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CAB2 Contact Officer: Richard Farnhill Tel. 01484 221713 (860 1713)



Tuesday 19 June 2012 Present: Cllr Mehboob Khan (Chair) Cllrs Calvert, McBride, O’Neill, Pandor, Scott and Walton Observers: Cllrs Kendrick and Smaje 19 Membership of Cabinet Apologies for absence were submitted by Cllrs Cath Harris and David

Sheard. 20 Interests Cllr Liz Smaje declared a prejudicial interest in Agenda Item 8 – Creative

People and Places Bid, due to her being a Trustee of the Kirklees Theatre Trust.

21 Admission of the Public All items were considered in public session. 22 Deputations/Petitions No deputations/petitions were received. 23 Public Question Time No public questions were asked. 24 Member Question Time No member questions were received. 25 Scrutiny Report – Charges and Payments of Invoices for Adult Social

Care Cabinet received Cllr Viv Kendrick who presented the Scrutiny Report and

recommendations on Charges and Payment of Invoices for Adult Social Care. Cabinet received a report which set out the terms of reference of the Scrutiny Panel and provided information on the process followed in undertaking the review and a full copy of the report of the panel was attached for Cabinet consideration.

Particular attention was paid to the action plan appended to the report and

Cabinet were asked to accept the recommendations contained therein.



RESOLVED – (1) That the report be noted and the recommendations be accepted. (2) That Members of the Panel be thanked for their work in producing the

report. 26 Creative People and Places Bid The report on Creative People and Places Bid was withdrawn from the

Agenda. 27 Scrutiny Report – Teenage Conception Cabinet received Cllr Liz Smaje who presented the findings of the Ad Hoc

Scrutiny Panel established to look into Teenage Conception in Kirklees. The report considered by Cabinet set out the issues considered by the panel and a full copy of the panel’s report and recommendations was attached for Cabinet consideration.

RESOLVED – (1) That the findings of the report be noted and that the recommendations

be accepted. (2) That Members of the Scrutiny Panel be thanked for their work in

producing the report.


CAB2 Contact Officer: Richard Farnhill Tel. 01484 221713 (860 1713)



Wednesday 27 June 2012 Present: Cllr Pandor (Chair) Cllrs Calvert, McBride, O’Neill, Scott, Sheard and Walton 28 Membership of Cabinet Apologies for absence were submitted by Cllrs Cath Harris and Mehboob

Khan. 29 Appointment of Chair It was agreed that Cllr Shabir Pandor be appointed Chair for the duration

of the meeting. 30 Interests No interests were declared at the meeting. 31 Admission of the Public It was agreed that Agenda Item 12 – The Globe Innovation Centre, be

considered in private session due to the report containing exempt information.

32 Deputations/Petitions No deputations/petitions were received. 33 Public Question Time No public questions were asked. 34 Member Question Time No member questions were received. 35 Capital Outturn – Rollover 2011/12 Cabinet considered a report setting details of the Council’s Capital

Expenditure and funding for the year 2011/12, providing explanations of differences in the Capital Plan from the position that was approved by Council in June 2011 and providing details of relevant prudential indicators.

The report recommended that Council, at its meeting on 4 July 2012 be

recommended to approve an updated Capital Plan for the 4 year period 2012-2016 taking into account rollover of over and underspends from 2011/12 Financial Year, as set out within the considered report.


RESOLVED - That the Capital Investment Plan, as attached to the

considered report be approved and recommended to Council at its meeting on 4 July 2012.

36 Revenue Financial Outturn and Rollover Report Cabinet considered a report setting out the Revenue Outturn Report for

the 2011/12 Financial Year and making recommendations on levels of resources to be allowed for rollover into the 2012/13 Financial Year. The considered report set out information on the level of resources available in 2011/12 and on levels of underspend that had accrued during the previous Financial Year.

The report went on to set out recommended rollover proposals that would

ensure the Council continued to be in a strong position to deal with its considerable financial challenges and risks faced in the implementation and delivery of budget plans over the 2012-15 Medium Term Financial Plan.

RESOLVED – (1) That the Revenue Outturn position for 2011/12 as set out in the

considered report, be noted. (2) That proposals for Revenue Rollover for 2011/12, as set out in the

considered report, be approved and recommended to Council at its meeting on 4 July 2012.

37 Annual Report on Treasury Management Cabinet considered a report setting out information on Treasury

Management Activities for the 2011/12 Financial Year. The report, which was submitted in accordance with Financial Procedure Rules, set out information on the Council’s borrowing and investment performance during the previous financial year. Information was provided on the Council’s borrowing and investment strategy for the previous year, details of the Council’s performance in this area of activity together with information on prudential indicators and details of the Council’s compliance with all the relevant statutory, regulatory and internal requirements relating to risk associated with Treasury Management Activity.

RESOLVED – That the content of the report be noted and referred for

consideration at Council at its meeting on 4 July 2012. 38 Exclusion of the Public RESOLVED – That under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act

1972, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.


39 The Globe Innovation Centre (Exempt information relating to the financial and business affairs of a

particular person. It is considered that it would not be in the public interest to disclose the information contained in the report as disclosure could potentially adversely effect overall value for money and could compromise commercial confidentiality which outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information).

Cabinet considered a report seeking confirmation of emergency action

taken by the Chief Executive to enter into an agreement regarding the Globe Innovation Centre. The considered report set out the background to the Chief Executive exercising emergency power to enter into the agreement which aimed to create an Innovation and Technology Centre within Globe Mills, Slaithwaite.

The considered report set out details of the agreement and its implications

for the Council. RESOLVED - That the decision to enter into an agreement and

arrangements regarding the Globe Innovation Centre, as set out in the considered report, be endorsed and that the use of the Chief Executives powers to take emergency action to facilitate this decision be noted.


CAB4 Contact Officer: Richard Farnhill Tel. 01484 221713 (860 1713)



Tuesday 3 July 2012 Present: Councillor Khan in the Chair Councillors Calvert, McBride, O’Neill, Pandor, Scott, Sheard and Walton 40 Membership of Cabinet Apologies for absence were submitted by Councillor Cath Harris. 41 Minutes The Minutes of the meetings held on 22 May and 6 June 2012 were

agreed as a correct record. 42 Interests Councillor Molly Walton declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 9 -

approval of a new additional model of delivery of affordable housing, due to her being a Board Member of Kirklees Neighbourhood Housing.

