L-POS Demo Guide - TEEPOS · L-POS / L-BOSS demo guide Logivision is a corporation specialized in...

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© 2007 Logivision Inc.

L-POS and L-BOSSDemo Guide

L-POS / L-BOSS demo guide

Logivision is a corporation specialized in thedevelopment of software for the retail industry with aparticular focus on operation systems for front-endterminals. Innovative and always at the forefront ofnew technological developments, Logivision iscommitted to improving the service and the productswe provide to our customers.

Table of Contents

Section I Introduction 3

Section II Touch screen forms and buttons 4

................................................................................................................................... 41 Screen areas (forms)

................................................................................................................................... 62 How to use the buttons

Section III Entering a transaction 23

................................................................................................................................... 231 Identification

................................................................................................................................... 232 Entering items

................................................................................................................................... 243 Finalizing the transaction

................................................................................................................................... 244 Correcting errors

................................................................................................................................... 255 Discounts

................................................................................................................................... 256 Coupons

................................................................................................................................... 257 Suspend/Resume

................................................................................................................................... 268 Customer Account transaction

................................................................................................................................... 269 Receipt / Invoice print

Section IV Pos-Setup 27

................................................................................................................................... 271 Button and forms

.......................................................................................................................................................... 27Changing a function's properties

.......................................................................................................................................................... 29Assigning a button to keyboard

................................................................................................................................... 302 System settings

................................................................................................................................... 313 Peripherals

Section V Back office functions 32

................................................................................................................................... 321 Maintenance

.......................................................................................................................................................... 32Changing a price

.......................................................................................................................................................... 33Adding a customer account

.......................................................................................................................................................... 34Adding an operator

................................................................................................................................... 352 Reports

................................................................................................................................... 353 Entry

................................................................................................................................... 364 Sending changes to L-POS

................................................................................................................................... 365 View logs

................................................................................................................................... 366 Journal

Section VI Demo system limits 37

................................................................................................................................... 371 Communication in demo mode

................................................................................................................................... 372 Reset demo totals



© 2007 Logivision Inc.

Index 0

L-POS Demo GuideII

© 2007 Logivision Inc.

Introduction 3

© 2007 Logivision Inc.

1 Introduction

Thank you for installing L-POS and L-BOSS. This world class point of sale software willallow you to satisfy a wide range of customer needs. Please go through the documentationwe have provided here for some insight into some of the software's features.

The distribution CD for L-POS have sample files for a grocery store. We assume that youhave followed the set-up instructions and that now you want to try your hand at operations.This demo guide is intended to help you show customers some L-POS features. It is not ausers' manual. The demo is a functional copy of L-POS. But any time you use L-POS indemo mode certain limits are imposed on the balancing function and the reports module:totals do not accumulate over $100. So keep the amounts low if you want to balance. Whenthe demo limit is reached no more data transfer will take place between L-POS and L-BOSS.

L-POS can be installed as touch screen or as a keyboard driven system. If you are using akeyboard, the functions used repeatedly should be placed on the keyboard for easy access.We have tried to do so in the sample files included. Other functions which are used rarely oronly by management (like sales reports, programming, cleanup of disk space, etc.) can beaccessed through the [FUNCTION MENUS] key.

The keyboard used with L-POS is fully programmable. Shortcuts have been assigned tomany popular functions. Use the PosSetup module to add more buttons, modify theirsettings or change key assignments. Note that this guide only explains all of the L-POSbuttons included in the default touch screen set-up for 1024 by 768 screen resolution.

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2 Touch screen forms and buttons

This chapter explains the screen layout and each of the buttons.

2.1 Screen areas (forms)

This is the screen view when the default set-up when 1024X786 screen resolution is loaded.

The screen is divided into 11 zones at start-up:

The General info form is displayed across the top of the screen. This form included the L-POS serial number (or the word demo when the license has not been purchased.) The serialnumber is in the General information form with the register number, transaction or invoicenumber, cashier identification, date an time.

The default screen also has an image of the product showing in an items details form.

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The next form is another item details form that included the product name, price, tax status,etc. The form can obtain additional information depending on your particular needs.

Below the 2 item detail forms is the main receipt area. This form displays summaryinformation on each item as it is scanned. Refer to the item detail window to view status, unitprice, quantity, weight, etc of an individual line item.

Below the receipt the form to the left displays the invoice totals, tax due and amountspayable by WIC check or by food stamps. If you do not use these functions the total windowcan be modified to display only the information you require.

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To the right of the invoice totals form are 2 forms related to customer data. The first showscustomer name and account number. The second form shows the account balanceinformation, points available, etc.

Two forms remain on the left hand side of the main POS screen. The first form displays thecurrent entry.

The other form on the main POS screen is the icons form. Different icons will appear heredepending on the status of your transaction or the keys you press.

