La Bataille de Ligny II

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La Bataille de Ligny II

Règlements Exclusif Pour le Règlement de l’An XXX

et Le Règlement des Marie-Louise

2 La Bataille de Ligny

Copyright © 2016 Clash of Arms. March 26, 2017

All rules herein take precedence over any rules in the series rules,

which they may contradict.

Rules marked with an eagle or are shaded with a gray

background apply only to players using the Règlements

de l’An XXX.

NOTE: All references to Artillery Ammunition Wagons (AAWs,)

ammunition, ricochet fire, howitzers, grand charges and cavalry

skirmishers apply only to players using the Règlements de l’An



La Bataille de Ligny is a simulation of one of the opening battles

of the Waterloo campaign of 1815 fought between the Emperor

Napoléon and the bulk of the French L’Armée du Nord and Field

Marshal Blücher, commander of the Prussian Army of the Lower

Rhine. It simulates the Prussian attempt to stop the French army as

it plunges north towards Brussels, the Belgian capitol. It was here

Napoleon found his last victory.


Send questions or comments to the following address:

Clash of Arms Games

1804 Hoffmansville Road

PO Box 212

Sassamansville, PA. 19472-0212

Or email us at:

“Attention: Rules Questions Ligny”

Or check the La Bataille forums on Consimworld: or on


A complete game of La Bataille de Ligny includes the following


1. Four 34” x 22” maps

2. Four sheets of counters

3. One Series Rules book

4. One Exclusive Rules book

5. Charts

6. Two organizational displays

7. Game Turn Record Track


4.1 Walled Farms, Ancien Chateaux &


Special Structures… (Walled Farms, Ancien Chateaux and

Churches) are unassailable except at their gates/entranceways. Up

to 6 increments may assault such a hex (regardless of how large the

attacking unit actually is, only 6 parts/increments belonging to the

unit may assault).

Example: a battalion with 10 increments and a melee value of 25

assaults the hex. Only 6/10ths of the unit counts for its pre-melee

morale check, and 6/10ths of its melee strength can be used in the

melee. This particular unit would have a melee value of 15 (25/10

= 2.5, 2.5 x 6 = 15). All Churches, Walled Farms and Chateaus are

presumed to have at least one such aperture (some may have two).

Though the artwork for the gate may be difficult to spot at first

glance, only up to six increments may assault one of these

structures, and the assault must be made against the hex-side

indicated by the gateway (or entranceway if it is a church: The

entranceway to a church is always just beneath the steeple.) If the

structure has two gates then that hex may be assaulted by up to 12

increments, but the assaults must be against the hex-sides

containing the aperture, and only up to 6 increments may assault

each indicated hex-side.

Line of Sight: Walled Farms, Ancien Chateaux and Churches

(Special Structures) block line of sight.

Formation: A unit deployed in a Special Structure is considered en

Carre, though no square informational marker is used to designate


Stacking: A maximum of six (6) increments, or one battalion, may

deploy in a Special Structure. Only infantry may deploy in a

Special Structure. The battalion may have more than 6 increments

in it, but only 6 parts of that battalion will count for defense or fire

combat. A unit occupying a special structure hex is considered en

carre (in square). Skirmishers (units en tirailleur) may not occupy a

special structure hex.

Movement: Special Structure hexes block movement for all units

unless the units are moving to deploy in the hex. (See Movement

Chart), or if a road or trail transects the hex and the units are

moving to pass through it, and succeed in doing so. Exception: A

unit may end its movement in the hex if it is in road column since

the road column marker indicates the unit is deployed on the road

and not within the special structure itself. Units may not occupy a

special structure hex while employing Colonne de Route (see rule


Facing/Orientation: Units in a Special Structure have the same

facing/orientation as a unit is square.

Combat: The Fire Defense of a unit in a Special Structure is given

in the Fire Defense Chart. A unit defending in such a hex does not

make a pre-melee morale check. Up to six (6) increments per gate

may attack a Special Structure hex (some special structures may

have more than one gate). Units that assault a Special Structure hex

must rest in the hex adjacent to its gate(s). Units in the Special

Structure fire at 1/3 their increments times their Carre multiple, but

may make three fire attacks upon non-contiguous adjacent hex-

sides (see triangle diagram for Standard Rule 11.4.2).

Defending units do not disorder as a result of combat, they lose one

increment instead. Defending units do not rout (PGD) as a result of

combat; they surrender instead. Although a full battalion may

defend a Special Structure hex, only up to six increments of it may

be used in combat. For instance, if the occupying battalion has 9

increments, only 6/9ths of the melee value of the unit may be used.

Morale: Units deployed in a Special Structure have their morale

improved by six (6).

Zone d’ Influence: A unit in a Special Structure has a zone of

influence and may make up to three simultaneous fire attacks

during the Feu de Provoques (defensive fire) segment of the

Chronology of battle (see diagram under Carre and Combat,

Standard rules). This unit may fire up to 1/3 of its increments on

any one of these hexes, or all three if enemy units rest in each.

Units that voluntarily move or charge through this zone

d’Influence are subject to Feu de Chance. Again, this fire value is

1/3 of the Special Structure unit’s increments times its Carre


Battalion Integrity: No unit may be deployed in a Special

Structure and also in some other hex.

Clash of Arms Game 3

4.2 Chapels

Chapels are not churches (though they may look like a church,

chapels have brown roofing, not red). These small out of the way

places are only so large as to accommodate a passerby or family in

prayer. They are, then, smaller than a house and an otherwise

insignificant terrain feature. If no other dwelling is within the hex,

treat hexes containing a chapel as clear terrain. Chapels and

Wounded Leaders: Whenever a wounded leader returns to play, his

counter will start the turn of his return in the church or chapel

nearest to one of the units in his command that is also considered

in friendly territory.

4.3 The Chateau de la Paix

The walls of the Chateau de la Paix (in Fleurus) and its chateau are

unassailable except at the gate. Note that these masonry walls

completely surround the adjacent formal garden and the chateau.

The garden thus can be assaulted only through the adjoining hex

containing the chateau. Treat the Chateau de la Paix and its garden

as a Special Structure (6.1) for all intents and purposes. Units that

occupy its formal garden are also treated as if in square. The Ferme

de la Paix is immediately adjacent to the Chateau and considered a

separate structure altogether.

4.4 Mills/Moulin

Windmills are treated as Chapels. In other words, if there are no

other features in the hex treat them as clear terrain. The watermill

at Tongrinelle is different, however, and only up to 6 increments

may assault it; treat as a Special Structure (6.1) for all intents and


4.5 Sapeurs (Pioneers)

Whenever the force assaulting a Special Structure includes sappers

the odds in favor of the attacker will shift one

column. (In other words, a 2-to-1 attack

becomes a 2.5-to-1 attack; etc.) The sappers

must be included in the force of 6 increments

making the assault, their melee value used for

the assault (or portion thereof), and any

casualties incurred by the assaulting force

must see at least the first of them removed from the sapper unit.

4.6 Dwellings

There are two different degrees of dwelling hexes in the game:

Villages and Towns. Town hexes consist of buildings that are more

substantial than buildings in Village hexes. They are distinguished

from Village hexes on the map in that buildings in Town hexes

have red tile roofing. Buildings in Village hexes are primarily

roofed in brown thatch and wood shingle. Note that Special

Structures also have red tile roofing. Players should note that some

villages have town hexes, while the only town on the map, Fleurus,

has a few village hexes.

Line of Sight: Town hexes block line of sight, Village hexes do


Formation: Units voluntarily deployed in a Town hex must be

either in General Order or en Tirailleur. Units may deploy in any

voluntary formation when in village hexes. A unit deployed in line

or column in a village hex does not have flank hex sides. What

would otherwise be called a flank hex side if the unit were

deployed in line or column in clear terrain is considered a front hex

side. (See Standard Rules 9.31 and 9.33. What these diagrams

show as flank hexes are front hexes.) Units will have the same rear

hex sides, however, that they would have in clear terrain.

Village Hexes and Combat: Cavalry may charge into and through

village hexes, however, they do not receive their shock bonus if the

target of their charge is in a village hex, nor may they count the

village hex as one of the three hexes it needs to go in a straight line

in order to receive this shock bonus. The fire defense of a unit

deployed in a village hex is always 2 better than it would be in

clear terrain. In other words, a unit in line in clear terrain would

normally have the fire defense of 9. If it were in line in a village

hex it would have the fire defense of 11.

La Maison du Curé: Treat this hex in Ligny village as a town hex

for all intents and purposes.

For the major differences between Towns and Village hexes

consult the Movement, Stacking and Fire Defense Charts.

4.7 Villages and Fire

As mentioned above, Villages have brown

roofing whereas town hexes have red roofs.

Red roofing is primarily baked clay tile

impervious to fire, whereas brown roofing is

wooden shingle or thatch, very flammable.

Fire attacks conducted on or from hexes

consisting of brown roofs may result in the

hex catching fire. A Fire attack into a hex that results in a 65 or 66

on the dice will, in addition to whatever casualties this causes, see

the hex alight. A Fire attack from a hex that results in an 11 or 12

on the dice will, in addition to whatever casualties it causes, set the

hex alight. If Firing into a hex with artillery, however, upon

Village, Town or Special Structure hexes, and the firing player

states prior to executing this fire attack that his intention is to set

the hex alight, then any dice that results in a casualty will see the

hex on fire. Mark such a hex with a Fire marker provided in the

mix of counters. The number of hexes that can be set alight in a

scenario is limited to the number of Fire informational counters

provided in the mix.