43 Admission of the Public All items were considered in public. 44 Deputations/Petitions No deputations or petitions were received. 45 Public Question Time No public questions were asked at the meeting. 46 Member Question Time No Member questions were asked at the meeting. 47 Acquisition of Waste Collection, Bulk and Wheeled Containers Cabinet considered a report seeking approval to incur expenditure of up to

£100,000 for the purchase of new waste collection containers. The report reminded Cabinet that the Council provided trade waste collection and disposal facilities throughout the Kirklees area and that capital investment was required to replace containers that had been worn out or had been damaged during their operational life.

RESOLVED – That approval be given to capital expenditure up to a

maximum value of £100,000 in the 2012/13 financial year for the purchase of new bulk and wheeled containers.


48 Approval of a New Model of Delivery of Affordable Housing Cabinet considered a report seeking approval to the Council entering into

two separate 20 year agreements with both Quality Social Housing and Kirklees Neighbourhood Housing for a new delivery vehicle for both “rent to buy” affordable housing at intermediate rents and affordable housing for rent also at intermediate rents.

The report also sought to seek approval for the delivery of 12 affordable

housing units at Prospect Mills, Cleckheaton using the new delivery vehicle which would allow the development of 9 housing units to be affordable housing for rent at intermediate rent and 3 housing units to be rent to buy affordable housing.

Finally, the report sought consideration of the application of the “rent to

buy” affordable housing model set out within the considered report, to be applied to 4 housing units at Orchard Works, Mirfield.

Information was provided within the considered report on the financial

implications of the proposal and Cabinet was asked to give consideration to the earmarking of £736,000 of housing revenue account capital resources to fund initiatives set out in the report.

RESOLVED – (1) That approval be given to the Council entering into two 20 year

agreements with both Quality Social Housing and Kirklees Neighbourhood Housing to provide a new additional delivery vehicle for Affordable Housing – both for “Rent to Buy”, Affordable Housing and Affordable Housing for Rent at intermediate rents.

(2) That approval be given to the delivery of 12 affordable housing units at

Prospect Mills by this new delivery vehicle, as set out in the considered report.

(3) That approval be given to the application of the “Rent to Buy”

Affordable Housing Model applying to 4 housing units at Orchard Works, Mirfield, as set out in the considered report.

(4) That approval be given to the Council granting a put option to Quality

Social Housing in respect of 9 of the housing units at Prospect Mills, as set out in the considered report, after the purchase price of £786,000 and the Council taking the right of pre-emption for itself and it’s nominees in respect of 9 of the housing units at Prospect Mills, at a purchase price of £736,000, subject in both cases to the pre-conditions that the put option can only be granted or the right of pre-emption can only be taken if the conditions set out at paragraph 6.4 to the considered report are adhered to.

(5) That delegated authority be granted to the Assistant Director of

Streetscene and Housing and the Assistant Director of Physical Resources and Procurement to negotiate and finalise the terms of the two


20 year agreements with Quality Social Housing and Kirklees Neighbourhood Housing, the put option and the right of pre-emption with Quality Social Housing, together with any instruments or other agreement that is ancillary to those documents/agreements.

(6) That authority be delegated to the Acting Assistant Director of Legal,

Governance and Monitoring to enter into and execute any agreement and instruments relating to the 20 year agreements, the put option and the right of pre-emption, together with any documents and agreements that are ancillary to it.

(7) That approval be given to the earmarking of £736,000 of Housing

Revenue Account Capital Resources for the potential future purchase of the 9 affordable housing for rent housing units in the event of either Quality Social Housing exercising their put option or the Council exercising it’s right of pre-emption.

49 Introduction of Dog Control Orders within Kirklees Cabinet considered a report setting out proposals for the implementation

of Dog Control Orders across Kirklees to replace existing legislation. The report proposed the implementation of Dog Control Orders, as introduced by the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005, within Kirklees as a means of helping address dog related issues, by providing both clarity on what is allowed for responsible dog owners and to provide a robust platform to enforce responsible dog ownership.

The considered report set out proposals for the establishment of Dog

Control Orders and provided details of consultation that had taken place on the proposal and the opinions that had been expressed during this process.

RESOLVED – That approval be given to the implementation of Dog

Control Orders as set out in the considered report. 50 Proposed Release of Land at Parker Road, Thornhill Lees Cabinet considered a report setting out a request for the purchase of

Council owned land between Parker Road the River Calder at Thornhill Lees, Dewsbury. The report provided information on the background to the request and sought authority to transfer the leasehold or freehold interest of the land to the interested party.

The report went on to set out proposals for the demolition of a former

Council house to form a vehicular access to the site in question and sought authority to allow the demolition of this property.

RESOLVED – (1) That approval be given to the Council selling the land at market value

to the Thornhill Lees Muslim Welfare Trust, as set out in the considered report, subject to there being no adverse representations made in response to the notices advertising the proposed transfer of the part of the


land that constitutes public open space, to an implementable planning permission being granted for the development of a new Mosque, Madrassa and community facilities, and that the Trust can demonstrate it has sufficient funds in place to undertake the development.

(2) That approval be given to the release of the restricted covenants by

the Council that bind 105 Parker Road, Thornhill Lees, to the extent necessary to permit 105 Parker Road to be used as an access to any new development on the land, subject to an implementable planning permission being granted for the development of a new Mosque and community facilities.

(3) That authority be delegated to the Assistant Director of Physical

Resources and Procurement to negotiate and finalise with the Thornhill Lees Muslim Welfare Trust, the terms of the agreement for the transfer of this land, as set out in the considered report.

(4) That authority be delegated to the Assistant Director of Physical

Resources and Procurement to negotiate and finalise with the Thornhill Lees Muslim Welfare Trust the terms of the release/variation of the covenants on 105 Parker Road, as set out in the considered report.

(5) That authority be delegated to the Assistant Director of Legal,

Governance and Monitoring to enter into and execute any agreement on transfer relating to the land and any deed relating to 105 Parker Road, together with any documents and agreements that are ancillary to it.

51 Use of the Planning Portal Cabinet considered a report setting out the intention to require all Planning

Applications, where possible, to be submitted electronically through the Government’s Planning Portal. The report set out information on work the Council had done with the Planning Portal, the Government’s online national planning and building regulation resource service, to assess how the proposal for the electronic submission of planning application could work within Kirklees.

RESOLVED – That approval be given to the proposal to require all

applicants for planning permission to be submitted electronically, where possible, as set out within the considered report.

52 Milns Bridge, Milnsbridge – Bridge Strengthening Cabinet considered a report setting out three options for the strengthening

of Milns Bridge carrying Market Street over the River Colne at Milnsbridge. Cabinet considered three options ranging from retaining interim measures that had been put in place in relation to the bridge to a full reconstruction scheme and agreed with an Officer recommendation for the full strengthening scheme of the bridge through the installation of new supporting girders from below and maintenance painting. The report went on to set out the costs of the proposals as set out at option B, which was


estimated at £435,000 and Cabinet considered the implications on traffic flow over the bridge during the undertaking of the works.

