kiefit_journal_2009_01 Stay and Get Fit this New Year 2009!

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Stay and Get Fit this New Year 2009! I am very glad to introduce you to my actual issue of KieFit Journal in January 2009. "Fit in New Year"


KieFit Journal

A W I N T E R H O -L I D A Y A N E X P E R I E N C E O F A L I F E T I M E

F I T N E S S T R E N D S 2 0 0 9 ! W H E R E W O R K O U T S A R E G O I N G T H I S

Y E A R : T H E T O P 1 0 L I S T

W I N T E R S P O R T S W O R K O U T Y O U R U L T I M A T E W I N -T E R W O R K O U T


January 2009

Hello Fitness Fans! I am very glad to introduce you to my actual issue of KieFit Jour-nal in January 2009. "Fit in New Year 2009" inspires you for maintaining and upgrad-ing your fitness. Start reading Kiefit Journal now and take a look on page 4 about the Fitness Trends in 2009. Skiing and Snowboarding maintain on the top of the most popular winter sports. Start now with your Winter Workout Training introduced on page 11 and read the Exercise Tips on page 12. Do not forget to look on page 9, read all about interesting ski ar-eas, and on page 10, how Winter Holidays can be a very impor-tant experience for the whole family and your whole life. Christmastime is the best time for our overindulgence of all kinds. At the latest on New Year`s Eve our evening dress or dinner jacket does not fit any more. On page 5 of this Kiefit Journal you will explore "How to lose weight after Christmas". Happy New Year! Stay healthy! Heidi

Send me your comments and ideas for further articles. Submit your article to Email: and see it in the next issue of KieFit Journal. Use your article to generate additional free traffic to your website as well.

Closing date to submit your articles you wish to be published here on 25th of each month.








J A N U A R Y 2 0 0 9

H E A L T H Y A N D H A P P Y L I F E !

I S S U E :

P R E P A R I N G Y O U R M I N D A S W E L L A S Y O U R B O D Y F O R 2 0 0 9 !


F I T N E S S T R E N D S 2 0 0 9 ! T H E T O P 1 0 L I S T






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A W I N T E R H O L I D A Y - A N E X P E R I E N C E O F A L I F E T I M E

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Y O U R U L T I M A T E W I N -T E R W O R K O U T

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A L L T O G E T H E R N O W : E X E R C I S E 3 0 M I N U -T E S A D A Y , 5 D A Y S A W E E K


K I E F I T . C O M I S S U E 1 3

A D V E R T I S E O P P O R T U N I T Y S —K I E F I T . C O M

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C O N T A C T —K I E F I T . C O M

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S E N D M E Y O U R C O M -M E N T S A N D I D E A S F O R F U R T H E R A R T I C L E S .

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Stay and Get Fit New Year 2009!


Schedules: Submit events sche-dules you know to be mentioned here in the next issue!

Submit your personal Fitness and Sport events you wish to be published here and invite Kiefit Journal readers to attend!

What has made them any different this year than last year or even before that? Are you on track and ready to take on the lifestyle you have created and dreamed of?

Have you mentally and emo-tionally prepared yourself for the change you are going to put your mind and body through? Strains and sprains are common to the overzeal-ous weekend warrior or the person who hasn't exercised in such a long time but has now made up their mind to get in shape.

By promising yourself that this year's resolu-tion would be different, you are ready to go full force into that gym and lose weight. But hold on, you need to take some precaution-ary steps or you just may walk out of the gym in a couple weeks with a lot of sore muscles or possi-bly an injury.

How will you feel in February if you do injure yourself? You may feel like you have failed again, you may once again hate exercise and put your fitness goals on the back-burner until a health crisis arrives. You may even feel more stress and become an emotional eater which will not only increase your weight, but also your health risks.

We know we need to inte-grate exercise into our daily lives. How many times do you say to yourself; tomor-row I'm going to exercise, only to get an important phone call, have an unex-pected item suddenly put onto your to do list or the day

just got away from you. Whatever the reason it's an excuse not to make you im-portant enough.

If you are the type of person to let everyday activities take over and get in the way with keeping that promise to your-self, then you have to be more consistent, put it in your calendar and make it your first to do of the day.

How do you mentally and

physically prepare to reach your goals?

• Being healthy consists of mental and physical factors that we can measure by how much energy and vitality we have or don't and by other medical means like taking our blood pressure.

