Kinobody SuperHero Bulking Program

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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The Superhero Muscle Program – by Greg O’Gallagher

ATTENTION MEN: Are YOU Tired of Muscle-Building Programs that Just Don’t Work?• Discover How You Can FINALLY Have the Muscular, Sculpted Superhero

Body You’ve Always Longed For… WITHOUT Living at the Gym or Ridiculous Diets.• Enjoy the Impressive Physique that Attracts Women and Commands

Respect From Other Men…• Look good and only hit the gym 3x a week, and eat the things you love• Learn from a expert that you can trust and know their product is 100%

legit - Greg O’Gallagher

Does this sound familiar?• You’ve spent so much time at the gym that you know your workout buddies better than you

know your own family• You’ve poured enough money into pre- and post-workout supplements that you could have

funded your dream vacation with the money you spent• You’ve bought into “Ultra Mega Muscle Explosion” weightlifting routines that seem to

develop only the wrong muscles… so your muscle growth only makes you look blocky instead of sculpted• You’ve grown so tired of eating full meals every 2 to 3 hours that you wonder if you’ll ever

actually enjoy food again• You’ve had to skip out on drinks with your friends because your workout diet required you

to give up alcohol completely• You’ve put on more fat than muscle from your diet… leaving you looking (and feeling) worse

than before you started weightlifting

Introducing the SuperHero Bulking Program• A Strategic, Scientific Approach is the Key to Building

The Superhero Physique.

• Most “Muscle Building Programs” Are Completely Wrong for You – And Learn Why…

• Are YOU Finally Ready to Show Off YOUR Superhero Body… And Enjoy Your Life While the Other Guys are Slogging it out at the Gym?

• Turn sex into an amazing experience and will conquer any bedroom issues so you never have to worry again.

• Feel great and have a new outlook on Life - this will Transform you forever!

Most “Muscle Building Programs” Are Completely Wrong for You – And Here's

Why...My friend, you’re not alone…

• Hard-working, motivated guys just like you have put their blood, sweat, and tears into creating the perfect body…

• Only to end up burnt-out and with dismal results.

Here’s the REAL Problem…..

The Problem with Other Programs• The vast majority of them don’t focus on building the kind of physique that women love and men

envy.• Instead, they focus solely on mass… putting as much muscle on you as possible without regard to how

you’ll look when you “bulk up.”• If you have the patience and perseverance to follow through with these programs, you’ll most likely

put on muscle… but in all the wrong places: upper legs, thighs, butt, and waist (to name a few), all areas that throw your proportions off and ruining the slim aesthetic look.• Not only that, but the diets these programs require you to follow end up causing fat gain in addition

to muscle growth… so you end up lacking the definition you want.• That’s why you see so many guys at the gym who have blocky “football player” bodies… but very few

who have the kind of “Superhero” body you’re really looking for.

There’s no strategy or science behind these programs. It’s all just work, with disappointing (if any) results!

And to Make Matters Worse…• Most muscle building programs just aren’t sustainable.• You have to choose between body building and having a life. • If you’re committed to these programs, you end up having to give up on a

social life because you’re spending all of your time eating and working out.

(I’m sure you know people like that, don’t you?)

So let’s put this in perspective:

And for what?

• You never get to hang out with your friends or go on dates because you’re basically married to the gym.

• You have to drop what you’re doing and eat a heavy meal every few hours whether you’re hungry or not.

• You have to spend hundreds of dollars a month – or more – on supplements and protein shakes.

Don’t Give Up Yet - You’ve Got This Now!• It's no wonder most guys burn out and resign themselves to never

achieving their ultimate bodies.

• Before you give up hope though, let me share my story:

I’m Greg O’ Gallagher

- Natural Bodybuilder- Entrepreneur- Average Guy Like You

About Greg... And Why It Matters To You.I was once a frustrated weightlifter

just like you.

Like most kids, I looked up to guys who had developed superhero bodies… you know, broad chest, well-defined muscles…

The guys who looked as good in a suit as they did on the beach.I didn’t think you even COULD build your own body like that…

Not until my dad told me it was possible.

I was young, but hearing that YOU controlled how YOUR body looked left such an impression on me that it became my goal after that to crack the code on how to achieve the physique you want.

To Build even the Body of a Superhero.I started weightlifting at a relatively young age. Back then, most of the information I had about lifting came from magazines.

And the programs they pushed were basically all the same – lift weights like mad, eat constantly, and shovel down as many supplements as you could get your hands on.