RESOLVED – That approval be given to option B, as set out in the

considered report, for a full strengthening scheme, in accordance with the information set out within the considered report at paragraph 2.7.2.


CAB5 Contact Officer: Andrea Woodside Tel: 01484 221715



Tuesday 17 July 2012 Present: Councillor Sheard (in the Chair) Councillors Calvert, Harris, O'Neill, Pandor and C Scott 53 Membership of the Committee Apologies for absence were received on behalf of Khan, McBride and

Walton. 54 Minutes of Previous Meeting RESOLVED - That the minutes of the meetings held on 19 and 27 June

2012 be approved as a correct record. 55 Interests No interests were declared. 56 Admission of the Public It was noted that all agenda items would be considered in public session. 57 Deputations/Petitions Councillor Sheard submitted a petition on behalf of the amalgamated

branch of the Communications Workers Union regarding proposals for the closure of Heckmondwike Royal Mail Delivery Office. It was requested that the petition be referred to Council.

58 Public Question Time No questions were asked. 59 Member Question Time No questions were asked. 60 Works in Birkby - Phase 3 Small Centres Improvement Programme Cabinet gave consideration to a report which sought approval for Phase 3

works for the Birkby Small Centre Improvement Scheme. The report set out details of the scope and aims of the project, along with estimated costings. Members noted that the Regeneration Capital Plan had set out an allocation of £140,000 for improvements in Birkby during the period 2011-2014.


RESOLVED (1) That the proposed scheme of works for Birkby under Phase 3 of the

Small Centres Improvement Programme, as set out in the considered report, be approved.

(2) That the implementation of the scheme be delegated to Officers in

consultation with local Ward Members and the local business community. 61 Kirklees Neighbourhood Housing Performance Cabinet received a report which provided an update on the services and

service delivery outcomes delivered by Kirklees Neighbourhood Housing during the 2011/12 financial year. The Annual Performance Report was attached as an appendix to the report and set out the achievements of Kirklees Neighbourhood Housing and progress made towards the Council's core housing management and maintenance contractual requirements.

RESOLVED - That the achievements of Kirklees Neighbourhood Housing

in the 2011/12 financial year be noted, and that the basis upon which Kirklees Neighbourhood Housing are commissioned to deliver services, as outlined in the considered report, be noted.

62 Education Appeals Panel - Appointment of Members Cabinet received a report which set out a request for the re-appointment of

6 members of the Education Appeals Admission Panel following the end of their previous 3 year term of appointment. Cabinet noted that all of the individuals concerned had undergone the necessary training programme to qualify for re-appointment.

RESOLVED - That approval be given to the re-appointment of members of

the Education Appeals Panel, as set out in the considered report, for a term of 3 years.

63 Ashbrow Junior School and Ashbrow Infant and Nursery School -

Future Proposals Cabinet gave consideration to a report which set out details of proposals to

discontinue Ashbrow Junior School and to change the age range of Ashbrow Infant and Nursery School to 3-11 years, including nursery provision, and to expand to 315 pupil places, thereby becoming an all through primary school.

Cabinet noted that a consultation exercise had been undertaken and had

concluded on the 4 May 2012. Paragraph 6 of the report advised that no representations had been received during the six week representation period.

It was noted that, if approved, work would be undertaken with the

Governing Bodies in order to finalise arrangements and enable transition plans to be put in place for implementation of the proposals, with effect from 1 September 2012.


RESOLVED:- (1) That the advice of Kirklees SOAG that the related proposals to develop

an all-through primary school by changing the age range of Ashbrow Infant and Nursery School, physically expanding Ashbrow Infant and Nursery School and discontinuing Ashbrow Junior School are valid and that the required statutory processes have been carried out be noted.

(2) That in its role as decision maker, Cabinet will take the decision

regarding the proposals within the statutory time period. (3) That the outcomes and recommendations of the Kirklees SOAG

meeting from 3 July 2012 and the associated Officer recommendations for the proposals be acknowledged.

(4) That the HR and financial implications of approving the proposals be

noted. (5) That it be confirmed that in meeting the obligations of the Equality Act

2010 and the Public Sector Equality Duty 2011, full regard has been given to the Equalities Impact Assessment throughout the statutory process for the proposal, including the decision regarding approval.

(6) That the Kirklees LA statutory proposals as set out below be agreed

without modification or condition:

(a) change the age range of Ashbrow Infant and Nursery School from 3 to 7 years (with nursery provision) to 3 to 11 years (with nursery provision), thereby becoming a primary school from 1 September 2012.

(b) physically expand Ashbrow Infant and Nursery School from 135

to 315 pupil places from 1 September 2012. (c) discontinue Ashbrow Junior School on 31 August 2012.

(7) That the proposals be approved for the following reasons:-

(a) to improve the provision for all children and take parental views into account in shaping that future provision.

(b) to support the continued improvement in standards for all

children and young people by building on the success of the federation in raising of achievement for pupils across both schools.

(c) to strengthen the diversity of provision in the area by

consolidating the specialist provision and extending the centre of excellence.


(d) to place every child at the heart of the process of meeting their learning, social and emotional needs through outstanding pastoral provision.

(e) to maintain and enhance the outstanding commitment to provide

access to a range of opportunities which reflect the ethnic and cultural mix of the area, while ensuring that such opportunities are open to all.

(f) to maintain the existing number of places in the area to meet the

existing and future need for places. (g) to provide effective support for the wider community, bring the

community together and providing a range of extended services for the community.

(h) to maintain the current level of sustainable travel to school and

not increase car usage in the area. (i) to support the continued effective use of the existing premises

and funding in meeting the needs of pupils. (j) to meet the criteria of the DfE SEN improvement test and

improve outcomes for all pupils throughout the primary age range, particularly those with special and additional educational needs.

(8) That Officers be requested to support and work proactively with the

Governing Body of Ashbrow Junior School and Ashbrow Infant and Nursery School to finalise arrangements for pupils, parents, staff and other stakeholders in order to sensitively manage changes to implement the proposals from 1 September 2012.

64 Report in relation to proposals affecting Knowles Hill Infant and

Nursery School and Westmoor Junior School Cabinet gave consideration to a report which presented proposals to join

Knowles Hill Infant School and Westmoor Junior School in order to create an all-through primary school with nursery provision. The report sought authorisation to carry out a statutory consultation regarding the proposals with governors, stakeholders and other relevant persons, and to work towards a proposed implementation time-scale. It was noted that the six week statutory consultation process would take place during September/October 2012 following which a report would be brought back to Cabinet.

