Kuliah 1a - Teknologi Pendidikan

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FCE 3400Teknologi Pendidikan

Sejarah Teknologi Pendidikan

• Some people say that educational technology began thousands of years ago during a “time when tribal priests systematized bodies of knowledge and early cultures invented pictographs or sign writing to record, preserve, transmit, and reproduce information” (Saettler) that could be taught to future generations.

• Other people think that it started with the invention of the pencil and paper. One thing is for sure though; educational technology sure has come a long way over the years.

Sejarah ..

Aside from the hieroglyphics and pictographs used by the ancients and the papyrus scrolls developed long ago for paper, one might trace the root of educational technology back to the Abacus developed in Babylon in 500 B.C. This mechanical aid was the first counting aid which could be used to make quick calculations. Although it was very primitive as it consisted of wooden pebbles that could be slid up or down various rods and wires it is often credited as one of the first calculating devices ever created and the beginning of “technology” (History of Educational Technology).


Calculators, which were first invented in the 1600’s by Blaise Pascal (Roblyer), are still used today in math education as well as other subjects to assist students. They allow quick calculations to be made and reduce the amount of time students need to complete problems. Of course these calculators have evolved over the years from the original mechanical calculators to the graphing and scientific calculators that exist today. Nowadays calculators can provide visuals, solve equations, perform functions, and much more.

Sejarah …

• With the invention of the phonograph in the late 1800’s, students obtained access to music, speeches, and other auditory sounds of the past which was able to add a new dimension to learning (Woodall).

• The radio, invented in 1896 by Marconi also contributed to this new auditory dimension.

• As the 20th Century progressed, many more advancements were made in the audio field including the development of audio tape recorders, cassette tapes, CD’s, etc. that brought new sources of information into the classroom (Woodall).

Sejarah ..• In 1893 the first motion picture was created by Thomas

Armat and this opened up a visual learning dimension that could be carried over into the classroom.

• In the early 1900’s “schools and museums began using visuals such as drawings, paintings, slides, film objects and models to compliment verbal instruction” (History of Instructional Technology). These new visual forms of technology were found to greatly supplement instruction thus setting in motion the idea of educational/ instructional technology.

• Today, visuals are still key components of instruction. Films, photographs, computer simulations, etc. allow students to visualize different people, places, and concepts therefore significantly enhancing their learning.

Sejarah ..

• Computers, which were first used in WWII for military purposes, have become one of the greatest contributors to educational technology. Evolving from the electronic computers used in the 1940’s to mini-computers of the 1960’s and then finally to micro-computer systems in 1980’s computers have advanced greatly (Roblyer).

• Just in the past 20 years the creation of the Internet as well as multiple software and virtual programs has occurred. This advancement in technology has had a huge impact on educational technology.

Masa Kini..

• At this time there are many programs and technological equipment designated solely for use in an educational setting.

• We now have programs such as HyperStudio, Microsoft FrontPage, Swish, PowerPoint, and many others that allow educators to create presentations and interactive activities for their students.

• There are overhead projectors, computers, white boards, radios, televisions, VCRs, DVD players, and many other forms of technology that are commonly found in classrooms.

• All of these improvements in the field of educational technology that have been made over the years go to show that this is a field that is constantly evolving and changing.

Masa Kini..

• As advancements in technology are made educators and schools try to find as many ways as possible to incorporate these forms of technology into their classrooms.

• Who knows what types of technology the future has in store for educational settings. One thing is for sure though, people have realized how valuable educational technology is in the classroom and it is likely to continue to be used for a very long time.

Istilah Teknologi Pendidikan

• It is common to use the term 'technologies' to mean things like computers, overhead projectors, or interactive television .

• However, more correctly, technologies are not just pieces of equipment, but rather the knowledge, skills and values employed to develop and use such equipment for personal or social purposes.

