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he gentle text and the colorful illustrations combine to make a book that parents will love reading and children will love hearing.

TMercè Segarra Rosa M. Curto

Perfect for bedtime or any moment when children curl up for a story


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Coberta RÚSTICA PUBLI Biblia ING.indd 1 01/07/14 16:52

Mercè Segarra Rosa M. Curto


The Old Testament

The New Testament



• Joseph in Egypt, 22-23• Israelites to Egypt, 24-25• Moses, 26-27• God talks to Moses

through a burning bush, 28-29 • Departure from Egypt, 30-31

• Jesus feeds lots of people, 70-71• The Parables, 72-73• The lost sheep, 74-75• The seed that grows, 76-77

• The creation, 4-5• Adam and Eve, 6-7• Construction of the Ark, 8-9

• The Annunciation, 54-55• The Birth, 56-57• Good News, 58-59• The Wise Men, 60-61

• God opened a path in the water, 32-33

• God gave bread to His people, 34-35

• The Ten Commandments, 36-37• The Ark of the Covenant, 38-39

• The two houses, 78-79• Jesus and the children, 80-81• On the way to Jerusalem, 82-83• The Betrayal of Judas, 84-85

• Flood of the Earth, 10-11• Abraham and Sarah, 12-13• Isaac, 14-15• Esau and Jacob, 16-17• Joseph, 18-19• Joseph and his Brothers, 20-21

• Jesus at the Temple, 62-63• The baptism, 64-65• Jesus’ Disciples, 66-67• The Wedding at Cana, 68-69

• The trumpets of Jericho, 40-41

• Naomi and Ruth, 42-43• Samuel, 44-45• David and Goliath, 46-47• Solomon, 48-49• Daniel and the Lions, 50-51• Jonah and the Whale, 52-53

• The Last Supper, 86-87 • The Mount of Olives, 88-89• The Crucifixion, 90-91• The Resurrection, 92-93 • The Exaltation, 94-95

The Old Testament 4-5

The Creationod created the world step by step. First he made the light of day and the darkness of night. Later he made the blue sky, the seas, the rivers, the mountains, the trees and the flowers that surround us. He also made the Sun that warms us and the Moon and the stars that shine at night. He made all animals and finally, he made us -people- to love our Earth.


The Old Testament6-7

Adam and Eve

dam and Eve were the first man and the first woman God made. He offered them a wonderful place to live: the Garden of Eden. He told them they could eat fruit from all the trees but one, the apple tree. But a very mean serpent told them not to pay attention, so Adam and Eve tasted the forbidden fruit. When God discovered they had disobeyed Him, He was very upset and sent them away out of the garden.


The Old Testament8-9

Construction of the Arkfter a very long time, there were more and more people on Earth. Most were bad people who had forgotten God. There was only one good person on Earth. His name was Noah and God asked him to build a very big boat called an ark. God told him He would flood the Earth and that Noah and his family would be the only people to survive.


The Old Testament 10-11

Flood of the Earth

od asked Noah to go on board the ark with his family and pairs of all the animals on Earth. Then it rained non-stop for 40 days and 40 nights. Everything was covered by water, but Noah, his family and the animals were safe. After many days, the Earth was dry again and they could all come down from the Ark. God made a rainbow as a promise that He would never destroy the Earth again.


The Old Testament12-13

Abraham and Sarah

braham and Sarah were man and wife but they had no children and were too old to have them. One day Abraham heard the voice of God telling him to go live in a different land that He would show him. Abraham trusted God and did as he was told. He gathered his family, the herds of sheep and goats he owned and all together they started a journey to an unknown destination.


The Old Testament14-15

ne night, Abraham heard the voice of God telling him: –This is the land I am giving you as a gift. It is for you and your children. Abraham felt sad because he was old and had no children, but God told him:–Abraham! Look at the sky! Can you see the stars?–Abraham nodded. –And can you count them?–God asked him. –Nobody can count them –answered Abraham. But God told him: –Listen to me, Abraham, you will have a child and also grandchildren. God kept his promise and a year later Sarah gave birth to a son, Isaac.


The Old Testament 16-17

saac and Rebekah had twin sons, Esau and Jacob, who were very different. When Jacob grew up, he left home and went far away, to live with his uncle. On his way, he stopped one evening to sleep. He slept leaning against a rock and had a dream. He saw a ladder that reached the sky, with angels climbing up and down it. God was at the top and told him: “Jacob, I will give you a lot of land and many children and I promise I will never leave you.” Jacob was never afraid again because he knew God protected him.