RESOLVED:- (1) That Officers be authorised to develop plans for carrying out statutory

consultation in the autumn term to develop an all-through primary school for pupils aged 5 to 11 (with nursery provision), with a Planned Admission Number (PAN) of 40 in Key Stage 1 and 90 in Key Stage 2, providing 480 places for 5 to 11 year olds by linked proposals:


* To change the lower age limit of Westmoor Junior School from 7 to 5

years (with nursery provision) and expand the school size from 360 to 480 pupil places

* To discontinue Knowles Hill Infant and Nursery School * To amend the admission arrangements for Westmoor Junior School to

recognise St John’s Infant School as a ‘feeder school’ (2) That delegated authority be granted to the Director for Children and Young People in consultation with the Cabinet Portfolio leads to:-

* Develop consultation materials on the basis of the proposals * Organise and carry out statutory consultation

(3) That the outcomes of the statutory consultation be reported to Cabinet

for further consideration of the next steps. 65 Term Dates for School year September 2013 to July 2014 Cabinet received a report which set out the proposed school term dates for

2013/2014. It was noted that in order to achieve local standardisation, discussions with representatives of Yorkshire North, East Local Authorities had taken place. The proposed term dates were attached at Appendix 2 of the report.

RESOLVED:- (1) That it be noted that the Kirklees policy for school term dates generates

dates for 2013/14 that broadly agree with the dates set by neighbouring authorities.

(2) That the position in relation to the autumn mid-term holiday in 2013 be

noted, as set out in the report. (3) That the collective view of consultees which supports the adoption of

the term dates for 2013/14, as shown at Appendices 3 and 4 of the report, be noted.

(4) That approval be given to the recommended school term dates for

2013/14, as set out at appendices 3 and 4 of the considered report. 66 Upgrade of facilities at Birkby/Fartown Community Centre to support

the relocation of the Children's Centre Cabinet gave consideration to a report which set out a proposal to relocate

Birkby Children's Centre from its present location to Birkby/Fartown Community Centre. A business case appended to the report set out two options for consideration, namely

(i) The retention of the Children's Centre at its current location.


(ii) The relocation of the centre to Birkby/Fartown Community Centre

with a Children's Centre as the lead centre within the new delivery model.

RESOLVED (1) That approval be given to the refurbishment of Birkby/Fartown

Community Centre to accommodate the Children's Centre move from their current premises, as outlined in the considered report, and the sequential revenue implications.

(2) That approval be given to capital expenditure of £45,000, as set out in

the considered report and business case. (3) That Officers be authorised to design, procure and implement the

approved proposals, as set out in the considered report. 67 Community Right to Challenge Cabinet gave consideration to a report which set out proposals regarding a

notification timetable under sections 82 and 84 of The Localism Act 2011, relating to the Community Right to Challenge.

It was noted that the provision of Community Right to Challenge came into

force on the 27 June 2012 and provides eligible organisations the right to put forward an expression of interest regarding the running of a service. As Council's were able to specify periods during which expressions of interest could be submitted, to be known as notification periods, Cabinet were recommended to agree details for an annual notification period in order for the provisions to be implemented within a scheduled programme.

RESOLVED - That approval be given to the decision and notification

timescales under sections 82 and 84 of the Localism Act 2011, as relating to the Community Right to Challenge, as set out below:-

(a) An annual notification period for all relevant services of 1 April to

the 30 June, beginning on the 1 April 2013. (b) The maximum period between the date the expression of interest

be received, and the date by which the Council will notify the relevant body of its decision in respect of the expression of interest, is 26 weeks.

(c) The minimum period between the date of the Council's decision to

accept an expression of interest and the date on which the procurement exercise will begin is 12 weeks with a maximum period of 26 weeks.

68 Localised Council Tax Support Cabinet received a report which set out details of the requirement to adopt

a Local Council Tax Support Scheme by the 31 January 2013. The report


set out proposal for the Scheme to commence from the 1 April 2013. It was noted that a consultation exercise was to be undertaken prior to the submission of a report to Council on 5 December 2012.

The Report advised that Council Tax Benefit was to be replaced in April

2013 by a national Council Tax Support Scheme for pensioners and a local means tested Council Tax Support Scheme for working age customers.

RESOLVED - (1) That the Council Tax Support Scheme be approved for consultation, as

set out at paragraph 1.6 of the considered report. (2) That the report be submitted to Cabinet in November 2012 with a

recommendation for the Local Council Tax Support Scheme for 2013/14 and considered responses from the consultation exercise, and to submit that report for consideration via Council on its meeting on the 5 December 2012.


Contact Officer: Richard Farnhill Tel. 01484 221713 (860 1713)



Tuesday 31 July 2012 Present: Cllr Mehboob Khan (Chair) Cllrs Calvert, McBride, C Scott and Sheard Observer: Cllr M Hemingway 69 Membership of Cabinet Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Harris, O’Neill, Pandor

and Walton. 70 Interests – 3 July 2012 The minutes of the meeting held on 3 July 2012 were agreed as a correct

record. There were no matters arising. 71 Interests No interests were declared at the meeting. 72 Admission of the Public All items were considered in public session. 73 Deputations/Petitions No deputations or petitions were received. 74 Public Question Time No questions were asked at the meeting. 75 Member Question Time No Member questions were asked at the meeting. 76 A629 Penistone Road, Fenay Bridge Cabinet considered a report setting out proposals for a scheme to

reconstruct 1.6km of the A629 Penistone Road, between Fenay Bridge and Ashford Manor. The report indicated that the scheme had an estimated cost of £354,000 and would include road surfacing, together with advanced wall repairs, kerb repairs and drainage repairs/improvements, all of which were expected to have been completed by June 2012.

The report went on to set out proposals for the scheduling of the works,

which would include some side road closures for a period of 2 or 3 days to


facilitate the road re-surfacing work and work being undertaken “off peak” to take advantage of reduced traffic flows on what is a very busy A road.

RESOLVED – That approval be given to the scheme for the reconstruction

of the A629 Penistone Road, Fenay Bridge, as described in the considered report.

77 A629 Wakefield Road, Dalton Cabinet considered a report setting out a proposal for a scheme to

reconstruct 1.67km of the A629 Wakefield Road, Dalton. The report indicated that the estimated cost of the work was £730,000 and that the works would include road surfacing and improvements to accessibility, with kerbs to be dropped to ease pedestrian access.

The report advised Cabinet that the A629 Wakefield Road was a primary

route and paragraph 2.5 of the report set out steps that would be taken to mitigate the disruption caused by the reconstruction.