2.2 How to use the buttons

The screen also includes buttons that allow you to operate the L-POS. The right hand side ofthe screen includes 2 forms with function buttons. Each button is explained below:

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This section deals with each of the buttons on the touch screen forms present on the default1024X768 touch screen set-up option.

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[Clear] is used to remove data from the input buffer.1. Press [Clear] to remove the data from the entry buffer.2. Press [Clear][Clear] after a transaction to clear the receipt area of the screen.

Note: When a message box appears the main screen become inactive. You must use the[Clear] function located within the message box.

[@/for] is used for multiplication and split price entries.1. Multiplication: Enter the quantity and press [@/for]. The next entry will be multiplied by

the quantity you entered.2. Split price is required to calculate a price for items sold through a manual department

entry. An example would be ringing lemons into the produce sub-department that sellat 3 for $1.00. If the PLU code is not available and someone wants 5 lemons youwould use the [@/for] for split price calculation. Enter the quantity of items and press[@/for]. Enter the normal quantity sold and press [@/for]. Enter the price and press thesub-department button.

[Cshr ID#] is used for operator sign in and sign off.Sign in (or Log on)1. Enter the operator code and press [Cshr ID#].2. (if required) enter the password and press [Cshr ID#].Sign off (or log off)1. Press [Cshr ID#].

[PLU] button is used to enter a price look-up code (PLU).1. Enter the number and press the [PLU] button.

The [Price check] button is used to verify a price.1. Enter an item number and press [Price check]. The price will be displayed in the Item

details window (note the icon in the Item details window, this means the window

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is displaying a price check.)2. Press [Price check], enter the item number, press [PLU]. The price will be displayed in

the Item details window (note the icon in the Item details window, this means thewindow is displaying a price check.)

3. Press [Price check] [Price check] to keep the price check function active until youpress [Clear]. Enter the item number, press [PLU]. The price will be displayed in the

Item details window (note the icon in the Item details window, this means thewindow is displaying a price check.)

Note: The [Price check] button can also be used to verify an account balance.1. Press [Price check], enter the account number and press the [Account] button. The

customer name and current account balance will be displayed in a message form.

[Subtotal] button is used to print a transaction total on the receipt form and toggle thedepartment form to the payment form. The Subtotal button has no effect when notransaction has been started.

1. Press [Sub Total]

[Hold&Recall] is used to suspend a transaction that cannot be finalized immediately. Thesame button allows you to recall a transaction from Hold.

Suspending transactions (in other words: hold)1. Any time during a transaction press {Hold&Recall]. The current transaction will be

saved. If your printer supports bar code printing a hold receipt will be issued with a barcode. This will be used to recall the transaction. When a transaction is placed on hold

the hold icon appears in the icons area:

Recalling transactions (in other words: resume)1. When you want to recall a transaction press the [Hold&Recall] button. When only one

transaction is on hold it will be recalled to your screen immediately. When more thanone transaction is on hold a list of the suspended transactions will be displayed.Choose the appropriate transaction and press the [Accept] button in the promptwindow or the [PLU] button. You may also scan the bar code that was issued when thesale was placed on hold. You may need to change printer and scanning settings touse this feature.

[S-Dpt List] is used to display a list of the sub-departments you may need for manual price

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entry.1. Press the button. When the list is open you can choose a sub-departments by clicking

on the list or by using the [Down] [Up] [Page down] or [Page up] button to select theproper number. When the proper sub-department is selected press [PLU] to use thatsub-department. The system will prompt for an amount entry.

2. If you know the sub-department number you want to use, enter the number and press[S-Dpt list]. The system will prompt for an amount entry.

[Item list] is used to obtain a product list.1. When you press this button an alpha keyboard will appear to allow you to enter a

product description. As you type the system will locate products that respond to yoursearch criteria. L-POS allows two different search types. The Item list can beprogrammed to search for product descriptions that begin with the letters you type orto search for product descriptions that include the letters you type. You cannot touchthe list when the keyboard is open on the screen. To move up and down the list use

the buttons that are on the top of the virtual keyboardform. When the item you want to select has been highlighted press the Enter buttonon the virtual keyboard to sell it.

[Down] is used to move down the screen when you are in edit mode.1. Press [Down] to move down a search list or down the transaction screen while in edit


[Page down] is used to move down the screen one page at a time when you are in editmode.

1. Press [Page Down] to move down a search list or down the transaction screen while inedit mode.

[Accnt #] is used to enter a customer's account number.1. Enter the customer number and press the account button. Certain configurations may

require you to select from a contact list for that account or to confirm that you haveselected the appropriate account.

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[Up] is used to move up the screen when you are in edit mode.1. Press [Up] to move up a search list or up the transaction screen while in edit mode.

