Konsumenckie abc ang.

Post on 22-Jan-2015

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Consumer’s ABC

Signs and symbols

What do we need the signs and symbols for?

The Sign CE

• The SignCE – in Poland there are over 20 groups of products, which should be made according to the law. These are, for example, toys, electrical devices, such as: TV sets, fridges, radios, cameras, lamps, refridgerators, fens. These are also boats, lifts, building products. If the product was made up to the rules the producer puts the CE sign on it. This sign is used in all the countries belonging to the European Union.

The Sign CE

• Products on which there is the CE sign:

Thge sign with a rabbit

• The sign with a rabbit – points out that the product (usually cosmetics) and its ingredients weren’t tested on animals. The cosmetics which weren’t tested on animals can also be signed with the letters BWC (Beauty Without Cruelty) or with the phrase: Not Tested on Animals and Animal Friendly.

The sign with a rabbit

• Products on which there is the sign with a rabbit:

The symbol of recycling

• The symbol of recycling – this information is put on the containers of the products which can be used once more. They appear on the containers made of plastic or aluminium. The number and notice next to the symbol identify the name of the material used to the production of the container.

The symbol of recycling

• Products on which tere is the symbol of recycling:

The sign „Care for the cleannes”

• „Care for the cleannes” – this sign informs that we should throw the container into the rubbish bin in order to save the environment. And if there are special bins for the segregation of plastic, paper and glass, the containers may be recycled. This sign often appears next to the sign of recycling.

The sign „Safe for Ozone”

• The sign „Safe for ozone” – the products on which such a symbol appears are safe for the ozone layer. They don’t contain dangerous gases called freons. The most common notices on this sing are: OZONE FRIENDLY, OZON FREUNDLICH, ohne FCKW,

CFC free.

The sign „Green point”

• Green point – informs that the producer cares for what will happen with the container and that he paid to the specialist company for recycling it.

Signs and symbols which warn us

• There are also signs and symbols which warn us about the danger that can be caused by the product. Let’s have a look on them.

• This symbol informs that the product can’t be used by children under 3 years old.

• Inflammable – this symbol informs that we can’t put the product near the fire or heat it. It’s used on the deodorants’ containers or other products in aerosol.

Consumer’s ABC Signs and symbols

The end

Daria Socińska kl. VID