Effects: If a hex is on fire it is uninhabitable. Units currently

deployed in a hex that is on fire must move from the hex in the

very next movement segment. Units that cannot move out of the

hex because they are out of command will Displace instead during

the first friendly movement segment (or Regroup Action Chit,

whichever comes first). Units that cannot displace rout PGD, units

that cannot rout PGD are surrendered. Fire lasts the length of the

scenario, and thus hexes that are on fire are prohibited terrain

thereafter. Fire may Spread: Every turn, on the hour (when Morale

Levels are determined) a player shall place the Howitzer Scatter

marker on the hex currently on Fire with the “1” position against

its northernmost hex-side. A die is rolled determining which

adjacent hex the fire communicates to. If the hex indicated by the

die roll is a village, town or special structure hex, and there are Fire

informational markers available, then that hex catches fire and

becomes prohibited terrain for the remainder of the scenario. (Note

that Special Structures and Town hexes can only catch fire via this

type of “communication.”)

4.8 Cultivated Ground

Cultivated ground is associated with hexes containing some type of

dwelling, whether in the hex itself or clustered around it. This is a

general term representing intense cultivation (more so than fields

of crops), kitchen gardens, fences, shade trees (felled or otherwise),

hedges, farm equipment, sheds and other small outbuildings...

essentially, anything that can get in the way by obstructing line of

sight and movement. Units do not employ General Order when in

Cultivated Ground. They may voluntarily deploy into Column,

Line, en Carre or en Tirailleur.

4.8.1 Cultivated ground and line of sight

A line of sight may be traced into but not through a cultivated

ground hex. (In other words, a unit can see what is in a cultivated

hex, but cannot see what is beyond it.) Cultivated ground therefore,

blocks LoS.

4.8.2 Cultivated ground and elevation

Any firing artillery unit that is up slope (on higher elevation) than

cultivated ground may fire into or beyond the cultivated ground


In other words, higher elevation negates the effects cultivated

ground has on a line of sight. Note that this is an exception to rule

13.2.a, and that the cultivated ground need not be closer to either

the target or firing hex for the LoS to be complete… the firing unit

just needs to be on higher ground than the cultivated hex.

4.8.3 Cavalry

Cavalry may charge into but not through Cultivated Ground.

Cavalry may not initiate a charge a cheval, reaction, or opportunity

charge from Cultivated Ground.

4 La Bataille de Ligny

4.8.4 Deployment

At the beginning of a scenario, infantry and artillery units that a

player elects to deploy in a Cultivated Ground hex may be

obscured from his opponent’s view by placing a blank counter on

top of it.

Cultivated Ground and Combat: Units so obscured may only be

fired upon by enemy units that are adjacent and deployed en

tirailleur. Infantry that assaults units so obscured have their pre-

melee morale check modified by -6 (for the worse) unless deployed

en tirailleur.

Removing Markers: Once a unit has been assaulted, regardless of

the outcome, the marker is removed from play. Once a unit moves

out of the cultivated ground, the marker is removed from play. A

unit may not move out of and then into an obscured hex and

maintain its obscured status, nor may players substitute one unit for

another beneath an obscured marker.

4.9 Sunken Roads and Hedgerows

Units deployed in these hexes are considered behind the terrain; or

in that Part most favorable for defense. Exception: Units that are in

road column. These units are considered in the depression. Also, if

a unit is attacked from both front and rear, one side of it is

obviously not behind the obstruction and should be considered in

clear terrain.

Road Column: These units will have a Fire defense of 16 unless

the fire attack comes from a direction perpendicular to the line

created by the road, in which case the unit will have a Fire Defense

of four (4). In other words, a sunken road protects a unit in Road

Column from every fire attack except ones that enfilade (flank) the

terrain feature.

All Other Formations: All other formations have their Fire

Defense improved by plus two (+2). Example: A unit in line will

have a fire defense of eleven. Again, if the fire attack enfilades the

natural defense of the hedge or sunken road the Fire Defense of the

hex is considered that of clear terrain.

Deployment: No unit may be deployed as if to straddle a sunken

road hex. In other words, a unit may not be in line or en Tirailleur

in such a manner that does not conform to the natural line created

by the terrain.

Movement: Artillery may not cross a sunken road hex. They may

move along the hex but never may end the move so as to be

considered to have crossed the obstacle. Cavalry and artillery may

not end their movement in such a hex unless deployed in Road

Column, in which case their orientation conforms to the contour of

the road.

Cavalry that charge and end their movement on a sunken road hex

rout. Cavalry may move and charge across a sunken road hex.

Cavalry that charges across a sunken road hex loses its shock

bonus, and will not be doubled for charging three hexes in a

straight line, regardless of when this may happen in the course of

the cavalry’s charge movement.

Combat: Defending units have their morale improved by three for

their pre-assault morale check if attacked from a hex or hexes that

are in defilade (not flanking) to the unit. Assaulting units have their

morale modified by minus six (-6) for this same check if not in

enfilade to the position to be assaulted (they are considered to be

attacking across the sunken road and not flanking the obstruction).

4.10 Ligny Bridges and Streams

As in Special Structures, but only up to 4 increments may count in

an assault across a bridged hex-side unless the stream it spans is

also fordable (crossable without the bridge), in which case the

number of increments is only limited by the type of hex the unit

attacks from and/or, into (see stacking limits). The stretch of Ligny

creek within the village of Ligny itself are the only such restrictive

hex-sides in the game reflecting the fact that the villagers over the

years had dredged the creek and reinforced its banks to prevent its

effluence during storms. Only Infantry and leaders may cross these

restricted stream hexes during voluntary movement. Infantry and

Cavalry that cross these hex-sides involuntarily automatically rout.

Artillery that is forced to attempt crossing these hex sides are

removed from play instead (the guns abandoned by their gunners).

(Note that in Rule 13 below an infantry unit assaulting across a

non-restrictive stream hex-side must have a minimum of three

movement points remaining to it after coming adjacent if it wishes

to mark the unit on the opposite bank for an assault. In the case of a

restricted stream hex-side the infantry unit must have a minimum

of 5 movement points remaining to it.)

4.11 Marsh Hexes

These hexes do not block Line of Sight. A unit in Disorder in a

Marsh hex may not attempt to recover good order during the

Reorganization Segment, it routs instead. A unit in PGD in a

Marsh hex may not attempt to recover good order. Cavalry is

voluntarily permitted in a marsh hex only if it is in skirmish order

or if it is in road column, it may occupy the hex if it is in rout

(PGD) but must move from a marsh hex if it has sufficient

movement points to do so.

4.12 Chevaux de frise (Barricades)

A cheval de frise defends only one side of a hex. If attacked

exclusively through this hex-side, up to six increments may make

the attack. If a hex containing a cheval de frise is captured by a

French force, the cheval de frise marker is considered destroyed

and removed from play. A cheval de frise does not block

movement of Prussian troops (they may pass as if the obstruction

was not there). Cheveaux de frise markers are deployed at the start

of the scenario and may not be moved throughout the length of the

scenario except to remove them from play. If manned (that is, the

hex it is occupying has Prussian troops in it) the cheval de frise

marker is placed on top of the unit and any leaders attending it.

Units making a pre-melee morale check while defending a cheval

de frise have their morale improved by 3 in addition to any other

modifiers (unless in General Order, of course). Units assaulting a

cheval de frise have their pre-assault morale check worsened by 6

in addition to any other modifiers. Units defending a cheval de

frise have their defensive fire multiple increased by 1 (one) so long

as they are being assaulted through the hexside blocked by the

marker. (A unit firing with a multiple of x2 would instead fire with

a multiple of x3). A unit making this same defensive fire attack

from General Order or Column will increase its fire value by half-

again as much. (A unit with a printed fire value of 6 would instead

fire a 9.).

4.13 Artillery Ricochet

Artillery fire which targets the following hexes terminates in them.

Ricochet fire may bounce into, but not through the following


Town hexes

Wood hexes

Marsh/Swamp hexes

Special Structures hexes

Upslope hexsides

4.14 Depots

4.14.1 French: The entry hex on the southern map edge in Fleurus.

4.14.2 Prussian: The entry hex on the eastern map edge marked à

Namur, the entry hex on the eastern map edge marked à Gembloux,

or the hex on the northern map edge near the eastern edge where

the Old Roman Road (Chaussée Romaine Ancìen) exits the map

and the 5 minor roads à Wavre.

Clash of Arms Game 5


The Organization and Display Charts reveal the command structure

of the armies. Refer to them as necessary.

Wounded Leaders That Return to Play: Whenever a wounded

leader returns to play, his counter will start the turn of his return in

the church or chapel nearest to one of the units in his command

that is also considered in friendly territory.

5.1 French

Napoleon has an “A” as a morale bonus. Any friendly unit stacked

with Napoleon that makes a morale check, or attempts to recover

good morale, will pass the check “Automatically.”

5.1.1 Command Points: There are two army leaders (Napoléon

and Grouchy) and four corps leaders (Vandamme, Gérard, Drouot,

and Mouton). Thus the French may receive up to six Command

Points when all six leaders are on the map.

5.1.2 MU Size: The largest MU that the French may create is a

Corps d’Armée.

5.1.3 Leader Casualties: Lebrun and Bertrand may replace any

line corps leader or divisional/ brigade leader for cavalry or

infantry from within the line or Imperial Guard. Corbineau or

Billarderie may replace any line divisional leader for infantry.

Dejean may replace any cavalry division leader. Roguet, Barrois or

Michel may replace any divisional leader within the Imperial

Guard or line infantry..

5.1.4 Independent Divisions: The 7th Division of the II Corps

(Girard’s division) is not part of the III Corps, though its proximity

to this Corps may make one think it is. It thus may not be part of

any MU created by Vandamme or any other Corps Leader. It is an

independent division and may be maneuvered only at the expense

of a Command Point. This also applies to the 4th Division of the I

Corps if it arrives from the west.