Istilah …

• Therefore, printed characters (which we would call letters) are nothing more than ink on paper without language and literacy. But print is not an educational technology of itself. It becomes an educational technology when language and literacy-together with educational theories and practices-are marshaled through and with print for educational purposes.

• An educational technology, therefore, is more of a social and cultural, rather than a physical, artifact.

• Nearly twenty years ago, David Hawkridge described educational technology 'as the systematic application of scientific or other organized knowledge to the practical tasks of education' . Although, his definition is based on the scientific, rather than the social and cultural more broadly, it does emphasize that technology exists beyond the tool.

Teknologi Pendidikan Hari Ini

• Today we often discuss educational technology with an over emphasis on computers and the Internet.

• In reality however, educational technology is not only limited to those devices but also to devices such as televisions, radios, laserdiscs, tape recorders, overheads, CDROMs, whiteboards and a plethora of other devices that enhances the process of teaching and learning.

• We should also be reminded that in addition to devices, educational technology also compasses the theories of learning and instructional design that incorporate the research or knowledge based systematic processes by which we seek to make teaching and learning a more effective endeavor.

Komputer dan Internet

• What makes the personal computer and the Internet stand out as educational technology media is that they represent the possibility of success where traditional technologies such as radio and television have proven to be more ineffective than traditionally anticipated. Technologies such as the motion picture and radio were seen as instruments that would revolutionize the educational process. These devices however lacked one important element in content delivery. They lacked the ability to allow the learner to interact with the instructor, with other learners or with the content in an engaging and dynamic fashion.

Komputer dan Internet

• Computers and the Internet represent real possibilities of enhancing teaching and learning through dynamic, interactive and engaging content. Unlike radio or television, through the use of computers, the learner can interact with the learning materials and with the instructor.

Kelebihan Komputer dan Internet

• Another important  element for the proliferation of personal computers as effective tools of educational technology is the fact that personal computers can have real application in offering individualized instruction. An instructor in a class of many students can, through the use of a personal computer and software give individual students an  opportunity to work on problem areas or work on new content by themselves in an a way that supports individual learning style or learning pace.

Internet dan Teknologi Pendidikan

• The Internet and networking offer a unique possibility for offering interactive education across distances and to multiple audiences. This means that learners in one location can have quick, easy and secure access to their peers or to other subject matter experts in some other country.

Oleh itu Teknologi Pendidikan ialah:

• Educational technology is a creative blending of "idea" and "product" technologies with subject-matter content in order to engender and improve teaching and learning processes.

• Educational technology is often associated with the terms instructional technology or learning technology.

• "Product" technologies are tangible; for example, computer hardware or software.

• "Idea" technologies are cognitive frameworks or schemes; for example, the Multiple Intelligence Theory proposed by Howard Gardner. When products are thoughtfully blended with subject matter content (such as mathematics or science concepts) for a specific audience in a specific educational context (such as a school), one is using "educational technology."

• The words educational and technology in the term educational technology have the general meaning. Educational technology is not restricted to the education of children, nor to the use of high technology.

• The particular case of the meaningful use of high-technology to enhance learning in school classrooms and higher education is known as technology integration.

• The term is distinct from technology education: educational technology is about using technology to educate, whereas technology education is learning about technology.

• Several universities have recently opened tracks for graduate programs in the field of Educational Technology.

Peranan Guru

• Teachers are facilitators who guide the students in the process of their learning. They need to construct meaningful, interactive, lessons that engage the students in the curriculum.

• Teachers need to be fully aware of the technology that engages students on a daily basis, and use that technology as a stepping stone to build upon in the classroom.

The Importance Of Technology In The Classroom.

• Technology is a powerful tool that can be used in the engaged learning process. This process creates a classroom that is an environment for a continuous learning community

Implications To Teachers (1) …

There has to be changing roles to accompany these wonderful teaching and learning facilitation, otherwise, nothing will change either.

