Kids Voting Our American Republic and the Government of the United States What exactly is a...

Post on 25-Dec-2015

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Kids Voting

Our American Republic and the Government of the United States

What exactly is a Republic? How much do I really know about our government and the way it is supposed to work?

Republic•Rule by a chief of state where citizens ELECT the officials and

are governed by a Constitution. •Contrary to what many think, we are not a democracy!!!

Democracy does not appear anywhere in the Constitution.

Our country today is technically classified as a “Representative Democracy,” and was built upon the

fortitude, blood, and sacrifices of those that have served in our country’s armed forces.

American Form of Government

Our Republic Is Being Threatened and Could Disappear Forever!!!

• Voter apathy, or laziness, threatens our Republic. This means that people are not exercising their God-given right, which is to vote for their representatives in an election.

• Another danger is that many people in the country are not as involved and informed about what goes on in our country as opposed to generations past.

• In the 1996 Presidential election (Bill Clinton vs. Bob Dole), only 49% of the adult population voted in the election.

• There is no excuse for this! People have, throughout history, fought and died for this privilege and it is nothing to be taken for granted. It can slowly be taken away from us!

What’s your knowledge about government?

1. What is the correct term for a US Senator and a US Representative?

2. How many justices there are on the Supreme Court and who appoints them?

3. What does the Bill of Rights include?

4. How many senators there are from each state and who are NC’s senators?

5. What is the total number of representatives in US government?

1. Senator and Congressman, or Congresswoman.

2. 9 and the president appoints them.

3. Our basic freedoms as an American citizen.

4. 100 senators total. (Kay Hagan and Richard Burr ).

5. 435 total representatives.

What do you mean it’s not mentioned in the Constitution???

• The United States Air Force Political Parties• The Electoral College Right of privacy• Executive Privilege Right to travel• Freedom of Expression Right to vote• Absolute freedom of speech and the press• God/Separation of church and state Slavery• Innocent until proven guilty• It’s a free country• Jury of peers• Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness• Marriage• No taxation without representation• Number of justices on the Supreme Court• Of the people, by the people, and for the people• Paper Money

Factors that influence Political Beliefs and Behaviors

• The background of the voter.

• The degree of voter loyalty to political

parties.• The issues of the

campaign.• The voter’s image of the


The Importance of Political Parties(If you choose to belong to one).

• Political parties are crucial throughout the election process.

1. They offer choices and clarify issues.

2. The select the candidates for the presidency.

3. They administer the state and national conventions.

4. Recruit and nominate potential candidates.

5. Raise funds for political campaigns.

6. Mobilize the voters.


The Major Players

• Republicans• Conservatives

• Democrats• Liberals

Voting Qualifications

• You must be a United States Citizen• 18 years of age or older

• A resident of a state or of the District of Columbia• Able to write your name or make a mark

Prohibitions• A convicted felon• Legally insane

Qualifications for Holding Office

Condoleeza Rice being sworn in as Secretary of State.

President & Vice President

1. At least 35 years of age.

2. Reside in the country for the last 14 years.

3. Natural born citizen.

4. Elected to 4 year terms.


1. At least 30 years of age.

2. Reside in the state they represent.

3. Citizen for 9 years.

4. Elected to 6 year terms.


1. At least 25 years of age.

2. Reside in the state they represent.

3. Citizen for 7 years.

4. Elected to 2 year terms.

The Electoral College

• The process by which the president is elected.• First, the potential must win support at the state level.

• Second, the candidate is nominated at the national level at the party’s national convention.

• Finally, the candidate then wins the majority of the country’s electoral votes at the national election.

How Does It Work?• There is a total of 538 total points, 100 for each senator, 435 for the

representatives and 3 for the District of Columbia.• The magic number is 270. The first one to receive 270 electoral votes

becomes president. The specific number of points that a state has depends on its total population and the number of representatives.

The president that wins the popular vote in that state is then awarded its electoral points.

Summary of the Roles and Powers of the President

• Commander in chief• Conducts foreign policy• Negotiates treaties• Nominates top officials• Veto bills• Faithfully administer federal

law• Pardon for federal offenders• Maintains order• Address Congress and the


The President’s Cabinet

• Vice President: Joe Biden• Secretary of Defense: Robert M. Gates• Attorney General: Eric Holder• Secretary of State: Hillary Clinton• Department of Education: Arne Duncan• Secretary of the Treasury: Timothy Giethner• Department of Homeland Security: Janet Napolitano

*Although not all are listed, there are 16 cabinet leaders in all.*

North Carolina Election Data

Electoral Votes: 15

Governor: Bev Purdue (D)

Senators: 2, Kay Hagan (D) and Richard Burr (R)

Registered Voters: 5,122,123

Congressional District #11:

Heath Shuler

Buncombe County Sheriff

Vann Duncan

Asheville City Mayor

Terri Bellamy

Buncombe County Government

The Commissioners

Bill Stanley, Holly Jones, K. Ray Bailey, David Gantt, Carol Peterson.

The purpose of the county commissioners is to set policies such as property tax rates and other policies that affect the citizens of

Buncombe County.

Important Symbols of the United States of America

Our Flag

• Our flag has gone through many changes since the first official flag was commissioned in 1777.

50 stars for the fifty states.

White: signifies purity and innocence.

Red: signifies valor and bravery.

Blue: signifies vigilance, perseverance, and justice.

The stars are a symbol of heaven and the stripes signify the rays of light coming from the sun.

The Bald Eagle

The bald eagle became the national bird in 1792. A native species, the eagle was chosen because it symbolizes strength, courage, freedom, and immortality.

The Great Seal of the United States(The Front)

• Often used to authenticate official documents issued by the US government, the seal was first used in 1782.

• 13 arrows in the left talon represent the 13 colonies and war, and an olive branch in the left represents peace.