5.1.5 Leaders of Special Ability:

Artillery: • Napoleon

• L’ Comte Antoine Drouot

• Baron Desvaux de Saint-Maurice

Cavalry: • L’ Comte Milhaud

• Marshal, Le Marquis de Grouchy

5.1.6 Light Cavalry Leaders: The following cavalry leaders may

roll for initiative to form their own MU:

• I Corps: Jacquinot, Bruno, Gobrecht

• III Corps: Domon, Dommanget, Vinot

• IV Corps: Vallin

• I Cavalry Corps: Pajol, Soult, Saint-Laurent, Ameil, Subervie,

Colbert, Merlin

NOTE: As per series rule 8.5 Cavalry division leaders whose

brigade leaders are all light cavalry leaders can create a

divisional MU using Light Cavalry Initiative. Le Comte de Pajol: Pajol, commander of the French I

Reserve Cavalry Corps, has a self-activating CP ability even

though he is technically a corps commander (in 1813 his “corps”

would have been considered a division, such is the dearth of troops

available to Napoleon in 1815). However, pay close attention to the

first bullet in rule In other words, if Soult or Subervie are

within Pajol’s command span they may not also check for initiative

if Pajol attempts and fails to self-activate the corps. Likewise, if

Soult and Subervie fail their attempts to self-activate, Pajol may

not then roll his initiative and thus place them in active command.

The French player must declare unambiguously how he will go

about checking the initiative of this cavalry prior to doing so..

5.2 Prussians

5.2.1 Command Points: There is one Army Leader (Blücher) and

three Corps Leaders among the Army of the Lower Rhine (Ziethen,

Pirch, and Thielemann). If the Prussian IV Armeekorps enters the

game as a reinforcement; von Bülow will be a fourth Corps Leader.

Thus, if Bülow enters, the Prussians may receive up to five CPs

when all five leaders are on the map.

5.2.2 MU Size: The largest MU the Prussians may form is a


5.2.3 Leader Casualties: General lieutenant Graf Hochberg von

Baden may replace any Prussian infantry or Corps leader.

Lieutenant Colonel Count von Nostitz may replace any cavalry or

infantry Brigade commander.

5.2.4 Leaders of Special Ability: Artillery: None

Cavalry: • Feld Marshal Blücher (Furst von Wahlstadt)

5.2.5 Light Cavalry Leaders: The following light cavalry leaders

may roll for initiative to form their own MU:

• I Armeekorps: Lützow

• II Armeekorps: Sohr, Schulenburg

• III Armeekorps: Marwitz

• IV Armeekorps: Preussen, Schwerin, Watzdorf, Sydow

NOTE: As per series rule 8.5 Cavalry division leaders whose

brigade leaders are all light cavalry leaders can create a

divisional MU using Light Cavalry Initiative.

5.2.6 Prussian Infantry Brigade Commanders and Unattached


In addition to cavalry already attached to a Prussian brigade,

whenever a Prussian Infantry Brigade commander receives a

Command Point (CP) and he is stacked with cavalry belonging to

the same Korps as his brigade, the MU he may create may include

that cavalry regardless of those units already part of his brigade as

presented on the Organizational Display and scenario instructions.

Units already attached need only be within the leader’s command

span if that leader constitutes a MU. For instance, within the

Prussian II Corps, both the 5th and 7th Brigades already have

cavalry attached to them. Thus the commanders of those brigades

(Brause and Tippelskirch) need not stack with the cavalry for them

to be included in their MU. However, if these two leaders were to

be stacked with cavalry not so attached, then those too would be

included in their MU. Cavalry so commanded (but not attached) by

a brigade leader, if sent away from that leader, may not be

subsequently included in an MU created by that leader until they

once again become stacked with him, nor will they rally to him in

the Regroup Action Chit, but instead rally to their cavalry brigade


6 La Bataille de Ligny


6.1 Weather

6.1.1 Procedure: Beginning with the 3:00 PM turn and at the start

of each turn thereafter, players alternate rolling the dice to

determine the weather. On a roll of 11 to 14 a Thundershower is in

effect for that turn. Extent of a Thundershower: If a Thundershower occurs,

roll the dice again and consult the following chart to determine

which maps are affectedUnits that move from one Mapboard to

another suffer these effects accordingly and automatically upon

entering the affected map, or vice versa if leaving it..



11 - 23 Lingy NE

24 - 36 Ligny SE

41 - 53 Ligny SW

54 - 66 Ligny NW

6.1.2 Effects of a Thundershower Movement: All clear terrain costs are doubled for

movement. That is, if a unit performs an action in clear terrain that

would normally cost one movement point that action will now cost

two movement points. In addition, infantry may not Force March. Visibility: Visibility is reduced to five hexes.

Cavalry do not receive the shock benefit of charging three

hexes in a straight line. Cavalry do not receive the cavalry

charge bonus of five extra movement points.

Artillery may not initiate Fire Attacks at long range (six or

more hexes distant).

Units that are PGD may not attempt to reorganize

Infantry may not Force March Fire Combat: All infantry Fire Values are halved. Morale Recovery: Units that are PGD may not attempt to


6.2 Night

Darkness: starting with the 9:20PM turn, play on all 4 maps will

proceed as if a thundershower were taking place on all four maps.

6.3 Terminus Hex

The Terminus Hex for French units entering the road from Quatre-

Bras is Aux Trois Barettes. The Terminus Hex for Prussian units

entering from any road or trail hex is also the crossroads at Aux

Trois Barettes.

6.4 French Old Guard (Vieille Garde)

6.4.1 Old Guard Infantry: For purposes of all rules involving the

French Old Guard, the following eight battalions are considered to

be part of the Old Guard.

1er Régiment de grenadiers à pied

2e Régiment de grenadiers à pied

1er Régiment de chasseurs à pied

2e Régiment de chasseurs à pied

6.4.2 Old Guard Mounted Band: The mounted band of the Old

Guard (Musiciens à cheval de la garde) will modify the Morale

Check dice roll of any French unit that attempts to recover Good

Order from PGD by +9 (for the better) if the unit is within 4 hexes

of the band’s counter at the start of the Reorganization Segment.

NOTE: The Old Guard Mounted Band is considered to be a

cavalry unit. Ignore the Fire Value on its Printed side.

6.5 Prussian Unit Restrictions

6.5.1 Prussian Infantry and Line formation:

Prussian infantry (not Fusilier battalions or Schutzen companies),

that wish to enter Line may do so but must roll a die to determine

the number of movement points this formation change will require.


As each unit attempts to enter line roll a single die. The resulting

number is the number of movement points it takes for the

formation change. If this number exceeds the available movement

potential remaining to the unit, it must check morale. If it passes

this check it affects the formation change, but if it fails this morale

check it disorders and retreats three hexes. If a stack of Prussian

infantry attempts to change into line formation roll one die for each

unit in the stack. The highest die result is the movement point cost

for that stack. Leaders present with the units that wish to affect this

formation change will modify the die roll by 1 (one), however if

the unit/stack must subsequently check morale they apply the full

morale bonus of the leader. If the top unit in a stack fails this

morale check all units in the stack disorder and retreat three hexes

regardless of how the other units in the stack fared.

Only Prussian Fusilier Battalions and Schutzen Companies May

Enter Line Formation per the normal cost of one Movement Point.

Each regular infantry regiment has 3 battalions. The Fusilier

battalions can be identified by their “F” designations on the unit

counter. Fusilier battalions may also enter Tirailleur order if the

unit has a range of “2” printed on the back of the counter.

Prussian Landwehr Infantry Regiments, though they may have

three battalions, do not have one designated as Fusiliers, and none

may employ/enter Tirailleur Order. Several Prussian infantry

regiments, both regular and landwehr, have Jaeger companies. In

general these were men from the freiwillige companies who

volunteered in the national emergency and provided their own

weapons and leaders (as such they are highly motivated but not

particularly well trained). These companies may employ Tirailleur

Order but may not enter line. Exception: The 4 companies of the

Silesian Schutzen Battalion may enter both line and Tirailleur

Orders. These companies are found in the 1st Prussian Corps,

attached to Infantry Regiment #24, and the 3rd Infantry Brigade

commanded by Major General von Jagow.

6.5.2 Rifles:

Prussian Shutzen are armed with Rifles. These units have a range

of three (3) hexes. However, any fire attacks made at a range

greater than two hexes (adjacent +1) will see the fire value of the

attack halved.

Example: A Silesian Schutzen unit fires on an adjacent target. It

has 2 increments (it is in skirmish order) and a fire multiple of X4.

It will make the attack with a fire value of 8 (2 X 4=8). It would

have the same fire value at 2 hexes, but would fire with a value of 4

at a target three hexes distant. Any unit that incurs a casualty when

fired on in whole or in part by a Rifle unit (the Rifle unit combined

its fire with another unit) will check morale, and modify that

morale check by a -6 (for the worse). Also: Any enemy hex that is

the target of a fire attack initiated by a Rifle unit will incur a

leader casualty on any natural (unmodified) result ranging from

61—66 if there is a leader, or leaders in the target hex.

6.5.3 Schutzen and Jaeger Stacking:

These units do not require a leader present if stacking with other

companies or a battalion. Any number of companies may stack in a

single hex, and any number of companies may stack with a single

battalion in a hex without a leader present..

6.5.4 Landwehr Cavalry: Prussian Landwehr Cavalry must pass a

Morale check if they wish to declare a charge a cheval. Failure to

pass this check will see the unit not charge, but they do not rout as

a result. They may make this attempt once per turn. Prussian

Landwehr cavalry are considered light cavalry, not heavy cavalry,

regardless of their printed movement potential, and will not receive

the shock bonus for charging three hexes in a straight line.

6.5.5 Proximity of Involuntary Movement to Prussian


Whenever a friendly infantry unit executes involuntary movement

that starts adjacent, ends adjacent or moves adjacent to a Prussian

Landwehr infantry battalion, the landwehr infantry unit must check

morale. Failure to pass this check will see the landwehr unit

disorder, or if already in disorder it will desordre en seconde (rout

PGD). In other words, disorder and rout of Prussian units can be

contagious, with disorder spreading from one friendly unit to

another. If the Landwehr unit is currently marked as the target of

an assault it will -6 from this die-roll. Exception: Prussian

Landwehr in General Order, or in a Special Structure hex are

Clash of Arms Game 7

exempt from the effects of the proximity of friendly units that

execute involuntary movement in their vicinity, however landwehr

that are en carre are not.