From lecturer to consultant, mentor and resource provider – leading towards learning facilitation rather than knowledge transmission;

The lecturer becomes an expert questioner rather than provider of answers (but you better know the answers too) – a question bank and a variety of activities and quizzes will have to be prepared;

Implications To Teachers (2) …

The teacher now becomes the designer of learning experiences of students rather than just content providers

Teacher must now provide the initial structure (only) to the students work, thus encouraging self-direction and subsequent learning strategies developed by the students themselves that utilises CMC;

Teacher must now provide multiple perspectives on topics, emphasising the salient points and the principles for better understanding rather than to regurgitate the readily available content;

Implications To Teachers (3) …

Solitary teachers may now have to form learning team in this endeavour leading to the demise of total autonomy of the lecturer towards activities that can be broadly assessed;

From total control of the environment by the lecturer to sharing with the students as fellow learners and knowledge builders;

More emphasise to the learning preferences of the students (within limits of course);

Post-digital literacy and competencies can be a shared experience between teachers and learners

Implikasi Teknologi Pendidikan

• Overtaken by Technology• Approaching Technogogy• Pedagogically articulated pivoting on

technology• New paradigms in the LE• New Learning objects• New role of the teacher• Smarter teachers, pupils and schools

Definisi TP…

• Bukan semata-mata alat, tetapi merangkumi idea dan proses (Heinich, 1996)

• Penyatuan antara idea, manusia, mesin, cara dan kaedah pengendalian dan pengurusan (Hoban, 1976)

• Technology is not a tool – it is an art or science of how to use a tool for a purpose (Evans & Nation, 2000)

• The systematic application of scientific or other organized knowledge to practical task (Galbraith, 1967)

Definisi TP …

• Penggunaan pengetahuan saintifik tentang bagaimana manusia belajar d ke dalam amalan-amalan pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang praktikal (Heinich et. al. 1993)

• TP ialah kombinasi proses dan alatan yang terlibat dalam usaha menyahut keperluan dan masalah pendidikan, dengan penekanan kepada proses mengaplikasi alatan terkini seperti komputer dan teknologi berkaitan (Roblyer & Edward, 2000)

Definisi TP oleh AECT

• AECT (1972) (Association for Educational Communications and Technology): TP ialah satu bidang yang melibatkan usaha mempermudahkan pembelajaran manusia, melalui;– Pertama, proses mengenalpasti secara sistematik

pembangunan organisasi dan penggunaan pelbagai sumber pembelajaran.

– Kedua, melalui pengurusan proses-proses tersebut.

• AECT (1977): TP ialah sesuatu yang kompleks, proses integasi yang melibatkan manusia, prosedur, idea, alatan dan organisasi bagi menganalisis masalah dan mengawal, menjalankan, menilai serta mengurus masalah yang terlibat dalam semua aspek pembelajaran manusia.

Definisi TP oleh AECT

AECT (1994): TP adalah teori dan amalan tentang mereka bentuk, membangun,

mengguna, mengurus dan menilai proses serta sumber-sumber untuk pembelajaran.

Definisi TP 2004

• Molenda dan Robinson (2004) – Educational Technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and resources

Perkembangan Teknologi Pendidikan di Malaysia

• Pra dan pos merdeka: perkembangan bahan visual dan pandang dengar.

• 1970an: pengaruh media komunikasi – Radio dan TV Pendidikan.

• 1980 – 1990: perkembangan pengajaran berasaskan sumber dan pendidikan komputer.

• 1990 – 2000: Era Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi (TMK/ICT)

• 2000 - :Penggunaan perisian komputer dan internet dalam pendidikan, web based learning, e-learning, video, audio and computer conferencing.

Overview: In addition, the theory outlines nine instructional events and

corresponding cognitive processes: (1) gaining attention (reception)

(2) informing learners of the objective (expectancy) (3) stimulating recall of prior learning (retrieval)

(4) presenting the stimulus (selective perception) (5) providing learning guidance (semantic encoding)

(6) eliciting performance (responding) (7) providing feedback (reinforcement) (8) assessing performance (retrieval)

(9) enhancing retention and transfer (generalization).