• Check with your physician first to make sure your body is ready for exercise and that you don't have any health issues or restrictions that may require modifications to your exercise program.

• You should make sure you get enough sleep, research shows that the less you sleep, you increase the stress hormone cortisol and its catabolic in nature, mean-

ing it eats away at muscle and can also cause binge eating and increased hunger. You may also injure yourself because lack of sleep causes fatigue.

• Nutrition is key to a healthy life. The internet can give us great information or conflict-ing opinions. Use common sense, eat sensibly, maintain an optimal weight, don't cut out any food groups or get help from a registered dieti-


• Drinking water is im-portant and lack of it can lead to constipation, poor skin conditions or possibly other metabolic diseases.

• Join a gym or hire the services of a fitness pro-fessional. Don't let your enthusiasm go by the wayside when you walk in and don't know where to begin. Go down that healthy path by asking for help in developing an

exercise program fit for you and any medical issues you may have instead of trying to do on your own one more time.

• Nothing can stand in the way of achieving those new goals, creating a healthy mindset, committing to a healthier lifestyle and keep-ing that positive mental atti-tude no matter what life throws at you.

Wanda McCormick Owner/Trainer Perfect Fit Personal Training & Get Fit Boot Camp Facility Certified Personal Trainer NPTI.

Article Source:

Preparing Your Mind As Well As Your Body For 2009! By Wanda McCormick

3 P R E P A R I N G F O R 2 0 0 9

As 2009 approaches, it's time to make those New Year's Resolutions. Start now and ring in the New Year with the latest workout trends. The American Council on Ex-ercise (ACE) has just released its top ten projected fitness trends for the upcoming year. Survey groups indicate that bootcamp-style workouts, which topped the list in 2008, will retain their number one spot as the most popular trend for 2009. Also look for consum-ers to be tightening their wallets due to the recent economic downturn. “The over-arching theme for fit-ness in 2009 is getting more bang for the buck,” says ACE’s Chief Science Officer Cedric X. Bryant, Ph.D. “Consumers will engage in workouts that provide multiple benefits due to time and economic limita-tions”. The 2009 list is a mix of old and new, with several 2008 trends remaining on the list. Expect technology-based workouts and Baby Boomer fitness to continue to thrive in popularity.

Top 10 Fitness Trends for 2009 1.Bootcamp-Style Workouts. Top of the list for the second year in a row, bootcamp-style workouts will continue to dominate the fitness world in 2009 because “they give you a total-body workout that’s varied, fun and challenging”. The extreme cardiovascular factor leads to a high caloric burn, resulting in a greater weight-loss potential. As an added bonus, high-and low-intensity exercises are in-cluded, such as pushups, squats and lunges, which work to strengthen muscles.

2.Budget-Friendly Workouts. The economic slowdown will cause consumers to cut cor-ners in their fitness regime. Gym memberships are ex-pected to decrease in 2009, and fewer people are likely to hire personal trainers. 3.Specialty Classes. While Yoga and Pilates remain popular, look for dance-based classes to be livening up workouts this year. In particu-lar, Zumba--a Latin-inspired fitness/dance workout--is one

of the hottest upcoming exer-cise trends. Reality-based TV shows, such as Dancing With the Stars and So You Think You Can Dance have sparked the dance-fitness craze, with ballroom and other dance styles also popular. 4.Getting Back to Basics. De-spite the trendiness of today’s modern exercise classes and equipment, expect many train-ers to re-focus on the basics of staying in shape, gearing in on simple movements and techniques. 5.Circuit Training. Considered more time-efficient than stan-dard weight-training and aero-bic exercises, circuit training equipment is appearing in more gyms and fitness clubs. 6.Kettlebells. A Kettlebell is a traditional Russian cast iron weight, resembling a cannon-ball with a handle. Kettlebells satisfy the “getting back to the basics urge”, providing a

workout for the entire body. They work by engaging multi-ple muscles as a group, de-veloping core strength and stability. 7.Boomer Fitness. The grow-ing 50+ population is a major consumer for the fitness mar-ket, as Baby Boomers have the time and financial means to stay healthy. As the aging process continues, the moti-vation to remain fit and im-prove quality of life becomes more relevant. Affordable and

