
Post on 21-Feb-2016

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„Es war doch bloß ein Kuss!“ – ein Satz, den man nach dem Durchblättern und Bestaunen dieser Sammlung einzigartiger Kussbilder nie wieder sagen wird. Wie viel ein Kuss bedeuten kann, wie sehr ein Kuss ein Universum für sich ist – das machen in diesem Bildband mehr als 40 Fotografen auf insgesamt 260 Seiten deutlich. Von sinnlich und erotisch bis wild und zügellos: Hier findet sich alles, was sich zwischen Lippen abspielen kann. „Kissed“ ist eine Anthologie, die Lust darauf macht, sich auf das zu besinnen, was Mark Twain einmal sagte: „Ein Kuss ist eine Sache, für die man beide Hände braucht.“ Dem ist nichts hinzuzufügen, oder?


Bruno Gmünder

A kiss is the oral contact with another person or thing. In many cultures, a kiss is considered a sign of love, of friendship, of respect. Lips are incredibly sensitive

which is why kissing creates very specific sensations. When kissing, pheromones are exchanged, which are released from the sides of our nostrils—these male sexual hormones are known to increase the sensation of lust. Science goes as far as to explain that kissing is a means for bodies to check, if their immunsystems are compatible. But is that all that kissing is about? Does that explain why parents kiss their children, why children love to kiss their pets, why men love to kiss the men they love? Or is there an entirely different dimension to kissing that cannot be explained? The answer to these questions might better help us understand why very often during anonymous encounters, everything is possible, everything including swallowing and condomless sex, not, however, kissing. 48 photographers have sought the answer to this question in a way that only a photographer is able to: catching the very moment when lips interlock, freezing this image for others to analyze just what it is that puts men into a trance-like state … and beyond: into a world of intimacy, trust, and relationship.

Main Entry: kiss Pronunciation: \kis\Function: verb Etymology: Middle English, from Old English cyssan; akin to Old High German kussen to kissDate: before 12th century

transitive verb

1 : to touch with the lips especially as a mark of affection or greeting <kissed his wife good-bye>2 : to touch gently or lightly <wind gently kissing the trees>



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