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Know It Curriculum – Year 8 – The Big Picture

Subject: Art

Autumn 1

Autumn 2 Spring 1

2D project (8 wks)

Skills testing

Drawing techniques and materials

Colour theory


Presenting artists research SPIRITUAL: Using imagination and creativity in learning CULTURAL: Participating and responding to cultural activities EL: Drawing focus

2D project (7 wks)

Presentation of artist research

Digital cameras

Drawing techniques

Painting techniques SOCIAL: Developing personal qualities and using social skills SPIRITUAL: Using imagination and creativity in learning CULTURAL: Participating and responding to cultural activities EL: Research focus

World culture project (6 weeks)

Artist research

Introduce new techniques e.g. batik, printmaking, collage

SOCIAL: Understanding how communities and societies function CULTURAL: Exploring, understanding and respecting diversity CULTURAL: Participating and responding to cultural activities EL: Research focus

Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2

3D project over two terms (6 wks)

Artist research

Introduce new 3D techniques

Group work SPIRITUAL: Using imagination and creativity in learning CULTURAL: Participating and responding to cultural activities EL: Drawing focus

3D project over two terms (5 wks)

Artist research

Introduce new 3D techniques

Group work SPIRITUAL: Using imagination and creativity in learning CULTURAL: Participating and responding to cultural activities EL: Research focus

2D brief based project (7 wks)

In-depth analysis of artists’ work

Independent idea development MORAL: Investigating moral values and ethical issues

EL: Drawing and research focus

Know It Curriculum – Year 8 – The Big Picture

SUBJECT: Design and Technology (Carousel)



Key Knowledge - Basic pastry skills, puff pastry, short crust and filo, roasting, baking frying. 2 weeks – stem activity SMSC links – Expectations and routines – manners. Sharing equipment and helping each other. Resilience – learning new skills. Health and safety Design Process – researching, designing, planning, making and evaluating Assessment – GCSE Grading criteria

Key Knowledge. Basic garment construction skills, seams, hems, elastication – shorts, techsoft 2d, pattern markings and layout, Screen Printing, Taking body measurements SMSC links – Expectations and routines – manners. Sharing equipment and helping each other. Resilience – learning new skills. Health and safety Design Process - Researching, designing, planning, making and evaluating Assessment – GCSE Grading criteria

Key knowledge -Basic skills – money box – scroll saw, countersinking, pilot and clearance holes. CAD/CAM costings/scales of production, Ethics in manufacture, the circular economy. SMSC links – Expectations and routines – manners. Sharing equipment and helping each other. Resilience – learning new skills. Health and safety Design Process – Planning, making and evaluating Assessment – GCSE Grading criteria


Development of products

Modern technologies Basic hand techniques Electronics

Design movements Clock working with acrylic Tech soft


Autumn 1 “The history of”

Autumn 2 Panto season!

Spring 1 Around the world

Key knowledge: Introducing the student’s to drama and the basic drama conventions: addressing the audience, alienation, naturalistic, non-naturalistic Students will be learning about the History of Drama from the first type of performance to contemporary drama. They will explore several different practitioners whilst developing their knowledge of the drama skills. SMSC: Develop an awareness of themselves and their transition from primary to secondary school. Explore and address bullying and problems that can arise at home and how to get help. Use of PLTS planned into all lessons – Teamworkers, Creative thinkers, Independent Enquirers and Reflective learners

Key knowledge: This project is about Pantomime. Students will explore the genre of pantomime and its key features through scripted work. They will develop their use of characterisation for pantomime looking at exaggeration, address the audience, aside and narration and learn to direct others. Students develop ability to perform to camera SMSC: Students will develop their own original performance and have copy to take home with them on DVD. Use of PLTS planned into all lessons – Teamworkers, Creative thinkers, Independent Enquirers and Reflective learners Experiences: Christmas show free tickets/ opportunity to see pantomime in Manchester

Key knowledge: Students develop understanding of address the audience, status, proxemics, split staging and choral speaking In drama students will explore the life of different cultures and races to that of their own through taking part in workshop style lessons each week. SMSC Students will explore the histories of different countries throughout the topic. Use of PLTS planned into all lessons – Teamworkers, Creative thinkers, Independent Enquirers and Reflective learners