targeted fitness services aimed at this group will only continue to grow. 8.Technology-Based Fitness. High-tech gadgets like the I-pod, Wii-Fit, and the growth of Cardio Cinema in many fitness clubs are some of the ways technol-ogy has infiltrated modern workouts. Expect new fit-ness-based games

in 2009, as well as continued technological inventions to heighten the exercise experi-ence. 9.Event or Sport-Specific Ex-ercises. Getting in shape the old-fashioned way by a partici-pating in a neighbourhood basketball game, going for a bike ride in the country, or marathon training remain fun and popular ways to stay fit. 10.Mixing It Up. Variety is key, and changing things up a bit prevents workouts from be-coming stale, as well as pro-viding better results. Low-intensity cardio or weight-training one day, followed by a high-intensity workout the next keeps one’s fitness routine interesting and effective. The copyright of the article Fitness Trends for 2009 in Fitness Trends is owned by Tanya Martinenko. Permission to republish Fitness Trends for 2009 in print or online must be granted by the author in writing.

Where Workouts are Going This Year: The Top 10 List Tanya Martinenko

4 F I T N E S S T R E N D S 2 0 0 9

“As 2009 approaches, it's time to make those New Year's Resolutions. trends.”

5 L O S E W E I G H T A F T E R X - M A S

Let's face it, people want to know how to lose weight after Christmas the easy way. Because with New Year's coming up and having stuffed yourself with all those holi-days treats, the thought of starting a new diet is just too frustrating. But if your New Year's resolution is to lose weight weight quickly but at the same time naturally, then there is a way to do that. There exists a special dieting technique that is more than likely going to help you lose weight after Christmas very quickly.

What makes it unique is that this dieting technique is rather easy to accomplish and requires no exercise, no extreme dieting and deprivation. This technique is called calorie shifting with which you can lose up to 10 or more pounds in less than 2 weeks. Calorie shifting has been around for awhile now but has been kept quiet due to it's un-usual style of dieting. It is designed to natu-rally cause your fat burning system and metabolism to skyrocket and stay that way as long as you keep on continuing the technique. But is it done? Now this may sound crazy but it works. Calorie shifting is done by eating 4 or more meals a day with every meal being in different calorie values and mixing up the order in which you eat them day after day. This style of eating has been proven to cause your body to raise it's metabolism and fat burning system in order to process this new eating method. And because this happens, you can begin to experience weight loss very quickly,

even during the first day. In addition calorie shifting is very flexible. You can continue eating most of your favorite foods and not deprive yourself like most other dieting methods would. This is a perfect way to lose weight after Christmas and a great way to fullfill a New Year's resolution to lose weight fast. In ad-dition calorie shifting can be accomplish by anyone. It doesn't matter how much you weight or if you have bad genes. Calorie shifting does not descriminate and naturally

causes weight loss that very few diets can even come close to. It is a perfect way to lose weight if you're tired of looking of performing dieting re-gimes and need a fast and safe way to lose weight. But if you're still skeptical about calorie shifting and wonder if it's worth try-ing, then I recommend you take a look at this page and pick up a free 20 page weight loss guide explaining why calorie shifting works so fast and 4 other diets that all help you lose weight in a healthy and safe way.

Article Source:

How To Lose Weight After Christmas By Vitaliy Gershfeld

“This technique is called calorie shifting with which you can lose up to 10 or more pounds in less than 2 weeks.”

Stealth Health: Get Healthy Without Really Trying Living healthier doesn't have to be complicated or time-consuming, experts say By Colette Bouchez WebMD Weight Loss Clinic-Feature

6 G E T H E A L T H Y

How much do you know about what makes up a healthy lifestyle? Here's a pop quiz. 1. How do you define working out? a. Going to the gym. b. Turning the jump-rope for the neighbor's kid. c. Playing Frisbee with your dog. 2. How do you define good nutrition? a. Eating a vegetable at every meal. b. Eating two vegetables at every meal. c. Drinking a fruit smoothie for breakfast. 3. Which of these is a healthy activity? a. Push-ups, sit-ups, or run-ning the track. b. Walking the dog after dinner. c. Spending Saturday afternoon snoozing on the sofa. Believe it or not, the correct answer to every question is A, B, and C -- even that Saturday afternoon snooze! According to the growing "Stealth Health" movement, sneak-ing healthy habits into our daily living is easier than we think. "You can infuse your life with the power of prevention incrementally and fairly painlessly, and yes, doing something, no matter how small, is infi-nitely better for you than doing noth-ing," says David Katz, MD, MPH, director of Yale University's Preven-tion Research Center and of the Yale Preventive Medicine Center. Katz is also co-author of the book Stealth Health: How to Sneak Age-Defying, Disease-Fighting Habits into Your Life without Really Trying. From your morning shower to the evening news, from your work com-mute to your household chores, Katz says, there are at least 2,400 ways