Esau and Jacob


The Old Testament 18-19

acob had twelve sons. One of them was called Joseph. Jacob loved him so much that he gave him a coat of many beautiful colors called a tunic. The other children envied Joseph because he was the favorite son.


The Old Testament 20-21

ne day, when they were tending the herds of sheep, they caught Joseph, took his coat and sold their brother to some merchants that took him to a very faraway country called Egypt.

Joseph and his Brothers O

The Old Testament 22-23

hile Joseph was in Egypt, God protected him and gave him the power to explain the meaning of dreams. The king of Egypt had two dreams and called Joseph to help him interpret them. Both dreams meant the same: “Egypt will have seven fat years followed by seven lean years during which nothing will grow and people will go hungry.” Joseph advised the king to save food during the seven years of plenty to feed the people when the bad years came.

Joseph in EgyptW

The Old Testament 24-25

Israelites to Egyptime went by and in Egypt there was another pharaoh who did not know Joseph. The new pharaoh was worried by the large number of Israelites who had gone to Egypt looking for food. There were many who lived in Egypt and they were very powerful. The pharaoh was afraid of them and decided to make them slaves so they could not rebel against him. He also ordered all new Israelite babies born to be thrown into the river.


The Old Testament26-27

Mosesn Israelite mother had a baby boy and did not want her son to be thrown into the river to drown. To protect the baby, she made a basket made from river plants, placed him inside and let it float downriver. She prayed for the basket to reach a safe place. Fortunately, the basket was trapped among the reeds, where the pharaoh’s daughter found it. She decided to keep the baby and raise him as if he were her own. She named him Moses, which meant “saved from the water.”


The Old Testament28-29

God talks to Moses through a burning bush

hen Moses grew up, he discovered he was not an Egyptian but an Israelite. His people lived in slavery, so he decided to run away from the palace and go into the desert. There he saw a burning bush and when he got close to it, he heard a voice that said: “Go back to Egypt and ask the pharaoh to free the Israelites.” Moses obeyed the word of God and went back to Egypt, but the pharaoh refused to let the Israelites go.


The Old Testament30-31

Departure from Egyptince the pharaoh did not want to free the Israelites, God punished the Egyptian people with the plague. The pharaoh was very afraid and finally let the Israelites go. Moses led his people toward the promised land, or Land of Canaan. This departure from Egypt is called the Exodus.


The Old Testament 32-33

God opened a path in the water

hen the Israelites left Egypt, the pharaoh ordered his army to go after them. The Israelites had got to the Red Sea and were very worried because they did not know how to cross it, but God helped them. He sent a powerful wind that blew over the sea and the next morning they found a dry ground with walls of water on both sides. The Israelites were then able to cross the sea and they walked over to the desert on the other side.


The Old Testament34-35

God gave bread to His people

he Israelites had fled Egypt, but they wandered in the desert and were hungry and thirsty. Moses asked God for help because they did not have enough food. God promised he would give them food and that bread would fall from the sky like rain. He gave them a kind of bread called manna and when they picked it up, they discovered it tasted like cookies made with honey.


The Old Testament36-37

The Ten Commandments

he Israelites came to a mountain called Sinai. One day the mountain was surrounded by a thick fog and there was thunder and lightning. God called out to Moses and told him about the laws the people of Israel had to obey (they are called the Ten Commandments). He also gave him two stone tablets where the laws were engraved forever.


The Old Testament38-39

The Ark of the Covenant

od ordered His people to make an ark, a type of chest where they could keep the stone tablets with the commandments. The Israelite soldiers kept the chest safe while they were travelling through the desert. When they stopped, they put it inside a tent decorated with beautiful fabric. It was a temple for them, where they prayed and worshipped God.


The Old Testament40-41

The trumpets of Jericho

fter many years, Moses died and God chose a young man named Joshua as the new leader of Israel. His mission was to lead his people to Canaan (the Promised Land). The first town they came to was Jericho, a city surrounded by very tall walls, so they could not get in. God told Joshua to walk around the city blowing the trumpets and they did so for six whole days. On the seventh day, when they blew the trumpets and started shouting, all of a sudden the walls fell down and they could go inside the city.


The Old Testament 42-43

Naomi and Ruth

aomi was an Israelite. She and her husband and two children moved to Moab’s land when food was scarce in Israel. Naomi’s husband and children died, and she was left alone with her two daughters-in-law: Ruth and Orpah. Naomi was so sad that she decided to go back home, but Ruth did not want to abandon her and so she went with her. In Jerusalem, Ruth worked hard gathering the grain that fell to the ground in order to feed Naomi, since she loved her mother-in-law very much.