[Page up] is used to move up the screen one page at a time when you are in edit mode.1. Press [Page Up] to move up a search list or up the transaction screen while in edit


[Find account] is used to locate a customer account using the customer name the same wayas the Item list button.

1. When you press this button an alpha keyboard will appear to allow you to enter acustomer description. By default, the system will search for the customer last name.The search field can be modified to search any of the normal search fields such ascompany name, customer phone number, etc. As you type the system will locate theaccount that responds to your search criteria. You cannot touch the list when thekeyboard is open on the screen. To move up and down the list use the

buttons that are on the top of the virtual keyboard form.When the customer you want to select has been highlighted press the Enter button onthe virtual keyboard to access it.

[Flip chart] is used to open additional pages of preset buttons. Many configurations arepossible.

1. When you press Flip Chart the system normally accesses the first page of the flipchart files. In most situations an index bar appears across the top that remainsconstant on all other pages you access. Normally that index bar will have short-cuts tothe most commonly used pages in your store. Some of the buttons on the first pagemay ring items immediately, other buttons may lead to another page. The flip chartcan be programmed to close automatically when an item is selected, or to remainopen to allow many entries until the [Close] button is pressed.

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[Manager ID#] is used to enter a manager number and permit access to a function restrictedfor certain operators.

1. Enter the manager number and press [Manager ID#]. If a password is required enterthe password and press [Manager ID#]. Depending on system programming thesystem will react differently. You may see a prompt list with 2 choices that allow you todetermine how long the manager override will remain active.

· 1- The next function only means that the manager override will end after the nextentry.

· 2- For the rest of the transaction means that manager override will remain in effectuntil the transaction is complete.

Note: An automatic response to the manager prompt can be set. This means the systemwould always use choice 1 (next function only) or choice 2 (for the rest of the transaction.)This can simplify operations when required.

The sub-department buttons such as [Grocery] [Produce] etc., are used to sell items thathave no bar code available to scan or no PLU code to type in manually. As many sub-department buttons as you require may be used. The demo screen was set up with the sub-department buttons shown above.

1. Enter the amount and press [Grocery]2. You may also press [Grocery], enter the amount and press [PLU]

[WIC] is used to accept WIC payment. It can be programmed to force a WIC only sale or

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allow entry of WIC and non-WIC in the sale transaction. Either way only WIC items qualify tobe paid by a WIC check.

1. Enter the amount of the WIC payment and press WIC. You cannot tender more thanthe WIC subtotal.

Note: The system can be programmed to display a running WIC total in one of the totalwindows.

[FS Shift] is used to invert the Food stamp status of the next item.1. Press [FS Shift] and scan the item.

[R/A] is used to receive a customer payment at the L-POS. You may perform an R/A duringa normal sale transaction or as a separate transaction.

1. Open a customer account.2. Enter the customer payment amount.3. Press [R/A]4. Finalize the transaction with the appropriate payment type.

[Bottle return] is used to credit bottles that have been returned to the store.1. Enter the amount you want to refund to the customer for the bottles he has returned.2. Press the [Bottle refund] button.

Note: The bottle return function can also be programmed to refund the automatic bottledeposit attached to an item. If your Bottle return key has been programmed this way theoperation changes as follows:

1. Press the [Bottle return] key.2. Scan the bottle being returned.

[Tax 1 Shift] is used to invert the tax status of the next item entered.1. Press [Tax shift]2. Scan the item.

Note: [Tax shift] can be programmed to affect one rate or several rates. An option alsoallows the button to be programmed as a toggle function (most popular method) or as TAXOFF only. Toggle means the status of the next item will be inverted. OFF only means thatthe specified tax will never be added, only removed.

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[No Sale] is used to open the cash drawer without selling an item.1. Press [No Sale]

[Lottery P/O] is used to pay back a winning lottery ticket.1. Enter the winning ticket amount and press the [Lottery P/O] button.

Note: The [Lottery P/O] button can be done during a normal transaction or in a separatetransaction.

[Price modify] is used to modify the price of an item during the transaction.1. Press [Price modify]2. Scan the item. The current price will be displayed in the entry form.3. Enter the price you want to sell the item for.4. Press [PLU].

Note: The button can be programmed to update the master file maintenance or to make thechange only for the current entry. When the system is programmed to update the back officethe L-POS will also send a request to deploy the change to all other lanes immediately. Thisis dependent of server on-line status.

[Store Cpn] is used to reduce the sale by a dollar value. Store coupons are normally set toaffect the taxable sale amount by the amount of the store coupon. This is because the storewill not receive compensation for the coupons, they are the same as a discount offered bythe store. The tax status of the coupons can be modified as required by local legislation.

1. Enter the coupon amount.2. Press [Store coupon].

[Item Dsc%] is used to reduce an item by a percentage. Item discount uses the tax status ofthe item it is discounting.