to sneak healthy activities into daily living. "If you let yourself make small

changes, they will add up to mean-ingful changes in the quality of your diet, your physical activity pattern, your capacity to deal with stress, and in your sleep quality -- and those four things comprise an enor-mously powerful health promotion that can change your life," says Katz. And yes, he says, a nap on the couch can be a health-giving oppor-tunity -- particularly if you aren't get-ting enough sleep at night.

Nutritionist and diabetes educator Fran Grossman, RD, CDE, agrees. "You don't have to belong to a gym or live on wheat grass just to be healthy," says Grossman, a nutrition counselor at the Mt. Sinai School of Medicine in New York. "There are dozens of small things you can do every day that make a difference, and you don't always have to do a lot to gain a lot." Do a Little, Get a Lot

The notion that good health can come in small tidbits is not really new. Research showing that making small changes can add up to a big

difference has been quietly accumulating for a while. For example, a study pub-lished in the Archives of Inter-nal Medicine in 2004 found that adding just 30 minutes of walking per day was enough to prevent weight gain and encourage moderate weight loss. And if 30 minutes is still too big a bite? Another study, published in Medicine & Sci-ence in Sports & Exercise, found that three brisk 10-minute walks per day were as

effective as a daily 30-minute walk in decreasing risk factors for heart dis-ease. "Just the act of going from sedentary to moderately active gives you the greatest reduction in your risks," says Helene Glassberg, MD, direc-tor of the Preventive Cardiology and Lipid Center at the Temple Univer-sity School of Medicine in Philadel-phia. But it's not only in fitness where

small changes can make a difference. The same principles apply at the kitchen table

(and the office snack bar). "Reducing fat intake, cutting down on sugar, eating a piece of fruit in-stead of a candy bar -- over time, these things can make a difference," says Grossman. ->>> Continued Page 7 ->>>

Stealth Health: Get Healthy Without Really Trying Living healthier doesn't have to be complicated or time-consuming, experts say (continued)

Seite 7 G E T H E A L T H Y

As long as the changes are moving you toward your goal -- be it weight loss, a reduction in cholesterol or blood pressure, or better blood sugar control -- you can get there by taking baby steps, she says.

Moreover, Grossman tells WebMD, making small changes can help give us the motivation to make bigger ones.

"A lot of bad eating habits are about not taking charge of your life, and that attitude is often reflected in other ar-eas," says Grossman. On the other hand, she says, when you make small changes at the kitchen table, the rewards may show up in other areas of your life.

"It's the act of taking control that makes the difference in motivating you," says Grossman. "An inner con-fidence and power begins to develop that can be seen in other areas of life." Tripping Over Baby Steps Of course, not everyone is certain that baby steps can walk you all the way to good health. Marc Siegel, MD, a clinical associate professor at the NYU School of Medicine, says that while doing something is certainly better than doing nothing, making such small changes is like using a Band-aid to stop a hemorrhage. "It's a small, gimmicky idea to target people with very unhealthy lifestyles, and for some it may be useful," says Siegel, author of False Alarm: the Truth about the Epidemic of Fear. But he fears that for most people, it's sending the wrong message. "In some ways it's a resignation, an admission that things can't be changed -- and that's certainly not the long-term answer," Siegel tells WebMD. Katz concedes that the Stealth Health approach may not be right for every-body.