Procedure: Once the unit that was moving involuntarily completes

its movement, all landwehr units it passed and came adjacent to

during this movement check morale as per the paragraph above. If

these units fail their morale checks, they too execute involuntary

movement (which in turn can cause other landwehr units to check


Cascading Effect: Units that have already retreated as a result of

failing this check could possibly be forced to check morale again in

the same phase and due to the same initial event if subsequent

landwehr units perform involuntary movement that comes adjacent

to them. (Note; Prussian players are advised to pay close attention

to how Bleucher used these brittle units as elaborated in the

Historical Commentary.)

6.6 Howitzer Battery

The Prussian I Armee Korps artillery contingent contains a

howitzer battery. Its short range fire value is 14 and its long range

fire value is 6. All howitzer rules apply to this unit.

6.7 Cavalry Skirmish Order

The row for cavalry skirmishers on the Fire Defense Chart applies

only to players using the Règlements de l’An XXX.

6.8 Artillery Ammunition

Normal artillery ammunition resupply rules apply to both the

Prussian and French field artillery units.

6.9 Armored Cavalry

The following units are Armored Cavalry:


IVe Corps de cavalerie de la Reserve/13

e Division

1er Régiment de cuirassiers

4e Régiment de cuirassiers

7e Régiment de cuirassiers

12e Régiment de cuirassiers

IVe Corps de cavalerie de la Reserve/14

e Division

5e Régiment de cuirassiers

6e Régiment de cuirassiers

9e Régiment de cuirassiers

10e Régiment de cuirassiers

6.10 Grand Batteries & Howitzers

In addition to being able to fire during the Artillery Action Chit a

grand battery may make howitzer attacks. For every three batteries

in a Grand Battery (GB) one howitzer attack may be made (if there

are six batteries in a GB, then two howitzer attacks may be made

by that GB); etc. The intended target of a GB howitzer attack must

be within the long range of each of the firing batteries (thus the

three firing batteries could consist of two batteries with a range of

7, and one of a range of 8 or 11, so long as the target hex is within

7 hexes of all of them). For long range fire attacks the intended

target need not be within the Line of Sight of any of the firing

batteries, The attack is made with the fire attack value of the

averaged maximum ranged fire attack value of each of the firing

batteries (if each of the firing batteries has a maximum range fire

strength of 4, then the fire attack value is 4). Grand batteries make

howitzer fire attacks in addition to direct fire attacks they make

during the Artillery Action Chit or Offensive Fire phase. Batteries

in groupings need not be stacked or adjacent to one another when

making a howitzer attack, they only need to belong to the same

Grand Battery. (The French player should pay particular attention

to his potential for making several grand batteries, and that each be

distinct from one another in order to avoid confusion.) Grand

battery howitzer attacks do not consume any extra ammunition in

and of themselves. A GB only expends ammunition when making

a direct fire attack. In other words, if the GB only makes a

howitzer fire attack its batteries do not expend ammunition,

however, if it uses its long guns to make a fire attack then it does

expend ammunition regardless of whether or not it also made a

howitzer attack.

7.0 Bülow and the Prussian IV Corps

One of the many “what ifs” concerning the 1815 campaign in

Belgium involves the Prussian chief of Staff, von Gneisenau, and

his orders for the IVth Corps after initial contact had been made

with the French the morning of June 15th. At least some of this

corps could have reached the banks of Ligny Creek on the 16th had

these orders been couched differently (see Historical

Commentary). If agreeable to both sides the following

reinforcement becomes available to the Prussians during the Grand

Battle scenario. (Note that these formations could help balance an

apparent disparity in skill between players of the two sides,

assuming the less skilled players have the Prussians.)

One hour after the turn in which the first fire attack has been

performed by any artillery unit a Prussian Player designated by the

French side rolls the dice and applies the following result:

Enter: Any hex on the northern map-edge East of and including

the hex adjacent to Geronviller St. Jean. Dice Result:

11-15: IV Korps Cavalrie

Furst Wilhelm von Preussen

1st Cavalry Brigade Colonel v. Schwerin

6th Hussars

10th Hussars

1st West Prussian Uhlans

16-23: 2nd Cavalry Brigade

Lt. Colonel v. Watzdorff

8th Hussars

Reitende Battery #1

24-36: 3rd Cavalry Brigade:

Count Bülow v. Dennewitz

Major General v. Sydow

1st Neumark Landwehr Cavalry

2nd Neumark Landwehr Cavalry

1st Pommeranian Landwehr Cavalry

2nd Pommeranian Landwehr Cavalry

1st Silesian Landwehr Cavalry

41-54: IV Korps Staff and Assets

General of Infantry Count Bulow, Graf v. Dennewitz

Major General v. Valentini

2nd Silesian Landwehr Cavalry (from 1st Cav Brigade)

Reitende Battery #11 (from Korps Artillerie)

3rd Silesian Landwehr Cavalry (from 1st Cav Brigade)

Reitende Battery #12 (from Korps Artillerie)

55-56: 13th Infantry Brigade:

Lt. General v. Hake

Infantry Regiment #10 (F, 1st & 2nd btns)

2nd Neumark Landwehr Infantry (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns)

3rd Neumark Landwehr Infantry (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns)

6pdr Batterie a Fuss #2 (from Korps Artillerie)

61-62: 14th Infantry Brigade:

Colonel v. Funck

Infantry Regiment #11 (F, 1st & 2nd btns)

1st Pommeranian Landwehr (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns)

2nd Pommeranian Landwehr (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns)

6pdr Batterie a Fuss#11 (from Korps Artillerie)

63-64: 15th Infantry Brigade:

Major General v. Losthin

Infantry Regiment #18 (F, 1st & 2nd btns)

3rd Silesian Landwehr (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns)

4th Silesian Landwehr (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns)

6pdr Batterie a Fuss #13 (from Korps Artillerie)

65: 16th Infantry Brigade:

Colonel v. Hiller

Infantry Regiment #15 (F, 1st & 2nd btns)

1st Silesian Landwehr (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns)

2nd Silesian Landwehr (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns)

6pdr Batterie a Fuss #14 (from Korps Artillerie)

66: IVth Corps Artillery Reserve:

Major General v. Braun

8 La Bataille de Ligny

12pdr Batteries a Fuss #21

The 6pdr Fuss and Reitende are detached

A Prussian Player designated by the French side will roll once each

hour for the remainder of the game. If the units designated by this

roll have already entered the game as a result of a previous roll, no

units enter that hour. Designated units enter at the start of the

Prussian Maneuver segment of the Chronology of Battle. Each roll

is made at the start of each turn, three turns after the last dice roll.

Note: If the French player(s) reroute any units of the following

formations onto the Ligny battlefield from the field of honor destiny

had chosen for them, the above rule is automatically in effect:

1. The French I Corps (D’Erlon) other than units already slated

to arrive.

2. The French Imperial Guard Light Cavalary Division


3. The French 3rd Reserve Cavalry Corps (Kellerman).

8.0 La Bataille de Quatre Bras

Both La Bataille de Ligny and La Bataille des Quatre Bras are

designed so that they may be joined together and played

simultaneously. Persons who own both games will note that the

“Quatre-Bras” map runs from south to north whereas the “Ligny”

maps run lengthwise from east to west. Use the following guide

when arranging them for joint play.

Units may move freely from one game map to the next paying their

normal cost in movement potential. All Reinforcements will enter

the game as indicated by their respective Grand Battle Scenarios,

with these exceptions:

1. The French I Corps (D’Erlon)

2. The French Imperial Guard Light Cavalry Division (Lefebvre-


3. The French III Reserve Cavalry Corps (Kellerman)

Napoleon may shift the hex of entry for any of these formations or

bring the Light Cavalry of the Guard from their current position on

the Quatre Bras field. To do so Jean-Louis de Crabbe, Colonel and

ADC must exit the Ligny S.W. map between Mellet and Villers

Perwin prior to the time the units in question are scheduled to enter

(the turn before). This aide-de-camp must be designated as having

this special brief and must begin this designated move stacked with

the Napoleon counter. The movement potential of Colonel Crabbe

is increased by five (5) points for the duration of this mission. A

numerical information marker must accompany the aide indicating

which formation(s) are to be rerouted (#1= D’Erlon, #2 Lefebvre-

Desnouettes, #3 = Kellerman or any combination thereof).

Rerouted formations enter as scheduled anywhere between the

hamlets of Mellet and Villers Perwin on the Ligny S.W. map edge.

Upon completing this mission Colonel Crabbe joins Marshal Ney’s


Exception: the Guard Light Cavalry may directly exit the Quatre

Bras map onto the adjacent Ligny map. If diverted these

formations must be diverted en toto, in that no part of 1, 2, or 3

above may be excluded from the whole of the rerouted formation.

9.0 Scenario 1: GIRARD’S ASSAULT

June 16, 1815 2:40PM – Historical

Aided by the poor distribution of the Prussian brigades, Girard’s

single division was able to tie down nearly half of the Prussian 1st

Corps. By forcing Blücher to exhaust his infantry reserves in such

a manner, when Ligny finally fell there was nothing left to prevent

the egress of the Guard onto the Bussy Height but cavalry. This is

my interpretation of the fight here, since, had the Prussians

actually held the village, and d’Erlon’s unexpected appearance not

delayed the assault of the guard by roughly two hours, the

Prussians in the village would have been pocketed and taken

prisoner during the night, since I posit that the Guard would have

taken Brye in that extra time, cutting off their escape. As it was

then, all Girard had to do was tie them down, not secure the

village. This is a good introductory scenario.

9.1 Play Area

Use only the South-West map. No units may enter Wagnelée or

Saint-Amand le Chateau. Consult the North-West map for the

location of the village of Brye and where it extends into the playing


9.2 Time

The scenario begins with the 2:40PM turn and concludes with the

end of the 6:00PM turn.