RESOLVED – That the scheme to reconstruct the A629 Wakefield Road,

Dalton, as described in the considered report be approved. 78 Empty Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Miscellaneous Properties It was agreed that consideration for this report be deferred to allow further

consultations to take place on the report and its recommendations. 79 Huddersfield Customer Service Centre – Proposed Energy Efficiency

Measures Cabinet considered a report setting out proposals for the implementation

of energy efficiency measures in Civic Centre Phase 3 as part of the introduction of the Huddersfield Customer Service Centre in the building.

The report reminded Members that the new Huddersfield Customer

Service Centre was due to be opened in May 2003 and would be housed on the ground floor of Civic Centre Phase 3. The overhaul that was being undertaken in the building to accommodate the Customer Service Centre and presented an opportunity to integrate a number of recognised energy and carbon saving measures to improve the building energy efficiency and carbon emissions. The considered report set out the proposals for works to the building at a cost of £160,000.

RESOLVED – That agreement be given to the implementation of energy

efficiency measures in the Civic Centre Phase 3 at a cost of £160,000 from the Invest to Save Fund, as set out in the considered report.

80 Corporate Priorities Budget – Supporting Volunteering in Kirklees

Contract Cabinet considered a report seeking approval for the release of £60,000

from the Corporate Priorities Budget to fund the new contract in place for volunteering in Kirklees from 31 August 2012. A business case setting out


the scale of the proposal was attached to the considered report and Cabinet were asked to approve funding of £60,000.

RESOLVED – That approval be given to the release of £60,000 from the

Corporate Priorities Budget to fund the support in volunteering in Kirklees Contract for a further year, as set out in the considered report and attached business case.


Contact Officer: Richard Farnhill Tel. 01484 221713 (860 1713)



Wednesday 14 August 2012 Present: Cllr Mehboob Khan (Chair) Cllrs Calvert, McBride, O’Neill, Sheard and Walton Observers: Cllrs Hughes and Sokhal 81 Membership of Cabinet Apologies for absence were submitted by Cllrs Cath Harris, Shabir Pandor

and Cathy Scott. 82 Minutes of 17 July 2012 Minutes of the meeting held on 17 July 2012 were agreed as a correct

record. 83 Interests No interests were declared at the meeting. 84 Admission of the Public All items were considered in public session. 85 Deputations/Petitions No deputations or petitions were received at the meeting. 86 Public Question Time No public questions were asked at the meeting. 87 Member Question Time No Member questions were asked at the meeting. 88 Scrutiny Report – Kirklees Planning Service It was agreed that consideration of this report be deferred to the meeting

to take place on Tuesday, 28 August 2012. 89 Revised Independent Sector Residential and Nursing Home Fees

2012/13 Cabinet considered a report seeking approval to increase the fees paid to

Independent Sector Residential and Nursing Home providers, to reflect the impact of the 2012 increase in the national minimum wage. The report provided details of the current fee paid to the Independent Sector Residential and Nursing Home providers, as approved at Cabinet on 13 March 2012, and information on the increases of the minimum wage, to take effect on 1 August 2012, and the impact this would have on fees.


The report also advised Cabinet that the proposed increases in the report

would increase the maximum weekly charge for Non Residential Adult Social Care support from the current figure of £428.14 to £432.10 per week.

RESOLVED – (1) That the proposed increase in fees paid to Independent Sector

Residential and Nursing Home providers, as set out in Appendix 1 to the considered report, be approved.

(2) That it be noted that, in agreeing to the increase in weekly fees paid for

Residential Care providers, the maximum weekly charge for Non Residential Adult Social Care support will rise to £432.10.

90 Corporate Revenue Budget Monitoring 2012/13 – Week 12 Cabinet considered a report presenting the Week 12 Corporate Revenue

Budget Monitoring position for the Council and seeking approval for management actions proposed to address potential overspends in areas as set out in the considered report.

RESOLVED – (1) That the Revenue Budget position, as at Week 12 of the 2012/13

municipal year be noted. (2) That approval be given to the management action as set out in the

considered report to mitigate projected overspends within Innovation and Efficiency activity and the forecast in the deficit position on the Council’s Collection Fund.

91 Revenue Budget Monitoring 2012/13 – Week 12 Overspend

Directorate for Children & Young People Cabinet considered a report setting out the main reasons for 2012/13

projected overspending in the Directorate for Children and Young People and the proposed actions that had been put in place to reduce the overspending. The report indicated that projections as at Week 12 were for an overspend of £2.28m, of which £2.433m related to overspending within Family Support Child Protection, which had been off-set by a small saving in other parts of the Directorate.

In noting the overspends that were projected, and the actions that were to

be taken to mitigate the overspends, Cabinet asked that information be provided to Cabinet Members updating on the overspend situation as at Week 16 of the current financial year.

RESOLVED – (1) That the information contained within the considered report and efforts

of Officers in undertaking stringent budget control in developing the Accommodation Strategy, as outlined in the considered report, to minimise overspends in the Children and Young People’s Service area, be noted.


(2) That the Director of Children and Young People be instructed to find all means to minimise expenditure across all Services in the Directorate of Children and Young People’s Service for the remainder of the 2012/13 financial year.

(3) That the Director of Children and Young People be requested to

provide a further report to Cabinet Members, as at Week 16 of the 2012/13 financial year.

92 Corporate Priorities Budget Year End Report 2011/12 Cabinet considered a report presenting the 2011/12 Year End Monitoring

report for the Corporate Priorities Budget. Appendix A to the considered report set out expenditure that had been incurred during 2011/12 and highlighted the additional activity and support undertaken, through the use of Corporate Priorities Budget, in addition to the Council’s individual Service activity, together with added value for the use of the budget to enhance progress of the Council’s priorities through targeted interventions.

RESOLVED – That the monitoring information in relation to the Corporate

Priorities Budget for 2011/12 be noted. 93 Amendments to the Council’s Petition Scheme Cabinet considered a report seeking approval to recommendations made

by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee and the Corporate Governance and Audit Committee to further amend the Council’s Petition Scheme. Cabinet were reminded of the decisions they had taken earlier in relation to the Council’s Petition Scheme, when Cabinet had asked that the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee be consulted on a proposal to reduce the threshold for a number of signatures on a petition to require Officer evidence to be presented to a meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee or a Scrutiny Panel.

The report indicated that consultation had taken place with the Overview

and Scrutiny Management Committee and the Corporate Governance and Audit Committee, and both Committees had recommended that the threshold for petitions required Officer evidence to be heard at the appropriate Scrutiny Committee or Panel be removed.

RESOLVED – (1) That approval be given to the removal of the threshold for petitions

requiring Officer evidence to be heard at the appropriate Scrutiny Committee or Panel, as set out in the considered report.