"There is a trade-off because if you try to make the pursuit of health eas-ier for people, you run the risk of leading them to believe they don't need to do very much -- and that would be the wrong message," he says. At the same time, Katz believes that for those who find making health changes a daunting task, Stealth Health techniques can make a differ-ence. "If you want the really big gains, there has to be some pain," says Katz. "But there is a lot to be said for the idea that you can make some gains with

little or no pain, and that's infinitely better than no gains." Try the Stealth Health Approach Tempted to give "Stealth Health" a try? Katz recommends picking any three of the following 12 changes and incorporating them into your life for four days. When you feel comfortable with those changes, pick three others. Once you've incorporate all dozen changes, you should start to feel a difference within a couple of weeks, he says. To Improve Nutrition: 1. Buy whole foods -- whether canned, frozen, or fresh from the farm -- and use them in place of processed foods whenever possible. 2. Reject foods and drinks made with corn syrup, a calorie-dense, nutrition-ally empty sweetener that many be-lieve is worse for the body than sugar, says Katz. 3. Start each dinner with a mixed green salad. Not only will it help re-duce your appetite for more caloric foods, but it also will automatically add veggies to your meal. To Improve Physical Fitness: 1. Do a squat every time you pick something up. Instead of bending

over in the usual way, which stresses the lower back, bend your knees and squat. This forces you to use your leg muscles and will build strength. 2. Every time you stop at a traffic light (or the bus does), tighten your thighs and butt muscles and release as many times as you can. (Don't worry, no one will see it!) This will firm leg and buttock muscles, improve blood flow -- and keep you mildly amused!

3. Whenever you're standing on a line, lift one foot a half-inch off the ground. The extra stress on your op-posite foot, ankle, calf and thigh, plus your buttocks, will help firm and tone muscles. Switch feet every few min-


To Improve Stress Control: 1. Give your partner a

hug every day before work. Studies show this simple act can help you remain calm when chaos ensues dur-ing your day, Katz says. 2. Have a good cry. It can boost your immune system, reduce levels of stress hormones, eliminate depres-sion, and help you think more clearly. 3. Twice a day, breathe deeply for three to five minutes

To Improve Sleep: 1. Sprinkle just-washed sheets and pillowcases with lavender water. The scent has been shown in studies to promote relaxation, which can lead to better sleep. 2. Buy a new pillow. Katz says that studies show that pillows with an in-dent in the center can enhance sleep quality and reduce neck pain. Also, try a "cool" pillow -- one containing either all-natural fibers or a combina-tion of sodium sulfate and ceramic fibers that help keep your head cool.

3. Eat a handful of walnuts before bed. You'll be giving yourself a boost of fiber and essential fatty acids along with the amino acid tryptophan -- a natural sleep-inducer.

Advice For Skiing and Snowboarding in the Mountains By Olga Orlova

Seite 8 A D V I C E F O R S K I & S N O W B O A R D

We offer several tips for newbies and rusty snowboarders to aid you get most of the sensation as much as possible: Remember about the gravity. Never choose the most straight way as is not al-ways the easiest and the most enjoyable way. You must always be able to turn and brake when required. One more crucial idea is balance. It's hard to balance when going down a slope. You shall get accustomed to your own position which is enjoyable enough and steady on

the way. One shall observe special dress code in order to keep warm. Be aware of the weather prediction each time before you put the clothes on to make sure you'll be hot for the rest of the day. It is also neces-sary to mention that a well-equipped skier or snowboarder has to wear sunglasses or mask. Safeguarding your face when skiing and snowboarding on the mountains is im-portant to avoid snow blindness. Try to de-lect the best quality sun-glasses you can buy for best safety. Keep in mind that cotton under layer is not the perfect choice. It's a lot better to put on a thermal layer next to your skin. Put on layers of clothes instead of warm jackets and have only one pair of socks. Moreover make sure to wear a waterproof exterior layer. Protecting your skin from sun, cold and wind is also important. You do not feel the sun's rays reflected by snow which makes them more hazardous and strong. Some sun cream can protect you from rays and at the same time stop wind and cold. In order to protect yourself from injuring, you should get into good physical shape. Following some fitness routine and doing sports regularly can complement your body with the flexibility it needs for skiing and snowboarding. Being well-equipped is also a viable way to protect yourself. At least you must always take care to wear a special protection to prevent you from any kind of head dam-age, professional boots to provide your feet

and ankles with stability and support, elbow guards, knee pads as well as a padded jacket and pants. If you want to learn fast - ski with people who are more skillful than you. There is always something new to learn and train, whether it is how to hit a specific jump, or how to carve a better turn. Make the most of the winter! Ski Stores, Snowmass Ski Rental, and Ski Shop.