9.3 Weather

Clear for the duration of the scenario.

9.4 Special Rules

9.4.1 Command: The French receive 1 CP each turn. The

Prussians receive 1 CP each turn.

9.4.2 Rout: Units that rout off the map are out of play for the

remainder of the scenario.

9.4.3 Prussian 3rd Infantry Brigade

No units of the Prussian 3rd Infantry Brigade, once deployed, may

move voluntarily. French units may not melee or fire upon this

Brigade (they are considered fixed in place by Lefol’s 8 Division.)

Prussians may only activate reinforcements by brigade, and only

when the conditions of their activation are met; see below.

9.5 Victory

The French win by holding at least five hexes of St. Amand La

Haye at the end of the scenario (essentially no Prussian units in the

majority of its hexes; there are eight of them). The Prussians win a

Significant Victory by holding the majority of the hexes of St.

Amand La Haye without committing the 2nd Infantry Brigade.

They win an Insignificant Victory by holding the majority of these

hexes at the end of the scenario. Each side failing in their

objectives shares defeat.

9.6 Prussian Deployment

The Prussians set up first.

St. Amand Le Chateau (in dwelling or cultivated hexes within

three hexes of the church)::

3. Infanterie-Brigade, I. Armee-Corps (part) 29th Infantry Regiment (1st & 2nd btns & jäger det only)

3rd Regiment Westphalian Landwehr (1st & 2nd btns only)

Silesian Rifle Battalion 1st Company

4th Company is detached in the Chateau Ancien

Deploy in any dwelling hex or cultivated hex of Saint-Amand la


1. Infanterie-Brigade, I. Armee-Corps (part) Generalmajor Karl Friedrich Franziskus von Steinmetz

12th Infanterie-Regiment (F, 1st & 2nd btns & Jä det)

2nd & 3rd Kompanies Silesian Rifles

3. Infanterie-Brigade, I. Armee-Corps (part) 3rd Regiment Westphalian Landwehr (3rd btn only)

Clash of Arms Game 9

St. Amand La Haye (within 5 hexes of any village hex but on the

opposite bank of Ligny creek within 6 hexes of the windmill):

I. Armee-Corps staff Generallieutenant von Zieten II

3. Infanterie-Brigade, I. Armee-Corps (part) 24th Infantry Regiment (F, 1st & 2nd btns & Jä dets)

1st Regiment Westphalian Landwehr (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns)

6pdr Batteries a Fuss #15 (I Korps Artillery)

St. Amand Le Hameau (any dwelling or cultivated hex within one

hex of the crossroads)

2. Infanterie-Brigade, I. Armee-Corps (part) 28th Infantry Regiment (Fusilier btn & Jä det only)

(The Fusilier battalion begins with 5 increments lost)

9.7 French Deployment

Deploy no closer than 6 hexes and no greater than 10 hexes from

Saint-Amand le Hameau.

7e Division d’Infanterie, II

e Corps d’armée

Général de division Jean-Baptiste Girard, Baron de l’Empire

11e Régiment d’infanterie légère (1e & 2e btns)

82e Régiment d’infanterie de ligne (1e & 2e btns)

12e Régiment d’infanterie légère (1e, 2e & 3e btns)

4e Régiment d’infanterie de ligne (1e & 2e btns)

3e Cie /2e Régiment d’artillerie à pied

9.8 Prussian Reinforcements

This brigade may only be activated if the French take (are the last

to occupy) five dwelling hexes belonging to St. Amand LaHaye.

Brye (within two (2) hexes of the windmill):

Army Staff (part) General feldmarschall Fursst Blücher von Wahlstatt

2. Infanterie-Brigade, I. Armee-Corps (part) General von Pirch II

6th Infantry Regiment (F, 1st & 2nd btns & Jä det)

28th Infantry Regiment (1st & 2nd Btns only)

2nd Regiment Westphalian Landwehr (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns)

**** (the 3rd Battalion begins with 4 increment losses)

10.0 Scenario 2: THE ASSAULT ON


June 16, 1815 2:20PM – Historical

The struggle for Ligny village ranks among the most heroic and

bloody events of the Napoleonic era. Casulaties were horrendous,

and the valor displayed by the participants, both Prussian and

French, was only equaled two days later at Plancenoit, or at

Mockern, two years before.

10.1 Play Area

Use only the South-West and South-East maps. Units may not

maneuver North-East of the Bois du Laup or SouthWest of the first

fork in Ligny Creek in the direction of St. Amand Le Chateau.


The scenario begins with the 2:20PM turn and ends with the

conclusion of the 5:40PM turn.

10.2 Weather

As per the Weather rule (E6.1), but with the weather dice roll

modified by -6. An ensuing thundershower will effect only the

South-East map.

10.3 Special Rules

10.3.1 Command: The French receive one CP per the presence of

Corps commander General of Division, Count Gerard. The

Prussians receive one CP in the person of General feldmarschall

Fursst Blucher von Wahlstatt (stack him with Pirch II).

10.3.2 Rout: Units that rout off the map are out of play for the

remainder of the scenario.

10.4 Victory

The French win by capturing and holding the Ferme d’en Bas and

at least three village hexes of Ligny village on the North (left) bank

of Ligny Creek by the 5:40PM turn, and controlling the church, the

Ferme d’en Haut, the Masion de le Curé and the Chateau Ancien

on the South (right) bank. (See page 18 for named locations)

The Prussian win by controlling all dwelling hexes of Ligny village

on the North (left) bank of Ligny Creek and at least one of these

named places on the South (right) bank.

10.5 Prussian Deployment

The Prussians set up first.

In any dwelling or cultivated hex associated with the village of


I Armee Korps/4th

Infantrie Brigade (part):

19th Regiment der Infantrie (Fusilier & 1st btns only)

4th Regiment Westphalian Landwehr (1st & 2nd btns & Jäger


3x Cheval de Frise markers

(in the Chateau Ancien):

3. Infanterie-Brigade, I. Armee-Corps (part) Silesian Rifle Battalion 4th Company

Sart Mollet (within one hex of the chapel):

I Armee Korps/4th

Infantrie Brigade (part):

Obersst von Schutter

19th Regiment der Infantrie (2nd Battalion only)

4th Regiment Westphalian Landwehr (3rd Battalion only)

6pdr Batteries a Fuss #7 (I Korps Artillery)

6pdr Batteries a Fuss #8 (I Korps Artillery)

Moulin de Bussy (within 3 hexes of the “Mill”):


Infantry Brigade (part) General von Pirch II

6th Infantry Regiment (F, 1st & 2nd btns & Jäger det)

28th Infantry Regiment (1st & 2nd Battalions only)

The rest of the 28th is in St. Amand Le Hameau.

2nd Regiment Westphalian Landwehr (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns)

****(the 3rd Battalion begins with 4 increment losses)

10 La Bataille de Ligny

The Heights (within 5 hexes of the northern map edge, within 6

hexes of Sart Mollet, and within 9 hexes of the Moulin de Bussy):

General v. Treskow II brigade of cavalry may not move unless

activated. This brigade is activated if a French infantry unit enters

clear terrain on the north (left) bank of Ligny creek that is farther

than two hexes from any dwelling or cultivated ground associated

with the village.


Kavalrie Brigade/1 Armee Korps (part) General v. Treskow II

2nd Dragoon Regiment

5th Dragoon Regiment is at the Tombe de LIgny

4th Hussar Regiment

3rd Uhlan Regiment

The Heights (within 10 hexes of both the Ancien Chateau de Ligny

and the church of St. Amand le Chateau, but no closer than within

4 hexes of Ligny creek): All batteries start unlimbered.


Infantry Brigade (part) General von Jagow

7th Infantry Regiment (F, 1st & 2nd btns)

29th Infantry Regiment (Fusilier Battalion only)

Korps Artillery Reserve (part) General von Holtzendorff

12pdr. Batteries a Fuss #2

12pdr. Batteries a Fuss #9

7pdr Howitzer Batterie #1

6pdr. Batteries a Fuss #1

6pdr. Batteries a Fuss #3

10.6 French Deployment

These reinforcements may be deployed during the Reinforcement

Chit of the 3:00PM turn or any turn thereafter.

Ligny (at least 5 hexes, but no more than 10 hexes away from the

nearest dwelling or cultivated hex associated with the village):

The Army of the Moselle staff:

General of Division, Count Gerard

General of Brigade Chevalier St. Remy, ADC


Infantry Division, IV Corps de l’Armee

General of Division, Baron Pecheux

Régiment de ligne #30 (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns)

Régiment de ligne #96 (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns)

Régiment de ligne #63 (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns)

Régiment de ligne #6 (3rd btn only) Legere

2nd cie/5th Artillery a pied


Infantry Division, IV Corps de l’Armee General of Division Baron Vichery

Régiment de ligne #59 (1st & 2nd btns)

Régiment de ligne #76 (1st & 2nd btns)

Régiment de ligne #48 (1st & 2nd btns)

Régiment de ligne #69 (1st & 2nd btns)

1st company/5th Artillery a pied

Artillery Reserve of the IV Corps:

4th companies/5th Artillery a pied

5th companies/5th Artillery a pied

3rd company/3rd Artillery a Cheval

10.7 Reinforcements

(May not be placed on the map until activated):

Prussssian: Bois du Laup (on the northern map edge west of the

named woods. This brigade may only be activated if the French

take [occupy] le Ferme d’en Bas or two village hexes on the west

bank of Ligny Creek.):

II Armee Korps/6th

lnfantrie Brigade: General von Krafft

9th Regiment der Infantrie (F, 1st & 2nd btns & Jä det)

26th Regiment der Infantrie (F, 1st & 2nd btns & Jä det)

1st Regiment Elbe Landwehr (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns)

French: (may activate anytime after the 3:00 P.M. turn)

Ligny/Boignee (at least 12 hexes away from Ligny, but no

more than 16 hexes away from Boignee):


Infantry Division, (part/ 1st Brigade)

Régiment de Leger #9 (1st & 2nd btns)

Régiment de ligne #111 (1st & 2nd btns)

Clash of Arms Game 11

11.0 Scenario 3: THIELEMANN’S


June 16, 1815 5:40PM – Historical

The unanticipated appearance of d’Erlon’s I Corps on

Vandamme’s flank forced Napoleon to send Subervie’s cavalry

division to reinforce his left, and delay his decisive thrust with the

guard. Until this mass of troops could be identified the whole of the

French left hesitated. Sensing this change Blücher threw together a

scratch force and retook the St. Amands (see Scenario 1 where

Blücher leads the brigade of Pirch II into the fray) while

Thielemann, seeing Subervie leaving his front, contributed to this

effort by launching some cavalry and infantry across Ligny Creek.