Spring 2 Equality

Summer 1 Equality

Summer 2 “East is East”

Key knowledge: students develop understanding of ability to perform to camera, choral speaking, addressing the audience SMSC: Students will explore citizenship and healthy eating when exploring tir as anorexic student. The sow will also explore the ‘business’ element of ICT through advertising and addressing how companies target audiences. Use of PLTS planned into all lessons – Teamworkers, Creative thinkers, Independent Enquirers and Reflective learners

Key knowledge: students develop understanding of spontaneous improvisation and develop use of freeze frames, spoken thoughts, soundscaping through abstract drama Drama looks at film genres by having four individual workshops on different film genres. SMSC: Students study the Stephen Lawrence case, Mallawa and explore the inequalities others have faced. Use of PLTS planned into all lessons – Teamworkers, Creative thinkers, Independent Enquirers and Reflective learners Experiences: Free tickets to Annual performance

Key knowledge - Consolidation of knowledge learnt throughout the year - students to demonstrate that they can apply- soundscaping, choral speaking, proxemics, sttus, alienation, addressing the audience, split staging and abstract drama to explore the chosen text SMSC: Students to explore social issues covered within the text such as racism and prejudice. Use of PLTS planned into all lessons – Teamworkers, Creative thinkers, Independent Enquirers and Reflective learners

Know It Curriculum – Year 8 – The Big Picture

Know It Curriculum – Year 8 – The Big Picture


Autumn 1 – 8 weeks Film Club – Chicken Little (U ) /The Karate Kid (PG )

Autumn 2 – 7 weeks Film Club – Superman/ Field of Dreams (12)

Spring 1 – 6 weeks Film Club – Shakespeare Cartoons

Abomination (novel) by Robert Swindells Fantastic Future Link – The Best of Me

What is expected of me and how can I achieve my personal best? This can be explored through the way characters treat Scott and Martha and how Scott has great personal integrity. Through the analysis of Martha’s character, resilience can be explored through her many personal difficulties. The character of Scott is also an extremely resilient character, prepared to stand up for what he believes no matter what the personal cost to himself. Judgements about personal appearances can be explored through Martha’s appearance.


Week 1 – Superheroes Week 2 – Sporting Heroes Week 3 – Animal Heroes Week 4 – Political Heroes Week 5 – Everyday Heroes Week 6 – Personal Heroes Week 7 – Local heroes Units are differentiated. Essential Learning will be centred around the development of writing skills: organisation, planning, drafting, sentence structure, variety of sentences and accurate use of punctuation. Fantastic Future Link – A Safe Future The theme of safety will be highlighted in a variety of ways across this unit.

A Midsummer Night’s Dream (play) by William Shakespeare Fantastic Future Link – Cultural Awareness

Spring 2 – 6 weeks Film Club – Warhorse (12)

Summer 1 – 5 weeks Film Club – The Bermuda Triangle (12)

Summer 2 – 7 weeks Film Club -

Private Peaceful (novel) by Michael Morpurgo (From 2015 – 2016) The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne from the year after (novel) Fantastic Future Link - Dealing with Difference Both novels deal with the themes of tolerance and intolerance. In Private Peaceful, the character of Joe is discriminated against, as well as the discrimination between those with wealth and those without. In BISP, the appalling cruelties inflicted on people who are from different religions is painfully exposed through the innocence friendship between Shmuel and Bruno.

Myths and Mysteries

1) Loch Ness Monster 2) Alligator in the sewers 3) Bermuda Triangle 4) Big Cat sightings 5) Area 51 6) The Roswell Incident 7) The Mary Celeste

Essential Learning will be centred around the development of writing skills: organisation, planning, drafting, sentence structure, variety of sentences and accurate use of punctuation. Fantastic Future Link - Dynamic Digital Future and Networking

The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll And Hyde (novel) by Robert Louis Stevenson Set 1 Frankenstein by Mary Shelley – Original text (Graphic novel) Sets 2 and 3 Frankenstein by Mary Shelley - Quick text (Graphic novel) Sets 4 and 5. Fantastic Future Link – Never Giving Up These are challenging texts so students will demonstrate resilience by keeping up with the plot! Utterson never gives up in his quest to discover what is happening to his friend Dr Jekyll, and equally Frankenstein never gave up in his quest to create his perfect monster.