Article Source:

expert=Olga_Orlova What is Ski Bonk? Ski Bonk is a mashup of SnowCountry, OnTheSnow, Weather Underground, the National Weather Ser-vice, and several other data feeds to pro-vide a graphical view of worldwide skiing conditions on a google map. Use the drop-down box on the right hand of the screen to select a data set, then click a column header in the detail box to visually display that information on the map. Use the 'Snowcast' feature to plot expected snow at each ski resort. If you notice any errors in the ski report data, please notify me and I will make the change. Thanks

Searching: You may enter a 'city', 'state', 'province', 'country', 'continent' 'ski resort name'. Note:

List Colorado Ski Resorts By Ian Pennington

Seite 9 S K I R E S O R T S

If you were to list Colorado ski resorts you would have a list of some of the most won-derful ski resorts in the world. There are some very well known, world class resorts such as Vail and Aspen as well as a great many lesser known ones. Every resort has its own character and the skiing can vary from one to the other. There is skiing for eve-ryone from beginner to the most advanced and experienced skier. The snow is good in Colorado. There is plenty of it and, if in some resorts there is not quite enough, they just turn the snow making machines on and then they do no have to worry about nature! This does not happen too often though. There is an average 300 inches of snow year in Colorado and at least half a dozen resorts get more than 350 inches. You can easily list Colorado ski re-sorts as being some of the most reliable that there are. Denver International Airport serves the area and most resorts are accessible either straight from Denver Airport or via smaller mountain airports. You are usually no more than 45 minutes from your plane touching down to arriving in your resort. If you wanted to list Colorado ski resorts by their most ac-cessible, you would have 29 resorts all fight-ing to be at the top. That is how many there are in the Denver area alone. You could be straight off an international flight and onto the slopes in only an hour or so. If you wanted to list Colorado ski resorts in order of fame, it would probably have to be Aspen at the top. It is a name that is well known as being one of the best ski resorts in the world and has some stunning scenery with lodges set right next to wonderful slopes. It has skiing for every level and makes a superb family holiday resort. In fact there is something for everyone in Aspen. Even the non-skier can have a wonderful time amongst the picture postcard scenery. But do not think that all of Colorado is the same as Aspen. If you have already been to Aspen then why not try one of the other re-sorts. There are plenty more you have yet to visit and each one with a different appeal. Skiing is certainly not all that Colorado has to offer. If you are a non skier in the party then you will certainly not be stuck for things to do and see. There is everything from monu-

ments and museums to theatres and amuse-ment parks... and do not forget the spas and hot springs. There is also some wonderful shopping if you wanted to indulge in some retail therapy while the others were out on the slopes. To list Colorado ski resorts and tell you about the facilities and sights that you could enjoy would take a long, long time. Ian Pennington is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about Colorado ski resorts, please visit Ski-ing Colorado Guide for current articles and discussions.

Article Source: .

A Winter Holiday - An Experience Of A Lifetime By Robert J. Carlton

Seite 10 W I N T E R H O L I D A Y

“Whiteface Mountain is considered the best ski resort in America. Whiteface Mountain is located in upstate New York.“

If you are looking for a great way to please your family, a ski vacation is the right choice. Ski vacations are relaxing for the family and you can enjoy the various winter sport activities like skiing, snowboarding, sledding and tubing. Winter holidays are extremely popular in the state of Maine. Sugarloaf, located on Sugarloaf Mountain is a ski resort that ap-peals to every member of the family. The Sugarloaf resort has a grand history of win-ter sports. In 1951, the Bigelow Boys cre-ated the first ski trail on Sugarloaf Moun-

tain. Today, the trail is a premier ski area, second in elevation to Mount Katahdin, the highest mountain in Maine. This Ski area is a favorite among all the United States win-ter sport athletes. Cannon Mountain is very popular among ski enthusiasts too. Located in New Hamp-shire, Cannon Mountain is the home of the New England Ski Museum. A haunt for all winter sports lovers, the museum contains an extensive collection of historical ski equipment, literature, films, clothing, photo-graphs and artwork. The museum is offi-cially recognized by the United States Ski Association as a regional museum and is recommended by scholars and historians for its extensive and rare archives. A Ski vacation can never be complete, without a trip to the Canadian Alps. Its snow-clad cliffs offer thrills that are every skier’s delight. Blue Mountain that lies on the south of Georgian Bay in Ontario is Canada’s largest skiing arena in the prov-ince. The resort offers a range of six chair lifts. Enjoy your visit to Blue Mountain for a fantastic and unique experience. Whiteface Mountain is considered the best ski resort in America. Whiteface Mountain is located in upstate New York. The moun-tain is considered the fifth highest mountain in State of New York. The Adirondack range, Whiteface Mountain, has a beautiful all round view of the mountains in Canada