1. Enter the discount amount (unless the button is pre-set with a rate and does not permitamount entry)

2. Press [Item Dsc %]

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3. You can also scroll up the transaction to a previously entered item and use the itemdiscount button.

Note: Items programmed as non-discountable may not be discounted.

[Rcpt Copy] is used to print a copy of a previous transaction.1. To print the last transaction press [Rcpt Copy]2. You may also use the [Rcpt Copy] button to reprint a receipt for past transactions. Find

the transaction with the transaction review buttons and press [Rcpt Copy} to print it.

[Refund] is used to credit an amount to a customer for the return of a product.1. Press [Refund]2. Scan the product to be returned (or)3. Enter the amount and press the sub-department into which the return applies.

[Scale] is used to capture the weight from a scale for open amounts sold into sub-departments that are not pre-programmed as scalable.

1. Press [Scale]2. Enter price per weigh unit (per pound, kilogram, etc)3. Press the [Sub-department] or the pre-set [PLU] button.

[Option menu] is used to open a prompt list with additional menu functions.1. Press this button to access the menu.

[Vendor Cpn] is used to accept payment in the form of a vendor coupon.1. Enter the vendor coupon amount and press the [Vendor Cpn] button.

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[Error correc] is used to cancel the last item entered.1. Press [Error Correc].2. You may also scroll up the current transaction and press [Error correc] to cancel a

previous item (this may be restricted for some user levels.)3. You may also touch any previous item showing in the receipt form and press [Error

correc] to cancel that item.

[Passw Chng] is used to modify a user password on the L-POS terminal (as opposed tochanging it from the Maintenance application.)

1. Press [Passw Chng]2. Enter your current password3. Press [Passw chg]4. Enter your new password5. Press [Passw Chng]

Note: For users with no password do not make an entry before pressing [Passw Chng]. Toremove your password leave the field blank before confirming you new password.

[Lock Keybd] is used to stop the use of the L-POS terminal by anyone other than the userwho locked the keyboard.

1. Press [Lock Keybd]2. To unlock the keybd sign in with the same operator code (and password) as the one

who locked the keyboard.

[Tender menu] is used to call the payment screen regardless of whether a transaction isopen or not.

1. Press [Tender Menu].When the Tender menu is open the buttons on the following form appear.

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[Cash] is used to accept payment for a transaction in local currency.1. Enter the amount received and press [Cash]. If the amount entered is greater than the

sale the change will be displayed.2. The [Cash] button can be programmed to allow direct tender of the outstanding

amount. In this case just press [Cash] to finalize payment in cash.

[$5], [$10], [$20] and [$50] are quick tender keys that enter the preset amount automatically.1. Press the pre-set tender button. Change will be displayed when full payment of the

transaction is entered.2. You may enter a quantity before pressing the tender function. For example, if the

customer gives you $60.00 in the form of 3 twenty dollar bills you can press 3 [$20].

[Check] is used to accept payment in the form of a check.

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1. Enter the amount received and press [Check]. If the amount entered is greater thanthe sale the change will be displayed.

2. The [Check] button can be programmed to allow direct tender of the outstandingamount. In this case just press [Check] to finalize payment in check.

Note: Your system may require an account number or check endorsementprint.

[MC VISA] is used to accept payment for the transaction with a credit card.1. Enter the payment amount and press [MC Visa]. Most stores do not allow change on a

credit card payment.Note: Your system may be programmed to request card number and expiry date to transferan approval request to the authorization center.

[House charge] is used to post a transaction to a customer account that has been authorizedto pay at a later date.

1. Enter the amount to be charged and press the [House Charge] button.Note: You must open an account to perform a house charge. The account must have anavailable credit limit.

[Sbtl Foreign] will display the current transaction in a foreign currency.1. Press [Sbtl Foreign]. The entry window will display the exact amount due in foreign


[$ Foreign] is used to accept payment in foreign currency.1. Enter the amount received and press [$ Foreign]. If the amount entered is greater than

the amount due in foreign currency the change will be displayed in local currency.2. To accept the exact amount due in foreign currency press the [Foreign Sbtl] button

then press the [$ Foreign] button.

[Debit] is used to accept payment with a debit card.

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1. Enter the payment amount and press [Debit]. Change will be displayed if over-tenderis permitted.

[Check Cash] is used to exchange a check for cash. The check payment key can beprogrammed to allow check cashing. But if you want to charge a fee for exchanging a checkwhen there was no purchase made you can use the [Check Cash] button.

1. Enter the check amount and press [Check cash]. The change due will be displayed(minus any fees that have been programmed for check cashing.)

[Gift Certif] is used to accept payment with a gift certificate. Gift certificates work severalways.

