KOHALA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL · 2018-08-15 · subjects, wellness, nutrition, Hawaiian culture, and...

Post on 19-Jul-2020

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KOHALA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Ho’omaka’ana – “Beginning.” www.wehewehe.org

All students will be empowered to reach their full potential.

Welcome Back to School! 2018-2019 looks to be another incredibly exciting

year. We have six amazing new teachers on board and we will only get better with our educational delivery. Our focus this year is on SYSTEMS and HEALTH. As

an organization, we want to always improve our internal systems

(instruction, communication, operations, safety) as well as our overall health (students, staff, families). We look forward in providing you and your children an exemplary educational

experience that will ultimately help the entire Kohala community! Mahalo!

Please come and join us on Saturday, August 25 from 9am to 12noon for our first Garden Kokua Day of the year. Our Kohala Elementary School Discovery Garden was established in 2010 and has grown into a vibrant and engaging program. The mission of our program is “to teach, in an exploratory manner, sustainable agricultural practices, STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, math) subjects, wellness, nutrition, Hawaiian culture, and PONO values in the setting of a school garden.” Because our garden is a community garden, we appreciate all of the support provided by our families and community organizations. Please bring a potluck item to share.

This year, our Open House will take place on Thursday, August 30 from 5:30-7pm starting in our cafeteria. We will have a light refreshment and a program followed by classroom visitations. I’d like to encourage ALL parents and guardians to attend our Open House to show your support for your child’s education and support for your child’s teacher. Research has proven that a positive parent-school relationship drastically improves the success rate for students. The Open House is a perfect opportunity to meet your child’s teacher and begin a positive, open communication. Teachers are available via phone and/or email. You may find all staff and teacher’s email addresses (including mine) on our school website (www.kohalaelementaryschool.com). See you there!

Garden Kokua Day & Open House

Calendar of events

*August 17 Statehood Day (No School)

* September 3 Labor Day (No School)

I am PONO: • I control myself • I respect myself and others • I am safe and responsible


• Self-Directed Learner • Community Contributor • Complex Thinker • Quality Producer • Effective Communicator • Ethical User of Technology

*August 25 Garden Kokua Day (9am-12noon)

“We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children”

- Chief Seattle

*August 30 Open House (5:30-7pm)


P.O. Box 819 Kapa’au, HI 96755 808.889.7100 office 808.889.7103 fax

Aloha KES Parents & Guardians! I humbly ask for your assistance when it comes to some basic school procedures and operations. We are always looking for ways to better your experience in addition to your children’s experience.

COMMUNICATION: • ALL teachers send home very

important school information in the TUESDAY ENVELOPE. Please be sure to look in your child’s Tuesday Envelope and return to his/her teacher the next day.

• Occasionally, we will send voice messages home with very important information, please be sure to listen to the entire voice message.

• Please send notes to your teacher regarding early release from school, absences, etc.

• School Planners…please be sure to check your child’s school planner nightly as it contains important information about school work, home work and behavior concerns.


ANY STALL between the cafeteria and Kohala High School on SCHOOL DAYS. This is parking for Kohala Elementary and Kohala High School Faculty & Staff. Visitor and student Drop off/Pick up parking is located in the Grassy Parking Lot across from the cafeteria and X building.

• BUS/MEAL LOANS – Please be sure to apply for & pay all bus and meal loans in a timely manner in the office.

• SCHOOL SHIRTS – SYCO Surf Shop in the Nanbu Bldg (223-4237). Closed Wednesdays.


DEVICES – Any personal cell phone, iPad, iPod, tablet or other PED’s will be confiscated from the student and a parent or guardian will be required to pick up from the office.

Parents & Guardians: We Need Your Help

We are extremely excited to provide for you the very latest in website design and technology. The main purpose for our upgrade is to bring you current and vital information as well as showcasing all the PONO activities going on at school and in our Kohala community. Here is some of the information that is now available to you.

• PONO Students-of-the-Month gallery • Photo and video gallery of all our school activities • Spotlights on school activities and student projects • Cafeteria menu for breakfast and lunch • Field Trip calendar for all grades • Faculty directory • Principal’s Message • Student academic resources • Parent/Guardian resources • Parent/Guardian and Community Feedback Page

Also, introducing our very own Kohala Elementary School App for your Smart Phone!!

Download the Educational Networks app (EN) that links you directly to our KES website and receive instant Push Notifications from our school right to your smart phone. First, download the Educational Networks app, search for Hawaii, then Kohala Elementary School and tap on the "bell" icon. This will become the BEST way for our school to send instant and vital information to all parents, guardians and anyone else needing KES info.

Kohala Elementary School Website www.kohalaelementary.com


facebook@kohalaelementaryschool instagram@kohalacolts

This institution is an equal opportunity
