Kitely Market - The Metaverse Marketplace

Post on 13-Jul-2015

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Ilan Tochner | Co-Founder and CEO |

Kitely Market™

The Metaverse Marketplace

Metaverse Marketplace!



Text search


Advanced Search Capabilities

Easy Content Discovery

Product variations and demosare located in the same listing

Automatic in-depth information

Great User Experience

Mobile App flow in a browser

Intuitive layout

Animated, fast and fun

Merchant Friendly

Powerful Content Analyzer

Sell for Kitely Credits or US Dollars

Choose whether content can leave Kitely

Sell to the Metaverse (coming soon)

Flexible Sales Options

A unified market will bring more merchants, buyers, money, activity, and interest for everyone

Why a new marketplace?

I can’t find content!

There is no one to sell to!

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Kitely Market

They already are stealing your content.

Consider iTunes: A good marketplace enables you to get money from people who can steal your content in other places.

People will steal my content!

People can move my content to OpenSim

Is delivery to an OpenSim-based grid automatic?

How much time and effort does it require from the buyer?

Make it easier to get your content legally than to steal it.

I already sell in Second Life Marketplace

Thieves can’t make real money without you and your friends being able to see their marketplace listings.

There’s a 45-day payout delay in which to catch them.

Copybotters will sell my items!

Marketplaces work, both buyers and sellers want them.

Most major grids are already embracing marketplaces: Second Life, InWorldz, Island Oasis…

With the Kitely Market Affiliate Program even small grids can profit from marketplace revenue.

Merchants won’t get land on my grid!

Most merchants want to earn real money.

Even items listed for KC can be bought directly using US Dollars.

People have to buy KC, they might as well stay in Kitely

All my users will move to Kitely!

Kitely’s hypergrid delivery system enables merchants to sell to any grid that wants their content.

Kitely will have the best content

All my users will move to Kitely!

Kitely can’t force merchants to sell to other grids.

Merchants will be able to allow No-Export content to be used in other secure grids.

No-Export content only works in Kitely

All my users will move to Kitely!

Kitely gives cheap land

All my users will move to Kitely!

Kitely has been selling cheap land since 2011, and other grids have continued to prosper.

People like their communities and some people want always-on.

That wouldn’t provide the benefits of a unified market (more merchants, buyers,

money, activity, and interest for everyone)

Keep the marketplace for Kitely only!

We’ve been openly discussing our plans and involving the community in design decisions since January 2013.

We thought that the benefits of a unified market are self-evident, and discussing our plans in the open is

the greatest form of transparency.

Why didn’t you reach out to grid owners?

Kitely Market is fair: we’ll deliver to any grid that doesn’t block us.

Other multi-grid marketplaces already exist: OpenSimCreations, OpenSim City, HGExchange, Cariama…

Who died and made you king?!This marketplace shouldn’t be owned by one company

Delivery to Hypergrid-connected grids

Advanced Discounts System (like Steam)

Contests System

Business Intelligence Tools

Coming Soon…