Know It Curriculum – Year 8 – The Big Picture

SUBJECT: Fantastic Futures

Autumn 1

Reflecting to understand myself

Autumn 2

A safe future

Spring 1

Multi-Cultural Manchester

Key knowledge:

Reflection on my first year, what did I do well in? How will I improve this year? What targets will I set? What experiences and opportunities are there for me to be involved in?

Where am I personally? Understanding my own emotional and mental state.

What are good manners and why are they important? How do I present myself and take care of my appearance? Making people see the best in me.

SMSC: Develop an awareness of expectations in year 8 and their roles in MEA. Use of PLTS planned into all lessons – Teamworkers, Creative thinkers, Independent Enquirers and Reflective learners Experiences Emotional health test SSAT Video presentation

Key knowledge:

How do I remain safe in everything I do? What risks might be present in today’s life. How can I be safe in School and growing up?

Safe in life and safe in the Academy- including sex education- including contraception, smoking (including Shisha), and MEA’s policies.

Reinforcing safety within the Academy across subjects. SMSC: Develop an awareness of the risks presented to them within the world and how to remain safe. Use of PLTS planned into all lessons – Teamworkers, Creative thinkers, Independent Enquirers and Reflective learners Experiences; Bullying mentoring training Theatre experience at MEA from Hope Theatre

Key knowledge:

Where is Manchester? How has Manchester changed? What is culture? What different cultures/religions are there in Manchester? How do different areas compare? What is culture? Exploration of racism, diversity and prejudices. How and why should they be prevented? Understanding of discrimination.

SMSC Develop awareness of different spiritualties, cultures and the diversity within Manchester. Use of PLTS planned into all lessons – Teamworkers, Creative thinkers, Independent Enquirers and Reflective learners Experiences;

Visit different area/s of Manchester on a tour Guest speakers from different cultures within assemblies Awareness of AfghanAid and supporting the charity Police to come in to discuss hate crime

Summer 1

My Dynamic Digital Future Summer 1

Creating a positive lifestyle and image of myself

Summer 2

Developing Leadership

Key knowledge:

How will technology change careers and opportunities? How is the world the changing around me?

What do I want to be / do when I leave MEA? How will the digital world and technology change my options? What options are available to me? What options will suit my career? What different pathways are there during the options? How will they affect me?

SMSC Students to explore what future careers and technology and how it will affect them. Use of PLTS planned into all lessons – Teamworkers, Creative thinkers, Independent Enquirers and Reflective learners Experiences: Options interviews

Key knowledge:

The importance of a healthy diet, eating and exercising regularly.

Explore body image, eating disorders and the pressures from the media on teenagers. Understanding what self-belief and self-esteem are, how they can be developed and their importance.

SMSC: Students develop their understanding of diversity and prejudices’ within the world and how to prevent them within the community. Use of PLTS planned into all lessons – Teamworkers, Creative thinkers, Independent Enquirers and Reflective learners Experiences: LGBT to come in to discuss/ work on exceeding expectations performance Mind to deliver an assembly

Key knowledge -

Understanding what a leader is and what it looks like. What does it look like in the school, the area, the country and the world.

Understanding what mentoring is, why it is important and what an advocate is. Raising aspirations to encourage and develop effective mentoring

SMSC: Students to explore social issues covered within the text Use of PLTS planned into all lessons – Teamworkers, Creative thinkers, Independent Enquirers and Reflective learners Experiences: Mentoring experience for next year’s year 6s. Meeting leaders within the school/area/country

Know It Curriculum – Year 8 – The Big Picture

Subject – Foundation Learning English

Autumn 1 ‘Novel’

Autumn 2 ‘Media’ Trip- Media City.

Spring 1 ‘Journeys’ Trip- Plan a trip on public transport to transport museum.

Novel- Hostage

Verbs, adverbs, and adjectives recap – recognising language features.

How characters are described and developed.

Understand what ‘theme’ is.

Features of letter writing (formal and informal). Fantastic Future Link – The Best of Me


Understanding different types of media- especially social media.

Understanding E-safety.

Understanding how the media influences us.

Understanding facts and opinions.

To recognise ‘bias’ in a text. Fantastic Future Link – A Safe Future.