• The eagles head is turned towards the olive branch, once again for peace.

• “E Pluribus Unum” translates into “Out of many, one.”

• Note also that the eagle is flying free and independent without any support.

The Great Seal(The Reverse)

• The 13 blocks on the pyramid represent the 13 colonies. There are also 13 sides on the ribbon.

• MDCCLXXV is 1776 written in Roman numerals.

• The eye represents the all seeing eye of God and “Annuit Coeptis” translates into, “God had approved our undertakings” and Novus Ordo Seclorum means, “A new order of the ages.”

Decoding the Past – Secrets of the Dollar Bill

Uncle Sam

• Uncle Sam is a symbol commonly used to represent the United States and the origins of the character are unknown.

• It is usually accepted, however, that Uncle Sam was actually named for Samuel Wilson, a businessman from New York that supplied the US Army with food during the War of 1812.

• The barrels that the food were packed into were stamped “U.S.” and it came to be called Uncle Sam.

US Paper Money

Paper money has circulated in America since the colonial era.

The $1 bill was first issued by the government during the War Between the States in 1862.

The US Treasury seal is on the right. The balancing scales represent justice. In the center of the seal, the chevron’s 13 stars represent

the 13 colonies. The key underneath is a symbol of authority.

More Money Facts

• The nation’s motto, “In God We Trust” first began to be printed on money during the War Between the States because of the nation’s religious convictions.

• A $1 bill usually lasts for 18 months while $50 and $100’s last for nine years.

• $1 million in $100 dollar bills weighs 20.4 pounds.• There were over 10 billion pennies made in 1998.• Over 48% of paper money is $1 dollar bills.• Martha Washington, the wife of George, is the only woman to

have ever been pictured on paper currency. No African-Americans have ever been pictured.

• Coins are usually made of copper, zinc, and nickel while paper currency is composed of 25% linen and 75% cotton.

• The time is 4:10 on the clock on the Independence Hall building on a $100 dollar bill.

The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

1. How many steps does the soldier take and why? 21

steps, which alludes to a 21 gun salute.

2. How long does he hesitate after doing an about face and

going in the opposite direction? 21 seconds.

3. Why are his gloves wet? To prevent him from losing the

grip on his M-14 rifle.4. Does the guard carry his rifle

on the same shoulder all the time? He carries the rifle on

his right shoulder while marching away from the tomb

on his outside shoulder.5. How often are the guards

changed? Every 30 minutes, 24 hours a day, 365 days a


6. What are the physical traits for guards at the tomb? Serving in the 3rd Infantry Regiment, each guard

must be between 5’10 and 6’2 with a waist size that cannot exceed 30”. They must serve on guard

duty at the tomb for two years, not drinking or swearing during that

time or bringing any disgrace upon them or the uniform during that

time. During the first six months of duty at Arlington, they cannot watch television or speak with anyone outside of their post.

Before they go on duty at the tomb, they spend approximately five

hours getting their uniform, weapon, and equipment ready.

Iwo Jima MemorialUnited States Marine Corps

The Iwo Jima statue is the largest bronze statue in the world and depicts the action taken by six Marines during the battle

of Iwo Jima as seen below.

When these six men raised the flag at Iwo Jima atop Mount Surabachi, they had no idea that what they had just done would become one of the most celebrated and valorous acts in American history. These men were Harlon Block (later killed in action), Rene Gagnon, Sergeant Mike Strank (killed in action), Ira Hays who was a full-blooded Native American, Franklin Sousley (killed in action), and John Bradley.

The Washington MonumentThis monument is the largest

stone structure in the world and commemorates the nation’s first

president. It is 555 feet 5 1/8 inches tall. After

being designed by Robert Mills, construction began on the

monument in 1848 and ended in 1884.

The total weight of the monument is nearly 91 thousand tons, with

the capstone alone weighing in at 3300 pounds! There are 36,491 total blocks in the monument.There are also 897 steps in the

monument most surprising of all is the inscription “Laus Deo.” Translated, this Latin phrase means, “Praise be to God!”

The Origin of Taps

Day is done, gone the sun, from the lakes, from the hills, from the sky,all is well, safely, rest, God is near.

Fading light, dims the sight, and a star gems the sky. Gleaming bright, from afar, drawing, near, falls the night.

Thanks and praise, for our days, neath the sun, neath the stars, neath the sky, As we go, this, we know,God is near.

Other images of Washington D.C. Monuments

The Star Spangeled Banner-Our National Anthem-

1. In 2-3 well-written sentences, describe what you think the role of government is and what it should


2.What type of government elects their representatives?

3.The United States is classified as being a ____________.

4.List at least three things that are NOT in the Constitution.

5.What is the most dangerous force affecting voter turnout today?

6.Do you think that everyone living in the US should vote? Explain your answer.

1. What is the correct term for a US Senator or Representative?

2. How many justices preside on the Supreme Court AND who appoints them?

3. What is the total number of Senators from each state AND how long do they serve in office?

4. How many Representatives are in Congress AND who represents NC?

5. List the FOUR qualifications for voting in an election.

6. Correct term: President ___ Vice-President____ Senator ___

7. What are the two major parties in the USA today?

8. Are political parties mentioned in the Constitution?

9. What is the name of the process that chooses the President? How many total points must the candidate win?

10. What is the key number of majority points to become President?

11. How many Presidents have served in the United States?

12. List five major powers of the President.

13. Our country is classified as being a Democratic-________________.

14. How many amendments are there to the Constitution?

15. Vice President-

16. Secretary of State-

17. Governor of North Carolina-

18. US Representative for Congressional District #11-

19. Mayor of Asheville-

20. Name at least one Buncombe County Commissioner-

21. Sheriff of Buncombe County-


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