(2) That information on amendments to the old scheme be submitted to

Council for information.


94 Local Authority School Governors: the Appointment and removal Process and Expectations

Cabinet considered a report seeking consideration of proposals to change the process for the appointment and removal of Local Authority School Governors, in light of changes in legislation and an internal review and data analysis. The considered report set out the current process for the appointment of Local Authority School Governors, made comparisons with the process used in other Local Authorities across the Yorkshire and Humber region and went on to make recommendations for changes to the process, both for the appointment and the removal of School Governors. Detailed recommendations were set out at Appendix 3 to the considered report and Cabinet were recommended to the changes to the process.

RESOLVED – That approval be given to changes to the process for

appointment and removal of Local Authority School Governors, as set out in the considered report.

95 Eligibility for Free Early Education and Childcare – Removing

Barriers to Work and Training Cabinet considered a report outlining a process to introduce a new

flagship support package to fund childcare for parents moving from benefits into work and training. The report also highlighted proposals and preparations for the expected expansion of free early education and care of 2 year olds.

In support of the Council’s strategy to tackle poverty and improve life

chances for children, the report proposed a flagship scheme which offered childcare to parents moving from benefits to work or training. The report provided information on the eligibility criteria that would be put in place for parents and carers to access the scheme and detailed the funding implications of its implementation.

Information was also set out on the proposal for the delivery of 15 hours

free early education for the most disadvantaged 2 year olds which was anticipated would come into force in September 2013.

Cabinet Members asked for information to be provided to them on the

Council’s response to consultation that had been carried out by government on increasing access to early education and care for 2 year olds.

RESOLVED – (1) That the Council continue to fund free early education and care for a

prescribed number of hours for 2 year olds, as set out in the considered report, which has been assessed as meeting the criteria set out at paragraph 6.1 to the considered report.

(2) That once the child becomes eligible under this programme, they

remain entitled until they become eligible for 15 hours of universal provision when they become 3 years of age.


(3) That approval be given to the trialling of a flagship scheme that

supports the Council’s priority to tackle poverty and support parents into work and training using the eligibility criteria as set out in paragraph 6.3 of the considered report.

(4) That eligibility for the scheme, as outlined in the report, be on the basis

as set out at paragraph 6.4. (5) That information be provided to the Cabinet on the Council’s response

to consultation being carried out on increasing access to early education and care for 2 year olds.

96 Maintained Schools – Conversion to Academy Status Cabinet considered a report outlining the statutory process for conversion

to Academy status for schools that are maintained by Kirklees Council and seeking delegated authority for Officers to take the necessary steps in order to fulfil the Local Authority’s obligations, as required by the Academies Act 2010. The report also sought authority for Officers to complete any requisite land transactions and enter into a commercial transfer agreement and other associated agreements with the appropriate Academy and for the Council’s Section 151 Officer to sign and issue the required certificates under the Local Government (Contracts) Act 1997 on the Council’s behalf, as required by PFI providers in relation to the contractual changes needed as a result of the conversion of PFI Schools to Academies.

RESOLVED – (1) That approval be given to the delegation of authority to the Acting

Assistant (or Assistant) Director of Legal Governance and Monitoring, in consultation with appropriate Directors and/or Assistant Directors (or any Acting Directors or Acting Assistant Directors) to negotiate and agree the terms of the Commercial Transfer Agreement (between the Council, the Governing Body of the converting school and the appropriate Academy company), together with all other ancillary documents required in connection with any Academy conversion, including new School Agreement and changes to the PPP Project Agreement.

(2) That approval be given to the delegation of authority to the Assistant

Director Physical Resources and Procurement, in consultation with the Assistant Director for Learning and the Acting Assistant (or Assistant) Director – Legal, Governance & Monitoring, to negotiate and agree the terms of the grant of the long leasehold interest to the appropriate Academy Trust and, where necessary, the terms of the transfer of any proprietary interest or grant of any other lease or any other ancillary document (including documents supplemental to the PPP Project Agreement and the School Agreement) that is required in connection with any Academy conversion.


(3) That approval be given to the delegation of authority to the Acting Assistant (or Assistant) director – Legal, Governance & Monitoring, to execute on behalf of the Council any Commercial Transfer Agreement, lease or transfer of land and any other relevant agreements and documents to which the Council is party in relation to any Academy conversion.

(4) That approval be given to the delegation of authority to the Council’s

Section 151 Officer to sign and issue on the council’s behalf, the Certificates under the Local government (Contracts) Act 1997, required under the relevant PPP Project Agreement in respect of PPP Project Agreement Deeds of Variation that are required to be entered into with PFI providers as a consequence of the Academy conversion of PFI schools.

(5) That it be confirmed that the Council’s Section 151 Officer will be

indemnified by the council in relation to the Certificates given under the Local Government (Contracts) Act 1997 in a suitable form to be agreed with the Acting Assistant (or Assistant) Director of Legal, Governance & Monitoring.

97 Stronger Families Programme Cabinet considered a report updating on the development of the local

response to the government’s Troubled Families Programme and seeking approval to delegate authority for the delivery of the Programme to the Director of Children and Young People, under the direction of the Stronger Families Partnership Programme Board.

In considering the recommendations in the report, Cabinet Members

asked that the detailed work programme and financial allocations be submitted to Cabinet for consideration and approval at a future meeting and that information on the use of grant monies for the Stronger Families Programme, to be managed through the Partnership Board, be regularly reported to Cabinet.

RESOLVED – (1) That approval be given to the delegation of Executive Powers to the

Director of Children and Young People for the Stronger Families Programme, in consultation with the Stronger Families Partnership Board and that the Stronger Families Partnership Board be requested to advise Cabinet of developments and progress through quarterly reports.

(2) That information on the use of grant monies for the Stronger Families

Programme, managed through the Partnership Board, be regularly reported to Cabinet.

(3) That the detailed Work Programme and financial allocations against

interventions, as outlined in the considered report, be submitted to Cabinet for consideration and approval at a future meeting.


Contact Officer: Richard Farnhill Tel. 01484 221713 (860 1713)



Tuesday 28 August 2012 Present: Cllr Mehboob Khan (Chair) Cllrs Calvert, O’Neill, Pandor, Scott, Sheard and Walton Observer: Cllr Sims 98 Membership of Cabinet Apologies for absence were submitted by Cllrs Cath Harris and Peter

McBride. 99 Interests No interests were declared at the meeting. 100 Admission of the Public All items were considered in public session with the exception of Item 13 –

Healthwatch Kirklees – Allocation of Funding, due to the report containing exempt information relating to a proposed procurement exercise.