11.1 Play Area

Use only the South-East map. Units must remain within the area

designated by the Fleurus/Pont du Jour highway, and may not

maneuver more than 6 hexes to its north and west, nor 12 hexes

from its south and east. Units may not cross Ligny Creek while in

good order.

No unit or leader of the 14th Infantry Division may move except to

change formation unless the division is activated. The 14th Division

activates when any part of it that is present in the scenario is

charged, assaulted or fired upon by a Prussian unit.

11.2 Time

The scenario begins with the 5:40PM turn and ends with the

conclusion of the 7:20PM turn.

11.3 Weather

The weather is clear for the duration of the scenario.

11.4 Special Rules

11.4.1 Command: Each side receives one command point. Pajol,

von Hobe, Soult and von Marwitz may attempt to self-activate by

rolling for initiative, however, if they fail they may not be given

the CP available to their side.

11.4.2 Rout: Units that rout off the map are out of play for the

remainder of the scenario.

11.5 Victory

If the French activate the 6th Cavalry Division and do not capture

the bridge over the Ligny creek at Mont Potriaux by the end of the

scenario, the Prussians win a marginal victory. For the French to

win there must be no Prussian cavalry on the “French” side of

Ligny Creek at the end of their half of the 7:20PM turn. For the

Prussians to win a major victory they must achieve a two-to-one

ratio in cavalry in good order by the end of the 7:20PM turm, on

the “French” side of Ligny Creek.

11.6 Prussian Deployment

Mont Potriaux (within 8 hexes of its grand farm but on the

“French” side of Ligny Creek):


Cavalry Brigade/ III Korps Reserve Cavalry Major General v. Hobe

Colonel v. Marwitz

7th Uhlanen

8th Uhlanen

6pdr. Reitende Batteries #19 (III Kcorps Artillery)


Cavalry Brigade Colonel v. Lottum

7th Dragoons

9th Hussars

5th Uhlans

6pdr. Reitende Batteries #18 (III Kcorps Artillery)


Brigade/ III Korps (part) General von Borcke

30th Regiment der Infantrie (1st & 2nd Battalions only)

11.7 Deployment French (set up first, move


Ligny (Place General Hulot in the center of a triangle formed by

Ligny village, the farm at Mont Potriaux, and a point along the

Fleurus/Pont du Jour highway that is equidistant from them. His

division begins within two hexes of his leader counter.):


Infantry Division/IV Corps (part): General of Brigade, l’Baron Hulot de Mazerny

Régiment de ligne #44 (1st & 2nd btns)

Régiment de ligne #50 (1st & 2nd btns)

9th Légère and 111th Ligne are fighting at Ligny

3rd company/5th Artillery a pied

Boignee (within 15 hexes of the village but within 8 hexes of the



Reserve Cavalry Corps General of Division Count Pajol


Cavalry Division (part) General of Division Baron Pierre-Benoit Soult

4th Hussars

5th Hussars

1st company/1st Artillery a Cheval

(Note that the 1st Hussars are on detached duty this day and

not present for the battle of Ligny)

Balatre (within 20 hexes of the village but no further than 12 hexes

from the highway):


Reserve Cavalry Corps General of Division Count Exelmans


Cavalry Division

General of Division Chevalier Stroltz

5th Dragoons

13th Dragoons

15th Dragoons

20th Dragoons

11.8 Reinforcements: French

Ligny (within 7 hexes of the village, upon activation):


Cavalry Division/IV Corps (part) General of Division, Baron Maurin

6th Régiment of Hussars

8th Chassuers a Cheval

12 La Bataille de Ligny

12.0 Scenario 4: LA BATAILLE DE


June 16, 1815 – Historical

This is the Grand Battle scenario and represents the historical

battle. All four maps are used. Use all charts, and rules found in

this update that are not specific to another scenario. The Prussian

player sets up first, and the French player should leave the room

during this time so that the Prussian player can better avail himself

of the “obscured” rules while he sets his units up.

Note that some units are shown as being in different formations

than what is shown on the Organizational Displays that came with

the original game.

12.1 Time

This scenario begins with the 1:00PM turn and ends with the

10:20PM turn. Darkness: starting with the 9:20PM turn, play on all

4 maps will proceed as if a thundershower were taking place on all

four maps. See Weather below

12.2 Victory Conditions


French Decisive:

No Prussian Infantry in good order (or belonging to a corps not on

Level III, west or north of the old Roman road “Chasse Romain

Ancien/Via Brunhilde,” with at least elements of French cavalry

in Marbais, Marbijoux and Tilly at the end of the game. Or, put

two Prussian Corps on Level III and kill or capture Feldmarshal


French Overwhelming:

Place one Prussian Corps on Level III and one other Prussian Corps

on at least Level II, and control (either occupying each hex or

occupying some, while the remainder are free of enemy units in good

order) Aux Trois Barettes and the chapel of Au Venerable at the end

of the game.

French Victory:

Place one Prussian corps on Morale Level III and control the

following population centers by the end of the game: Fleurus,

Ligny, the Saint-Amands, Wagnelée, and the Moulin de Bussy.

Prussian Victory:

Have at least disputed (have units in good order occupying some

of the hexes therein) control of four of the population centers

mentioned in the previous victory condition, and have no more

than one corps on Level III.

Prussian Overwhelming:

Have disputed (have at least one unit in good order in a so named

dwelling hex) control of at least six of the following population

centers by the end of the game: Fleurus, Ligny, the St. Amands,

Wagnelee, Brye, Sombreffe, Marbais, Mont Portraix, and have no

more than one corps on Level III..

Prussian Decisive:

Kill or capture Napoléon 1er, Empereur of the French.

Note: If at the end of the game a unit cannot move its entire

movement potential without having to enter an enemy Zone of

Influence, then it is considered surrounded. Surrounded units may

not be considered in good order when meeting the victory

conditions above.

12.3 Weather

As per the Weather rule (E6.1).

12.4 Command

As per the Command rule (E5.0).

12.5 Prussian Deployment

Prussians (set up first, move second)

Moulin de Bussy (within two hexes of “the mill”):

The Royal Prussian Army of the Lower Rhine General feldmarschall Fursst Blücher von Wahlstatt

General lieutenant Graf von Gneisenau

General lieutenant Graf Hochberg von Baden

Major General von Grolman

Major Graf von Nostitz ADC

Major Stosch, ADC

Major Friedrich Wilhelm von Brunnech is detached to I Korps

Moulin de Bussy (within five hexes of “the mill”):

I Armee Korps Generallieutenant von Zieten II

Oberstleiutenant von Reiche

I Armee Korps Cavalrie (staff) Generallieutenant von Roeder

1st Kavalrie Brigade/1 Armee Korps

Generalmajor v. Treskow II

2nd Dragoon Regiment

5th Dragoon Regiment is detached to Tombe Ligny

4th Hussar Regiment

3rd Uhlan Regiment

6pdr Reitende Batterie #7 (from I Korps Artillery)

6pdr Reitende Batterie #10 (from I Korps Artillery)

Brye (within 3 hexes of any dwelling hex):


Kavalrie Brigade/1 Armee Korps Oberstlieutenant v. Lutzow

1st Kurmark Landwehr Kavallrie

2nd Kurmark Landwehr Kavallrie

Westphalan Landwehr Kavallrie

6th Uhlan Regiment is detached to Tombe Ligny

Tombe de Ligny (within 2 hexes):

Major Friedrich Wilhelm von Brunnech (from the Army staff)

5th Dragoon Regiment (from 1st Brigade)

6th Uhlan Regiment (from 3rd Brigade)

6pdr Reitende Batterie #2 (from I Korps Cavalrie)

Moulin de Bussy (within 3 hexes of the “Mill”):

The 2nd

Infantrie Brigade General von Pirch II

6th Infantry Regiment (F, 1st & 2nd btns & Jä det)

28th Infantry Regiment (1st & 2nd Battalions only)

2nd Regiment Westphalian Landwehr (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns)

****(the 3rd Battalion begins with 4 increment losses)

St. Amand Le Chateau (in any dwelling or cultivated hex):

I Armee Korps/3rd

Infantrie Brigade 29th Infantry Regiment (1st & 2nd btns & Jä det only)

3rd Regiment Westphalian Landwehr (1st & 2nd btns & its Jä


Silesian Rifle Battalion 1st Company

St. Amand Le Hameau (any dwelling or cultivated hex within one

hex of the crossroads):

I Armee Korps/2th

Infantrie Brigade (part) Infantry Regiment #28 (Fusiiler btn & Jä Det only)

******(the Fusilier btn of 28th begins with 6 increment


St. Amand La Haye (any dwelling or cultivated hex)::

I Armee Korps/1st Infantrie Brigade (part)

12th Infantry Regiment (Fusilier, 1st & 2nd btns & Jä det)

2nd Kompanies/Silesian Rifles

3rd Kompanies/Silesian Rifles

3rd Regiment Westphalian Landwehr (3rd btn only) (3rd


St. Amand La Haye/Wagnelee (within 9 hexes of the church in

Wagnelee but within 4 hexes of the northernmost dwelling hex of

St. Amand la Haye, but on the opposite bank of Ligny creek fom

that village):

I Armee Korps/1st Infantrie Brigade (part)

Major General v. Steinmetz

24th Infantry Regiment (F, 1st & 2nd btns)

Clash of Arms Game 13

1st Regiment Westphalian Landwehr (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns & Jä


6pdr Batteries a Fuss #15

Ligny (in any dwelling or cultivated hex associated with the


I Armee Korps/4th

Infantrie Brigade (part) 19th Regiment der Infantrie (Fusilier & 1st btns)

4th Regiment Westphalian Landwehr (1st & 2nd btns & Jäger


3x Cheval de Frise markers

(in the Chateau Ancien):

Silesian Rifle Battalion 4th Company (from 3rd Brigade)

Sart Mollet (within one hex of the chapel):

I Armee Korps/4th

Infantrie Brigade (part) Obersst von Schutter

19th Regiment der Infantrie (2nd btn only)

4th Regiment Westphalian Landwehr (3rd btn only)

6pdr. Batteries a Fuss #7 (from I Korps Artillery)

6pdr. Batteries a Fuss #8 (from I Korps Artillery)

The Heights (within 10 hexes of both the Ancien Chateau de Ligny

and the church of St. Amand le Chateau, but no closer than within

4 hexes of Ligny creek). All batteries start unlimbered.