The Old Testament44-45


amuel’s mother was a woman named Hannah. She wanted a son more than anything else, and so she prayed and asked God to give her one. Hannah promised God that if he gave her a son, she would give him to the Lord to serve Him every day of his life. God gave Hannah the son she had prayed for and she fulfilled her promise. When her son was old enough, she took him to the temple and presented him to Eli the priest. And so Samuel served in the temple under the care of Eli.


The Old Testament46-47

David and Goliath

amuel chose David as the new king. He was a young shepherd. He was also very brave and fought Goliath, a giant from the enemy army everybody was afraid of. David defeated Goliath and he was a good king. He made Jerusalem into the capital of his kingdom and God always helped him.


The Old Testament48-49


hen David died, his son Solomon became king of Israel. Solomon asked God to give him wisdom to rule well. As he had not asked for anything material for himself, God was pleased and granted him wisdom as well as riches. The most important thing that Solomon did was to build a temple for God in Jerusalem.


The Old Testament 50-51

Daniel and the Lions

aniel was another very good prophet. He lived with the king of Babylon and offered him advice. In this city they had false gods and there was a law that punished the people who did not worship them. Daniel was faithful to God and he was punished. They threw him into a den of lions but he trusted God would protect him and keep him safe and the lions did not hurt him. That’s how they came to realize that the true God was Daniel’s God.


The Old Testament 52-53

Jonah and the Whaleod asked a prophet named Jonah to go to Nineveh to warn the city’s people to be good. Jonah did not want to obey God and sailed away in a boat. During the trip there was a terrible storm and Jonah realized he was to blame: God was upset because he wanted to go away and refused to do what he had been told. Jonah asked the sailors in his boat to throw him overboard. When he fell into the water, a great fish swallowed him. Then he asked for God’s forgiveness and God forgave him.


The New Testament54-55

ary lived in Nazareth. One day, an angel appeared to her and said: “You will have a son and you will name him Jesus”. Mary was very excited and went to visit her cousin Elizabeth to tell her the news. Elizabeth was also pregnant at the time and later she became the mother of the last prophet, John the Baptist, who prepared people’s hearts for the arrival of Jesus.

The Annunciation


The New Testament 56-57

ary married a carpenter named Joseph. Both made a long journey to the town of Bethlehem and when they arrived, there were so many people that all the inns were full. Mary and Joseph were very tired, but fortunately, a good man told them they could sleep in his stable. Jesus was born that same night.

The Birth M

The New Testament58-59

he night Jesus was born, several shepherds were sleeping in the fields close to Bethlehem. Suddenly, a very bright light shone in the sky. Then an angel appeared and told them a baby had been born in a stable who would save the people from their sins. The shepherds went to visit the newborn baby Jesus right away.

Good News T

The New Testament 60-61ery far away from Bethlehem, in the East, there lived three wise men who were called “magi”. One night they saw a star shining in the sky and thought it was a signal sent by God. They prepared their camels and followed the star until they reached the stable where Jesus had been born. When the wise men arrived, they worshipped the baby and gave him gifts: gold, incense and myrrh.





The New Testament62-63

esus lived in Nazareth with his family. When he was 12 years old, his parents took him to Jerusalem to celebrate Easter. Once the celebrations were over, they started back home with friends and relatives. At first, Mary and Joseph thought Jesus was among them but when they looked for him and could not find him, they went back to Jerusalem. They found him talking to the masters at the temple. The masters taught people things about God. Jesus was sitting with them, asking them questions about God, and the masters were impressed by the way Jesus talked.

Jesus at the Temple


The New Testament 64-65

ohn the Baptist, Jesus’ cousin, lived in the desert. One day he went down to the River Jordan, where he told people to be good and baptized them. Suddenly Jesus appeared and asked to be baptized. While John baptized him, the voice of God from Heaven was heard saying: “This is my beloved Son”, so that everybody knew Jesus was the Son of God.

The baptism J

The New Testament 66-67

Jesus’ Disciples Jesus knew the time had come to travel around his country.

He wanted to show the world that God loved all men and all women on Earth and that people had to love one another. Jesus needed men to help him carry these messages to the people. He chose twelve helpers, most of them fishermen. Jesus called them disciples.