101 Deputations/Petitions No deputations or petitions were received. 102 Member Question Time No Member questions were asked at the meeting. 103 Scrutiny Report – Academies Consultation Review It was agreed that consideration of this item be deferred to the next

meeting of Cabinet, to take place on 11 September 2012. 104 Scrutiny Report – Kirklees Planning Service Cabinet received a report from Cllr Ken Sims, who was accompanied by

Jane Gledhill and Ian Steele, who were co-opted members serving on the Development and Environment Scrutiny Panel during its work looking at Kirklees Planning Services. The considered report set out the key findings and recommendations of the Panel in undertaking the assigned task and the full report was appended for Cabinet consideration.

Cabinet Members placed on record their thanks to Cllr Sims, Jane Gledhill

and Ian Steele for their work on the report and its recommendations and agreed to receive and accept the recommendations contained in the report.


RESOLVED – (1) That the assigned task report on Kirklees Planning Services be

received and noted and that the recommendations contained therein be accepted.

(2) That Cllr Ken Sims, Jane Gledhill and Ian Steele and Richard Dunne

be thanked for their attendance at the meeting and their work in producing the report and it its recommendations.

105 St George’s Square, Huddersfield – Façade Lighting Cabinet considered a report seeking approval to light the facades of the

George Hotel, Lion Chambers and Britannia Buildings at St George’s Square. The report indicated that the proposed scheme will complete the lighting scheme for St George’s Square at an estimated cost of £95,000. The report provided information on the key benefits of the floodlighting of St George’s Square and provided an up date on the current situation on the enhancement scheme.

RESOLVED – That approval be given to the proposals contained in the

considered report for the façade lighting of the George Hotel, Lion Chambers and Britannia Buildings, Huddersfield.

106 Public Open Space Improvements – Section 106 Funding Allocations Cabinet considered a report providing information on Section 106 Funding

and making recommendations for its use to improve public open spaces at various locations throughout the Council’s area. An appendix to the considered report set out the schemes that were proposed, together with the costs associated with each project.

Cabinet were advised that parks and open spaces were allocated Section

106 Funding for public open space improvements when new housing developments were approved through the planning process. It was noted that funding was designated in the Section 106 contract and specifically highlighted facilities in the vicinity of the development for which the funding could be used.

Cabinet Members asked that Cllr Cathy Scott, as portfolio holder, ensure

that all Councillors were advised of the decisions taken to allocate Section 106 Funding, as set out in the report.

RESOLVED – (1) That approval be given to the proposals for the use of Section 106

Funding, as set out in the considered report. (2) That news of the above decisions be shared with all Councillors.


107 Transfer of Land to School Ownership Cabinet considered a report setting out information on the proposed

transfer of ownership of land to schools. The report set out proposals for the Council to negotiate and agree with the Diocese Board of Education, for the transfer of the legal ownership of school premises, in relation to schools set out in the considered report. The report went on to seek authority for the Acting Assistant Director of Legal and Governance to seal any documents and give effect to the transfer of ownership and other consequential matters.

The considered report indicated that the Wakefield Diocese Board of

Education had requested that the Council transfer the ownership of all school buildings to the Board and that, in accordance with legislation, the Council were obliged to transfer a number of school buildings at sites specified within the considered report.

RESOLVED – (1) That approval be given to the Council negotiating and agreeing with

the Diocese Board of Education for the transfer of the legal ownership of the school premises at nil value, in relation to sites set out within the considered report, and that the transfer will exclude all playing fields that form part of the schools and the land.

(2) That approval be given to the Acting Director of Legal and Governance

to seal any documents to give effect to the transfer of ownership and other consequential matters.

108 Exclusion of the Public To resolve that under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act

1972, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.

109 Healthwatch Kirklees – Allocation of Funding (Exempt information relating to a particular individual. It is considered that

disclosure of the information would adversely affect the procurement of Healthwatch Kirklees and therefore the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information and providing greater openness in the Council’s decision making.)

Cabinet considered a report setting out the proposals for the allocation of

funding for the delivery of Healthwatch Kirklees, together with approval for the Council to proceed with a procurement exercise to facilitate the implementation of the development, commissioning and delivery of Healthwatch Kirklees.

The report indicated that, as part of the changes introduced within the

Health and Social Care Act 2012, from April 2013, Councils would have the funding and responsibility to set up a local Healthwatch. The report


provided information on the current position on funding and the proposed procurement of the services to be provided in Kirklees.

RESOLVED – (1) That approval would be given to the allocation of the full amount of

Department of Health funding to fund Healthwatch Kirklees, as set out in the considered report.

(2) That a procurement exercise be carried out and that the Acting

Assistant Director of Legal and Governance be authorised to procure a provider for the provision of local Healthwatch services for Kirklees, including patient/public involvement functions, information signposting services and a National Health Service Complaints Advocacy Service, to operate from April 2013 to March 2015, with corporate extensions and formal contracts being entered into with providers, as set out in the considered report.


Contact Officer: Richard Farnhill Tel. 01484 221713 (860 1713)



Thursday 6 September 2012 Present: Cllr Mehboob Khan (Chair) Cllrs Calvert, Pandor, Scott and Walton 110 Membership of Cabinet Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Harris, McBride, O’Neill

and Sheard. 111 Minutes The minutes of the meetings of Cabinet held on 31 July and 14 August

2012 were agreed as correct record. 112 Interests No interests were declared at the meeting. 113 Admission of the Public Cabinet considered a question of the admission of the public. 114 Deputations/Petitions No deputations/petitions were received. 115 Public Question Time No public questions were asked at the meeting. 116 Member Question Time No member questions were asked at the meeting. 117 Exclusion of the Public RESOLVED – That under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act

1972, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.

118 Creative and Media Studio School; Netherhall Learning Campus (Exempt information relating to the financial or business affairs of any

particular person. The public interest in maintaining the exemption, which will maintain confidentiality on contractual information relating to a third party ie a School, outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information and providing greater openness in the Council’s decision making process).


Cabinet considered a report updating on progress to date on the

development of the Creative Media Studio School at the Netherhall Learning Campus and setting out information on the next steps, including the awarding of contracts regarding the development of the school. The considered report provided information on the business case that had developed regarding the proposals for a building and construction of the Studio School and set out detailed information on the funding implications of the project. Information was also contained within the considered report on the benefits of the project and key risks associated with its implementation together with recommendations on the delivery of the project.

RESOLVED – (1) That approval be given to the submission of a final business case and

section 151 letter to the Department for Education, as set out within the considered report.

(2) That the revised European Regional Development Fund Bid

information be submitted to the Department of Communities and Local Government in order to secure a positive outcome in relation to the bids for funding set out within the report.

