Know Your Network: Job Search Techniques

Post on 30-Oct-2014

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Presented September 24 at the AMES Conference in Chatham, Ontario.


  • 1. Know Your Network:Job Search Techniquesfor the Digital AgePresentation will be availablefor download g following the presentation.

2. Anticipated Agenda (theres a 100% chance well get off topic) Introduction: Job Search 2.0 Part One: Fact vs. Fiction Demographics Traditional job search is dead Networking Part Two: Social Graph Take advantage of relationships How to reach out to your network Traditional techniques in a digital world Part Three: Dangers of Online Job Search Part Four: You Cant Avoid Technology Part Five: Thinking Outside the Box 3. About Yours TrulyChantielle MacFarlane President of Inklyo Ltd. and CIK Marketing Consultant Content development outsourcing agency More than eight years of copywriting, online contentdevelopment experience A graduate of the University of Western Ontario andstudent of the Search Engine Marketing ProfessionalOrganization (SEMPO) Keen interest in NFP and governmental social mediastrategy; worked police services throughout Ontario,the Chatham-Kent Fire Department, Chatham-KentPUC 4. About Yours Truly Chantielle MacFarlane 5. Introduction Job Search 2.0 6. DemographicsFact vs. FictionAmerican Job Gains (2011)And while that demographic isnt getting hired for many reasons, onecontributing factor is their lack of comfort with the online world,specifically social media.- Alexis Grant, 7. Fact Vs. FictionDemographics Is the same thing happening in Canada? Employment levels have soared 16.4 per cent among older women since the fall of 2008, at the onset of the recession (55+). Theyve fallen 0.4 per cent among core-aged (25 to 54) workers. - Globe and MailLesson: Dont Assume 8. Fact Vs. FictionTraditional job search is dead The only way to find a job is online."[Boomers] think they have to learn a whole new system, and itwill make people shut down.- Anne Messenger, Messenger Associates Career Management. 9. Fact Vs. FictionNetworking The only way to find a job is online.Networking Source of New Job201020092008 Networking*41% 45% 41% Internet Job Board 25% 19% 19% Agency/Search firm 11% 9%11% Direct Approach 8% 8% 8% Advertisement 2%7%7% Other10% 12% 14%Source: Right Management (department Manpower Group offers outplacement services andcareer coaching) The survey analyzes data from 59,133 clients from past three years. 10. Fact Vs. Fiction Networking Networking?the exchange of information or services among individuals,groups, or institutions; specifically : the cultivation ofproductive relationships for employment or business. Merriam WebsterTraditional Digital Volunteer LinkedIn Job fairs Facebook Information interviews Twitter Networking groups Online forums Professional associations Blog / Personal Brand Cold call Online networking communities Social Graph 11. Social GraphTake advantage of relationshipsThe global mapping ofeverybody and how theyrerelated".-Mark Zuckerberg Scary: Lets get you on Linkedin. Not Scary: Lets look at the network of people you know and figure out the best way to reach out to them.Online social networking -> Offline social networking vice versa 12. Social GraphHow to reach out to your networkAwkward 1. What do you want? Authentic Advice Job Specific Stay in touch 2. Connect Call / Coffee Online Email, socialnetworks Send them an article Participate inconversations 13. Social GraphTraditional techniques in a digital worldAwkward into AwesomeOnline Social Networking Information Interviews Cold Calls1. Target prospect2. Strategy3. Extend your hand4. Prove your worth5. Follow up 14. Dangers of Online Job Search 1. Its too easy Complacency"The tech-savvy people oftentimes let themselves get lulled to sleepbehind what they think is the safety of their computer blasting outresumes to online postings, joining a group on LinkedIn, joiningdiscussion groups," he says."The next thing you know, the whole day has passed and all youvedone is been in a virtual world. Youve never actually communicatedwith a human being, and thats what its going to take to get hired. - Skip Freeman, headhunter, author The Rules of the Hiring Game Have Changed Forever 15. Dangers of Online Job Search1. Its too easyComplacencySource of New Job 201020092008Networking*41% 45% 41%Internet Job Board 25% 19% 19%Monster, CareerBuilder and HotJobs, Indeed are great places to mis-invest your time during a difficult hunt.Good jobs dont get posted in the first place.1. Check company website 2. Customize cover letter 16. Dangers of Online Job Search 2. There are real dangers PrivacyMyths of job search websites: 1. Every website can be trusted with my resume. 2. Every job posting represents a genuine job opportunity 3. If the site has a privacy policy, its legit. 4. Its totally normal to submit your social insurance numberonline. 5. My current boss will never find my resume online. 6. I can make $100 a week on Google. 17. Dangers of Online Job Search3. Overshare T.M.I. (Too Much Information) 90% of recruiters check a candidates online profiles. 69% have rejected a candidate based on what theyve seen. 68% have hired a candidate based on what theyve seen. - Source: Reppler Survey of 300 hiring managers Lock it down?Not on Facebook? Employers, Psychiatrists May Think Youre a PsychopathActual headline: Mashable, August 7,2012Applicants absence = the account is so full of offensive material that it had to be deleted such a part of modern culture, seems suspicious 18. Dangers of Online Job Search 3. OvershareT.M.I. (Too Much Information)Google Yourself Evidence of involvement in community activities Presence in networks Linkedin etc. Examples of good communication skills Evidence of negative attitude Posts concerning sex, religion, politics, crass humour Poor grammar and spelling Exaggerated self promotion Embarrassing images REMEMBER! If you wouldnt show your profile to yourmom, you shouldnt be showing it to a potential employer 19. Dangers of Online Job Search 3. OvershareT.M.I. (Too Much Information) What to do if results hurt your chances of being hired?1)Contact the webmaster to take it down.2) Accept it and prepare to address it in an interview. 3) to do if the search results can help your chances of being hired?1) Highlight it in your resume/cover letter! 2) Hyperlink to beneficial information (If you got it, flaunt it!) 20. Dangers of Online Job Search3. OvershareReasons for Candidate Being Hired? 21. Dangers of Online Job Search3. OvershareReasons for Candidates Rejection? 22. You Cant Avoid Technology Dont let your clients be nave"If you dont have the skills to navigate the digital job market askyourself whether you have the skills to perform the job.- Pam Lassiter, career coach author The New Job Security, Benefits of Being a Mature Job Seeker Workplace experience Understand workplacepolitics Plenty of in-personnetworking under theirbelts 23. You Cant Avoid Technology Dont let your clients be nave Dont Be Afraid!You can improve your skills step-by-step and can find a job before becoming super computer-savvy and Internet literate. HOWEVER Enrolling in computer training course will only help improve yourresume and build your skills. Even free training course can helpincrease your hireability as it shows you are willing to learn newtechnology and possess basis computer skills. 24. Thinking Outside the BoxExamples of Traditional Meets Digital Pintrest Flickr Behance My own experience 25. Thinking Outside the BoxHire Me Google Matthew Epstein 26. Creep Me Lets be friendsChantielle