Krowdthink at Droidcon 2012

Post on 22-Nov-2014

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Can we reclaim privacy for the social

network?Discussing a private social network concept

for mobile

Geoff Revill & Jacob Baytelman

Online PrivacyIs the game lost?

What’s the most common reason for people to avoid or leave


How can you develop user trust online?

Promise Privacy? Security? Online Safety?Guarantee freedom of speech?

The Importance of Governance

To audit privacy, security and online safety On behalf of the social network users

Does the mobile business model provide a basis for user trust in

social networking?An explicit fee for an explicit service

Instead of a free service for an implicit cost in online privacy…..

Does mobile open up the potential for social networking

in real-time?Instead of the temporal shift focused on by PC

based 1st generation social networks

Introducing the Krowdtm concept

How can we deliver location-based capability without

tracking location?

Socialize around what?Crowds are defined by 2 things:

• Location• Common interest or purpose

To be identifiableor not to be identifiable?

So, are we drinking our own kool-aid?

Or can we start to reclaim onlinePrivacy through offering an alternative

Type of social network?

Interested in testing our prototype app?