and Vermont too. Many daredevil skiers attempt skiing on Whiteface Mountain, as it possesses one best vertical drops in the eastern part of United States. Located near Lake Placid, Whiteface hosted the Alpine Skiing Competition of the Winter Olympics, in 1980. Among the other affordable places, the world famous Aspen Mountain in Colorado is popular for its skiing trails. Nicknamed the old Ajax by locales, the Aspen Moun-tain is a skier’s delight. The Vail Mountain, another Colorado mountain resort is a must

visit. Another world famous western state resort is in Park City, Utah, home of the 2002 Winter Olympic Games. All of the resorts listed provide ample opportunity to ski and relax. It is advisable for skiers to wear warm clothing and follow runs, trails or patrolled ski routes that are checked for safety. Most skiers enjoy cross-country skiing, but non-professional skiers are warned to stay within the boundaries of the resort. Cross-country skiing is not appreciated in most European countries. These countries have implemented laws forbidding tourists from crossing the boundaries, due to ava-lanches and the high cost of search and rescue operations. Skiing, considered a fitness exercise by fitness gurus, is a great way to get in good physical shape. The experience savored on a ski family vacation is a unique and memorable one. Robert Carlton regularly creates long articles on top-ics like Denia. His abstracts on Benidorm are found on Article Source:

Your Ultimate Winter Workout Plans

Seite 11 W I N T E R S P O R T S W O R K O U T

Peak performance in the powder requires muscles strong in three dimensions. "But most men train their muscles in only one direction," says Alwyn Cosgrove, C.S.C.S., owner of Results Fitness in Santa Clarita, California. "That means they're not reach-ing their potential." This workout trains your muscles from every angle, speeding growth and improving stability. "These may be the best exercises that no one's doing," says Cosgrove. Directions Do this workout 2 or 3 times a week. For exercise 1, complete as many reps as you can in 20 seconds. Rest 60 seconds; repeat once. Then move on to exercise 2A. Do exercises 2A and 2B as a superset, performing one set of each exercise before

resting 90 seconds. Complete 2 to 3 sets of 8 reps for each. Then move on to exercise 3A. Do exercises 3A and 3B as a superset, performing 1 set of each exercise before resting for 90 seconds. Complete a total of 2 to 3 sets of 12 to 15 repetitions for each. 1. Mogul Jump Holding a medicine ball between your thighs, stand with your feet and lower body facing 2 o'clock and your upper body turned straight ahead. Dip your knees until they're bent about 60 degrees. Jump and twist your lower body to the left so your hips and knees are now pointing at 10 o'clock while your upper body is still facing straight ahead. That's 1 rep. Repeat until you complete all your reps. 2A. Lateral lunge and press Grab dumbbells and stand with your feet hip-width apart. Press the dumbbells over-head, arms straight. Then step 2 feet to your left and lower your body until your left thigh is parallel to the floor while you lower the left dumbbell to shoulder height. (Do this in one move, keeping your torso as upright as you can.) Drive your body back

to the starting position. Repeat, this time stepping to the right. 2B. Side plank (with reach under) Lie on your right side, knees straight. Prop your upper body up on your right elbow and forearm, which should be directly be-low your right shoulder. Raise your hips so your body forms a straight line. Contract and brace your abs. (Imagine you're about to take a punch in the gut.) With your left hand, reach under your torso and behind you. Then straighten your left arm above you. Do 8 reps and switch sides. 3A. Lateral Stepup Grab a pair of dumbbells and stand with your left side next to a gym bench. Place your left foot on the bench. That's the start-ing position. Press your left foot into the bench and push your body up until both

legs are

straight. Slowly lower back to the starting position, making sure that your right foot is parallel to and lined up with your left foot when you touch back down. Complete all reps and switch sides. 3B. Swiss-Ball Jackknife Assume a pushup position with your shins on a Swiss ball. Your arms should be straight and your back flat; your body should form a straight line. Roll the ball toward your chest by raising your hips as high as you can and rounding your back as you pull the ball forward with your feet. Pause and then return the ball by lowering your hips and rolling it backward. If that's too easy, perform a pushup between reps. Conquer Any Hill Left your courage on the chairlift? Use this tip to swallow your fear. Instead of taking in the entire slope, look down the hill three turns ahead, says Eric Henderson, the head alpine guide at Jackson Hole Moun-tain Resort. Visualize those turns and you'll be focused on where you want to go, not on what you want to avoid.

