Kitchen Sink Drama

Post on 24-Feb-2016

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Kitchen Sink Drama. John Randall Bratby Bratby believed his paintings were rooted in general fifties attitudes and outlooks, being ‘’ introvert , grim, khaki in colour , often opposed to prettiness , and dedicated to portraying a stark, raw, ugly reality. ’’. Basin with Green Soap. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Kitchen Sink Drama

O John Randall Bratby

Bratby believed his paintings were rooted in general fifties attitudes and outlooks, being ‘’introvert, grim, khaki in colour, often opposed to prettiness, and dedicated to portraying a stark, raw, ugly reality.’’

Basin with Green Soap


Kitchen II


O It advances a social message or ideology (which is often leftist)O Settings were middle-classO Bringing social inequality of working

class to the stageO Characters’ dissatisfaction with the

systemO The language is colloquial and slang

Further Sources

Paintings of BratbyO

ngs/artists/john-randall-bratby Conversations with Arnold WeskerO


QuestionKitchen sink dramas can be rather depressing and unrelentingly (rigidly) negative, so WHAT IS THEIR VALUE?