1. Systems using numbered certificates: Enter the certificate number and press [GiftCertif].

2. Systems using gift certificates as a normal payment function: Enter the certificateamount and press [Gift Certif].

[R/A] is used to receive a customer payment at the L-POS. You may perform an R/A duringa normal sale transaction or as a separate transaction.

1. Open a customer account.2. Enter the customer payment amount.3. Press [R/A]4. Finalize the transaction with the appropriate payment type.

[Error correc] is used to cancel the last item entered.1. Press [Error Correc].2. You may also scroll up the current transaction and press [Error correc] to cancel a

previous item (this may be restricted for some user levels.)3. You may also touch any previous item showing in the receipt form and press [Error

correc] to cancel that item.

[WIC] is used to accept WIC payment. WIC cannot be used to receive payment for more

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than the WIC subtotal amount. On systems that allow WIC and non-WIC items in atransaction the WIC payment must be the first payment in the transaction.

1. Enter the WIC check amount and press [WIC].

[Food Stamp] is used to accept food stamps as payment for items in a transaction.1. Enter the amount of food stamps and press the [Food Stamp] button. There are no

food stamp coins so change will be given in cash below one dollar and in paper foodstamps for the remaining change.

[Tax Exmpt] is used to suppress all tax collected to this point in the transaction. Itemsentered after the use of tax exempt will be taxed normally.

1. Press [tax Exmpt] to suppress the tax.Note: The tax exemption can be programmed to suppress different taxes as required.

[Prev trans] is used to return to a previous transaction.1. Press [Prev trans] to return backwards one transaction.2. To return to a specific transaction enter a transaction number and press [Prev Trans].

[Next trans] is used to move ahead to the next transaction.1. Press [Next trans] to move ahead one transaction.

[Trans Revers] is used to reverse a previous transaction.1. Locate the transaction to be reversed and press [Trans Revers].

[Disc. Senior] is an example of how the discount type function can be used. It is a globaldiscount function that will remove 5% from the discountable items that have been

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entered up to that point.1. Press [Disc Senior].

[Refund] is used to credit an amount to a customer for the return of a product.1. Press [Refund]2. Scan the product to be returned (or)3. Enter the amount and press the sub-department into which the return applies.

[P/O] is used to make a paid out from the drawer for supplies or other expenses.1. Enter the amount of the paid out and press [P/O].2. Repeat step if you have more than one paid out invoice to process.3. Press [Cash] to finalize the transaction.

[Cancel Sale] is used to cancel the current transaction.1. Press [Cancel Sale]

[Training] is used to put the register in training mode.1. Press [Training] to start the training mode.2. Press [Training] to exit training mode.

[Media Swap] is used to remove an amount from a specific tender function and place it inanother.

1. Enter the amount of the payment type to be removed and press [Media swap].2. Press the payment type from which you want to remove the amount.3. Press the payment type to which you want to add the amount.

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[Pickup] is used to withdraw funds from the cashier drawer.1. Press [Pickup].2. Enter the amount to be removed from the drawer. You can use the multiply button if

you want the system to compute, for example 33 [@/For] 2 0 0 03. Press the payment type you are removing, for example [Cash].4. Continue steps 2 and 3 until the pickups have been completed.5. Press [Pickup] to terminate.

Note: Any time you have entered several amounts for the same media type you can pressthat Media key directly to get a sub-total of the pickup amount for that media type.

[Loan]1. Press [Loan].2. Enter the amount to be added to the drawer. You can use the multiply button if you

want the system to compute, for example 33 [@/For] 2 0 0 03. Press the payment type you are adding, for example [Cash].4. Continue steps 2 and 3 until the loans have been completed.5. Press [Loan] to terminate.

[Rcpt On-Off] is used to toggle the receipt printer status.1. Press [Rcpt On-Off]. When the printer icon appears in the icons form L-POS will send

data to a receipt printer.

[Print Invoice] is used to obtain a formatted invoice from a system printer.1. Press [Print Invoice] after the transaction to obtain a copy of the last transaction on a

formatted invoice.

[Receipt Copy] is used to obtain a copy of the receipt for a previous transaction.1. Press [Receipt copy] to print a copy of the transaction displayed on the L-POS screen.

[Dept Menu] will toggle the button form back to the main department entry screen.1. Press [Dept Menu].

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3 Entering a transaction

To complete a transaction you need to log on, enter the item codes, and accept payment.Many other functions can be used, such as discounts, coupons, department entries,corrections, etc.

To learn more about the other function types refer to the chapter on touch screen forms andbuttons. Each of the buttons is explained in that section.

3.1 Identification

L-POS requires a Cashier code to operate. Users are programmed in the L-BossMaintenance module using the Operators icon from the main menu. See the relateddocumentation in the L-Boss user guide located in the L-Boss folder (L-Boss.chm). If youhave installed the program accepting all defaults, Cashier 6 should be named Owner andavailable for operations.

