La noire magazine advert analysis

Post on 31-Jul-2015

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The Title of the game ‘ L.A. NOIRE’ is written in the style of a luminous neon sign. Its very nostalgic and links to the Film Noire style of the game. It reminds me of some kind of decaying urban scene often depicted in films from the 40’s and 50’s

Its clear the style of the game is closely linked to the genre of Film Noire. Film Noire is a classic Hollywood style set around the 20’s and 30’s with a stylish crime drama theme. Iconic figures like Elliot Ness and Al Capone are often the basis for charters set in this time. Films like The Great Gatsby and LA Confidential are perfect examples of this period in history.

As we can see just above the title of the game, ‘ Rockstar Games Presents .’ Rockstar are the game developers based in New York City. I think its interesting how they use the word ‘Presents’ in the context of a video game. Often we would link ‘Presents’ with things like theatre productions or pieces of art. In my opinion Rockstar are trying to say to there audience that this is not just an average video game based around gun fighting. There trying to tell use that this goes beyond that , this is a mature game with a developed story and should be approached in a different way to normal.

Another stand out feature in this advert is the date at the bottom. Its clear that this is the release date of the game. Instead of simply just telling use about the game in the advert they want use to realise when its coming out and how soon we can be playing it. Like most big business it likely that Rockstar know there facts about the market and have specify chosen this date to maximise the sales and profits made from the release.

The main figure in the centre of the advert is clearly the focus for our attention as he dominates the page. He maintains a classic heroic pose much like the iconic pictures of Elliot Ness back in the 30’s. The stern look and pistol in hand make him look like a deadly character. However the pin striped suit, fedora and clean shaven look give him a more sophisticated and smooth side. He optimises our idea of a classic detective.

In the other images on the page we see a woman and some police standing over a body. The blood stains just below the woman suggest she has been killed. Her young face and heavy make also imply that she may be some kind of prostitute, another link back to the seedy side of city crime back in the 1930’s. In the other image we see a classic scene, a dead man, police officers and a detective. The use of colour is clever because the red symbolises blood and death but the blue represents loneliness and innocence.

I think this advert is excellently suited to its target market. Rather than just put in simple images of gun fights, car chases and punch ups that a younger audience might associate with police work we see a much more darker and seedy side of the job. Brutality and abuse for innocent young girls, Cold blooded killings on the streets and the emotional effects on the officers paint a much more realistic side to life back in the 1920’s and 30’s.

In my opinion the audience for this game are a lot more mature than we would usually think for gamers. There more patient, more sophisticated and there looking for something more mentally challenging to play with a deep plot line that will make them sympathise with the characters. This is defiantly a unique game which differ a lot from the type of games I have previously looked at but I think that some of the features from this advert are great and I will come back to consider them when planning my own magazine advert.