Travel/ Journeys

What does the word journey mean?

Understanding different modes of transport.

Understanding persuasive writing features.

Identify and use persuasive features in writing. Fantastic Future Link – Cultural Awareness.


Baseline reading and writing tests (week one).

Spelling tests- using the 100 high frequency words or if completed move onto the next 200 high frequency words. Once a week.

Lexia- every lesson.

Writing assessment- letter writing. One-to-one intervention: phonics, Letters and Sounds Programme.


Spelling tests- using the 100 high frequency words or if completed move onto the next 200 high frequency words. Once a week.

Lexia- every lesson.

Reading assessment- comprehension questions about media text.

One-to-one intervention: phonics, Letters and Sounds Programme.


Spelling tests- using the 100 high frequency words or if completed move onto the next 200 high frequency words. Once a week.

Lexia- every lesson.

Writing assessment- write a travel text. One-to-one intervention: phonics, Letters and Sounds Programme.

Spring 2 ‘Communication’ Event- interview.

Summer 1 ‘Great Detectives’ Event- Crime scene scenario.

Summer 2 ‘Inspirational people’ Event- Speak to Stuart re: Sky Sports.

Sports commentary

Understanding three types of communication (verbal, non-verbal and written).

Understanding formal and informal writing.

Understanding the difference between spoken and written language.

Understanding interviewing techniques.

Understanding tone and expressions.

Report writing.

Fantastic Future Link - Dealing with Differences.

Detective stories

Introduction to ‘mysteries’ genre.

Revisit fact and opinion.

Understand features of report writing.

Apply knowledge to write a report.

Fantastic Future Link – Dynamic Digital Future and Networking.

Inspirational people

Understanding reading skills (skim, scan, close).

Context comprehension.

Fantastic Future Link- Never Giving Up.


Spelling tests- using the 100 high frequency words or if completed move onto the next 200 high frequency words. Once a week.

Lexia- every lesson.

Speaking and listening/ writing assessment- write interview questions and then respond to the questions.

One-to-one intervention: phonics, Letters and Sounds Programme.


Spelling tests- using the 100 high frequency words or if completed move onto the next 200 high frequency words. Once a week.

Lexia- every lesson.

Writing assessment- write a report linking to a crime.

One-to-one intervention: phonics, Letters and Sounds Programme.


Spelling tests- using the 100 high frequency words or if completed move onto the next 200 high frequency words. Once a week.

Lexia- every lesson.

Reading assessment- comprehension task. One-to-one intervention: phonics, Letters and Sounds Programme.

Know It Curriculum – Year 8 – The Big Picture

SUBJECT: Foundation Learning Maths

Autumn 1

Autumn 2 Spring 1

Read and write whole numbers to at least 100 Order whole numbers to at least 100 Addition and Subtraction Multiples of 10 Count on and back More than and Less than

Doubles of numbers Halving Measure

Use number facts and place value to add/subtract mentally Find a small difference by counting on from the smaller to the larger number Measure and compare lengths using standard units

Spring 2

Summer 1 Summer 2

Multiplication Times Tables

Problem Solving Solve word problems involving money Give change and work out which coins to pay Read a simple scale to the nearest labelled division Round numbers less than 100 to

Read a simple scale to the nearest labelled division Round numbers less than 100 to the nearest 10

Know It Curriculum – Year 8 – The Big Picture

SUBJECT: Humanities

Autumn 1 (18 lessons)

Autumn 2 Spring 1

Geography (16 lessons) History (16 lessons) Power and belief (5 lessons) Geography (16 lessons)

Australasia: Tourism, places, climate, desert

Power and Belief: Inspirational people (2 lessons)

Impact of Empire: Aztecs, The Slave Trade, The British Empire

Mother Theresa (Catholic) Aung San Suu Kyi (Buddhism) Ghandi (Hindu) Martin Luther King (Christian) Nelson Mandela

Asia: Places, Population, Restless Earth

Spring 2

Summer 1 Summer 2

History (16 lessons) Geography (16 lessons) History (16 lessons)

The Industrial Revolution Africa: Places, climate, development, Fair Trade 20th Century: Equality and Independence

