower teeth in.

b. If your child regularly drinks from sippy cups filled with anything but water, particularly juice,

has a higher risk of baby bottle tooth decay, caused when sugars in the liquid combine with bacteria in the mouth to form acid

that dissolves the immature enamel. Never put your child to bed with a sippy cup unless it contains water.

a. Fluoride supplements are recommended for children between 6 months

and 16 years of age who live in areas with no or low levels of fluoride in their water supply.

(Your dentist can prescribe them.) To learn the amount in your municipal water supply, ask your utility company.

c. Consuming calcium- and fluoride-rich foods and beverages is essential for strong, healthy teeth.

Many juices, breads, and cereals are fortified with these nutrients. Check the labels to learn which ones are best.

c. When your child should start flossing depends on when his teeth begin to touch - that's when food can become trapped.

If your child's teeth have visible spaces between them, flossing isn't necessary, says the AAPD.

d. Believe it or not, some 2- and 3-year-olds are treated by orthodontists. But that's rare.

The majority of children are closer to age10 or 11 when their dentist recommends seeing an orthodontist about wearing braces.

What's your quiz score?

Give yourself one point for each correct answer. Then add your points to find out how you rate on dental awareness.

10-11 Congratulations: You sank your teeth into this quiz. You really know your stuff!

7-9 A refresher course will make you and your family all smiles:

Visit the Dental Health Guide


for a list of tips and kids' books on dental


3-6 Chew on this:

It's time to learn more about children's dental care.

Start by downloading the AAPD's Parent Education Brochures at:

Less than 3 Your family's dental health could be in serious trouble. Speak with a pediatric dentist to learn how to get on track.

Why a pediatric dentist over one who treats adults?

Because their trained to recognize and treat oral health problems specific care for infants, children, adolescents and patients with special needs.

Dental Care For All Children

Ages 1-18

“Call Us Today” (779) 221-2006

Rockford, IL