KUZMINSKI IVAN POLINA KOMAROVA I TASK ( TRUE\FALSE) 1.American English doesn’t differ from the...

Post on 28-Dec-2015

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I TASK ( TRUE\FALSE) 1 .American English doesn’t differ from the English

spoken in Great Britain 2. There are two English-speaking countries in the

world .3.There are many borrowing from other languages in

English. 4.Some words came to Russian from English. 5.English is official language of the Olympics. 6.People who speak English have better job

opportunities. 7.English has taken the position of the world language.

What does he/she do to learn it better?

Мy nаmе is Sveta. I need English for my job because I’m а manager in an international соmpаny. I have а very busy life, so I don’t have time for English c1asses, but I read books and watch the news in Eng1ish. Every day I get up at six o’clock to read the newspaper in English. It’s hard work but it he1ps.

How many people speak English? Chenese 907 mln Bengali 189 mln English 456 mln Portuguese 177 Hindi 383 mln Indonesian 148 Spanish 362 mln Japanese 126 Russian 293 mln French 123 mln Arabic 208 mln German 119 mln

Reasons for learning English:I study English

› to travel› to get a better job› to communicate with people› to understand films› to have to study› to study at a university› to do business› to want to live abroad› because I like this language› to be educated

The poem for our lesson

My friend is fond of English

He speaks it every day

He goes and sings his English songs.

He’ll sing it now again.

Let’s speak English. Let it be, Let it be, Let it be…….