1. The Suffragettes (5) 2. Indian Independence (5)

3. The Civil Rights Movement (5)

Know It Curriculum – Year 8 – The Big Picture

SUBJECT: ICT and Business

Autumn 1: 8 weeks Autumn 2: 7 Weeks Spring 1: 6 Weeks

Sound Making in Audacity Key knowledge and skills:

Working with different sounds

Cropping sound

Cropping time

Speeding the temp Digital Literacy: exploring copyright in the music industry, Investigating how to use social networks and the internet safely SMSC: Using imagination and creativity in developing sounds, PLTS: Planned into lessons – Team workers, Creative Thinkers, Independent Enquirers, and Reflective Learners

Marketing and Entrepreneurship Key knowledge and skills:

Develop their knowledge of the marketing mix

(Product, Price , Place and Promotion )

Apple (start off with the product life cycle), look at

audiences of marketing.

Digital Literacy/Esafety: Shopping safely online SMSC: Investigate how real businesses apply the marketing mix to their products and service. Using imagination and creativity PLTS: Planned into lessons – Team workers, Creative Thinkers, Independent Enquirers, and Reflective Learners

Virtual Tour Project - Graphics Key knowledge and skills:

Creating graphics

Tool and techniques in Photoshop

Tools and techniques in Fireworks

Editing text

Editing images Digital Literacy/Esafety: using images and videos safely online SMSC: Exploring how businesses embed their aims and values in to their graphic designs PLTS: Planned into lessons – Team workers, Creative Thinkers, Independent Enquirers, and Reflective Learners

Spring 2: 6 Weeks Summer 1: Summer 2

Virtual Tour Project - Video Editing Key knowledge and skills:

Use of video recording digital technology (IPADS, Camcorders)

Recording a video

Creating a video

Editing a video

Add effects to the video Digital Literacy/Esafety: Using hand held devices safely – mobile phones, tablets SMSC: Looking at virtual tours around the world, Using imagination and creativity in making a video, exploring ethical rights when recording other people PLTS: Planned into lessons – Team workers, Creative Thinkers, Independent Enquirers, and Reflective Learners

Introduction to Python - Computer Programming Key knowledge and skills

Running Python programs using codes

Syntax Errors

Data types


Writing Pseudo codes

Binary searches

Test and debug errors

Digital Literacy/Esafety: Risks of playing games online, How to play games safely on online and with other players SMSC: Exploring how Python Programming is used in the real world. Will be using mathematical skills to solve problems PLTS: Planned into lessons – Team workers, Creative Thinkers, Independent Enquirers, and Reflective Learner

Apps for Good Project – Mobile phone Application Key knowledge and skills

History of Apps

Research and evaluate Research existing mobile applications


Design a mobile application

Create a mobile Application

Digital Literacy/Esafety: Using apps to stay safe online, protecting apps from security and malware SMSC: Exploring how Mobile Applications are used in the real world PLTS: Planned into lessons – Team workers, Creative Thinkers, Independent Enquirers, and Reflective Learners

Know It Curriculum – Year 8 – The Big Picture


Autumn 1

Autumn 2 Spring 1

Number 1: Place Value & Money Number Patterns, Square Numbers, Multiples &Factors Ordering Decimals & Negative Numbers Mult. & Div. integers & decimals by 10 & 100 Rounding Mental Addition & Subtraction Multiplication & Division BODMAS Directed Numbers Estimating

Number 2: Negative Numbers Ordering Fractions Simplification of Fractions Percentages Fractions of an Amount Addition and Subtraction of Fractions Multi. And Div of Integers by Fractions Improper Fraction and Mixed Numbers Multiplication and Division of Fractions

Shape 1: Recognising Nets Metric Units Time Making 3D Models Reading Scales Perimeter & Areas & Volume Measuring and Drawing Angles Angle Facts Pythagoras Theorem Surface Area of Triangular Prisms Loci Bounds & Compound Measures

Spring 2

Summer 1 Summer 2

Number 3 / Algebra: Basic Ratio Understanding Ratios Problems without a calculator Problems with a calculator Ratio Questions in Context Direct Proportion Real Life Tables Percentage of an Amount Percentage Increase and Decrease

Data: Reading& Drawing Bar Charts and Pictograms Discete Data and Grouping Data Mode, Median and Range Probability The Mean Average Bar Charts and Frequency Diagrams Scatter Graphs Pie Charts Two-way tables Surveys Averages from Tables Relative Frequency