I didn’t realize all these programs were solely focused on building mass – the “bigger is better” approach.

They ALL lacked something…

Something very important…..

A Strategic, Scientific Approach is the Key to Building The Superhero Physique.• Creating a strategic approach to body sculpting wasn’t

easy.• I spent a TON of time and energy studying weightlifting

techniques, nutrition, and the physiology of the human body.• But my efforts paid off.• I finally discovered the perfect balance that allowed me

to create the stunning “V”-shaped body that most guys would kill to have…• It wasn’t some miraculous, “breakthrough B.S.” like the

magazines claim.• I certainly didn’t discover anything NEW.

I Simply focus on training smart, not hard!

And that provided me with an added benefit – because:

• I was no longer “living at the gym” or spending all of my time stuffing myself with protein…

• I actually had time to enjoy my life.

Think about what that kind of discovery would do for you…

• Imagine being able to hit the gym, knock out a workout strategically planned to develop the right muscles… then enjoy time with your friends and family.• Imagine being able to actually enjoy REAL food… eating at your favorite restaurants

instead of suffering through yet another meal of chicken and rice…

Heck, even imagine being able to enjoy some drinks or an ice-cold beer.

How would that kind of program change your life?

Sound better than the normal run-of-the-mill muscle building programs out there?Now put yourself there.

See yourself going through this program, putting in the work and coming out the other side.

Now picture yourself 3 months from now...

• See yourself in the mirror, with the Superhero physique you want.• Coiled muscles, definition visible even through the shirt you're wearing.• As you look at the changes that have happened before your eyes in just the last few months, you think about

how you feel looking at your new self.• The muscles aren't the only thing that have changed.• You FEEL different.• More confident.• Aware...

How Do You want to Feel?• You feel RELAXED, now that you have time to fit in your training around work, time

with friends, and even dating.• You feel OPTIMISTIC, knowing you’re steadily building the kind of “superhero” body

that will make women trip over themselves to meet you.• You feel CONFIDENT, realizing you look great whether you’re playing beach

volleyball or dining at a fancy restaurant.• You feel POWERFUL, secure in knowing that other guys won’t mess with you… and

that you can even stand up for the scrawny guys.• You feel HAPPY – after all, you’re no longer dumping hundreds of dollars a month

into buying sketchy supplements.• You feel ACCOMPLISHED, knowing that you’ve carefully sculpted the kind of body

that most guys can only dream of – the kind of body most people think is reserved for movie stars or Hollywood celebs.

Why I decided to create the Superhero Bulking Program

I couldn’t just stand by and let you continue to experience the frustration that plagued me for so many years.• No more copy-paste Fitness Magazine workouts.• No more half-baked muscle building advice from the dudes on the forums that don’t even

“walk the walk”.• No more struggling to build muscle, or having to sacrifice a low body fat to do it.

It’s time to unveil the exact program that I’ve used to take my muscle growth and definition to the next level…• The program that will finally help you overcome strength plateaus, weak or lagging muscle

groups, and finally help you build fat-free muscle without gaining fat in the process.• The program that will enable you to achieve the final stage of Kinobody Physiques…

I call it the Superhero Bulking Program….

Get Superhero Bulking Program Today… and Build The Body Of A Real-

Life Superhero.I know guys who would pay thousands of dollars for this kind of exclusive information... But I’m not interested in charging that kind of money.I want to make it accessible to anyone who truly wants a change and is willing to work for it…so I decided to price the Superhero Bulking Program at a low $77.But because this is a brand-new program and I’m not yet releasing it to the public, I’ve decided to cut you a deal. So here’s what I’m doing for you…

For the next 7 days, I’m opening up the Superhero Bulking Program to my list ONLY for a limited time for only $47.

Bonus: How to be a SuperHero in the Sack!

Straight up - this is one of the most ground breaking videos ever recorded on sexual dynamics.

The modern day sexual revolution has put guys in their head and ruined the sexual experience. This has resulted in young 20 something year old guys with stage fright - whether conscious or not.

This manifests in two ways - psychological erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

Jon fleshes out exactly how to reframe your mind around sex and focus your mind where it should be so you can be on your own natural rhythm. This turns sex into an amazing experience and will conquer any bedroom issues so you never have to worry again. You will regain control of your 'member' and get it on your team.

No one has ever addressed this issue so beautifully.

Thank You!

Yup – That’s me!