Conditions of Learning (R. Gagne)

The following example illustrates a teaching sequence corresponding to the nine instructional events for the objective, Recognize an

equilateral triangle:

1. Gain attention - show variety of computer generated triangles 2. Identify objective - pose question: "What is an equilateral triangle?" 3. Recall prior learning - review definitions of triangles 4. Present stimulus - give definition of equilateral triangle 5. Guide learning- show example of how to create equilateral 6. Elicit per formance - ask students to create 5 different examples 7. Provide feedback - check all examples as correct/incorrect 8. Assess performance- provide scores and remediation 9. Enhance retention/transfer - show pictures of objects and ask students to identify equilaterals


Model ID Dick and Carey

Stage 1. Instructional Goals •Instructional Goal: Desirable state of affairs by instruction* Needs Analysis : Analysis of a discrepancy between an instructional goal and the present state of affairs or a personal perception of needs.

Stage 2. Instructional Analysis* Purpose : To determine the skills involved in reaching a goal* Task Analysis (procedural analysis) : about the product of which would be a list of steps and the skills used at each step in the procedure* Information-Processing Analysis : about the mental operations used by a person who has learned a complex skills* Learning-Task Analysis : about the objectives of instruction that involve intellectual skills

Stage 3. Entry Behaviors and Learner Characteristics•Purpose : To determine which of the required enabling skills the learners bring to the learning task* Intellectual skills* Abilities such as verbal comprehension and spatial orientation* Traits of personality

Stage 4. Performance Objectives* Purpose : To translate the needs and goals into specific and detailed objectives* Functions : Determining whether the instruction related to its goals.           Focusing the lesson planning upon appropriate conditions of learning           Guiding the development of measures of learner performance           Assisting learners in their study efforts.

Stage 5. Criterion-Referenced Test Items*To diagnose an individual possessions of the necessary prerequisites for learning new skills*To check the results of student learning during the process of a lesson*To provide document of students progress for parents or administrators*Useful in evaluating the instructional system itself (Formative/ Summative evaluation)*Early determination of performance measures before development of lesson plan and instructional materials

Stage 6. Instructional Strategy* Purpose : To outline how instructional activities will relate to the accomplishment of the objectives*The best lesson design : Demonstrating knowledge about the learners, tasks reflected in the objectives, and effectiveness of teaching strategies     e.g. Choice of delivering system.           Teacher-led, Group-paced vs. Learner-centered, Learner-paced

Stage 7. Instructional Meterials•Purpose : To select printed or other media intended to convey events of instruction.* Use of existing materials when it is possible* Need for development of new materials, otherwise* Role of teacher : It depends on the choice of delivery system

Stage 8. Formative Evaluation* Purpose : To provide data for revising and improving instructional materials* To revise the instruction so as to make it as effective as possible for larger number of students* One on One : One evaluator sitting with one learner to interview* Small Group* Field Trial

Stage 9. Summative Evaluation* Purpose : To study the effectiveness of system as a whole* Conducted after the system has passed through its formative stage* Small scale/ Large Scale* Short period/ Long period

People generally remember …

• 10% of what they read

• 20% of what they hear

• 30% of what they see

• 50% of what they hear and see - video

• 70% of what they say or write

• 90% of what they say as they do something

(real life).

Interpreting the Cone

• The cone is based on the relationships of

various educational experiences to reality (real life).

• The bottom level of the cone, "direct

purposeful experiences," represents reality or the closest things to real, everyday life.

Model Perancangan Pengintegrasian Teknologi (Technology Integration

Planning Model – TIP)

Mempunyai lima fasa:

Fasa 1 Tentukan faedah atau kelebihan relatif.Fasa 2 Tentukan objektif dan pengukuran.Fasa 3 Reka bentuk strategi pengintegrasian.Fasa 4 Sediakan situasi pengajaran.Fasa 5 Nilai dan semak strategi pengintegrasian