Cashier ID [Ctrl-F1]The first time you start the L-POS in demo mode it needs your CASHIER ID#. Enter 6 andpress [CASHIER]. The system will identify a cashier named Owner and you are ready forentries.

NOTE: Many first time users of L-POS get confused when a not found PLU is entered.When you enter an item that does not exist, the L-POS will open a window during the salestransaction and prompt you to sell the product into an open sub-department. Choose 1 foryes or 0 to abort.

Manager ID [Shift-F2]Use this key when you want to override the current cashier security level. Enter the numberand press [MANAGER ID#], enter the password and press [MANAGER ID#]. The system willask you to confirm whether the override status is valid for the next entry or until the end ofthe current transaction (Enter 0 or 1).

3.2 Entering items

You can use open department-type buttons on L-POS two ways, by entering the amount andpressing the Button, or by pressing the Button and responding to the Prompt. The buttonsare actually sub-department functions assigned to the keyboard or to the touch-screen.

Sub-department keys were placed on the sample files keyboards and touch screen. [Alt-1] to[Alt-10] are normally assigned as sub-department shortcut keys. Enter an amount and press[Alt-1] or the [Grocery] button on the touch-screen.

You can also sell items by PLU (numbers 1-30 or so were created for the demo.) Enter anitem number and press [PLU] or [Enter] on the standard keyboard.

Access the L-BOSS > Maintenance application to create more departments, sub-departments, or items. Once the changes have been made use the L-BOSS Events menu todeploy all changes.

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3.3 Finalizing the transaction

A transaction is complete once full payment has been accepted.

Press the [Subtotal] button to display the Tender screen. This will allow you to select thecorrect payment type to accept the customer's money.

Enter the amount received and press the appropriate payment button.

To split tender (different payment type in the same sale) enter the amount received in thefirst payment type and press the appropriate Tender function [VISA] for example. Then enterthe amount for the next tender function, etc. You can split the tender as often as necessary.

Of course if you are working on the Touch screen demo the payment keys are not visiblebefore you press [SUBTOTAL].

N.B. Different than most cash registers, once any amount of payment has been received,you can return to the sale to add or remove items. You can also delete partial payment orany other line before the sale has been completed. Just scroll up or click on the item to bevoided, then press the [Item Correction] button.

3.4 Correcting errors

L-POS handles corrections as follows:

Clear [Esc]Clears entry buffer before a function key is pressed. Also clears screen of error messages.

Item correction [F8]Reverses the last entry made. It is also used to reverse a previous entry by scrolling back tothe line to be voided and pressing Item Correction. With touch systems you can touch theline to be voided and then press Item correction.

Panic (Void All) [Ctrl-F8]Cancels entire sale.

Refund [Shift-F8]REFUND Allows product return in or out of a sale. Can prompt operators with the currentprice when used if the Force Price Confirmation flag is turned on. Press [REFUND] andenter the PLU number and press [PLU]. If price confirmation is being used, the L-POSidentifies the product in the message area and shows the current price on the entry line.Press [PLU] to confirm the refund amount, or modify the refund amount and press [PLU]. Ifno price confirmation the current price is refunded.

ReversalThis is used to cancel a previous transaction within the last 30 days. Enter the transactionnumber to be canceled and press [REVERSAL]. The system will search for the transaction.If if is found, the L-POS will ask for confirmation to cancel the transaction. The Reversalbutton is not assigned to the default keyboard. Use Pos-Setup to assign the button.

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3.5 Discounts

L-POS allows on the fly discounting by either percentage or by dollar reduction. Discountfunctions can be programmed negative or positive. Account discounts can be assigned tospecific customers.

Item Discount [F6]

To use the preset item discount, enter a [PLU] and then press the [ITEM DISCOUNT] key. Ifthe [PLU] is discountable, the reduction will be removed. To use an open % discount, enterthe [PLU] , then enter the discount percentage and press [ITEM DISCOUNT].

Subtotal discount [Ctrl-F6]

To discount the total of the transaction use the [Subtotal Discount] button. This buttonremoves the discount from all discountable items within the transaction.

Note: You can assign as many different discount buttons as required and accumulateseparate totals for each of them.

3.6 Coupons

Coupons are used to reduce the transaction amount or to apply a coupon to a specific item.

Vendor coupon [Alt-F12]

Enter the coupon amount and press [Vendor Coupon].

Store coupon [F12]

Enter the coupon amount and press [Store Coupon].

Department coupon [F12]

Enter the coupon amount and press [Department Coupon]. The system will prompt you toselect the department from which the reduction will be removed.

Note: Coupon multiplication can be programmed in PosSetup to double, triple or to multiplyby any factor.

