Kiss Army Argentina - Bruce Kulick and Lisa Lane Interview - March 2014

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Kiss Army Argentina interview with Bruce Kulick and Lisa:

Lisa is wonderful, I'm lucky to find her

Bruce Kulick and his wife Lisa Lane share with Kiss Army Argentina some time to talk about their new life together.

Take your time and enjoy with us this wedding interview.

Bruce and Lisa with Kiss Army Argentina.

Kiss Army Argentina: Bruce and Lisa, how are you? Congratulations on this new and big step in your lives!

Bruce Kulick: It was a wonderful wedding. We had almost 100 of our closest friends in attendance. We had our favorite band play, "Nutty" who play Jazz, in a classic rock style. Lisa really created the perfect wedding. It's exciting to be married.

Lisa Lane: I had my dream wedding, and it's so exciting to finally be Bruce's wife. We share so much in common, and it's just wonderful to be a part of his career and his family.

Bruce and Lisas wedding.

Kiss Army Argentina: Please tell us how and when you met, and how this love story began.

Bruce Kulick: I met Lisa in Las Vegas when she was filming a documentary. She was interviewing rocks stars, new ones and established ones. It took about six months until we actually started to date, but once we did, I realized how special she was.

Lisa Lane: I first met Bruce in 1986 at a KISS concert, and he was very sweet. Interesting that 30 years later, we would meet and start our journey in life together. He is quite special you know.

Kiss Army Argentina: Bruce, what can you tell us about Lisa? How is she special?

Bruce Kulick: Lisa is wonderful. Lisa is creative. Lisa is my best friend. She cares for me and I know it's sincere. I'm lucky to find her.

Kiss Army Argentina: Lisa, what can you tell us about Bruce? How is he special?

Lisa Lane: Bruce is one of the most kind and caring men I've ever met. He gets up early every morning and makes my breakfast and lunch to take to work. He sees me to the door, and that means so much to me. We really enjoy doing many things together.

Kiss Army Argentina: We have seen pictures and videos of the wedding, and the fact that many people (family and friends) attended shows that you obviously did some things right. You surely feel beloved and blessed. What can you tell us about that very special evening?

Bruce Kulick: With so many details to complete having a Wedding come together in a special way, honestly I was stressed but very excited about it. Lisa had a very clear vision of the event, and she created a perfect Wedding. Many of our guests remarked how much they enjoyed the night and they could feel our love in the room. It really was very special.

Lisa Lane: I had seen the evening over and over in my mind with a year to plan the event. It was so surreal to see my hard work and my vision for that night come to life. It couldn't of been any more perfect. Bruce did help me with the final details and it was a night to remember.

Kiss Army Argentina: Bruce, we have seen that Eric Singer has been one of the best men at the wedding, something that obviously shows the kind of friendship and mutual respect you do have for each other

Bruce Kulick: Eric and I are very close. Sometimes we are both busy with our travels, but we know each other so well, and he always looks out for me, like family.

Kiss Army Argentina: Lisa, please tell us how your life changed after getting married to Bruce.

Lisa Lane: The only thing that really changed is that we could completely love each other more. It is very sweet to call him my husband and I know Bruce loves saying "my wife" when referring to me.

Kiss Army Argentina: Please tell us about your everyday life. How are each of you like in your daily life? How is a typical day like for this couple?

Lisa Lane: We both work hard, and we enjoy when we can spend our time together. Bruce travels, I have a full time job. Bruce loves to keep in touch, if he's traveling and because his career is so unique being a musician, no day is typical at home or away. I try to always be there to assist him whenever he needs me.

Kiss Army Argentina: What things and activities do you enjoy doing together?

Bruce Kulick and Lisa Lane: We enjoy watching movies,(old and new ones) cooking dinner, watching some favorite TV shows, shopping and lately doing home improvements. Of course music is always a part of every day. The best thing for me about Lisa, is her love of guitars as well, so no music store is off limits!

Kiss Army Argentina: Do you always travel together when Bruce is on tour? Lisa, what is the best thing of being married to a celebrity?

Bruce Kulick: Only some gigs that are near our home or close to our relatives in the Mid-West does Lisa accompany me on my travels.

It is hard to get time off from her job as well. We prefer to travel together on holidays, where I don't have to "be somewhere" for the gig.

Kiss Army Argentina: Bruce, do you think that Lisa may become your inspiring muse for a song?

