Krishna Leela Series - Part 49 - Krishna Defeats All the Princes and Takes Rukmini Home to Dvaraka

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Krishna Leela Series - Part 49 - Krishna Defeats All the Princes and Takes Rukmini Home to Dvaraka


Krishna Leela Series 49th Discourse________________________



Krishna Defeats All the Princes and Takes Rukmini Home to Dvaraka


• Crowned emperor of Magadha

• Father in law of Kamsa

• Vengeance to defeat Krsna

• Attacked Mathura for 18 times




• Eldest Son King Bhismaka• Elder Brother of Srimati Rukmini Devi• Vengeance towards Krsna

• Son of King Damaghosha• Cousin of Krsna• Great Friend of Rukmi• Vengeance towards Krsna



Princes led by Jarasandha chasing Krsna

•Yadu dynasty led by Lord Balaram started facing the attacking Princes

• Great war between Yadu’s and the Princes

• Princes led by jarasandha are expert in fighting

• began to shoot their arrows at the soldiers of Yadu just as a cloud splashes the face of a mountain with torrents of rain

• The opposing princes were determined to defeat Krsna and recapture Rukmini from His custody

In a fearful attitude, Rukmini devi began to look on the face of Krsna, expressing her gratefulness that He had taken such a great risk for her

sake only. Rukmini devi saw arrows raining from the opposing Princes

Rukmini devi expressed her greatfulness and felt sorry

Lord Krsna could able to understand her mind

Krsna encouraged Rukmini

Yadus started taking control

Opposing Princes started losing their army

Severed Heads, hands, Legs thrown over

Ohh!! Krsna’s soldiers are defeating us, Its better

to cease fighting and


Yes! You are right, it is unwise to risk losing in the battle for the sake of

Sisupala while he himself is not involved in fighting

Sisupala was very much discouraged

Like one who has lost his wife

Rukmi was frustrated and agitated

was determined to personally teach Krsna a lesson

Rukmi began to promise before all the returning kings

Vowed before all the princes present, "Unless I kill Krsna in the fight and bring back my sister from His clutches, I shall no more return to my capital city, Kundina

Rukmi’s stupidity

Rukmi shot three forceful arrows against Krsna's body

Condemned Krsna

The most abominable descendant of the Yadu dynasty

You cannot fight according to regulative principles

Addressed Krsna as cow herd boy

"Stop for a minute and

fight with me!"

Krsna shot an arrow and severed the string of Rukmi's bow

Rukmi immediately took another bow and shot another five arrows at Krsna

Krsna again severed Rukmi’s bowstring

Rukmi took a third bow, and Krsna again cut off its string

Krsna killed Rumki’s horses, chariot driver and chopped upper part of chariot

Rukmi run out of bows and arrows, started attacking with other weapons

Rukmi took his sword and ran towards Krsna, just as a fly proceeds toward a fire.

Krsna severed all the weapons of Rukmi

Rukmi Baffled

Krsna with His sharp sword was about to kill Rukmi

Rukmini fell down at the lotus feet of Krsna

Rukmini started comparing Krsna with Rukmi

Began to plead with her husband



• Krsna as "Yogesvara“

• Krsna as the God of the gods

• Krsna is immeasurable • brother was measured in every step of his life

• brother had only limited military potency

• brother was lowest among human being

• Krsna as Jagatpati • brother was only an ordinary prince

Rukmi was not even comparable to an insignificant insect before the unlimited power of Krsna

Pleaded not to kill her brother

displayed her real position as a woman

Lord Krsna became compassionate and agreed not to kill but with punishment

Yadu dynasty defeated Rukmi’s forces

Lord Balaram and Yadu Commanders surprised to see the condition of Rukmi

Lord Balarama compassionate for Rukmini chastised Krsna

A ksatriya does not hesitate to kill his own brother

Instructed Rukmini not be too affectionate to such a Brother

Rukmi facing consequences for his actions

Rukmini’s affection towards her brother Rukmi was in a material conception

The spirit soul is of the same pure quality in any embodiment of matter

This body is part of the material manifestation

The living entity or spirit soul, being in contact with matter, is transmigrating, due to illusory enjoyment, from one body to another, and that is known as material existence

anta-kale ca mam eva smaran muktva kalevaram

yah prayati sa mad-bhavam yati nasty atra samsayah

TRANSLATION And whoever, at the time of death, quits his body, remembering Me alone, at once attains My nature. Of this there

is no doubt.

Bagavad Gita: Chapter 8, Text 5

yam yam vapi smaran bhavam tyajaty ante kalevaram

tam tam evaiti kaunteya sada tad-bhava-bhavitah

Whatever state of being one remembers when he quits his body, that state he will attain without fail.


Bagavad Gita: Chapter 8, Text 6

The appearance and disappearance of the body have nothing to do with the living entity

The waxing and waning of the moon have nothing to do with the moon

Rukmini became pacified and happy

Rukmi’s promise not fulfilled

Never returned back to Kundina for rest of his lifetime

Krsna brought Rukmini to Dwaraka

Krsna Married Rukmini as per vedic riruals

Lord Balarama’s enlightening instructions

Inhibitants of Dwaraka were happy

Presented gifts to Krsna

All the houses were decorated

Night was illuminated by thousands of lamps

All the ally kings were present

Kurus, Pandavas, Bhismaka and Kunti were present

Nanda maharaj and cow herd boys were joined the Ceremony