The New Testament68-69

ne time Jesus and his disciples were invited to a wedding. Jesus’ mother was helping at the reception when there was suddenly a problem: there was no more wine. Mary then asked Jesus to do something about it because she was sad for the groom and his family. Jesus changed six jars of water into very good wine. This was the first miracle Jesus did and this made his disciples believe in him and trust him even more.

The Wedding at Cana O

The New Testament 70-71

housands of people wanted to meet Jesus. At night the people were hungry and wanted dinner, but there was nothing to eat. A boy approached Jesus carrying a basket with five loaves and two fish. That was all. So he gave

it to Jesus and Jesus made the food multiply. Then the disciples gave

the food to all the people.

Jesus feeds lots of peopleT

The New Testament72-73

esus was also famous because he used nice stories to talk about the love of God. These simple stories were called parables and each one had a particular meaning to make people understand that God loved them and forgave them and this helped them be good.

The Parables J

The New Testament74-75

shepherd had a hundred sheep and he lost one. The man left the other ninety-nine and went to look for his lost sheep until he found it. When he found it, he was very happy and went back home. He gathered all his friends and shared the good news with them.

The lost sheep A

The New Testament 76-77

farmer plants a seed in his field. The seed stays in the ground night and day, whether the farmer is asleep or awake. Little by little the seed germinates and grows without the man knowing how. First it is just a blade of grass, then the kernels appear with the grains of wheat inside. When the kernels are dry, it is time for the harvest.

The seed that grows A

The New Testament 78-79

esus said: Whoever listens to these words of mine and puts them into practice is like the sensible man who built his home on solid rock. The rain fell, storms came and winds blew but the house did not tumble down because it had good foundations.

The two houses J

The New Testament 80-81

ne day, some parents took their children to Jesus, so that he could bless them. But the disciples told them that Jesus was very busy, and . They sent the boys and girls away. But Jesus called them right back. He said, “Let the children come to Me”. And then He picked them up.

Jesus and the children


The New Testament 82-83

ne spring, Jesus and his disciples went to Jerusalem to celebrate Easter there. Jesus rode into town on a donkey. There were crowds of people everywhere and everybody wanted to see him. They greeted him with branches from olive trees and palm leaves and he was deeply touched, because everybody admired him and he rode through the town like a king.

On the way to Jerusalem O

The New Testament84-85

he chief priests of the temple thought Jesus had too much influence on the people and so they wanted to end his life. Judas was one of Jesus’ disciples, but he did not really love or understand Jesus. The priests paid Judas thirty pieces of silver to tell them where they could find Jesus.

The Betrayal of Judas


The New Testament86-87

esus knew he would die soon and wanted to celebrate his last Easter with his disciples. He was sad but his disciples did not know what was wrong. Jesus begged them to love one another just like he had loved each one of them. During the meal, they had bread and wine and Jesus asked them to remember him every time they got together for Easter. The Last



The New Testament 88-89

fter supper, Jesus wanted to pray. He went to a garden in the Mount of Olives and some of his disciples followed him. Suddenly Judas appeared with the soldiers of the chief priests and they arrested Jesus. They took him away and sent him to Pilate, who was the governor. The Mount

of Olives


The New Testament90-91

ilate asked Jesus if he was the son of God and he said he was. The governor didn’t think that Jesus had done anything wrong and wanted to set him free, but the chief priests wanted Jesus to die. Pilate handed Jesus over to the priests, according to their instructions, and they sentenced him to death. Jesus died by crucifixion on a hill just outside the town.

The Crucifixion


The New Testament92-93

esus’ friends put him in a cave and closed the entrance with a big rock. After three days, three women went to the tomb and saw the stone was gone. Suddenly an angel descended from heaven and announced that Jesus had risen from the dead. The three women left the tomb quickly, filled with great joy, to tell his disciples.

The Resurrection


The New Testament 94-95

or forty days after Jesus’ resurrection, he appeared to his friends several times. One day he told them that he would soon go to heaven to be with God, his Father, but he promised them he would send them a very special strength: the spirit of God. This spirit would make them stronger so they could explain his story to the people and deliver his message of salvation. A few days later, his disciples noticed a sort of fire that heated them and gave them light. Jesus gave them a very special power and this prepared them to preach what he had taught them everywhere they went.

The Exaltation F


Text: Mercè SegarraIllustration: Rosa M. CurtoDesign and layout: Estudi Guasch, S.L.

© Gemser Publications, S.L. 2014

El Castell, 38 08329 Teià (Barcelona, Spain)



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