Bruce Kulick: Absolutely. The best thing about Lisa, is that I am so comfortable with her nearby, that when I am inspired to play guitar and come up with something original, her presence makes me more creative. That is not always easy with artists. So I guess she is my Muse for sure!

Bruce and Lisa with Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley of Kiss.

Kiss Army Argentina: Lisa, if Bruce were a song, which song would he be? Bruce, if Lisa were a song, which song would she be?

Bruce Kulick: For me Lisa is "Somewhere Over The Rainbow". If I hear that song, I think of her, and hear her voice.

Lisa Lane: The Beatles song, "I Feel Fine", that's Bruce to me, cause I call him "my baby".

Kiss Army Argentina: What are your dreams for the future? Do you have plans to enlarge the family? (kids, pets though obviously no one could ever replace your beloved Joe-)

Bruce Kulick: Joe was a heartbreak for us, and he was one of kind. So many of our friends would love to see us have another dog, but it's not time yet. Our schedules are so difficult. It was amazing I was able to take care of Joe with my lifestyle. Children, well Lisa has a son getting married in June of this year, so maybe there will be grandchildren someday.

Kiss Army Argentina: Lisa, you have a fantastic voice, which sort of remind us of Barbara Streisands. Have you ever taken singing lessons? Have you ever thought about doing something professionally with your great voice?

Lisa Lane: I haven't really taken lessons, but I did sing at venues in the NYC area, during my years as a flight attendant. Bruce has inspired me to sing again, and we do plan on doing more together as Bruce loves standards. That kind of music is another side of guitar playing for Bruce to share, and we seem to complement each other in a terrific way.

Kiss Army Argentina: Bruce, lets talk a bit now about your professional side. Some weeks ago you attended the 2014 Namm event and you presented a new guitar model, Rock n Roll Relics, which looks great. Please tell us more about it.

Bruce Kulick: Rock N Roll Relic's had already made guitars that reminded me of my old Les Paul Jr. that I used with KISS. That guitar had such powerful sound, and it was very beat up. Billy Rowe the owner of Rock N Roll Relics made me a prototype copy that we featured at NAMM, that was amazing. Now the production model, limited to 25 will be available at NOT in any stores. But anyone around the world can order.

Kiss Army Argentina: You continue working with Grand Funk Railroad, a great accomplishment (by the way, you have been with them longer than with KISS by now!). What are the current plans for the band?

Bruce Kulick: Current plans are no different than the other years. We travel to the gigs, and perform, and make the crowd rock with us. We do around 40 gigs a year, so I have time to do other things as well. Grand Funk, is a terrific band.

Kiss Army Argentina: As for your solo work, we hope you are still working on BK4 (or the continuation of BK3), like you told some time ago; what can you tell us about it? Besides, there were rumors about the possibility of working with Joe Lynn Turner and Carmine Appice; is this true?

Bruce Kulick: I have been writing a bit for the future. My focus lately has been getting my three solo discs available on iTunes in North America very. There will be two bonus tracks added to BK3 for the iTunes release. They were just completed. No plans to work with Joe or Carmine.

Kiss Army Argentina: Any plans for visiting South America in the near future?

Bruce Kulick: There are always email offers from SA, but scheduling it is not easy to make firm plans. I do hope to come again in 2014.

Kiss Army Argentina: In April KISS will finally be inducted in the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame. How did this piece of news impact you? After all, you have been part of the band for twelve years. This acknowledgment took a bit too long, but it has finally happened. Will you be present at the ceremony? Have you received a formal invitation to be there?

Bruce Kulick: I am going to be there with Gene and Paul and Eric and Tommy. I am very excited Gene and Paul invited me. I have stayed out of the drama of the HOF news. There has been lots of opinions, and lots of discussions. The KISS Army will always be the most important award the band has earned.

Kiss Army Argentina: Bruce and Lisa, thanks a lot! for your time for this interview. We are very happy for you and we wish you all the best!

Bruce Kulick: Thanks again for your support, and I do miss my friends in Argentina and SA. Thank you!

Lisa Lane: This is my very first interview as Mrs. Kulick. Thank you for thinking of me!

Bruce and Lisas honeymoon in Hawaii.

Visit: Marcelo Garca and Diego Ferreyra (Kiss Army Argentina)

Translation: Mariana MIA Abello (Kiss Army Argentina)

March 2014