3.7 Suspend/Resume

This function allows a sale to be placed on hold and resumed. When you suspend a sale, itis later recalled by its special hold transaction number. The same key is used for bothsuspend and resume. To suspend a sale, press the [HOLD] key any time during the sale(hold is on [F2] on the PC keybd). An icon showing a hand will appear on the screen iconsarea. This means that a sale is on hold.

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To resume the sale press [HOLD]. When more than one sale has been placed on HOLD, alist of the ON HOLD transactions will appear. Select the transaction you want to recall andpress [HOLD]. That sale will be recalled. Notice that the receipt issued when the sale wasplaced on hold prints a bar code at the bottom. This receipt can be scanned back at anyterminal to recall the hold.

3.8 Customer Account transaction

L-POS can have customer accounts and full control of in-house charge accounts with agingreports and customer statements.

Account Store Charge

To make a sale to an account enter the customer account number and press [ACCOUNT #](the [ALT-F4] key on PC keybd). The L-POS will identify the customer and add the name tothe sale. Customers who have credit available can post charges. Press the [CHARGE] key(the [F4] key on PC demo.

Account payments

To accept a payment from a customer, enter the account number and press [ACCOUNT#].Then enter the payment amount and press the Received on Account [RA] button. Thenselect the payment type such as [CASH]. The account balance will be adjusted according tothe payment amount. RA may be made in same transaction as a sale.

Additional selections are available to customize the accounts operation such as automaticdiscount rate for the customer, price level, credit limit, etc. Use the accounts maintenancemenu in L-Boss to learn these settings.

Try using account number 1. It should be set up for Logivision with multiple contacts tochoose from. This means you can have accounts with detailed statements for which memberof the family, or company bought which items.

3.9 Receipt / Invoice print

Use the [Receipt ON/OFF] function to toggle the receipt printer status. An ICONrepresenting the receipt printer will appear in the Icons area of the POS screen when thereceipt is selected. Make sure the printer is ready with paper and On-Line. [Ctrl-F3] is thereceipt on/off toggle shortcut.

Use [Receipt Copy] to obtain a copy of the last sale. [F11] is the receipt copy shortcut.

L-POS can also print to full invoice when required. Simply press the [Print Invoice] key. Thedefault windows printer must be set in the printer set-up. You can customize the format ofthe invoice that is printed.

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4 Pos-Setup

The Possetup program allows you to modify the L-POS settings such as keyboard layout,screen design, peripherals and system settings such as tax rates, receipt headers, currencyexchange and many more.

You can access PosSetup.Exe several ways. When the L-POS is running use the mouse toclick on the L-POS text area in the General information bar across the top of the L-POStransaction entry screen. A pull-down menu will display the available options that can beused from that access point. They should be sufficient for demo purposes.

You can also access the PosSetup from the L-POS start menu. The program is called Setupfrom the Start menu. It can also be started directly from the Poswin folder by runningPossetup.Exe. L-BOSS also includes access to the PosSetup program under the Modulesoption on the L-BOSS main menu. Several options related to peripherals are not availablefrom the L-BOSS menu because the peripheral is not connected to the L-BOSS terminal. Itis recommended that you run Possetup from one of the L-POS terminals.

The complete help file for PosSetup can be found in C:\Poswin\Poshlp.chm

4.1 Button and forms

Used to adjust button color, touch screen settings, function properties and key positions fornormal keyboard use. From the L-POS screen, access the Possetup menu by clicking the L-POS text area on the general information bar on top of the POS screen.

Select Buttons & Forms.

4.1.1 Changing a function's properties

Let's assume you want to set Compulsory tender on the CASH button. If you read theprevious help topic and you are in the Button and forms programming your cursor shouldnow be on a list that says Button name at the top. This list contains all the buttons assignedto the touch screen or keyboard system you chose to install.

You can scroll down the list until you locate the button called [Tender=Cash] or you can typea few letters, such as TEN for tender. The cursor will reposition itself on the first occurrenceof TEN it locates. Now you can scroll down the rest of the way to the TENDER=CASHbutton. When you are there your screen will look something like this:

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Press the little hand icon to the right of the form to open the properties window for the Cashfunction. It will look like this. In the Properties window set the Compulsory tender flag. If youhave made this change by accessing PosSetup from within the L-POS transaction screenthe modification will be immediate in the next transaction on the lane. If you made thischange by calling Possetup from the start menu the change will not be effective until you doa Deploy all changes from the L-BOSS events menu.

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4.1.2 Assigning a button to keyboard

Let's assign the Cash Tender function to a new keyboard shortcut.

From Buttons & Forms locate the Tender=Cash button on the button name list.

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Press the Key icon on the upper tool-bar. This will open the Key Assignment window:

Now use the calculator to add a new position for the Cash key. The system will prompt youto depress a key location to used for Cash. If you press a keyboard shortcut alreadyassigned L-POS will warn you. You can either replace the existing button or assign cash to adifferent shortcut.