Infantrie Brigade (part) General von Jagow

7th Infantry Regiment (F, 1st & 2nd btns)

29th Infantry Regiment (Fusilier Battalion only)

I Armie Korps/Artillerie Reserve (part): General von Holtzendorff

12pdr. Batteries a Fuss #2

12pdr. Batteries a Fuss #9

7pdr. Howitzer Batterie #1

6pdr. Batteries a Fuss #1

6pdr. Batteries a Fuss #3

The Reitende batteries are detached to the Korps cavalrie and

most of the 6pdr fuss batteries to the infantry brigades

Le Trois Barettes/Sombreffe (between these two places and within

two hexes of the high road connecting them, stacked with any

friendly unit):

II Armee Korps Generalmajor von Pirch I

Oberst von Aster ADC

II Armee Korps Kavallrie General von Wahlen-Jurgass

(within 1 hex of Aux Trois Barettes)

1st Kavallrie Brigade, II Armee Korps:

Oberst von Thumen

1st Dragoon Regiment

6th Dragoon Regiment

2nd Uhlan Regiment

(within 1 hex of the chapel of St.Pierre):


Kavallrie Brigade, II Armee Korps: Oberstleutnant von Sohr

3rd Hussar Regiment

5th Hussar Regiment

(within 2 hexes of the chapel of Tiolet but not west of it):


Kavallrie Brigade, II Armee Korps:

Oberst von der Schulenburg

4th Kurmark Landwehr Kavallrie

5th Kurmark Landwehr Kavallrie

(within 2 hexes of the chapel of St. Joseph):

II Armee Korps/5th Infantrie Brigade: General Freiherr von Tippelskirch•

2nd Regiment der Infantrie (Fusilier, 1st & 2nd btns & Jä det)

25th Regiment der Infantrie (Fusilier, 1st & 2nd btns & Jä det)

5th Regiment Westphalian Landwehr (1st, 2nd & 3rd btn & Jä


Converged Feld Jäger Kompanie

11th Hussar Regiment

(within two hexes of the Nivelles/Namur high road within 8 hexes

of Aux Trois Barettes but no closer than 2 hexes from it):

II Armee Korps/6th

lnfantrie Brigade: General von Krafft

9th Regiment der Infantrie (Fusilier, 1st & 2nd btns)

26th Regiment der Infantrie (Fusilier, 1st & 2nd btns)

1st Regiment Elbe Landwehr (1st, 2nd & 3rd btn)

II Armee Korps/Reitende Artillerie 6pdr Reitende Batteries #5

6pdr Reitende Batteries #6

6pdr Reitende Batteries #14

au Venerable (on or adjacent to the high road within 6 hexes of the

chapel, 14th Regiment in road column):

II Armee Korps/7th

Infantrie Brigade: General von Brause

14th Regiment der Infantrie (Fusilier, 1st & 2nd btns)

22nd Regiment der Infantrie (Fusilier, 1st & 2nd btns)

2nd Regiment Elbe Landwehr (1st, 2nd & 3rd btn)

Elbe Landwehr Kavallrie

Sombreffe (on the high road in road column but not east of Le Pont

du Jour):

II Armee Korps/8th

Infantrie Brigade: General von Bose

21st Regiment der Infantrie (Fusilier, 1st & 2nd btns)

23rd Regiment der Infantrie (Fusilier, 1st & 2nd btns)

3rd Regiment Elbe Landwehr (1st, 2nd & 3rd btn)

Fuss Artillerie, II Armee Korps: 12pdr. Batteries a Fuss #4

12pdr. Batteries a Fuss #8

6pdr. Batteries a Fuss #5

6pdr. Batteries a Fuss #10

6pdr. Batteries a Fuss #12

6pdr. Batteries a Fuss #34

6pdr. Batteries a Fuss #37

Tongrines (within 5 hexes of the church):

III Armee Korps staff: General lieutenant von Thielemann

Oberst von Clausewitz, ADC

III Armee Korps Kavallrie: General von Hobe

1st Kavallrie Brigade/III Armee Korps

Obersst von Marwitz

7th Uhlan Regiment

8th Uhlan Regiment (According to Hofschroer, in spite of its

name this unit was neither trained in the use of the lance, nor

issued them for this campaign)

Tongrines (within 7 hexes of the town and with 8 hexes of the

Nivelles/Namur highway):

III Armee Korps/9th

Infantrie Brigade: General von Borcke

8th Regiment der Infantrie (Fusilier, 1st & 2nd btns)

30th Regiment der Infantrie (Fusilier, 1st & 2nd btns)

1st Regiment Kurmark Landwehr (1st, 2nd & 3rd btn)

3rd Kurmark Landwehr Kavallrie

Botey (within 4 hexes of the village and within one hex of the

Nivelles/Namur Highway):


Kavallrie Brigade/III Armee Korps: Obersst von Lottum

7th Dragoons Regiment

9th Hussar Regiment

5th Uhlan Regiment

12.6 Deployment: French

(set up second, move first)

Fleurus (within 5 hexes of the Chateau de la Paix):

14 La Bataille de Ligny

L’ Armée du Nord Napoleon ler, Empereur of the French

Marshal Soult, Duke of Dalmatia

General of Division comte de Bertrand, Grand Marshal of the


General of Division Lebrun, Duke of Plaisance

General of Division comte de Corbineau

General of Division de La Billarderie, comte de Flahaut

General of Division comte de Ruty

General of Brigade, comte de Charles Huchet de la Bédoyère

Duty Squadrons providing the Emperor’s Escort

consisting of one squadron each from the: General of Division Comte Dejean

Chasseurs à Cheval

Grenadiers à Cheval

Cheveau-Legere Lanciers d’la Garde

Dragons de l’lmperatrice

Gendarmes d’Elite

L’Alouette (within 10 hexes of the farm):


Infantry Division

(from II Corps but attached this day to III Corps):

General of Division Count Girard

11th Régiment Leger (1st & 2nd btns)

Régiment de ligne #82 (1st & 2nd btns)

12th Régiment Leger (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns)

Régiment de ligne #4 (1st & 2nd btns)

3rd Company/2nd Artillery a pied

À Wagnee (within 10 hexes of the South map-edge trails leading to

this town):

III Corps d’Armee: General of Division Vandarnme, comte de Unsebourg

General de Brigade Baron Revest, ADC

2nd Engineer Battalion, 2nd Battalion, (1st & 2nd cie of sappers)


Infantry Division/III Corps: General of Division, Baron Lefol

15th Régiment Leger (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns)

Régiment de ligne #23 (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns)

Régiment de ligne #37 (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns)

Régiment de ligne #64 (1st & 2nd btns)

7th company/6th Artillery a pied


Infantry Division/III Corps: General of Division, Baron Habert

Régiment de ligne #34 (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns)

Régiment de ligne #88 (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns)

Régiment de ligne #22 (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns)

Régiment de ligne #70 (1st & 2nd btns)

2nd Régiment Etranger (one battalion of Swiss)

18th company/2nd Artillery a pied


Infantry Division/III Corps: General of Division, Baron Berthezene

Régiment de ligne #12 (1st & 2nd btns)

Régiment de ligne #56 (1st & 2nd btns)

Régiment de ligne #33 (1st & 2nd btns)

Régiment de ligne #86 (1st & 2nd btns)

17th company/2nd Artillery a pied

III Corps Artillery Reserve 1st company/2nd Artillery Regiment

St. Bernard/L’Alouette (place Domon within the command span of

General Vandamme, and his units within 3 hexes of his counter):


Cavalry Division/III Corps General of Division, Baron Domon

4th Chasseurs a Cheval

9th Chasseurs a Cheval

12th Chasseurs a Cheval

4th company/2nd Artillery a Cheval

a Wanfersee (within 5 hexes of this road, but within 5 hexes of the

South map-edge):

1st Reserve Cavalry Corps Staff:

General of Division, Count Pajol


Cavalry Division/1st Reserve Cavalry Corps:

General of Division, Baron Soult

4th Hussar Régiment

5th Hussar Régiment

1st company/1st Artillery a Cheval

*Note that the 1st Hussars are on detached duty this day and

not present for the battle of Ligny


Cavalry Division/1st Reserve Cavalry Corps:

General of Division, Baron Subervie

1st Cheveau-Leger Lanciers

2nd Cheveau-Leger Lanciers

11th Chaseurs a Cheval

3rd company/1st Artillery a Cheval

Moulin de Naveau (within 25 hexes, on the S.E. map, and within

10 hexes of its southern mapedge):

Marshal, Le Marquis de Grouchy

General of Brigade, Baron Georges Hippolyte Le Sénécal

(Chief of Staff, Grouchy)

