L1 introduction

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Entrance Activity

• Go over to the Display

• WHAT do you notice about the themes & issues represented in the display?

• WHAT are your expectations for both texts?



Introduction to FM2 – Section B – ‘Borders and Identity’

Friday 30th January 2015

Unit FM2: Section A – Producers & Audience


Aims & Objectives

• YOU WILL be assessed on what you already know.

• YOU WILL re-cap some important areas as part of the last Exam Topic – FM2 – Section A

• YOU WILL be introduced to the next exam topic and the key areas of focus.

• Review the learning.

AO1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the film industry.

“The Troubles” – 1968 - 1998

http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/troubles Further Reading:

• The goal of the unionist and overwhelmingly Protestant majority was to remain part of the United Kingdom.

• The goal of the nationalist and republican, almost exclusively Catholic, minority was to become part of the Republic of Ireland.

FM2 – Section B – ‘Borders and Identity’

• Study at least two films• Focus on how macro elements of film – particularly

Narrative – construct meanings and raise issues• ‘Borders and Belonging’ - Concerned with Identity and

belonging in relation to a place which is called the United Kingdom but in which “British” is an increasingly contested term

• Focus on Migrants, as well as characters who question their attachment to or alienation from the idea of being “British”

‘In the Name of the Father’ (1993 – Dir. Jim Sheridan) ‘Hunger’ (2008 – Dir. Steve McQueen)

YOU MUST purchase a copy of these films in order to understand HOW “Britishness” is represented to the spectator.

Both films are available to watch on school on the Public Drive.

public$/Film & Media/_NCS Media/AS Film Studies/FM2 - Films

In the Name of the Father trailer Hunger Trailer

WHO do these men “Belong” to based on the trailers you’ve just watched? HOW do you think the spectators will view these characters?


Task 1) - 5 minutes


‘In the Name of the Father’ (19__ – Dir. J__ S_______)93 im heridan


YOU MUST visit the link above and Complete the ‘Conflict’ tasks.

Audience Positioning – Look around the room for Stuart Hall (1980) and analyse WHAT position were put in whilst watching the opening sequence of the text.

Task 1) - 15 minutes

What have you learnt?

YOU MUST Summarise the 2 Case Studies you’ve analysed today and the Exam topic into 1 Paragraph.

Extension – YOU COULD explain HOW “Belonging” and conflict is represented in EACH text, especially ITNOTF

HomeworkComplete a timed Essay Answer to this Question (50 minutes)

Due: 2 Lessons – Tuesday 3rd February

Research “The Troubles” and produce a 1-page Timeline summary of some of the key events surrounding this conflict.