Kitchen Garden news vol 2 - Garden news vol 2.pdf · Kitchen Garden News The...

Post on 06-Jun-2020

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Kitchen Garden News The Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Lunchbox for Term 1 was prepared with our four “Chef’s for a Day” from Pod 2a. We had over 70 lunchbox orders making it a very busy day! Shae, Liza, Jeremy & Torin did a great job chopping all the fruit for the melon salad, making pizza’s and making a delicious raspberry lemonade. Well done!

Our first Farm Table was a wonderful success. Keep an eye out for farm table dates next term. We will be selling excess fresh produce from the garden, fresh and dried herbs and food made by the students in their lesson. All money raised goes directly back into our kitchen garden program. T h a n k y o u f o r y o u r support.

Room 12 planted corn seeds a couple of weeks ago that

have grown into these wonderful seedlings. They will be planted in the garden before the end of term.

Volunteers Needed! "

We are always looking for extra helpers in the kitchen

& garden! Classes run on Friday’s from 9am - 1pm. If

you are interested in lending a hand, please see Mel or Debbie in the front

office for more information.

Passionfruit is such a unique fruit and our vines are producing lots of fruit. Our students have the opportunity to watch it grow, & cook with it.

Harvesting Giant Zucchini is always fun! The students from Pod 3 had a great time picking this one. I think their faces say it all. We turned this one into zucchini slice.

Thank You! "A big thank you to Eileen, Madeline, Emma & Pamela, the wonderful volounteers that make this program work. Also to Bec, Kylie, Emma and Julie for their help. Every little bit helps and its great to have people like you we can count on. Thank you!

Recipe of the Term Made by Room 1

F O R S A L E ! W e h a v e 4 compost bins/tumblers for sale. They are in great c o n d i t i o n a n d m a k e composting so easy! "$40 each s e e M e l for info.

Watch out for our new weekly Stephanie Alexander kitchen specials in the

Canteen. Each Friday there

will be a new freshly prepared

item available for $1 from the canteen

at lunchtime.