Chef de squadron, Edmond-François de Couliboeuf, Marquis

de Blocqueville

Lt. Colonel Joseph-Marie-Auguste Bella


Reserve Cavalry Corps Staff General of Division, Count Exelmans


Cavalry Division/2nd

Reserve Cavalry Corps: General of Division, Chevalier Stroltz

5th Régiment of Dragoons

13th Régiment of Dragoons

15th Régiment of Dragoons

20th Régiment of Dragoons

4th company/1st Artillery a Cheval


Cavalry Division/2nd

Reserve Cavalry Corps: General of Division, Baron Chastel

4th Régiment of Dragoons

12th Régiment of Dragoons

14th Régiment of Dragoons

17th Régiment of Dragoons

4th company/4th Artillery a Cheval

12.7 Reinforcements


Botey (at the eastern map-edge, entering on the Nivelles/Namur

high road):


Infantry Brigade/III Corps: Obersst von Luck

3rd Regiment Kurmark Landwehr (1st, 2nd & 3rd btn)

4th Regiment Kurmark Landwehr (1st, 2nd & 3rd btn)

6th Kurmark Landwehr Kavallrie


Fleurus (within 10 hexes, east of the town, and on the southern


The Armee de Ia Moselle, IV Corps d’Armee: General of Division, Count Gerard

General of Brigade, Chevalier Saint-Remy ADC

2nd Engineer Battalion, 2nd btn, (3rd, 4th & 5th cie of sappers)


Infantry Division/IV Corps:

General of Division, Baron Pecheux

Régiment de ligne #30 (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns)

Régiment de ligne #96 (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns)

Régiment de ligne #63 (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns)

6th Régiment Leger (3rd battalion)

2nd company/5th Artillery a pied


Infantry Division/IV Corps: General of Division, Baron Vichery

Régiment de ligne #59 (1st & 2nd btns)

Régiment de ligne #76 (1st & 2nd btns)

Régiment de ligne #48 (1st & 2nd btns)

Régiment de ligne #69 (1st & 2nd btns)

1st company/5th Artillery a pied


Infantry Division/IV Corps:

Clash of Arms Game 15

In the traitorous absence of General of Division, the Count of


General of Brigade, l’Baron Hulot de Mazerny

9th Régiment Leger (1st & 2nd btns)

Régiment de ligne #111 (1st & 2nd btns)

Régiment de ligne #44 (1st & 2nd btns)

Régiment de ligne #50 (1st & 2nd btns)

3rd company/5th Artillery a pied

IV Corps Artillery Reserve:

4th company/5th Artillery a pied

5th company/5th Artillery a pied

6th Cavalry Division/IV Corps: General of Division, Baron Maurin

6th Régiment of Hussars

8th Chassuers a Cheval

6th Régiment of Dragoons

16th Régiment of Dragoons

3rd company/3rd Artillery a Cheval

Fleurus (between the town and the Moulin de Candre, southern


The Imperial Guard: General of Division, Count Drouot

General of Brigade, Baron Pelet-Clozeau

Old Guard Mounted Band

Genie de la Garde

Marines de la Garde

Division of Grenadiers: General of Division Count Friant

General of Division Count Roguet

1st Grenadiers a pied

2nd Grenadiers a pied

5th Company/Old Guard Artillery a pied

3rd Grenadiers a pied

4th Grenadiers a pied

Auxiliary Company/Line artillery a pied

Division of Chasseurs: General of Division Count Morand

General of Division Count Michel

1st Chasseurs a pied

2nd Chasseurs a pied

6th Company/Old Guard Artillery a pied

3rd Chasseurs a pied

4th Chasseurs a pied

Auxiliary Company/Line artillery a pied

Division of Young Guard: General of Division Count Duhesme

General of Division, Count Barrois

1st Tirailleurs

1st Voltigeurs

Auxiliary Company/Line artillery a pied

3rd Tirailleurs

3rd Voltiguers

Auxiliary Company/Line artillery a pied

Heavy Cavalry Division: General of Division Gount Guyot

Grenadiers a Cheval

3rd Company/Old Guard Artillery a Cheval

Dragons de I’Imperatrice

4th Company/Old Guard Artillery a Cheval

Imperial Guard Artillery Reserve: General of Division Saint-Maurice

General of Brigade Baron Lallemand

1st Companie/Old Guard Artillery a pied

2nd Companie/Old Guard Artillery a pied

3rd Companie/Old Guard Artillery a pied

4th Companie/Old Guard Artillery a pied


Botey (at the eastern map-edge, entering on the Nivelles/Namur

high road):


Infantry Brigade, III Corps:

Obersst von Stulpnagel

31st Regiment der Infantrie (Fusilier, 1st & 2nd btns)

5th Kurmark Landwehr (1st, 2nd & 3rd btn)

6th Kurmark Landwehr (1st, 2nd & 3rd btn)


Fleurus (within six hexes of any dwelling hex, southern map-edge):

IV Reserve Cavalry Corps: General of Division Count Milhaud


Cavalry Division: General of Division Watier, Count of St.-Alphonse

1st Cuirassier

4th Cuirassier

7th Cuirassier

12th Cuirassier

5th Company, 1st Artillery a cheval


Cavalry Division: General of Division, Baron Delort

5th Cuirassiers

10th Cuirassier

6th Cuirassier

9th Cuirassier

4th company/3rd Artillery a cheval


Botey (at the eastern map-edge, entering on the Nivelles/Namur

high road):

Artillerie of the III Corps: Obersst Monhaupt

12pdr Batterie a Fuss #7

6pdr Batteries a Fuss #18

6pdr Batteries a Fuss #35

6pdr Reitende Batteries #18

6pdr Reitende Batteries #19

6pdr Reitende Batteries #20


Botey (at the eastern map-edge, entering on the Nivelles/Namur

high road):


Infantrie Brigade: General v. Krausneck

27th Regiment der Infantrie (Fusilier, 1st & 2nd btns)

2nd Kurmark Landwehr (1st, 2nd & 3rd btn)


Fleurus (within 10 hexes, east of town, on the southern mapedge):

At the start of Command Segment beginning with the 2:00PM turn

but prior to 4:00PM turn, the French player must declare that he is

summoning l’Comte Lobau. The Prussian player will then roll the

dice and consult the table below. Lobau and the VI Corps d’Armee

enter at the indicated time:

VIe Corps d’armée Arrival Time









11 – 14 4:40 PM 43 – 46 7:00 PM

15 – 22 5:00 PM 51 – 54 7:40 PM

23 – 26 5:40 PM 55 – 62 8:20 PM

31 – 34 6:20 PM 63 – 66 9:00 PM

35 – 42 6:40 PM

The VI Corps d’Armee: General of Division Mouton, Count of Lobau

General of Brigade Baron Durrieu


Infantry Division/VI Corps: General of Division Baron Simmer

Régiment de ligne #5 (1st & 2nd btns)

Régiment de ligne #11 (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns)

Régiment de ligne #27 (1st & 2nd btns)

Régiment de ligne #84 (1st & 2nd btns)

1st company/8th Artillery a pied

20th Infantry Division/VI Corps:

16 La Bataille de Ligny

General of Division Baron Jeanin

5th Régiment Leger (1st & 2nd btns)

Régiment de ligne #10 (1st & 2nd btns)

Régiment de ligne #107 (1st & 2nd btns)

2nd company/8th Artillery a pied

21st Infantry Division/VI Corps: General of Division Baron Teste

8th Régiment Leger (1st & 2nd btns)

Régiment de ligne #65 (1st Battalion only)

Régiment de ligne #75 (1st & 2nd btns)

3rd company/8th Artillery a pied

VI Corps Artillery Reserve: 4th company/8th Artillery a pied

Auxiliary Guard Company/Line artillery a cheval


Note: If playing the combined Ligny & Quatre Bras game, and

d’Erlon’s Corps has been rerouted to the Ligny field, skip the

following reinforcement.

On the scheduled turn of arrival, the French player will roll a single

die. On a roll of 1 through 5 this reinforcement arrives at Mellet

(between the hamlets of Mellet and VillersPerwin, on the western


On a roll of 6 (six) this reinforcement arrives instead on the

Nivelles/Namur road, NW map, far NW corner adjacent to the

village of Amyle.

5:00 PM: (at the start of the Command Segment of the 5:00 PM

turn the Prussian player rolls the dice determining the arrival of

Jacquinot’s Division according to the table below. Durutte’s

Division arrives the turn after Jacquinot but at the same entry hex.)


Corps d’armée Arrival Time









11 – 15 5:00 PM 36 – 45 7:00 PM

16 – 25 5:40 PM 46 – 55 7:20 PM

26 – 35 6:20 PM 56 – 66 7:40 PM

1st Cavalry Division/I Corps d’Armee:

General of Division Baron Jacquinot

7th Regiment of Hussars

3rd Chasseurs a Cheval

3rd Cheveau-Leger Lanciers

4th Cheveau-Leger Lanciers

2nd company/1st Artillery a Cheval


Infantry Division/I Corps d’Armee: General of Division Count Durutte

Régiment de ligne #8 (1st & 2nd btns)

Régiment de ligne #29 (1st & 2nd btns)

Régiment de ligne #85 (1st & 2nd btns)

Régiment de ligne #95 (1st & 2nd btns)

9th company/6th Artillery a pied


Hofschröer, Peter. 1815: The Waterloo Campaign. Wellington,his

German Allies and the Battles of Ligny and Quatre-Bras. Greenhill

Books, London. 1998.

Lettow-Vorbeck, Oscar von. Geschicte der Befreiungskrieg. 1813-

15, Napoleons untergang 1815, E.S. Mittler and Son. Berlin, 1904.

Mauduit, Hippolyte de. Les Derniers jours de la Grande Armée,

ou, Souvenirs, documens et correspondance inédite de Napoléon

en 1814 et 1815. Paris, 1847.

Siborne, W. History of the Waterloo Campaign, T. and W. Boone,

London. 1848.

La Bataille de Ligny, Clash of Arms 2016