(3) That approval be given to the signing of the Tri-Party Agreement

relating to the school as soon as it is received. (4) That, as soon as the above decisions have been acted upon, work

begin to proceed to award the building contract and the ICT contract as set out in the considered report.

(5) That further consideration and research into possible revised

curriculum and work placement models to support the Studio School, as set out in the considered report be undertaken by Officers.


Contact Officer: Richard Farnhill Tel. 01484 221713 (860 1713)



Thursday 13 September 2012 Present: Cllr Mehboob Khan (Chair) Cllrs Calvert, McBride, O’Neill, Pandor, Scott and Walton Observer: Cllr Pattison 119 Membership of Cabinet Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Cath Harris and David

Sheard. 120 Interests No interests were declared at the meeting. 121 Admission of the Public All items were considered in public session. 122 Deputations/Petitions No deputations/petitions were received. 123 Public Question Time No public questions were asked at the meeting. 124 Member Question Time No Member questions were asked at the meeting. 125 Future Local Use of Right to Buy Receipts Cabinet considered a report setting out a proposal that the Council enter

into an agreement to allow it to retain additional receipts generated from the revised rules on the Right to Buy of Council houses. The report indicated that, on 2 April 2012, Government raised the cap on Right to Buy discounts to £75,000 and confirmed that receipts from the additional sales this would generate could be used to fund replacement stock on a one for one basis. Paragraphs 2.2 to 2.4 of the considered report set out information on the respective proportions of receipts from the sale of Council houses in terms of a split between the Council and HM Treasury.

It was noted that if the Council was to sign an agreement it would allow the

Council to retain additional Right to Buy receipts generated each quarter from 2012/13 onwards to fund the provision of replacement stock and allow 3 years to invest those receipts before the money has to be returned to the Secretary of State.


RESOLVED – (1) That approval be given to the Council entering into an agreement to

retain and re-invest net receipts generated from the revised Right to Buy rules, as set out in the considered report, to commence from the second quarter of the 2012/13 financial year.

(2) That approval be given to the signing of an agreement referred to in

decision (1) above. 126 Support Services – Capital Investment IT Enabled Change Cabinet considered a report setting out proposals for Capital expenditure

to support the IT Enabled Change Programme within the Council over the three year period 2012-2015. The considered report set out the areas in which it was proposed investment would take place and the ways in which it was anticipated the investment would support changes to the way the Council operates. Paragraph 3 to the considered report set out the implications for the Council and included information on the funding associated with this proposal over the 3 years during the duration of the programme.

RESOLVED - That approval be given to the 3 year IT Capital Investment

Strategy to support the Councils IT Enabled to Changed Programme as set out within the considered report.

127 Corporate Plan and Service Delivery Plan – Quarter 1 Performance

2012/13 Cabinet considered a report providing an overview of the Quarter 1

Performance in relation to the Council’s Corporate Plan and Service Delivery Plans for the 2012/13 Financial Year.

RESOLVED - That the Performance Monitoring Information as set out

within the considered report be noted. 128 Academies Consultation Review Cabinet considered a report and received the Chair of the Panel that

undertook the Academies Consultation Review Investigation into the way consultation was undertaken when the proposals put forward that a school move to be governed under the Academy Model. The report provided information on the investigations undertaken by the panel and set out the recommendations that had been reached.

RESOLVED - That the content of the Scrutiny Report on Academies

Consultation Review be noted and that the recommendations contained therein be accepted.


129 Kirklees Young Advisers – Customer Engagement Model Corporate Priority Budget Funding Proposal

Cabinet considered a proposal for the release of £60,000 from the Corporate Priorities Budget for the funding of the Kirklees Young Advisers Programme. Attached to the considered report was a business case which set out the way it was anticipated the Kirklees Young Advisers Project would be delivered locally. It was noted that the proposal involved the training of Young People so as to equip them to work alongside Community Leaders and Decision Makers to support the engagement of Young People in Communities.

RESOLVED - That approval be given to the release of £60,000 from the

Corporate Priorities Budget, as set out in the considered report and business case, to fund the Kirklees Young Advisers Project.


Contact Officer: Tish Barker Tel. 01484 221817 (860 1817)



Wednesday 27 June 2012 Present: Councillors David Sheard (Chair), Peter McBride and Cathy Scott Observer: Cllrs Linda Wilkinson and Mohan Sokhal 1 Membership of the Committee All members were present. 2 Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 28 March 2012 were agreed as a

correct record. 3 Interests No interests were declared at the meeting. 4 Admission of the Public All items were considered in public session. 5 Deputations/Petitions No deputations or petitions were received. 6 Public Question Time No public questions were asked. 7. Member Question Time No Member questions were asked at the meeting. 8 Request for Road Surfacing, Foxglove Road, Almondbury - Petition The Cabinet Committee received a report seeking consideration of a

petition to resurface the road on Foxglove Road, Almondbury. The report set out key points including the estimated cost to resurface the

road of £60,000 and the deteriorating condition of the road. It was reported that Foxglove Road is not high on the priority list as it is an unclassified road. The Kirklees network of unclassified roads totals 1450km and the expectation is to surface around 1% of these roads a year.

Cabinet Committee Local Issues received a member of the public who put

forward concerns about the state of the road and need for re-surfacing and the ineffective repairs to potholes.

RESOLVED - That the petitioners be informed that the street will be added

to a list of sites for prioritisation by Ward Councillors to be programmed as and when funds are available. In the meantime the road will be kept in a safe condition.


9 Objections to proposed Permit Parking and Waiting Restriction Schemes. Syringa Street/Mint Street, Marsh. Blacker Road North, Birkby

The Cabinet Committee received a report seeking consideration of objections to a recent Traffic Regulation Order for Syringa Street and Mint Street, Marsh.

The report set out key points providing information on the parking issues in

the Greenhead Ward and the commissioning of a consultant in 2009 to examine and propose solutions to these issues. Greenhead Ward Councillors had worked with residents, local interest groups and Officers to develop the recommended solution at various sites within the Ward. The schemes were publicly advertised from 17 February to 16 March 2012 and 17 May to 7 June 2012.

The report gave details of objections received and the meeting received

members of the public who expressed their concerns regarding how the scheme on Blacker Road North could negatively affect their businesses. A question was raised about the possibility of issuing Business Permits and it was stated that Business Permits are not allowed to be issued throughout the Borough.

Comments were received from a member of the public regarding the

Syringa Street/Mint Street proposal, stating that he was in favour of the proposals as stated in the report.

RESOLVED - That the objections to the proposal are over-ruled, and the

scheme implemented.