4.2 System settings

Access Pos-Setup > System to modify taxes, headers, currency exchange rates and manyother options that need to be personalized for your installation.

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4.3 Peripherals

Use this menu option to access settings for system peripherals such as printers, scanners,scales etc.

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5 Back office functions

These are commonly used functions executed on L-BOSS. Reref to the L-BOSS user guidefor detailed help.

5.1 Maintenance

Use the L-BOSS Maintenance application to add, modify or delete records from thedatabase. When you have opened the Maintenance you have access to all the files used bythe L-POS when items are sold. Access the PLU related tables from the PLU menu.Customer accounts are modified and added from the Accounts menu. Please refer to the L-BOSS help file for complete instructions on making database changes.

5.1.1 Changing a price

From the Maintenance application screen access [PLU].

The screen for the first item in the database will appear. Locate the item you want to modifyand access the price tab by clicking the tab.

Adjust the base price to the desired price. When the change is made and the (Post

changes) icon is pressed the Send to register icon will turn green. Click this icon to send

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the modified record to all on-line L-POS terminals immediately. You can make manychanges and send all the changes together by returning to the LBOSS>Events/tasks menuand selecting the Deploy all changes event.

All other modifications are performed in a similar method. Documentation is available in theL-BOSS help guide.

5.1.2 Adding a customer account

From the L-BOSS>Maintenance>Account menu select Clients. The top part of the Clientwindow contains information fields for the client. In the client number field enter the newaccount number. Fill in the data fields you want to track. The bottom part of the menudisplays information for the contacts that are part of this account. For example, the samefamily uses the account and you want to track activity for each memeber of the householdseperately. You can add multiple contacts by using the + icon on the toolbar in the contacttable area. Select the contact required flag of you want to force the cashier to choose thecustomer contact from a list when the account is called from the POS screen.

The field called risk level relates to another file opened from the Account menu option. It

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contains the fields L-POs uses to control credit limits and check privileges. Assign the clienta risk level from among those you have created.

The client level field relates to the shopper's price level and discount status. You need toassign a client level to the customer.

When you have completed the change for the customer press the Satellite icon todeploy the change to the POS terminals. You can make many changes and send all thechanges together by returning to the LBOSS>Events/tasks menu and selecting the Deployall changes event.

5.1.3 Adding an operator

Adding an operator is similar to adding an account. Open the Operator table by using theOperator button on the Maintenance main screen or from theMaintenance>Register>Operator menu. Enter a new number in the Operator # field. Fill inthe data you want to track. the Print name is what will show on the receipt when thisoperator uses the L-POS.

When you have completed the change for the operator press the satellite icon to deploythe change to the POS terminals. You can make many changes and send all the changestogether by returning to the LBOSS>Events/tasks menu and selecting the Deploy allchanges event.

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5.2 Reports

Reports are accessed through the L-Boss main menu by pressing Reports. Several reportscan be requested from an L-POS station to print on the POS printer if required.

5.3 Entry

The Entry module is used to create orders, receive, adjust and count inventory items. Entryalso includes the cashier Pick-up module to allow operators to perform deposits and declaremedia amounts. A detailed help system for the Entry module is available.

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5.4 Sending changes to L-POS

The event list is designed to provide access to some of the system functions usedrepeatedly or on a repeating and automatic cycle. The first event (Deploy all changes) canbe used any time you want to deploy all the changes made in L-BOSS to the L-POSterminals connected to the system.

5.5 View logs

The view logs option provides access to the message center, the log files, and to the systemchecks that ensure data integrity.

5.6 Journal

This function allows access to the sales journal as it was recorded. From the L-Boss menupress [JOURNAL]. Then select the appropriate day for viewing with the calendar. Press pagedown to advance, page up to return. The EJ includes a search engine to pinpoint informationquickly.

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6 Demo system limits

6.1 Communication in demo mode

Once the demo mode limit of $100.00 is reached the communication between the L-BOSS and the L-POS is unreliable. ome transaction data may be saved, other data may not be saved. Logivision hasplaced this restriction in the application to dissuade piracy. So if you are making transactions but nodata appears in reports or in the electronic journal you are probably in demo mode over the allowablelimit.

6.2 Reset demo totals

You must reset the report database totals once the demo limit of $100.00 is reached.

Open the LBOSS>File menu and select Execute command file.

In the explorer window select the "Report_blank.sql" command file.

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In the explorer window select the "Report_blank.sql" command file. Execute this file.

Once the command is complete (should be very quick) open the L-BOSS task menu. Select the"Deploy all changes" option to refresh the L-POS application.

The system should start communicating normally and save data until you have accumulated $100.00of transaction data.

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