Photographs by:

Alex Tehrani, Illustrations by: Sidecar

YouTube Video:

Winter Workout Here:

All together now: Exercise 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week By HOWARD SCHNEIDER, The Washington Post

Seite 12 E X E R C I S E T I P P

The federal government re-leased a new set of exercise guidelines recently, and the basic recommendation was straightforward: Thirty minutes a day, five days a week, at a moderate effort, for basic health; double that and/or make it more intense for more significant health and fitness benefits. But, what if you’re older than 65? Should you be doing the same things, or approach exer-cise a bit differently? What about kids – do their de-veloping bodies need a different sort of workout? What if you’re pregnant? Or hobbled by arthritis? The new guidelines try to clarify a host of issues such as these. Exercise recommendations have been issued over the years by different federal agen-cies. While the “2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Ameri-cans” from the Department of Health and Human Services are generally consistent with those recommendations, the attempt here was to provide the broad-est possible review of the avail-able science and to create a document that would have the weight of federal policy. According to William E. Kraus, a professor of medicine at Duke University and a member of the advisory panel that assembled the guidelines, that policy di-mension gives this document some extra significance: Its con-clusions may figure into legisla-tive and other debates about funding for programs. “These guidelines provide mus-cle that was not available” in the discussion of where physical activity fits in an array of issues, Kraus said. “It becomes part of national policy.” It also takes a sometimes con-fusing subject and renders it in simple terms. The effect of a more intense

workout, for example, was given a specific multiplier – namely, 2. So, if you’re willing to work out at a level where you’re breath-ing so hard that conversation becomes difficult, you can cut the recommended times in half – to 15 minutes a day for gen-eral health, or 30 minutes a day for more substantial health and fitness improvements. Don’t try to start out at this level, by the way; work up to it. The concept of “accumulation” was endorsed, at least as a way to get started. If you’ve been inactive or have trouble finding a free half-hour, you can still benefit from multiple 10-minute chunks – a walk or calisthenics before work, a stroll at lunch and a final session at night, for example. The panel also singled out spe-cific populations for which exer-cise might seem less important or be more likely to go over-looked. The overriding point was that the general recommen-dation of five-day-a-week aero-bic training and at least bi-weekly strength training holds for nearly everyone. But there are a few specific rec-ommendations and caveats: • If people older than 65 can’t meet the full recommendations, then even small efforts will, over time, improve strength, stamina and coordination. For those who have been inactive or feel at risk of falling, balance training three times a week is recommended, including exercises such as walking backward, heel-and-toe walking and disciplines such as tai chi. • Pregnant women who have been exercising have no reason to stop, although those accus-tomed to particularly vigorous workouts may have to adjust intensity in consultation with their doctor. Those who have been inactive before becoming pregnant will benefit from mod-

erate aerobic activity, with little or no risk. Some common-sense excep-tions include potential-impact sports such as skiing, soccer and basketball; also, after the first trimester, pregnant women should avoid exercises that in-volve lying on the back. • People with disabilities from stroke, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy or other conditions “should engage in regular activ-ity according to their abilities and should avoid inactivity.” Consult with a doctor or thera-pist about how to adapt exer-cises or activity to the particular condition. • For people with chronic ill-nesses – the report singles out osteoarthritis, Type 2 diabetes and cancer – regular physical activity can lessen the impact of the disease, improving longevity for some types of cancers, im-proving mobility and lessening pain for arthritis sufferers, and lowering the risk of heart and other problems associated with Type 2 diabetes. • Kids need to be moving at least an hour a day in ways appropriate to their age. There needn’t be so much structure, but there does need to be vari-ety, with activities that are aero-bic, build muscle, and help de-velop balance and coordination. Twenty push-ups, in other words, may be less important than climbing a tree or wrestling a sibling.

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