Shape 2: Reflective Symmetry of 2D Shapes Reflecting Shapes Reflection in Diagonal lines Translation Rotation Symmetries of 2D Shapes Enlargement by a neg. Scale Factor

Know It Curriculum – Year 8 – The Big Picture

SUBJECT: Science

Autumn 1

Autumn 2 Spring 1



- Separating techniques - Solubility/saturation - Diffusion - Rock cycle - Earth structure - Construction materials


Life processes - Cells – genes/genetic disorders - Health – fitness/respiration - Disease – alcohol, drugs, balanced diet –

digestion and enzymes - Skeletal and muscular system - Microorganisms; Immunity - antibodies


Forces - Hookes law - Speed time and distance time graphs;

acceleration - Momentum - Car safety –crumple zones etc - Terminal velocity - Kinetic energy

Spring 2

Summer 1 Summer 2


Chemical reactions

- Collision theory - Factors affecting rate of a reaction - Thermal decomposition - Making new materials - Combustion – pollution; global warming



- Photosynthesis - Competition in plants - Competition in animals - Evolution - Survival of fittest



- Heat and temperature - Heating and cooling curves - Conduction, convection, radiation - Payback time – environmental considerations - EM spectrum

Know It Curriculum – Year 8 – The Big Picture

SUBJECT: Spanish

Autumn 1: La vida cotidiana Autumn 2: La comida / En el restaurante Spring 1: Las compras

1. Weekend plans 2. Leisure activities / making plans 3. Places in town 4. Daily Routine

Grammar: Nouns: masculine/feminine & singular/plural Adjectives: agreement & position. Verbs: The verb ‘ir’ all persons. Verb1+verb 2. Introduce immediate future (1st person singular & plural). Reflexive verbs (taught as set phrases). Negatives: Future negatives Adverbs: Time phrases / Future time phrases Opinions, connectives, reasons. Memory strategies: (Look, say, cover, write, check) SMSC: Healthy lifestyles. Self-awareness and looking after yourself.

1. What are tapas? 2. La comida / las bebidas 3. Las repas

Grammar: Nouns: masculine/feminine & singular/plural Adjectives: agreement & position Verbs: me gusta / me gustan etc. Suelo + infinitive, me gustaría / quisiera. Immediate future tense. Negatives: No / nunca / ningún / Opinions (inc. complex opinions), connectives, reasons. Que… (opinions on food). Memory strategies: Creating and using flashcards. SMSC: Healthy lifestyles, healthy and unhealthy food and drink. Understanding other cultures and traditions. Airport visit – Tapas Tasting.

1. Clothes 2. Colours 3. Souvenirs 4. Money (numbers recap)

Grammar: Verbs: me gusta(n), verb llevar, quisiera / querría / me gustaría, verb 1 + verb 2. Immediate future (voy a comprar / llevar, va a costar) Pronouns: Grammar “Lo…” Negatives: As previous Nouns: As previous Memory strategies: Mind-mapping SMSC: Awareness of money and costing.

Spring 2: Las películas Summer 1: Las vacaciones Summer 2: Las vacaciones

1. Film genres 2. Tv programs 3. Reviewing a film (present tense) 4. Future cinema trip (immediate future tense) 5.

Grammar: Verbs: a) conjugation of –er verbs (ver), me gusta(n), verb ver/mirar, quisiera / querría / me gustaría, verb 1 + verb 2. Immediate future (voy a ver / mirar, va a ser) Negatives: (as previous) Nouns/Adjectives: agreement & position (as previous) Memory strategies: Concertina (key words) SMSC: Cinema experience. Understanding Spanish culture through different films. Develop knowledge and understanding of El Salvador (South American countries).

1. Countries 2. Destinations 3. Transport 4. Family (recap) 5. Holiday activities

Grammar: Verbs: Pronouns: Negatives: Nouns: Memory strategies: using key words to remember a longer text. (40 words GCSE) SMSC: Increase cultural awareness of European countries and further afield. Understanding travel and transport.

1. Hotel: complaints and problems. Grammar: Verbs: me gusta(n), verb llevar, Pronouns: Negatives: Nouns: Memory strategies: using key words to remember a longer text. (40 words GCSE) SMSC: